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Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

(as "Bokujou Monogatari: Saikai no Mineral Town")

สตอรีออฟซีชัน: เฟรนด์ออฟมิเนอร์รัลทาวน์


Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

Birthday: Spring 16 (primary) or Spring 20 (alternative)

Bonus LP: Earn +2500 when you do NOT faint for a total of 15, 30, 45, 60, or 75 days in a row. A bonus is awarded the first time you meet the criteria.

Rival: Doctor

"Always willing to lend a hand, Elly studies hard as Mineral Clinic's nurse and her ailing grandmother's caretaker. Her little brother loves pulling pranks, much to his already-overworked sister's dismay."

Elly (エリィ, Eryi) is the very definition of overworked and underpaid. Despite the fact that she carries so much responsibility and burden, as well as her no-nonsense attitude, Elly is a very kind young woman.

Elly lives and works at the clinic in Mineral Town. She wants to be a good nurse, so she helps the Doctor with anything medical. When the Hospital is closed on Wednesdays, she goes to visit her grandmother Ellen and her little brother Yu. Elly's parents both died a long time ago and it's been up to her and Ellen to raise Yu. Elly loves them both very much.

Elly was named "Elli" in the original GBA game.


Schedule: For most of the week, Elly can be found inside the clinic. She's upstairs in her bedroom until 9:00 am, then manages the front desk of the clinic until 7:00 pm, when she then goes back upstairs. The clinic is closed on Wednesdays, so she heads to her grandma Ellen's house at 9:00 am, then to the general store at 1:00 pm, returns to Ellen's house around 4:00 pm, and then goes home to the clinic at 7:00 pm.

If you marry Elly, she'll keep to a similar work-week schedule, but starts and ends her clinic days at the farm house. On Wednesdays she doesn't visit her grandmother anymore; she stays home all day long. Poor Ellen will never receive another visit from her granddaughter.


Single  6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - Sunday Mineral Clinic 2F Mineral Clinic 1F Mineral Clinic 2F
Wednesday Mineral Clinic 2F Ellen's House General Store Ellen's House Mineral Clinic 2F
Key: Inside (Locked) Inside (Home) In Town Outdoors Unavailable


Married  6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - Sunday Your House Mineral Clinic 1F Your House
Wednesday Your House
Key: Inside (Locked) Inside (Home) In Town Outdoors Unavailable

Gift Preferences

Preference Gift
(+9 FP)
(+800 LP)
Almond Tofu ・ Moon Dumplings ・ Sunsweet Flower ・ True Magic Red Flower
(+9 FP)
(+500 LP)
Blue Magic Red Flower ・ Bracelet ・ Brooch ・ Coffee Milk (any quality) ・ Dango Flour ・ Diamond ・ Dress ・ Earrings ・ Elli Leaves ・ Face Pack ・ Fruit Milk (any quality) ・ Letter in a Bottle ・ Lotion ・ Milk (any quality) ・ Necklace ・ Perfume ・ Pink Cat Flower ・ Pink Diamond ・ Strawberries ・ Strawberry Cake ・ Strawberry Milk (any quality) ・ Strawberry Milk (dish) ・ Sunblock ・ Tomatosetta Stone ・ Toy Flower
(+3 FP)
(+300 LP)
Acqua Pazza ・ Amethyst ・ Apple Pie ・ Aquamarine ・ Baumkuchen ・ Black Grass ・ Blue Grass ・ Cake ・ Carbonara ・ Carpaccio ・ Cheese Souffle ・ Cheesecake ・ Chocolate ・ Chocolate Cookies ・ Churros ・ Cookies ・ Daifuku ・ Emerald ・ Fish Fritters ・ Fish Soup ・ French Toast ・ Garnet ・ Grape Juice ・ Grilled Fish ・ Ice Cream ・ Indigo Grass ・ Large Fish ・ Madeleines ・ Medium Fish ・ Mixed Smoothie ・ Mochi ・ Paella ・ Pancakes ・ Popcorn ・ Pudding ・ Purple Grass ・ Relax Tea ・ Relax Tea Leaves ・ Ruby ・ Salad ・ Sandwich ・ Sapphire ・ Sashimi ・ Seafood Rice Bowl ・ Small Fish ・ Topaz ・ Veggie Juice ・ White Grass ・ Yam Dessert ・ Zenzai
(-3 FP)
(-500 LP)
Bibimbap ・ Chestnut ・ Chestnut Rice ・ Chili Peppers ・ Corn ・ Fried Egg ・ Fried Rice ・ Green Pepper ・ Ketchup ・ Mont Blanc ・ Napolitan ・ Nasi Goreng ・ Omelet Rice ・ Onion ・ Pepper Steak ・ Premium Grape Juice ・ Roasted Chestnuts ・ Scrap Ore ・ Vegetable Stir Fry ・ Wild Grape Water ・ Yellow Grass
(-9 FP)
(-800 LP)
Ancient Fossil ・ Boot ・ Branch ・ Chicken/Rabbit Feed ・ Empty Can ・ Fishbone ・ Fodder ・ Golden Lumber ・ Lumber ・ Material Stone ・ Pirate Treasure ・ Poison Mushroom ・ Spicy Margherita ・ Spicy Pepper Steak ・ Spicy Ramen ・ Spicy Sandwich ・ Spicy Vegetable Stir Fry ・ Stone ・ Weed



  • Heart Events
  • Rival Events
  • Festivals
  • Town Events
  • After Marriage Events


Heart Events

Black Heart Event 1

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Black Heart or Higher
(0 ~ 9999+ LP)
Mineral Clinic 1F Any Tue, Thu - Sun 9:00 AM 7:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description The Player enters the Clinic and is forced to choose sides in a sibling squabble.
Other Requirements
  • Elly and Doctor are in Mineral Clinic
NPCs Involved Elly, Yu
Choice 1 English Yeah, totally. What's bugging her? Result Lose -2000 Elly Love Points
Gain +20 Friendship Points with Doctor and Yu
Japanese うん、わかるよ
Choice 2 English You shouldn't harass people. Result Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
Lose -10 Friendship Points with Yu
Japanese 人の嫌がることをしたらダメ

Black Heart Event 2

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Black Heart or Higher
(5000 ~ 9999+ LP)
Mineral Clinic 1F Any Thu, Sat - Sun 9:00 AM 7:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description While visiting Elly at the Clinic, a patient's sudden arrival shows her inexperience. When a mistake is made, the Player must choose how to respond.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • Must not be the first time meeting Jeff
  • Elly and Doctor are in the Mineral Clinic
NPCs Involved Elly, Doctor, Jeff
Choice 1 English Don't let one mistake hold you back. Result Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
Japanese いい看護師さんになれるよ
Choice 2 English ... Result Lose -2000 Elly Love Points
Japanese ……………

Purple Heart

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Purple Heart or Higher
(10000 ~ 19999+ LP)
Ellen's House Any Wednesday 9:20 AM 1:00 PM Sunny
Description After tasting Elly's cooking, Yu takes off, leaving Elly feeling deflated. Ellen asks the Player if they could find him.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • Must not be the first time meeting Ellen
  • Elly, Ellen, and Yu are at Ellen's House
  • You have the Big Bag and it is not full
NPCs Involved Elly, Doctor, Jeff
Choice 1 English Refuse Result Lose -2000 Elly Love Points
-10 Friendship Points with Ellen
Japanese 断る
Choice 2 English Accept Result Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
+20 Friendship Points with Ellen and Yu
Japanese 引き受ける

Blue Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Blue Heart or Higher
(20000 ~ 29999+ LP)
Mineral Beach Any Wednesday 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Sunny
Description Watching the waves, Elly confides in the Player her fears about raising Yu and asks what they think about her style of discipline.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
NPCs Involved Elly
Choice 1 English He's out of control. Result Lose -2000 Elly Love Points
Japanese 甘やかしすぎ
Choice 2 English A gentle approach is valid. Result Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
Japanese そんなことはない

