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Character unlock

  • credit: Omniflame, AirForceOnes7, Shiba_Fal, SSJDennis, GuardianCD, Cionyl, robertcoe1
  • Credit website:

Follow the instructions below

Unlockable How to Unlock
Adult Gohan Fight Evil Buu
Android 16 Put Goku in your team when fighting Androids 16 and 18
Android 17 Defeat him as Android 20
Android 18 Put Krillin in the first position when you fight Androids 16 and 18
Android 19 Defeat him as SSJ Vegeta
Android 20 Defeat him as Android 19
Cell Beat the first form of cell with Piccolo
Cell 2 Defeat Android 17 with the first form of Cell
Cell Jr Play with Future Super Saiyan Trunks
Future Android 17 and 18 Win fight in ex. story 1 with Android 19 and 20
Majin Vegeta As Super Saiyan2 Goku, lose to Majin Vegeta once, fight him again and he'll be unlocked under Vegeta.
Perfect Cell Put Cell 2 in the first slot for the fight against androids 16 and 18
To unlock Captain Ginyu Defeat Ginyu Goku and Jeice as Vegeta - NOTE: You can have Anyone help you in this fight
To unlock Ginyu Goku Defeat Goku as Captain Ginyu
To unlock Guldo Defeat Guldo as Krillin
To unlock Recoome Defeat Recoome as Goku
To unock Burter and Jeice Defeat them as Goku - you can have Y.Gohan help you in this fight
Unlock Cell Jr. To unlock Cell Jr., defeat him as Perfect Cell
Unlock Evil King Piccolo Beat the Future Stages with only SSJ Future Trunks and beat the game, he will be availeble in the next storymode.
Unlock Fat Buu Use Young Trunks(normal)to beat fat buu. A blue screen comes up saying you unlocked him. NOTE: If you unlock Young Trunks the same time through you have to beat the game again.
Unlock Frieza Defeat Frieza as Super Saiyan Future Trunks
Unlock Future Trunks When Training with Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, go to the jar in the bottom left corner, and grab whats in there. Then, even though it says its empty, just keep looking, and you'll get a Escape Trunks card. Then just get to the Cell Games.
Unlock Goku Super Saiyan 3 To unlock him in story 30 on the first time through the game, unlock <b>ALL</b> of the Z Fighters up to story 30 and play Future Trunks' story.
Unlock Goten Win Goten vs. Trunks
Unlock Gotenks Have SSJ Goten and SSJ Young Trunks. Play Trunks' Ex Stories and read all the fliers on the wall.
At the last screen after beating the game, press start rapidly.
Unlock Nappa Defeat Nappa as Piccolo
Unlock Piccolo-Kami Play through the game as normal until you get to Cell's first form.Use Piccolo and lose once then continue and Piccolo-Kami will be on your character select screen.
Unlock Super Saiyan2 Gohan For Adult Gohan SSJ2 you will have to win the fight in story27 with Adult Gohan SSJ.
Unlock Trunks Lose Goten vs. Trunks
Unlock Vegeto Have SSJ Goku and SSJ Vegeta. Play Trunks' Ex Stories and read all the fliers on the wall.
At the last screen after beating the game, press start rapidly
Vegeta Normal On Namek, when the Namekian attacks you, pick <b>left</b>. He'll be unlocked right before you face Ginyu and Jeice. to Vegeta twice looking for Android 20, then speak to Tien.
Vegeta Super Saiyan After you unlock Vegeta Normal, he'll be selectable at the Android Saga.
  • Hits: 572

Unlock all the Evil Buu Forms

  • credit: Omniflame, AirForceOnes7, Shiba_Fal, SSJDennis, GuardianCD, Cionyl, robertcoe1
  • Credit website:

Follow the instructions below - you must unlock the below in order.

Unlockable How to Unlock
Evil Buu Defeat as Fat Buu
Evil Buu - Absorbed Gohan Defeat as SSJ Gohan
Evil Buu - Absorbed Gotenks Defeat as Regular Gotenks
  • Hits: 670

GameShark codes

  • credit: Omniflame, AirForceOnes7, Shiba_Fal, SSJDennis, GuardianCD, Cionyl, robertcoe1
  • Credit website:

This is where you can find GameShark codes. Please remember that each character and card isn't obtained. They're simply mods. First you must go to the character equip screen, turn the code on, then select a character you want to use. Then exit the screens to the menu, turn the code off now and you'll have the character selected.

Here's a list of characters for your GameShark.

