Act Raiser
แอคท์ เรเซอร์
Act Raiser
"When trying to get a town to maximum size, to not make too many bridges, as they count for one house each. This can be a bit of a problem on Bloodpool, which is mostly rivers." - Wertigon |
"You do not need to use the compass at Marahna in order to obtain the magic aura - dropping the tablet and hitting the bush with lightning are sufficient. Using the compass there gets you an MP." - Kenneth G. Kroenlein |
To get a maximum amount of people in town, used Earthquake to destroy all the old houses so when they rebuilt, they will used the new technology to make the houses. |
When at Northwall, used lightning on the temple to get a source of life. |
After you beat the game, go to the title screen and hit down under Continue to get Professional mode, where you only play the acts(like how Actraiser 2 is). |
When you find the Pyramid in Kasandora, used the Earthquake spell on it to get a source of life. |
After you used the Skull on the Red Demon lair in Bloodpool, used rain on the lake to obtain a source of life. |
Continue building the land, even if it just a small part of dirt near a mountain. Because some place will give you free items for building to a certain spot. |
After getting a number of wheat from Bloodpool, go into any town and use it on one crop. After a while, all the crops will be converted to that type. |
There only two sword updates in the game, so don't worry if you can never find it. |
Usually in the act, the item in the hardest to reach part is always an extra life. |