Confession - Green Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Green Heart or Higher
(30000 ~ 39999+ LP)
Any Any Any Any Any
(Except Storms)
Description The player gives Elly a Preserved Flower.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • To trigger, give Elly a Preserved Flower
NPCs Involved Elly

Yellow Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Yellow Heart or Higher
(40000 ~ 49999+ LP)
Ellen's House Any Wednesday 9:20 AM 1:00 PM Sunny
Description After seeing how happy his sister is hanging out with the Player, Yu tries to find a way to make her just as happy.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • Must not be the first time meeting Mei
NPCs Involved Elly, Mei, Yu
Choice 1 English I'm sure he's on his best behavior. Result Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
Japanese きっといい子にしてるよ
Choice 2 English Yeah, "Yu" had better rein him in. Result Lose -2000 Elly Love Points
Japanese たしかに心配だ…

Orange Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Orange Heart or Higher
(50000 ~ 59999+ LP)
Ellen's House Any Wednesday 9:20 AM 1:00 PM Sunny
Description Ellen and Thomas thank the Player for choosing to date Elly. While leaving, the Player finds Elly unintentionally eavesdropping.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
NPCs Involved Elly, Ellen, Thomas
Choice 1 English No, thank YOU. Result Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
Japanese こちらこそありがとう
Choice 2 English How thankful are you? Result Lose -2000 Elly Love Points
Japanese 感謝は形で示してほしい

Proposal - Red Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(60000 ~ 65000 LP)
Any Any Any Any Any
(Except Storms)
Description The player presents Elly with a Blue Feather...
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • Big Bed installed at home.
  • Give Elly the Blue Feather.
NPCs Involved Elly

Wedding Ceremony

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(60000 ~ 65000 LP)
Church Any Any All Day Any
(Except Storms)
Description The player marries Elly.
NPCs Involved Elly, Carter, Mineral Town Residents (Varies)
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with all residents who participated in the ceremony
  • Occurs one week after a successful proposal.

Choosing Nicknames

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(60000 ~ 65000 LP)
Your Farm Any Any All Day Any
(Except Storms)
Description Elly calls the player the nickname they choose.
NPCs Involved Elly
  • Occurs immediately after the Wedding Ceremony.
  • After this event, Elly will always refer to the Player by their chosen nickname.



White Day

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Any Any Spring 14 All Day Any
(Except Storms)
Description Give a gift to Elly to show your appreciation for her.
Other Requirements
  • Give Elly Cookies or Chocolate Cookies
NPCs Involved Elly
  • Gain +1000 Love Points with Elly if you give her cookies

Fireworks Festival

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Green Heart or Higher
(30000 ~ 39999+ LP)
Mineral Beach Any Summer 24 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Watch the Fireworks Festival with Elly.
Other Requirements
  • Talk to Elly on Mineral Beach and choose "Invite"
NPCs Involved Elly

Moonlight Night

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Green Heart or Higher
(30000 ~ 39999+ LP)
Mother's Hill Summit Any Fall 13 6:00 PM 12:00 AM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Enjoy a moonlit date with Elly.
Other Requirements
  • Speak to Elly at the Mother's Hill Summit and choose "I'll join you!"
  • Elly must have the most Love Points with the Player than any other marriage candidate
NPCs Involved Elly
  • If you selected "I'll join you!", you will gain +1000 Elly Love Points
  • Gain +1000 Love Points with any marriage candidate you give Moon Dumplings to

Valentine's Day

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Purple Heart or Higher
(10000 ~ 19999+ LP)
Your Farm Any Winter 14 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Elly shows her appreciation for the Player by giving them a gift.
NPCs Involved Elly
  • Gain +1000 Love Points with Elly
  • If Elly's affection is above a Yellow Heart ♥ (40000 ~ 49999+ LP), she will give you Orangettes instead of Chocolate
  • If Elly's affection is above a Yellow Heart ♥ (40000 ~ 49999+ LP) and she has not given the player a Ring, the Player will receive a Ring instead of a present

Starlight Night

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Green Heart or Higher
(30000 ~ 39999+ LP)
Ellen's House Any Winter 24 6:00 PM 12:00 AM Sunny
Description On Winter 23, the Player receives a letter in the mail from Elly inviting them to Ellen's House the following day to celebrate Starlight Night with herand her family. Upon arriving at her house, the player is greeted by Elly and her family.
Other Requirements
  • The day before (Winter 23 - 6:00AM - 12:00PM), Thomas comes to Your Farm to deliver an invitation
NPCs Involved Elly, Ellen, Yu
  • Gain +2000 Love Points with Elly for spending the event with her
  • Gain +30 Friendship with Ellen and Yu
  • If unmarried and Elly hasn't given the Player a Ring yet, a Ring will appear in their profile after this event without Elly mentioning she is gifting the Ring


  Rival Events

It's only natural for colleagues to have chemistry when working together for so long. But for the two workaholics of Mineral Clinic, understanding each others' feelings may not be as easy as understanding medicine.


Doctor and Elly: Rival Event 1

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Less than a Purple Heart
(With Doctor and Elly)
Mineral Clinic 1F Any Mon, Thu - Sat 9:00 AM 7:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Elly mistakes Doctor's worry for a romantic gesture.
NPCs Involved Doctor, Elly

Doctor and Elly: Rival Event 2

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Less than a Green Heart
(With Doctor and Elly)
Ellen's House Any Monday 9:00 AM 7:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description During one of Ellen's check-ups, Doctor's faith in his abilities falters. Elly and Ellen are quick to reassure him that he's doing his best.
NPCs Involved Doctor, Elly, Ellen, Yu



Town Events

Elly's Medical Study

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Purple Heart or Higher
with both Elly and Doctor
(10000 ~ 19999+ LP)
Mineral Clinic 1F Any Any
(Except Wed)
12:00 PM 7:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Elly asks Doctor to teach her about different medicines.
Other Requirements
  • You have spoken to Elly and Doctor at least once in the current season
NPCs Involved Elly, Doctor
Choice 1 English I'm sure you will. Result Gain +20 Friendship Points with Elly and Doctor
Japanese きっと治るよ
Choice 2 English Try another clinic. Result Lose -10 Friendship Points with Elly and Doctor
Japanese 街の病院に人院させたら?

The Bond Between Siblings

Heart/Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Ellen's House Any Wednesday 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Elly is worried about her younger brother, who is looking a bit sickly.
Other Requirements
  • You have spoken to Elly, Ellen, and Yu at least once in the current season
  • You are not in a relationship with anyone
NPCs Involved Elly, Doctor, Ellen, Yu
  • Gain +1000 Love Points with Elly
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with Doctor, Ellen, and Yu

Doctor's Misdiagnosis

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
6♪ Notes or Higher with Doctor
(150 ~ 174+ FP)
Mineral Clinic 1F Any Tuesday 1:00 PM 4:00 PM Any (Except Storms)
Description Doctor and Jeff are speaking in the Clinic, and it's discovered that Doctor gave Jeff a misdiagnosis.
Other Requirements
  • You've spoken to Doctor at least once the current season
  • Doctor and Jeff are in Mineral Clinic 1F
NPCs Involved Doctor, Elly, Jeff

Grandpa's Letter

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
4♪ Notes or Higher with Ellen
(100 ~ 124+ FP)
Ellen's House Any
Wednesday 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Sunny
Description Elly finds a letter addressed to Ellen. The sender is...
Other Requirements
  • You have spoken to Ellen, Elly, and Yu before
  • Elly is in Ellen's House
NPCs Involved Ellen, Elly, Yu
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with Ellen, Elly, and Yu

Yu's Pestering

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your Farm Any Wednesday 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Mischievous Yu asks the Player to play together.
Other Requirements
  • You have spoken to Yu, Ellen, and Elly before
  • Elly is in Ellen's House
  • You are not dating or married to anyone
NPCs Involved Yu, Ellen, Elly
Choice 1 English I'm game. Result Gain +20 Friendship Points with Yu, Ellen, and Elly
Japanese 遊ぶ
Choice 2 English I'm busy! Result Lose -10 Friendship Points with Yu, Ellen, and Elly
Japanese いそがしいからダメ!


