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Final Fantasy 7

(as "Final Fantasy VII")

ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 7

Limit Breaks: Cait Sith

Final Fantasy 7

 Cait Sith

Cait Sith's Limit Breaks

I-1: Dice
Cait's stuffed moogle throws several dice to the ground. The score that is rolled determines how much damage the targeted enemy will receive.

II-1: Slot
A slot machine appears. Depending on what you pick, a different result will occur:


  • 3 bars = Cait Sith randomly calls upon a summoned monster.
  • 3 crowns = Six toy soldiers appear and fire at all enemies for special damage.
  • 3 stars = A moogle (from the "Summon Chocobo and Moguri" Spell) appears and does a dance that completely restores each members' HP and MP.
  • 3 hearts = A cat-girl appears and all allies have a 100% hit rate (no chance of missing) for the rest of the battle.
  • 3 moogles = Cait's allies disappear and his moogle grows twice as large, gaining 9999 HP and 999 MP. In this form, he can do anything but use limit breaks, and his attacks cause more damage. When the battle is over, everyone's current HP and MP drop to 1/3rd their former amount. He can't use this ability if there are less than 3 allies.
  • 3 faces = All enemies facing you are instantly killed. This ALWAYS works against any enemy.
  • Face, face, bar = All allies are instantly killed. There's no way to avoid this, even with the help of accessories like the Safety Bit or an Enemy Skill such as Death Force.
  • Any other combination = A random object is dropped on one enemy, inflicting physical damage. It can be a Hell House, Debu Chocobo, Magic Hammer, icicles, a boulder, or a Comet 2-like meteor attack. Just like when you attack normally, it's possible to hit for extra damage (like making a critical hit attack).



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