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The Walking Dead: No Man's Land

เดอะวอล์กกิงเดด: : NO MAN'S LAND


Workshop: Assault

The Walking Dead: No Man's Land

Special Functionality

A special added function has been added to each weapon.

Bulldozer Shotgun [View]
Rarity: Legendary


Damage and stun enemies, pushing them one one space away
Special Functionality:
Attacks in 90 degrees cone. Attacks that are not Body Shots push targets back 1 space. If the targets collide with another enemy or an obstacle, they get stunned (as long as they are not stun-resistant). Enemies that collide with a pushed target also get stunned (as long as they are not stun-resistant)


Daryl's Assaul Rifle[View]
Rarity: Legendary
Stoppinh Power:

Roots all targets for 1 turn (while rooter, the targets cannot move)
Special Functionality:
Charge attack roots all targets for 1 turn (while rooter, the targets cannot move).if the survivor using this weapon makes an attack before moving on their turn, may make a Quick movement after attacking. This weapon does not generate walker threat.


Eugene's Pickle Jar [View]
Rarity: Legendary

Definitively Discombobulate:

Damage and stun enemies
Special Functionality:
Damages enemies in a radius around the target.Charge attack also stuns enemies


Light Machine Gun [View]
Rarity: Legendary
Bullet Barage:

Power charge attacks that deals very high damage but does not stun.
Special Functionality:
Charge Attack deals + [% specified] damage instad of stunning enemies.


The Decimator [View]
Rarity: Legendary


Can be targetted anywhere on the ground within range,damaging and stunning enemies
Special Functionality:
The Decimator attacks damage enemies in a large circular area aroung the target, while its charge attack can be targeted anywhere on the groung within range,damaging and stunning enemies.


The Oblitertor [View] 
Rarity: Legendary

A circular-area attack that can be targeted anywhere on the ground, damaging and Stunning enemies. The attack has extended range.
Special Functionality:
The Obliterator has an extended attack range. Its attacks damage enemies in a Large circular area around the target, while its charge attack can be targeted anywhere on the ground within range, damaging and stunning enemies.


  The Obliterator: Commonwealth ED. [View]
Rarity: Legendary
A circular-area attack that can be targeted anywhere on the ground, damaging and Stunning enemies. The attack has extended range.

Special Functionality:
The Obliterator has an extended attack range. Its normal attacks damage enemies in a cone-shaped area, while its charge attack can be targeted anywhere on the groung within range, damaging and stunning enemies.

Normal attckks do not generate any threat,whereas charge attacks generate 2 threat.


 Infused Trait 

Added extra traits that give our weapon 4 special effects (usually 3 per weapon). 

Assaul UZI [View]  
Rarity: Legendary
Stun Attack:

Damage and stun enemies
Infused Trait:

Widens attack cone by [specified numbers] Degree


Governor's Assault Rifle [View] 
Rarity: Legendary
Stun Attack:

Damage and stun enemies
Infused Trait:

Widens attack cone by [specified numbers] Degree


 Old Fashioned Assault Rifle
Rarity: Legendary
Stun Attack:

Damage and stun enemies
Infused Trait:

Widens attack cone by [specified numbers] Degree


Workshop Scout

A simple weapon without additional Special Functionality and Infused Trait .

Weapon Rarity Traits
 1  2  3
Defender Ar99 Legendary Random
Frontier Ofr Legendary Random
Liberator Legendary Random
Old FRN-78 Legendary Random
Patriot T-89 Legendary Random
The Reckonin' Legendary Random
Valour Ged Legendary Random





Basic information


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