After Marriage Events

Player's Birthday

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Player's Birthday 6:00 PM 12:00 AM Any
Description Elly celebrates the Player's birthday. The conversation changes when you have a child together.
Other Requirements
  • Occurs every year on the player's birthday after marriage
  • Occurs when entering your farmhouse
  • Select "Yes"
  • Next day automatically occurs after the event
NPCs Involved Elly, Your Child (if any)
Choice 1 English My birthday Result Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
+20 Friendship Points with Your Child (if any)
Japanese 自分の誕生日
Choice 2 English Any answer other than "My birthday" Result Lose -2000 Elly Love Points
-10 Friendship Points with Your Child (if any)
Japanese Any answer other than 「自分の誕生日」

Elly's Birthday

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Spring 16 or Spring 20 6:00 PM 12:00 AM Any
Description Elly celebrates the Player's birthday. The conversation changes when you have a child together.
Other Requirements
  • Occurs every year on Elly's birthday after marriage
  • Occurs when entering your farmhouse
  • Select "Yes"
  • Next day automatically occurs after the event
NPCs Involved Elly, Your Child (if any)
Choice 1 English Elly's birthday Result Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
+20 Friendship Points with Your Child (if any)
Japanese エリィの誕生日
Choice 2 English Any answer other than "Elly's birthday" Result Lose -2000 Elly Love Points
-10 Friendship Points with Your Child (if any)
Japanese Any answer other than 「エリィの誕生日」

Wedding Anniversary

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Wedding Anniversary 6:00 AM Any
Description Receive a gift from Elly to celebrate your wedding anniversary.
Other Requirements
  • Occurs every year on the Player's wedding anniversary
  • Slept at your farm the day before
NPCs Involved Elly
Choice 1 English Our Anniversary Result Gain +3000 Elly Love Points

Gifted one of the following: Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby, Diamond, or Pink Diamond
If the Player hasn't received a Ring yet, Elly will gift them a Ring

Japanese 結婚記念日
Choice 2 English Any answer other than "Our Anniversary" Result Lose -2000 Elly Love Points
Japanese Any answer other than 「結婚記念日」

50th Wedding Anniversary

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Wedding Anniversary 6:00 AM Any
Description Receive an extra special gift from Elly to celebrate your wedding anniversary.
Other Requirements
  • 50th Wedding Anniversary
  • Slept at your farm the day before
NPCs Involved Elly
  • Elly gives you a "villa in the mountains"

Elly's Illness

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description Elly is struck ill for a day. She gets better, but your love points drop significantly.
Other Requirements
  • Elly is not pregnant
  • Player doesn't have a child
  • Player hasn't spoken to Elly in 10 days (if White Day or Valentine's Day passes during the 10 days, this count restarts)
  • Player stayed at home the night before
NPCs Involved Elly
  • Lose -2000 Elly Love Points


  • This event is available only while playing as a Male Protagonist.
Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(65000 LP)
Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description The Player and Elly learn that Elly is expecting a child!
Other Requirements
  • More than 30 days after the Wedding
NPCs Involved Elly, Doctor
  • Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with Doctor

Gender Determination

  • This event is available only while playing as a Male Protagonist.
Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description The Player can choose the gender of their child.
Other Requirements
  • Occurs 1 day after the Pregnancy Event
  • It isn't the Player's or Elly's birthday, and it's not a festival
  • Slept at home the night before
NPCs Involved Harvest Goddess, Nature Sprites
Choice 1 English A boy! Result Child will be a boy
Japanese 男の子
Choice 2 English A girl! Result Child will be a girl
Japanese 女の子
Choice 3 English I'd be happy with either! Result Child's gender will be chosen randomly
Japanese どっちでも大歓迎

Child Birth

  • This event is available only while playing as a Male Protagonist.
Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description Elly gives birth.
Other Requirements
  • More than 60 days after the Pregnancy Event
  • Slept at home the night before
  • No other event has occurred
  • Ellen will watch the birth with you.
NPCs Involved Elly, Ellen, Doctor
  • Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with Ellen and Doctor
  • Next day automatically occurs after the event.

The Gift of a Child

  • This event is available only while playing as a Female Protagonist.
Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(65000 LP)
Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description The Harvest Goddess gives the Player and Elly a child.
Other Requirements
  • More than 90 days after the Wedding
  • No other event has occurred
  • Ellen will watch the birth with you.
NPCs Involved Elly, Harvest Goddess, Nature Sprites, Ellen, Doctor
Choice 1 English A boy! Result Child will be a boy
Japanese 男の子
Choice 2 English A girl! Result Child will be a girl
Japanese 女の子
Choice 3 English I'd be happy with either! Result Child's gender will be chosen randomly
Japanese どっちでも大歓迎
  • Gain +3000 Elly Love Points
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with Ellen and Doctor
  • Next day automatically occurs after the event.




+800 LP (+9 FP)

Sunsweet Flower, True Magic Red Flower

Moon Dumplings: Dango Flour + Seasoning Set (Recipe learned from TV Cooking)

Almond Tofu: milk + Seasoning Set + Pot (Recipe learned by cooking with milk 30 times)

Note: The two flowers she likes are grown on your farm during fall. True Magic Red Flower is a random mutation of Magic Red Flower. You can buy the fall-season seeds from Huang for 600 G each. Sunsweet Flower seeds are unlocked as part of the Preserved Flower event that triggers as part of the steps towards marriage. After completing the event, Jeff will sell the flower seeds for 1000 G during fall season. Sunsweet Flower can also grow wild in the Secret Forest during fall.

+500 LP (+9 FP)

all milk (normal, coffee, fruit, and strawberry), Blue Magic Flower, Letter in a Bottle, Bracelet, Broach, Dress, Dango Flour, Earring, Facemask, Tomatosetta Stone, Necklace, Perfume, Pink Diamond, Pink Cat Flower, Skin Lotion, Strawberry, Sunblock, Toy Flower

Elly Grass, Strawberry Cake

+300 LP (+3 FP)

Amethyst, Aquamarine, Black Grass, Blue Grass, Yam Dessert, Chocolate, Emerald, Garnet, Indigo Grass, Large Fish, Medium Fish, Purple Grass, Ruby, Sapphire, Small Fish, Topaz, White Grass

Baumkuchen, Apple Pie, Aqua Pazza, Cake, Carbonara, Carpaccio, Cheese Souffle, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cookies, Churros, Cookies, Daifuku, French Toast, Fish Fritter, Grape Juice, Grilled Fish, Ice Cream, Madeleines, Mixed Smoothie, Mochi, Paella, Pancakes, Popcorn, Pudding, Relaxtea, Relax Tea Leaves, Salad, Sandwich, Sashimi, Seafood Bowl, Fish Soup, Vegetable Juice, Zenzai

-500 LP (-3 FP)

Bell Pepper, Chestnut, Chili Pepper, Corn, Onion, Scrape Ore, Yellow Grass

Bibimbap, Chestnut Rice, Premium Grape Juice, Fried Rice, Ketchup, Wild Grape Water, Napolitan, Nasi Goreng, Omelet Rice, Pepper Steak, Tamagoyaki, Vegetable Stir Fry

-800 LP (-9 FP)

Branch, Chicken Feed, Empty Can, Fish Bones, Ancient Fossil, Fodder, Gold Lumber, Lumber, Pirate Treasure, Poison Mushroom, Rock, Rubber Boot, Stone, Weed

Roasted Chestnut, Spicy Margherita Pizza, Spicy Pepper Steak, Spicy Ramen, Spicy Sandwich, Spicy Vegetable Stir Fry

Heart Events


  • Walk into the clinic
  • 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
  • Not Monday or Wednesday
  • Any weather

Inside the clinic you see Yu wants to show something to his sister. He shows her a bug, which Elly does not like at all! As you enter the clinic, Yu runs from his sister and hides behind you. By the way, did you know you had someone behind you? Yu comes out of his hiding place to get a scolding from Elly. He knows that she hates bugs! Yu argues that he likes bugs, so he brought it to show it to her. Yu figures you understand what he's talking about.

