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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

(as "Doraemon Bokujō Monogatari")

โดราเอมอน: สตอรีออฟซีชัน

Events: Cattle Shop

Final Fantasy 5

This collection of events centers around Taurus, Aries, and Rem of the Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop.


Ch. 0 - Cattle Shop
Starting Location West Natura - Gowter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements N/A

This event is triggered automatically when Noby and Doraemon visit the Livestock Shop for the first time. Here they will meet Taurus, Aries, and their granddaughter Rem, who run the shop.

Ch. 1 - Careful, Rem!
Starting Location West Natura - Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Taurus, Aries, and Rem at 2 Hearts
Time 6 AM - Noon

Approach the Livestock Shop fields in the morning to trigger this event. You will find Rem buried in snuggles from the cows and sheep. After Rem emerges from the pile of livestock, she introduces Noby to some, and it is apparent that she can tell them all apart despite them looking identical. Aries and Taurus come out of the shop to see what's going on. It's clear that Rem is an animal lover and watches over the animals with great care. The group then parts, as Rem has more chores to attend to.

Ch. 2 - Animal Talk
Starting Location West Natura - Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Taurus, Aries, and Rem at 3 Hearts
Time 6 AM - Noon


Ch. 3 - No More Milk!
Starting Location West Natura - Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Taurus, Aries, and Rem at 4 Hearts
Time 6 AM - Noon


Ch. 4 - Rem's Talk
Starting Location Farm
Requirements Taurus & Aries at 4 Hearts, Rem at 5 Hearts
Time 6 AM - Noon


Ch. 5 - Lost Lamb
Starting Location West Natura - Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Taurus, Aries, and Rem at 5 Hearts
Time 6 AM - Noon


Ch. 6 - Rem's Worried
Starting Location West Natura - Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Taurus, Aries, and Rem at 7 Hearts
Time 6 PM


Ch. 7 - Missing Rem
Starting Location West Natura - Outside of Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Taurus, Aries, and Rem at 7 Hearts
Time 2 PM


Ch. 8 - Sheep Herd
Starting Location West Natura - Outside of Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Taurus, Aries, and Rem at 7 Hearts
Time 2 PM


Ch. 9 - To The Herd
Starting Location West Natura - Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Taurus, Aries, and Rem at 8/9 Hearts
Time 2 PM


Ch. 10 - All Here
Starting Location West Natura - Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Taurus, Aries, and Rem at 10 Hearts
Time 2 PM



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