Character Code
Gohan-Norm 010101CC
Gohan-SS 010201CC
Gohan-SS2 010301CC
Piccolo-Norm 010401CC
Piccolo-God 010501CC
Piccolo-Evil King 010601CC
Krillin 010701CC
Goku-Norm 010801CC
Goku-SS 010901CC
Goku-SS2 010A01CC
Goku-SS3 010B01CC
Vegeta-Norm 010C01CC
Vegeta-SS 010D01CC
Vegeta-Majin 010E01CC
Teen Gohan-SS 010F01CC
Teen Gohan-SS2 011001CC
Teen Gohan-Mystic (aka Strongest) 011101CC
Future Trunks-Norm 011201CC
Future Trunks-SS 011301CC
Goten 011401CC
Goten-SS 011501CC
Young Trunks 011601CC
Young Trunks-SS 011701CC
Gotenks-SS 011801CC
Gotenks-SS3 011901CC
Vegito-SS 011A01CC
Nappa 011B01CC
Guldo 011C01CC
Recoome 011D01CC
Jeice 011E01CC
Burter 011F01CC
Ginyu-Norm 012001CC
Ginyu-Goku 012101CC
Freeza 012201CC
16 012301CC
17 012401CC
18 012501CC
19 012601CC
20 012701CC
Cell-First Form 012801CC
Cell-Second Form 012901CC
Perfect Cell 012A01CC
Cell Jr. 012B01CC
Fat Buu 012C01CC
Evil Buu 012D01CC
Buu-Gotenks 012E01CC
Buu-Gohan 012F01CC
Buu-Pure Evil 013001CC

Now here's some GameShark codes for cards.

Card Code
3 Stage Attack 0102F3CD
4 Stage Attack 0102F4CD
5 Stage Attack 0102F5CD
6 Stage Attack 0102F6CD
Continuous Punch 0102F7CD
Continuous Kick 0102F8CD
Energy Wave 0102F9CD
Energy Bomb 0102FACD
Speacial Cart 0102FBCD
Masenko 0102FCCD
Dunk Shot 0102FDCD
Kamehameha 0102FECD
Super Kamehameha 0102FFCD
F. Kamehameha 010200CE
Sonic Kick 010201CE
Resurrect 010202CE
Special Beam Cannon 010203CE
F. Lightbomb 010204CE
Taiyoken 010205CE
Misty Ki Wave 010206CE
Desturct-Disc 010207CE
Super Destruct-Disc 010208CE
Kaio Ken 010209CE
Spirit Bomb 01020aCE
Solid Shot 01020bCE
Teleport 01020cCE
Super Saiyan 2 01020dCE
Super Saiyan 3 01020eCE
Tail 01020fCE
Galick-Ho 010210CE
Big Bang 010211CE
Final Flash 010212CE
Desperate Attack 010213CE
Rising Kick 010214CE
Burning Attack 010215CE
Final Attack 010216CE
Flash Punch 010217CE
Kamekameha 010218CE
Galactica D. 010219CE
S.G.K Attack 01021aCE
Buu Ball Slam 01021bCE
Kiai 01021cCE
Atomic Break 01021dCE
Flash Sword 01021eCE
Barrier 01021fCE
N. Slasher 010220CE
Ki Blast Bomb 010221CE
Light Cannon 010222CE
Telekinesis 010223CE
Mystic Sound 010224CE
Paralysis 010225CE
Time Freeze 010226CE
Breath 010227CE
Eraser Cannon 010228CE
R.F.B. Attack 010229CE
Crasher Ball 01022aCE
Purple Comet 01022bCE
P. Comet Z 01022cCE
Speed Up 01022dCE
Mach Attack 01022eCE
Dynamite Punch 01022fCE
Body Change 010230CE
Finger Beam 010231CE
Super E-Ball 010232CE
Grand Wave 010233CE
S. Dash Elbow 010234CE
Eye Beam 010235CE
Lock On 010236CE
Rocket Punch 010237CE
Hell Flash 010238CE
Crazy Rush 010239CE
Energy Slash 01023aCE
Energy Slice 01023bCE
18's Attack 01023cCE
Life Absorb 01023dCE
Energy Absorb 01023eCE
Cell Combo 01023fCE
Step up Attack 010240CE
Flesh Guard 010241CE
Potbelly Attack 010242CE
Crasher Buu 010243CE
Sweet Beam 010244CE
Bulma 010245CE
Chiaotzu 010246CE
Tien 010247CE
Yajirobe 010248CE
Kaio 010249CE
Dende 01024aCE
Guru 01024bCE
Hercule 01024cCE
Supreme Kai 01024dCE
Kibito 01024eCE
Babidi 01024fCE
Dabura 010250CE
Yakon 010251CE
Scouter 010252CE
Caps. Fridge 010253CE
Stop Device 010254CE
Life Preser 010255CE
Medical Mac. 010256CE
Gravity Device 010257CE
Energy Absorber 010258CE
Sealed Ball 010259CE
Trunks' Sword 01025aCE
Dabura Spear 01025bCE
Light Vest 01025cCE
Btl. Jacket 01025dCE
New B-Jacket 01025eCE
Sunglasses 01025fCE
Gamebomb 010260CE
Champ. Belt 010261CE
Special Candy 010262CE
Heart Virus 010263CE
Heart Medicine 010264CE
Sandglass 010265CE
Naughty Book 010266CE
Full Spirit 010267CE
Afterimage 010268CE
Reading Ki 010269CE
Feint 01026aCE
Endurance 01026bCE
Telepathy 01026cCE
Foresight 01026dCE
Shockwave 01026eCE
Avoiding 01026fCE

Still not enough for you cheaters? :P
Well then I have codes for Infinte HP and CC.

Infinite HP 01ffceca
Infinte CC 01633eca

That's all for this cheaters :P

  • Hits: 1123