Choice 1: Yeah, totally. What's bugging her? (-2000 LP, +20 FP with Yu)

Yu is pleased that you agree with him. After he leaves, Elly scolds you for encouraging her brother's mischief!

Choice 2: You shouldn't harass people. (+3000 LP, -20 FP with Yu)

Yu runs out of the clinic. After he leaves, Elly thanks you for being honest. Don't worry about Yu's crying; he's not used to being scolded by other people.

Black Heart Event 

  • Walk into the clinic
  • 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
  • Sunday, Thursday, or Saturday
  • Any weather
  • You have seen the Introduction event
  • Elly has a black heart color (5000 LP) or higher

Elly is glad that you've stopped by to chat, as she doesn't have any patients to look after at the moment. That quickly changes when Jeff walks into the clinic with tummy distress!

In the office, Elly brings Doctor the medicine for Jeff. Unfortunately Doc realizes that it is the wrong medicine. Jeff has to suffer a bit longer while Elly goes to fetch the correct medicine. Good thing Doctor noticed before giving it to Jeff. Doctor tells Elly to be more careful in the future.

After Jeff leaves, Elly admits that she's made mistakes before this latest incident. She feels discouraged and wonders if she can truly be a good nurse.

Choice 1: Don't let one mistake hold you back. (+3000 LP)

Your encouragement cheers her up. Failure isn't option; if she gives up now, she'll never get better. She can only learn from her mistake and not to make the same mistake again. Giving the wrong medicine won't happen a second time. Elly won't forget today's experience, and she thanks you for supporting her.

Choice 2: .......... (-2000 LP)

Elly figures her assumption is correct. She just wanted someone to talk to, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Elly apologizes for bothering you.

Purple Heart Event

  • Walk into Ellen's house
  • 9:00 am to 1:00 pm or 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (if you have less than 2 Friendship Notes with Ellen)
  • Wednesday
  • Sunny weather
  • There is an empty item slot in your rucksack
  • You have seen the black heart event
  • Elly has a purple heart color (10,000 LP) or higher

Ellen cheerfully greets you as you enter, but Elly's greeting is less enthusiastic. Ellen explains that Elly made some food for her little brother, but Yu took a bite, said he lost his appetite, and then ran outside. Ellen's feet aren't as good as they used to be, and can't go out to retrieve him. Ellen asks if you would go bring the kid back. She believes he may have headed towards the church.

Choice 1: Refuse (-2000 LP, -10 FP with Ellen)

Elly understands; she admits that her cooking skills are poor, so it's no surprised to her that Yu hated her food. Ellen tells her not to worry, as Yu is sure to return on his own.

Sure enough, Yu returns and apologizes to his sister and grandma for saying that he didn't want to eat the food. Elly forgives her little brother.

Choice 2: Accept (+3000 LP, +20 FP with Ellen and Yu)

You head towards the church and find Yu. He's sorry for upsetting his sister, but Elly's cooking is... well, nevermind. You and Yu head back to Ellen's house.

Yu apologizes to Elly. Elly tells him that he doesn't have to eat her food just for her sake. She is going to work on improving her cooking skills. Someday she'll make something that he'll find delicious!

Ellen apologizes to you for involving you in all of this. Elly cooks meals the way that Ellen likes them, but apparently, it's not the same way that Yu likes them. Ellen wants Elly to learn how to cook with Yu's preferences in mind too.

Elly wants to thank you for your help and retrieves a pressed flower from the bookshelf that she had made. She hands over the item and tells you that she has to start learning how to cook for Yu.

(The Elly's Pressed Flowers is not the same as the one you buy from the general store as part of the marriage steps. This item is a decoration you can add to the trophy shelf inside your farmhouse.)

Blue Heart Event

  • Walk to the beach
  • 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday
  • Sunny weather
  • You have seen the purple heart event
  • Elly has a blue heart color (20,000 LP) or higher

Elly is taking a quiet break on the boat dock. It is unusual to see her at the beach, but Elly tells you that she often came to the beach when her parents were alive. She has a lot of memories of them together here. She'll come to the beach when she's troubled, as it feels like her parents can hear her.

Elly tells you that her current worry is with Yu. She wonders if anyone likes his practical jokes. Elly hopes she is raising her little brother the say way that her mother would have. She doesn't want Yu to feel lonely, but perhaps she has spoiled him too much. Is she the reason for his bad behavior? What do you think?

Choice 1: He's out of control. (-2000 LP)

True, if you believe that's the case, then Yu is probably too spoiled. Elly's confidence is a little rattled; she is going to head home, and thanks you for your opinion.

Choice 2: A gentle approach is valid. (+3000 LP)

Elly thanks you for your honest opinion. Yu isn't a bad child. It's just how he is at this age. Your comment has given her a little bit more confidence. Elly wants to head back home to play with her brother.

Note: I had some problem getting this event to trigger until I saw the Yu's Fever random event. Might give that a try if you're having the same problem.

Yellow Heart Event

  • Walk into Ellen's house
  • 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Wednesday
  • Sunny weather
  • You have seen the blue heart event
  • You have given Elly a Preserved Flower
  • Elly has a yellow heart color (40,000 LP) or higher

Elly suggests the two of you head outside for a walk. She has some time before she has to start preparing dinner, but can't leave with her hair looking like this! You agree to wait outside while Elly fixes her hair.

Elly comes outside once she's ready, but Yu and Mei have noticed that the two of you are together. Yu wonders why his sister is outside at this time of the day. He's not worried, but he does want to know what is going on. Mei suggests that they follow you.

The kids sneak around and watch you and Elly visit the library, supermarket, and the beach. Yu notes that the two of you haven't actually done anything yet. He explains that it feels strange to see his sister playing around. Mei tells Yu that his sister is always busy with housework, so it is nice to see her out with a close friend. Yu realizes that his sister is always working, whether cleaning, working at the clinic, or cooking meals for him and Grandma Ellen. Seeing her enjoying some free time must be why he feels uncomfortable. Yu gets an idea and returns home.

Elly realizes that she's spent a lot of time out with you. She thanks you for giving her a break, but she needs to return home to start preparing dinner. Elly hopes that her responsibilities with Yu and Ellen doesn't bother you.

Choice 1: I'm sure he's on his best behavior. (+3000 LP)

Elly feels blessed that you think of her in that way.

Choice 2: Yeah, "Yu" had better rein him in. (-2000 LP)

Elly acknowledges that even you think he's a bit of trouble.

You and Elly head back to the house. Before reaching the front door, Yu greets the two of you and hands over some chore coupons. Anytime Elly wants to go out, she can give him a coupon and he'll help out around the house. Then the two of you will have more time to be together! Elly thanks her little brother for the ticket.

After he goes back inside, Elly tells you that she's really happy. Yu is truly a caring child. She plans to use Yu's help coupon for something special.

Orange Heart Event

  • Walk into Ellen's house
  • 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Wednesday
  • Sunny weather
  • You have seen the yellow heart event
  • Elly has an orange heart color (50,000 LP) or higher

Thomas and Ellen are chatting about Elly. Thomas tells her that it's the first time he's seen Elly so happy. They both notice you have also stopped in for a chat; in fact, they were just talking about you! Ellen thanks you for being Elly's sweetie. Elly has been so busy taking care of her and Yu that she hadn't had the chance at romance. Ellen always felt guilty about taking up Elly's time like that. Thomas tells Ellen that he doesn't think that is the case, as Elly loves and cares for both of them very much. Elly's been working hard at taking care of Yu, as they lost their parents at an early age. Everyone is secretly concerned for Elly.

