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Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans

(as "Dragon Ball Kai: Saiyajin Raishuu")

ดราก้อนบอล Z: การโจมตีของไซย่า


Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans


        The skills each of your characters can use in battle can deal a
phenomenal amount of damage. However, when your characters go into Sparking
Mode, they can use certain skills that will combine with another person or
persons' skills and form them together to create a special attack, called an
S-Combo. Throughout the game you will collect S-Combo memos that detail in
the Crystal -> S-Combos menu who needs to do what skill to perform the S-Combo.
These memos are not required to perform the S-Combo, they are just an in-game
hint to what you need to use.

        Each S-Combo can do approximately 120% of the damage of the two or three
Skills combined. By equipping the COMBO Up Capsule, you can stack on an extra
50% for an overall 180% total of the two/three skills combined, making it a
very lethal attack.

        These skills are divided into two categories; two-person combos and
three-person combos. A few of the combos can have anybody use them, but most
are character-specific. All characters in the S-Combo MUST be in Sparking Mode
to use the S-Combo. You must also aim all your skills at the same opponent.

        It is also important to note for some of the generic Combos that, when
they call for the usage of a 'combo attack', you CANNOT use the physical attacks
that have a red tint to the fist icon. These will not count as a combo attack,
even if it says it is a Combo Attack such as in Yamcha's Wolf Fang Fist's case.

Two-Person Combos

        1. Charging Rush
           Rush at your foe and punch, kick, do whatever it takes to beat him!
           --> Character One with a Combo Skill
           --> Character Two with a Combo Skill

        2. Rush Blast
           A combination of punches, kicks and Ki blasts sure to fell any
           --> Character One with a Combo Skill
           --> Character Two with a Ki Blast

        3. Saiyan Attack
           A Goku family tradition. Send your foe into the air, then rush at
           --> Goku with Kamehameha
           --> Gohan with Rush

        4. Demon Fusion Wave
           A co-op move between demon and Kami pupil. The energy waves are
           --> Piccolo with Super Explosive Wave
           --> Goku with Energy Wave Combo

        5. Demon Cannon
           A co-op strategy passed down among the demon race. The Ki blast is
           the key!
           --> Piccolo with Evil Assault
           --> Gohan with Masenko

        6. Heavenly Sunlight
           This sun-like burst of light does more than just make your eyes
           --> Krillin with Solar Flare
           --> Tien with Solar Flare
           --> Can also Blind the enemy in addition to dealing damage

        7. Crane-Wolf Strike
           The wolf and crane combine for a combo capped off by a devastating
           Ki blast.
           --> Yamcha with Wolf Fang Fist
           --> Tien with Tri-Beam

        8. Seismic Energy Ray
           A combo involving two types of Ki blasts. Sometimes less really is
           --> Krillin with Scatter Energy Wave
           --> Gohan with Energy Blast Barrage

        9. Spirit Saucer
           A wave of Ki attacks. He'll never give up women, will he?
           --> Yamcha with Spirit Ball
           --> Krillin with Destructo Disk

       10. Quad Siege
           A quadruple-power attack followed by a devasting demon Ki blast!
           --> Tien with Multi-Form Attack
           --> Piccolo with Hellzone Grenade

Three-Person Combos

        1. Hyper Rush
           Beat your enemy to the ground with this barrage of punches and kicks!
           Rush at your foe and punch, kick, do whatever it takes to beat him!
           --> Character One with a Combo Skill
           --> Character Two with a Combo Skill
           --> Character Three with a Combo Skill

        2. Hyper Blast
           Beat the stuffing out of your foe and seal the deal with a massive
           Ki blast!
           --> Character One with a Combo Skill
           --> Character Two with a Combo Skill
           --> Character Three with a Ki Blast

        3. Kamehameha Fever
           One of the Turtle school's secret moves. Burn your foe to a crisp!
           --> Krillin with Kamehameha
           --> Yamcha with Kamehameha
           --> Goku with Kamehameha

        4. Earthling Strike
           It's mano-a-mano with this move. Show 'em what Earthlings are made
           --> Tien with Fierce Attack
           --> Yamcha with Wolf Hurricane
           --> Krillin with Rengeki

        5. Meteor Impact
           Give your foe a Saiyan combo attack, finishing with a demon Ki blast!
           --> Gohan with Burst Rush
           --> Goku with Meteor Combination
           --> Piccolo with Demon Wave Cannon

        6. Platonic Energy
           A full-power Ki-blast combo. Show off the power of friendship!
           --> Krillin with Destructo Disk
           --> Goku with Kamehameha
           --> Gohan with Miracle Full Force

        7. Demon-Wolf-Crane
           A three-part fusion attack. Close your eyes and let the Ki flow out!
           --> Tien with Final Solar Flare
           --> Yamcha with Super Spirit Ball
           --> Piccolo with Super Explosive Wave



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