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The Walking Dead: No Man's Land

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Scouts: How to use melee survivors: ideal traits, badges, recommended gear

The Walking Dead: No Man's Land


Scouts (Glass Cannon build)

Purpose: Used for their long movement range, ability to reduce the threat counter, and capacity to deal high amounts of damage to walkers. Scouts should be built to maximize their critical and non-critical damage. These are must-have survivors for anyone who wants to push their limits. At low levels, a team of Scouts can effectively coast through maps with their high offensive output. At higher levels, surround them with Bruisers to protect them. Scouts should prioritize:
(1) A weapon with Razor and either Threat Reduction or Destructive
(2) Maximizing survivor and gear traits that increase their damage (Ruthless, Power Strike, Strong, etc.) - these survivors are glass cannons, which means that defensive traits are not a priority

Survivor traits
- Must-have traits: Strong, Power Strike, Ruthless
- Nice-to-have traits: Lucky, Follow Through, Vigilant
- Useless traits: Dodge, Retaliate, Iron Skin, Defensive Stance, Bullet Dodge

What weapons traits are helpful?
- Razor (must-have): Absolutely imperative for non-body shots against high level walkers
- Destructive (must-have): Needed for the bonus damage on critical attacks
- Threat Reduction (high priority depending on the map): Can reduce threats - only useful on maps with a spawn counter
- Tactical (high priority): Not as useful for the DR, but the extra movement can be really effective to attack and then back up, Prowl for a second attack, Herd with Beta to protect yourself if you don't get the kill, or open a crate. Best paired with a Power Strike survivor trait
- Swift Strike (useful in some situations): It's always nice to have the ability to perform a second attack after a kill! Pair this with Michonne for some serious slash-and-go
- Lucky (lower priority): Can be very helpful by boosting the chance of Swift Strike, Threat Reduction, or Critical Chance, but lower on the priority list because there are simply too many good traits available
- Charging (lower priority): Potential for bonus charge points on kills and increased charged attack damage is never a bad thing, but like Lucky, it's lower on the priority list because of the other traits available

Ideal weapons
- Tactical Spear (Silver Tactical, Gold Destructive and Razor)
- Crescent Edge (Silver Destructive, Gold Threat Reduction and Razor)
- Destructive Daryl's Hunting Knife (Silver Destructive, Gold Threat Reduction and Razor)

What armor traits are helpful?
- Ruthless (must-have): Adds a lot of Critical Attack damage
- Hazard Suit and Dodge (only if paired together): If you're really lucky, these traits can save your Scout from an attack. Hazard Suit will need to kick in first, changing a regular attack to a body shot. Then, Dodge will need to kick in, which allows you to Dodge the attack completely. Against high level walkers, one of them activating will not be enough to prevent your survivor from going into a struggle. But both of these traits together can save you every once in a blue moon
- Wrestler (medium priority): Can get your Scout out of a struggling situation (which may happen relatively often, given that your Scout will be vulnerable to attacks
- Stun Resistance (useful in some situations): Most walkers will bring you into a struggle in one-shot, so generally it is not needed. However, if you are fighting goo walkers, Stun Resistance can be helpful in protecting your Scout if the goo walker explodes and stuns survivors around them

Ideal armors
- Ninja armor (Silver Dodge, Gold Hazard Suit and Ruthless)
- Stun resistance/wrestler armor (Silver Stun Resistance, Gold Wrestler and Ruthless)

Strategies with Scouts:
- Run for the exit without taking damage. (Example: Lost Bunker 49.2 or Opposing Forces 50.1)
- Prowl your way to victory with Daryl as the lead! (Example: Abandoned Camp 48.2 or The Back Lot 45.1)
- Mix Scouts and Bruisers for a team with balanced offensive and defensive capabilities. (Example: The Back Lot 45.1 or Cabin By The Lake 46.2)
- Pair with Beta to run away from enemies or kill them without worrying about getting hit. (Example: Train Wreck 50.2 or The Box 50.1)



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