Elly walks into the house, but stops at the front door to listen in. Ellen explains that since you arrived in town, Elly has changed a lot. Before the conversation gets any farther, Elly returns outside. She doesn't hear Ellen explain that so far she thinks Elly's greatest concerns has been her difficulties with being a nurse, dealing with Yu's michief, and trying to improve her cooking skills. Lately she's been a bit hurried, and when asked why, Elly would explain that she's busy getting ready for a date with you! Ellen is glad to see her so happy. Thomas even confirms that Elly is really lively when she talks about you!

You leave the house and bump into Elly. She apologizes for eavesdropping and didn't know that Ellen and Thomas were so worried about her. Maybe she has changed a little bit. She previously didn't have an interest in love or what she looked like. Now, she wants to be beautiful for you; thinking about you makes her heart excited! Elly thanks you for making her a better person.

Choice 1: No, thank YOU. (+3000 LP)

Elly finds it cute that you thanked her at the same time. She thinks it is wonderful that the two of you respect each other.

Choice 2: How thankful are you? (-2000 LP)

Elly laughs and assumes you are making a joke. There are sure to be many happy times in the future! She'll see you later.

Birthday: Winter 2 (primary) or Winter 18 (alternative)

Bonus LP: None

Rival: None

"A free spirit, Jennifer ran away from a life of luxury in the big city to be surrounded by Mother Nature's bounty. From her mountainside tent, this flower child now vibes to the beat of her own bongo."[1]
As a wanderer who escaped from city life, Jennifer (ジェニファー, Jenifaa) moved to Mineral Town to live in a tent in the mountains by the Lake Mine. She's extremely optimistic and prefers to do things on her own. She loves being surrounded by nature in the outskirts of Mineral Town. 

Jennifer is a new character added to the Nintendo Switch version of Friends of Mineral Town. She used to live in a big city, but decided to move to somewhere less hectic to get closer to nature. She has pitched a tent on the shoreline of Mother's Lake to observe and absorb the energy of the environment around her.


Schedule: Though she may have a tent, she doesn't live in the tent. On most days of the week, Jennifer stays overnight at the inn and heads out to her tent around 8:00 am. In the early afternoon she'll visit Lillia at the Poultry farm (Mondays), Mugi at Yodel Ranch (Tuesdays), or the forested park in the middle of town (Wed-Sat). Then mid-afternoon she'll return to her tent for a few hours until she returns to the inn around 8:00 pm. On Sundays she goes directly to the forest, then to the beach around 13:00, and then returns to the inn at night. On any rainy/snowy day, Jennifer will stay at the inn until 10:00 am, then spends most of her day at the tent, returning to the inn at 8:00 pm.

If you marry Jennifer, she'll start her day inside the farm house, but then walk through her visits to the tent, the shopkeepers, and the forest park, until returning to your farm house at night. On rainy/snowy days she'll stay home all day.



    6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00
Monday Inn 2F Jennifer's Tent PoPoultry Jennifer's Tent Inn 2F
Tuesday Inn 2F Jennifer's Tent Yodel Ranch Jennifer's Tent Inn 2F
Wednesday - Saturday Inn 2F Jennifer's Tent Secret Forest Jennifer's Tent Inn 2F
Sunday Inn 2F Secret Forest Mineral Beach Inn 1F Inn 2F
Everyday (Snow or Rain) Inn 2F Jennifer's Tent Inn 2F


    6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00
Monday Your House Jennifer's Tent PoPoultry Jennifer's Tent Your House
Tuesday Your House Jennifer's Tent Yodel Ranch Jennifer's Tent Your House
Wednesday - Saturday Your House Jennifer's Tent Secret Forest Jennifer's Tent Your House
Sunday Your House Secret Forest Mineral Beach Your House
Everyday (Snow or Rain) Your House

Gift Preferences

Preference Gift
(+9 FP)
(+800 LP)
Chestnut Rice ・ Mont Blanc ・ Roasted Chestnut
(+9 FP)
(+500 LP)
Chocolate ・ Chocolate Cookies ・ Cookies ・ Madeleines ・ Pudding ・ Yam Dessert
(+3 FP)
(+300 LP)
Adzuki Beans ・ Alpaca Fleece (any quality) ・ Angora Rabbit Fur (any quality) ・ Ball ・ Bamboo Rice ・ Blue Magic Red Flower ・ Bracelet ・ Brooch ・ Buckwheat Flour ・ Cabbage ・ Carrot ・ Chestnut ・ Chili Peppers ・ Coffee Milk (any quality) ・ Corn ・ Cucumber ・ Curry Powder ・ Dango Flour ・ Dorayaki ・ Earrings ・ Eggplant ・ Eggs Benedict ・ Excellent Egg ・ Fruit Milk (any quality) ・ Golden Egg ・ Good Egg ・ Grape Juice ・ Green Pepper ・ Honey ・ Mashed Potatoes ・ Matsutake ・ Matsutake Rice ・ Milk (any quality) ・ Moondrop Flower ・ Necklace ・ Oden ・ Oil ・ Onion ・ Palbochae ・ Pepper Steak ・ Pet Treat ・ Pineapple ・ Pineapple Juice ・ Pink Cat Flower ・ Platinum Egg ・ Pot-au-Feu ・ Potato ・ Premium Grape Juice ・ Pumpkin ・ Pumpkin Potage ・ Quiche ・ Raisin Bread ・ Regular Egg ・ Relax Tea Leaves ・ Roasted Corn ・ Spicy Margherita ・ Spicy Pepper Steak ・ Spicy Ramen ・ Spicy Sandwich ・ Spicy Vegetable Stir Fry ・ Spinach ・ Strawberries ・ Strawberry Cake ・ Strawberry Milk (any quality) ・ Sunsweet Flower ・ Tempura Soba ・ Tomato ・ Toy Flower ・ True Magic Red Flower ・ Turnip ・ Vegetable Pizza ・ Wheat Flour ・ Wild Grape Water ・ Wool (any quality) ・ X Egg ・ Yam ・ Yarn (any quality) ・ Zaru Soba
(-3 FP)
(-500 LP)
Acqua Pazza ・ Adamantite ・ Agate ・ Alexandrite ・ Amethyst ・ Ancient Fossil ・ Aquamarine ・ Branch ・ Carbonara ・ Carpaccio ・ Cheese (any quality) ・ Cheese Fondue ・ Cheese Risotto ・ Cheese Souffle ・ Cheesecake ・ Chicken/Rabbit Feed ・ Copper ・ Diamond ・ Dress ・ Emerald ・ Face Pack ・ Fish Fritters ・ Fish Soup ・ Fluorite ・ Fodder ・ Garnet ・ Gold ・ Grilled Fish ・ Jade ・ Large Fish ・ Letter in a Bottle ・ Lotion ・ Lumber ・ Material Stone ・ Medium Fish ・ Mithril ・ Moonstone ・ Mythic Ore ・ Orichalcum ・ Paella ・ Perfume ・ Peridot ・ Pink Diamond ・ Pirate Treasure ・ Ruby ・ Sandrose ・ Sapphire ・ Sashimi ・ Scrap Ore ・ Seafood Rice Bowl ・ Silver ・ Small Fish ・ Sunblock ・ Sushi ・ Tomatosetta Stone ・ Topaz ・ Turquoise ・ Weed
(-9 FP)
(-800 LP)
Boot ・ Empty Can ・ Fishbone ・ Golden Lumber ・ Poison Mushroom ・ Stone
Jennifer has neutral feelings (+1 FP, +100 LP) about all gifts not listed here.

