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The Walking Dead: No Man's Land

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Warriors: How to use melee survivors: ideal traits, badges, recommended gear

The Walking Dead: No Man's Land

Warriors (Glass Cannon build)

Purpose: Used for their ability to perform effective crowd control and ability to deal high damage with the Chainsaw. The build is very similar to the Glass Cannon Scout, but the uses are slightly different, as Warriors can hit more targets but have more limited movement range. Warriors should be built to maximize their critical and non-critical damage. These can be effective survivors, but generally lower priority relative to Scouts and Bruisers. Warriors should prioritize:
(1) Obtaining the Dragon Tongue. This is the ultimate Warrior weapon, and most Warrior builds without it are unfortunately kind of useless
(2) Maximizing survivor and gear traits that increase their damage (Ruthless, Power Strike, Strong, etc.) - these survivors are glass cannons, which means that defensive traits are not a priority

Survivor traits
- Must-have traits: Strong, Power Strike, Ruthless
- Nice-to-have traits: Lucky, Follow Through, Vigilant
- Useless traits: Dodge, Retaliate, Iron Skin, Defensive Stance, Bullet Dodge

What weapons traits are helpful?
- Razor (must-have): Absolutely imperative for non-body shots against high level walkers
- Destructive (must-have): Needed for the bonus damage on critical attacks
- Tactical (high priority): Not as useful for the DR, but the extra movement can be really effective to attack and then back up, Prowl for a second attack, Herd with Beta to protect yourself if you don't get the kill, or open a crate. Best paired with a Power Strike survivor trait

Ideal weapons
- Morning Star (Silver Tactical, Gold Razor and Destructive)
- Dragon's Tongue (Silver Tactical, Gold Razor and Destructive)
- Chainsaw (Silver Lethal, Gold Razor and Destructive) - can be useful in certain situations because of the ability to strike twice on each attack

What armor traits are helpful?
- Ruthless (must-have): Adds a lot of Critical Attack damage
- Hazard Suit and Dodge (only if paired together): If you're really lucky, these traits can save your Warrior from an attack. Hazard Suit will need to kick in first, changing a regular attack to a body shot. Then, Dodge will need to kick in, which allows you to Dodge the attack completely. Against high level walkers, one of them activating will not be enough to prevent your survivor from going into a struggle. But both of these traits together can save you every once in a blue moon
- Wrestler (medium priority): Can get your Warrior out of a struggling situation (which may happen relatively often, given that your Warrior will be vulnerable to attacks
- Stun Resistance (useful in some situations): Most walkers will bring you into a struggle in one-shot, so generally it is not needed. However, if you are fighting goo walkers, Stun Resistance can be helpful in protecting your Warrior if the goo walker explodes and stuns survivors around them

Ideal armors
- Ninja armor (Silver Dodge, Gold Hazard Suit and Ruthless)
- Stun resistance/wrestler armor (Silver Stun Resistance, Gold Wrestler and Ruthless)

Strategies with Warriors:
- Using Beta as a leader can help you look through crates at high levels without engaging in combat. (Example: Train Wreck 50.2 or Jail Break 50.2)
- Using Beta as a leader can help you run for the exit at levels without engaging in combat. (Example: Day Out 50.1 or Lock In 50.1)
- Using Beta as a leader can help you in combat in maps with open spaces and no fatties/goos/spikes. (Example: The Box 50.1 or Good Neighbors 50.1)
- Using Dragon's Tongue Warriors with Scout Rick as a Leader is a great way to pass charges back-and-forth. (Example: Battlegrounds 48.2 or Yard Work 46.2)
- The Morning Star is a great weapon to use in conjunction with Beta while herding. (Example: The Box 49.1 or The Future 47.2)



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