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The Walking Dead: No Man's Land

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The Walking Dead: No Man's Land

Supports help your team of Survivor byproviding unique upgradable skills. Unlock your first Support by playing Last Stand.


Supports are unit types that you link to your survivors to gain active abilities to use in combat.

In combat
The supports' range, visibility and damage depends on the survivor they are linked to. Support abilities can only be used once per turn, and any kills made from Support abilities do NOT grant your survivors charge points.

Unlocking & leveling
You can unlock supports by getting support tokens via leaderboard rewards of the game mode Last Stand. To level up and improve the supports abilities, you will also need the same support tokens.

Supports are viewed in the 'Survivors' menu, under the 'Supports' tab.


  • Support in a new unlockable charactor type that helps your team of Survivors by Providing unique upgradable skills.
  • When selecting the team, eacch of your Survivers can have a Support in their corresponding Support slot.
  • Each Suport can be used once in a Mission and only one Support can provide help each turn.
  • In Last Stund, Supports can be used multiple times but after use there's a cooldown before a Support can help again.
  • Supports can be unlocked and upgraded with their corresponding tokens that can be earned by playing Last Stand game mode.
Crippling Round Commonwealth Armor:
The Commonwealth Armor gives you full status effect resistance for X amount of turns, as well as has Y% chance of gaining a charge point when hit by an attack.
Note: When the Commonwealth Armor is paired with similar functionalities such as Morgan's Leader Trait (Defensive Charge), the chances of getting charged from an attack are not summed up, instead they are rolled twice. This means that the survivor may get 2 charge points from a single enemy attack - one from the Commonwealth Armor and one from Defensive charge.

Crippling Round

Michonne's Rainbow Cat:
Using Michonne's Rainbow Cat gives you X amount of charge points and a Y% chance to give one of your allies a charge point as well.
Note: If the survivor equipped with the Rainbow Cat has full charge points, you may still use it for a chance to give one of your allies a charge point.

Crippling Round Hwacha:
The Hwacha fires arrows at X random enemies in an area, damaging enemies for Y% of survivor's total damage and with a Z% chance of setting the enemies on fire. Minimum range is 3 spaces away.
Hwacha does not generate threat.

Crippling Round Carol's Cookies:
Using Carol's Cookies gives you +X% total damage for normal attacks and +Y% for charge attacks of the user for the next Z turns.
The damage applies to all attacks dealt be the user.

Crippling Round Shiva:
Shiva damages all visible enemy characters on the map for X% of their total health and Y% of your weapon damage, and will not generate threat.
Shiva does not grant charge points upon killing enemies.

Crippling Round Dog:
Dog inflicts the Crippled status effect on X closest visible walker(s) for Y turn(s). Dog prioritizes special walkers, but ignores stunned/rooted targets. The Crippled status effect does not stack, but will refresh when re-applied.

Crippling Round

Whisperer's Mask:
Whisperer's Mask will allow you to herd X random walkers in the targeted area Y spaces away.
Note: If e.g. another character (like Beta) already applied the Herded status on a target before this ability, this ability overrides the effect to the character using the Whisperer's Mask.






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