 Events and Requirements

  • Heart Events
  • Festivals
  • Town Events
  • After Marriage Events


Heart Events


Black Heart Event 1

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Black Heart or Higher
(0 ~ 9999+ LP)
Mother's Hill Any Tue, Thu - Sun 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Sunny
Other Requirements
  • None
NPCs Involved Jennifer
Choice 1 English Um, yeah, let's back it up a little. Result Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese ちょっと何を言ってるのか…
Choice 2 English Yeah, my chakras are totally aligned. Result Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese うん、気持ちよさそう

Black Heart Event 2

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Black Heart or Higher
(5000 ~ 9999+ LP)
Mother's Hill Any Tue - Sat 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Sunny
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • Must not be the first time meeting Basil
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Basil
Choice 1 English Yeah! Flower power! Result Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese 素敵な解釈だね
Choice 2 English Different strokes, I guess. Result Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese 考え方は人それぞれ

Purple Heart

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Purple Heart or Higher
(10000 ~ 19999+ LP)
Mother's Hill Any Mon - Sat 10:20 AM 12:00 PM Sunny
Description Jennifer and the Player embark on a quest for the perfect name for the lake by Jennifer's Tent.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Basil
Choice 1 English Something angelic. Result Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese 天使のような名前
Choice 2 English Something mystical. Result No change to Jennifer Love Points
Japanese 魔法のような名前
Choice 3 English Something dignified. Result Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese とにかく高貴な名前

Blue Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Blue Heart or Higher
(20000 ~ 29999+ LP)
PoPoultry 1F Any Mon - Sat 11:00 AM 4:00 PM Any

(Except Storms)

Description The Player enters PoPoultry and finds Jennifer talking to Lillia. The pleasant conversation is interrupted by a heated argument between Rick and Popuri.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • You have the Big Bag and it is not full
  • You will receive Jennifer's Potpourri regardless of which answer you choose
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Lillia, Rick, Popuri
Choice 1 English Wow. You aren't a total space case. Result Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese ただの天然じゃないんだね
Choice 2 English Wow. You have a great heart. Result Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese 優しいね

Confession - Green Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Green Heart or Higher
(30000 ~ 39999+ LP)
Any Any Any Any Any
(Except Storms)
Description The player gives Jennifer a Preserved Flower.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • To trigger, give Jennifer a Preserved Flower
NPCs Involved Jennifer

Yellow Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Yellow Heart or Higher
(40000 ~ 49999+ LP)
Jennifer's Tent Any Any 10:00 AM 4:00 PM Sunny
Description While paying Jennifer a visit, the Player is invited to have tea with her. The topic of Jennifer's past is brought up in their banter.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
NPCs Involved Jennifer
Choice 1 English I bet your parents are worried. Result Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese ご両親はきっと心配してるよ
Choice 2 English Happiness trumps wealthiness. Result Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese 自分の幸せが一番だよ

Orange Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Orange Heart or Higher
(50000 ~ 59999+ LP)
Inn 2F Any Wednesday 7:00 PM 9:00 PM Any

(Except Storms)

Description The Player visits Jennifer late in the evening on Wednesday. Before they can properly visit, the Player becomes unwell and Jennifer has to take care of them.
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • Gameplay will always resume after 10:00 PM regardless of Player's answer
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Ellen, Thomas
Choice 1 English Farmers don't get sick days. Result Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese それはなんとも言えない…
Choice 2 English I'll try not to worry you. Result Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese あまり心配かけないようにするよ

Proposal - Red Heart Event

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(60000 ~ 65000 LP)
Any Any Any Any Any
(Except Storms)
Description The player presents Jennifer with a Blue Feather...
Other Requirements
  • Must have seen all previous Heart Events
  • Big Bed installed at home.
  • Give Jennifer the Blue Feather.
NPCs Involved Jennifer

Wedding Ceremony

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(60000 ~ 65000 LP)
Church Any Any All Day Any
(Except Storms)
Description The player marries Jennifer.
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Carter, Mineral Town Residents (Varies)
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with all residents who participated in the ceremony
  • Occurs one week after a successful proposal.

Choosing Nicknames

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(60000 ~ 65000 LP)
Your Farm Any Any All Day Any
(Except Storms)
Description Jennifer calls the player the nickname they choose.
NPCs Involved Jennifer
  • Occurs immediately after the Wedding Ceremony.
  • After this event, Jennifer will always refer to the Player by their chosen nickname.




White Day

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Any Any Spring 14 All Day Any
(Except Storms)
Description Give a gift to Jennifer to show your appreciation for her.
Other Requirements
  • Give Jennifer Cookies or Chocolate Cookies
NPCs Involved Jennifer
  • Gain +1000 Love Points with Jennifer if you give her cookies

Fireworks Festival

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Green Heart or Higher
(30000 ~ 39999+ LP)
Mineral Beach Any Summer 24 6:00 PM 9:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Watch the Fireworks Festival with Jennifer.
Other Requirements
  • Talk to Jennifer on Mineral Beach and "Invite" her
NPCs Involved Jennifer

Moonlight Night

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Green Heart or Higher
(30000 ~ 39999+ LP)
Mother's Hill Summit Any Fall 13 6:00 PM 12:00 AM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Enjoy a moonlit date with Jennifer.
Other Requirements
  • Speak to Jennifer at the Mother's Hill Summit and choose "I'll join you!"
  • Jennifer must have the most Love Points with the player than any other marriage candidate
NPCs Involved Jennifer
  • If you selected "I'll join you!", you will gain +1000 Jennifer Love Points
  • Gain +1000 Love Points with any marriage candidate you gift "Moon Dumplings" to

Valentine's Day

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Purple Heart or Higher
(10000 ~ 19999+ LP)
Your Farm Any Winter 14 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Any
(Except Storms)
Description Jennifer shows her appreciation for the Player by giving them a gift.
  • If Jennifer's affection is above a Yellow Heart (40000 ~ 49999+ LP), she gives you "Orangettes" instead of Chocolate
  • If Jennifer's affection is above a Yellow Heart (40000 ~ 49999+ LP) and she has not given the Player a ring, the Player will receive a ring instead of a present
NPCs Involved Jennifer
  • Gain +1000 Love Points with Jennifer

Starlight Night

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Green Heart or Higher
(30000 ~ 39999+ LP)
Jennifer's Tent Any Winter 24 6:00 PM 12:00 AM Sunny
Description On Winter 23, the Player receives a letter in the mail from Jennifer inviting them to her tent the following day to celebrate Starlight Night with her.
Other Requirements
  • The day before (Winter 23 - 6:00AM - 12:00PM), Thomas comes to Your Farm to deliver an invitation
NPCs Involved Jennifer
  • +2000 Love Points with Jennifer
  • If unmarried and Jennifer hasn't given the Player a ring yet, she will gift them one


Town Events

Jennifer's Gift

Note Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Outside of Jennifer's Tent Any Any 10:00 AM 1:00 PM Sunny
Description With the intention of giving him a gift, Jennifer is on the lookout for Harris.
Other Requirements
  • You have spoken to Jennifer and Harris before
  • Harris is at Gotts' Workshop
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Harris


After Marriage Events

Player's Birthday

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Player's Birthday 6:00 PM 12:00 AM Any
Description Jennifer celebrates the Player's birthday. The conversation changes when you have a child together.
Other Requirements
  • Occurs every year on the player's birthday after marriage
  • Occurs when entering your farmhouse
  • Select "Yes"
  • Next day automatically occurs after the event
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Your Child (if any)
Choice 1 English My birthday Result Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
+20 Friendship Points with Your Child (if any)
Japanese 自分の誕生日
Choice 2 English Any answer other than "My birthday" Result Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points
-10 Friendship Points with Your Child (if any)
Japanese Any answer other than 「自分の誕生日」

Jennifer's Birthday

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Winter 2 or Winter 18 6:00 PM 12:00 AM Any
Description Jennifer celebrates the Player's birthday. The conversation changes when you have a child together.
Other Requirements
  • Occurs every year on Jennifer's birthday after marriage
  • Occurs when entering your farmhouse
  • Select "Yes"
  • Next day automatically occurs after the event
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Your Child (if any)
Choice 1 English Jennifer's birthday Result Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
+20 Friendship Points with Your Child (if any)
Japanese ジェニファーの誕生日
Choice 2 English Any answer other than "Jennifer's birthday" Result Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points
-10 Friendship Points with Your Child (if any)
Japanese Any answer other than 「ジェニファーの誕生日」

Wedding Anniversary

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Wedding Anniversary 6:00 AM Any
Description Receive a gift from Jennifer to celebrate your wedding anniversary.
Other Requirements
  • Occurs every year on the Player's wedding anniversary
  • Slept at your farm the day before
NPCs Involved Jennifer
Choice 1 English Our Anniversary Result Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points

Gifted one of the following: Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby, Diamond, or Pink Diamond
If the Player hasn't received a Ring yet, Jennifer will gift them a Ring

Japanese 結婚記念日
Choice 2 English Any answer other than "Our Anniversary" Result Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points
Japanese Any answer other than 「結婚記念日」

50th Wedding Anniversary

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Wedding Anniversary 6:00 AM Any
Description Receive an extra special gift from Jennifer to celebrate your wedding anniversary.
Other Requirements
  • 50th Wedding Anniversary
  • Slept at your farm the day before
NPCs Involved Jennifer
  • Jennifer gives you a "villa in the mountains"

Jennifer's Illness

Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description Jennifer is struck ill for a day. She gets better, but your love points drop significantly.
Other Requirements
  • Jennifer is not pregnant
  • Player doesn't have a child
  • Player hasn't spoken to Jennifer in 10 days (if White Day or Valentine's Day passes during the 10 days, this count restarts)
  • Player stayed at home the night before
NPCs Involved Jennifer
  • Lose -2000 Jennifer Love Points


  • This event is available only while playing as a Male Protagonist.
Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(65000 LP)
Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description The Player and Jennifer learn that Jennifer is expecting a child!
Other Requirements
  • More than 30 days after the Wedding
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Doctor, Elly
  • Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with Doctor and Elly

Gender Determination

  • This event is available only while playing as a Male Protagonist.
Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description The Player can choose the gender of their child.
Other Requirements
  • Occurs 1 day after the Pregnancy Event
  • It isn't the Player's or Jennifer's birthday, and it's not a festival
  • Slept at home the night before
NPCs Involved Harvest Goddess, Nature Sprites
Choice 1 English A boy! Result Child will be a boy
Japanese 男の子
Choice 2 English A girl! Result Child will be a girl
Japanese 女の子
Choice 3 English I'd be happy with either! Result Child's gender will be chosen randomly
Japanese どっちでも大歓迎

Child Birth

  • This event is available only while playing as a Male Protagonist.
Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Any Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description Jennifer gives birth.
Other Requirements
  • More than 60 days after the Pregnancy Event
  • Slept at home the night before
  • No other event has occurred .
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Doctor, Elly
  • Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with Doctor and Elly
  • Next day automatically occurs after the event.

The Gift of a Child

  • This event is available only while playing as a Female Protagonist.
Heart Level Location Time Weather
Year Days From To
Red Heart
(65000 LP)
Your House Any Any 6:00 AM Any
Description The Harvest Goddess gives the Player and Jennifer a child.
Other Requirements
  • More than 90 days after the Wedding
  • No other event has occurred
NPCs Involved Jennifer, Harvest Goddess, Nature Sprites, Doctor, Elly
Choice 1 English A boy! Result Child will be a boy
Japanese 男の子
Choice 2 English A girl! Result Child will be a girl
Japanese 女の子
Choice 3 English I'd be happy with either! Result Child's gender will be chosen randomly
Japanese どっちでも大歓迎
  • Gain +3000 Jennifer Love Points
  • Gain +20 Friendship Points with Doctor and Elly
  • Next day automatically occurs after the event.


+800 LP (+9 FP)

Chestnut Rice: Chestnut + Onigiri (Recipe learned by cooking with Onigiri 30 times)

Mont Blanc: Wheat Flour + milk + egg + Chestnut + Pot + Whisk + Oven + Seasoning Set (Recipe learned by cooking with milk, egg, and Chestnut 5 times)

Roasted Chestnut: Chestnut + Frying Pan (Recipe learned by cooking with Chestnut 3 times)

+500 LP (+9 FP)


Chocolate Cookies, Cookies, Madeleines, Pudding, Yam Dessert

+300 LP (+3 FP)

all alpaca wool, all angora wool, all coffee milk, all crops, all eggs, all flowers, all fruit milk, all milk, all sheep wool, all strawberry milk, all yarn, Bracelet, Broach, Chestnut, Curry Powder, Dango Flour, Earrings, Wheat Flour, Honey, Matsutake, Necklace, Oil, Pet Ball, Pet Treat, Buckwheat Flour

Bamboo Rice, Palbochae, Dorayaki, Eggs Benedict, Premium Grape Juice, Wild Grape Water, Mashed Potatoes, Matsutake Rice, Grape Juice, Oden, Orange Juice, Pepper Steak, Pineapple Juice, Pot Au Feu, Pumpkin Potage, Quiche, Raisin Bread, Relaxtea Leaves, Roasted Corn, Spicy Margherita Pizza, Spicy Pepper Steak, Spicy Ramen, Spicy Sandwich, Spicy Vegetable Stir Fry, Strawberry Cake, Tempura Soba, Vegetable Pizza, Zarusoba

-500 LP (-3 FP)

all cheese, all gems, all ores, Bottled Message, Branch, Chicken Feed, Dress, Facemask, Fish Fossil, Fodder, Large Fish, Tomatosetta Stone, Lumber, Medium Fish, Perfume, Skin Lotion, Small Fish, Stone, Sunblock, Pirate Treasure

Aqua Pazza, Carbonara, Carpaccio, Cheese Fondue, Cheese Risotto, Cheese Souffle, Cheesecake, Fish Fritter, Grilled Fish, Paella, Sashimi, Seafood Bowl, Fish Soup, Sushi

-800 LP (-9 FP)

Empty Can, Gold Lumber, Poison Mushroom, Rock, Rubber Boot

Heart Events


  • Walk towards Mother's Lake area
  • 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Not Sunday
  • Sunny weather

Jennifer is at the lake, enjoying the area's energy flowing through her. She asks if you can feel it too. The shining sun, the singing birds... as though the world is coming together to give its blessing. What do you think?

Choice 1: Um, yeah, let's back it up a little. (-2000 LP)

Jennifer guesses that perhaps you can't feel the natural energy. She thought you were special, but she concludes that she must of been wrong.

Choice 2: Yeah, my chakras are totally aligned. (+3000 LP)

Jennifer is excited to know that you understand what she is talking about! Usually she gets weird looks from other people. Jennifer tells you that she spends evenings at the inn and days inside the tent. Feel free to chat with her anytime. She'd love to hear more of your story.

Black Heart Event

  • Walk to Mother's Lake area
  • 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Not Sunday
  • Sunny weather
  • You have introduced yourself to Basil
  • You have seen the Introduction event
  • Jennifer has a black heart color (5000 LP) or higher

You see Basil and Jennifer talking about plants. Jennifer explains this is a get-together for fans of plants. Today they're observing this local flower and then they're going to discuss it. Basil admits that Jennifer's knowledge of plants is greater than his! She has a different point of view, so they meet to exchange information. Jennifer says that when she watches flowers bloom in the morning, it's like communing with Mother Nature herself.

For example, why do a lot of flowers open their buds in the morning? It's their passion! How about why there's so many insects in the morning, flying around and carrying pollen? The flowers blossom seduce the insects with their beautiful petals and fragrance, like they're telling the insects to come visit to spread the flowers' love throughout the world.

Basil has a more scientific rationale, and says the buds open because of changes to the outside temperature, which then affect the flower petals. Jennifer finds Basil's explanation interesting, and while she doesn't mean to reject a more logical reason...

Choice 1: Different strokes, I guess. (-2000 LP)

Basil thinks Jennifer's way of thinking is rather imaginative. Jeffifer feels that it is too bad the two of you don't agree with her interpretation, but is happy that her opinions arent instantly rejected by others.

Choice 2: Yeah! Flower power! (+3000 LP)

Jennifer thanks you for your complement. You're nice to talk to!

It's good that there are different ways of interpreting things, both scientifically and romatnically, but it all boils down to a love of plants. Basil says he has collected enough data for his observations and heads home.

After the botanist leaves, Jennifer asks why you came to the meadow this morning. No reason in particular, so Jennifer assumes that you just happened to be drawn to visiting the mountain; after all, there's something here that attracts people. She's glad the two of you are friends.

Purple Heart Event

  • Walk to Mother's Lake area
  • 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Not Sunday
  • Sunny weather
  • You have seen the black heart event
  • Jennifer has a purple heart color (10,000 LP) or higher

Jennifer is glad to see you. Take a look at the lake here; it's extremely beautiful! The lake is the water source that supports the lives of the villagers, as though it is a sacred place that watches over the town. You are a bit alarmed about her description, but she insists that it is a true story. Occasionally it feels like there's something divine here. You know, this special lake needs a name!

Jennifer wants to pick a deserving name for this energetic lake. It's no coincidence that you just happened to show up. What kind of name should she give to the lake?

Choice 1: Something angelic (+3000 LP)

True, the lake is likely a place where angels would rest their wings.

Choice 2: Something mystical (No FP/LP change)

Jennifer thinks having an outerworldly name might be fitting.

Choice 3: Something dignified (-2000 LP)

While it may be good to pick a noble name, this lake shouldn't have such a common name!

You've inspired her though. Jennifer has decided to name the body of water Isabella Lake. The name Isabella is associated with mystery and divinity, all of which are appropriate descriptions for this lake. Jennifer is glad that you like her choice of name, but asks that you keep the name secret, just between the two of you.

Blue Heart Event

  • Walk into the poultry farm store
  • 11:10 am to 4:00 pm
  • Not Sunday
  • Any weather
  • There is an empty item slot in your rucksack
  • You have seen the purple heart event
  • Jennifer has a blue heart color (20,000 LP) or higher

Jennifer has stopped by the shop to drop something off. She explains that she's there to drop off some dried flowers that she made for Lillia. Jennifer collects flowers from the mountain, dries them, and then uses them in her potpourri mixtures. Lillia says that Jennifer's potpourri is wonderfully scented! Lillia likes potpourri so much that she even named her daughter after the dried flower mixture. Jennifer explains that she combines different flowers to best match the tastes of the person she's making the potpourri for. She gives you a sample of her potpourri to try for your own home.

Suddenly the light-hearted conversation is interrupted with the sounds of bickering siblings. Rick and Popuri are arguing with each other outside. Lillia apologizes to her customers; typically they're good children, but on occasion they will fight. Jennifer says it's just proof that they trust one another. She wished that she had someone that she could argue with, as she's a bit envious of them. Popuri and Rick have grown up well; it must be nice to have such a good mom.

Lillia thanks Jennifer for her kind words, and is glad that she makes such excellent observations. The arguing between the two siblings begins to bother Lillia, and she apologizes again before heading out to put an end to the bickering.

Jennifer notes that she's observant, though she tries to stay out of other peoples' business. But for Lillia she made an exception.

Choice 1: Wow. You aren't a total space case. (-2000 LP, -20 FP with Lillia)

Well that's rude! Jennifer feels that she isn't a space case.

Choice 2: Wow. You have a great heart. (+3000 LP, +20 FP with Lillia)

Jennifer likes your compliment, but in actuality she isn't particularly a kind person at heart.

She likes to prioritize peace and harmony, so it is important to focus on the strengths and merits of those around you instead of their faults. Besides, you first have to love yourself if you want to receive the same in return. She apologizes for her rant. Jennifer says you're easy to talk to. Perhaps your spirits are similar.

Yellow Heart Event

  • Walk into Jennifer's tent
  • 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Any day of the week
  • Sunny weather
  • You have seen the blue heart event
  • You have given Jennifer a Preserved Flower
  • Jennifer has a yellow heart color (40,000 LP) or higher

Great timing! Jennifer was just about to have some tea. She invites you to wait outside while she prepares it.

After drinking the tea, Jennifer asks if you liked it. She had made her special herbal blend using the herbs she picked this morning. Jennifer always makes tea using the ingredients she collects herself. Even the water comes from the mountain stream. The area is full of herbal-tea ingredients! There are a lot of delicious, all-natural food that you can't buy from a store. Jennifer assumes that as a farmer, you already know that.

Jennifer admits there are some things she has to buy from a store. But, to go shopping, she would need money! Jennifer doesn't want those kinds of things. She's wealthy enough just living close to nature. Those with a lot of money can easily be led astray...

She confesses that she was born into wealth. Her father solved any problem with money, and her mother was treated like as a princess. Jennifer was told to always be an elegant lady and she would become a lovely bride. But she secretly hated all of it. She understands that sometimes you need to have some money to live, but finding her own path to happiness is more important. Jennifer had been so unhappy that she left her entire selfish lifestyle behind.

Choice 1: I bet your parents are worried. (-2000 LP)

Maybe they are, but she needed to discard the role she was playing.

Choice 2: Happiness trumps wealthiness. (+3000 LP)

Jennifer is glad that you feel the same way! It's up to each person to decide what makes them happy. Maybe it's a connection to people, maybe it's money, or perhaps it's the great outdoors. It depends on the person. For her, it's connecting to nature, and she cherishes laughing with someone who loves her.

She does not regret leaving her wealthy home. Now she enjoys herself every day. Waking up to the chirping of birds, drinking delicious herbal tea; this things are worth more to her than any wealthy lifestyle. Jennifer is happiest when she's close to nature. She's also made some good friends, and the relationship she has with you is very valuable to her.

Jennifer apologizes for talking about herself, but she wanted to reveal her history to you.

Orange Heart Event

  • Walk up to the second floor of the inn
  • 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
  • Any day of the week
  • Any weather
  • You have seen the yellow heart event
  • Jennifer has an orange heart color (50,000 LP) or higher

Jennifer asks what you're doing here at this hour. You've come for a visit, of course! Jennifer would rather you not be walking around this late because you might fall down. As Jennifer leaves to fetch some tea, you feel faint and pass out.

Jennifer is there with you when you wake up. She wonders if you should still go to the clinic, but you didn't appear to have a fever. She asks that you rest here for a bit until you feel better.

After you wake up, you're feeling a lot better! Jennifer wants to make a porridge and herb-infused hot milk, so she'll bring those to you in a bit. She admits that she was in a bit of a shock to see someone so healthy suddenly collapse like that. Even though you enjoy your work, Jennifer wishes that you would take breaks for yourself. She does respect your work Seeing you enjoy yourself every day, and watching you work hard makes her happy, but she can't overlook the fact that you just passed out from exhaustion. Jennifer requests that tomorrow you promise to take it easy with your work to allow yourself to recover.

Choice 1: Farmers don't get sick days. (-2000 LP)

Your honesty is one of your best qualities, but she would rather you promise to take better care of yourself. She is worried about you.

Choice 2: I'll try not to worry you. (+3000 LP)

Jennifer is glad, as she thought you might tell her that you wouldn't make that promise. She hopes that you understand where she's coming from.

Jennifer heads out of the room to fetch the porridge and hot milk, but outside the room she gets upset with herself. What was she saying?! Jennifer feels bad for trying to force you to make a promise like that. It's not like her to do so... Jennifer wonders if she has changed.



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