Dragon Quest
(as "Dragon Warrior")
Dragon Quest
– Also check the Town and Castle and Dungeon pages for more tips.
– You start the game with a limited amount of gold, buy the Club and Clothes from the weapon shop at Brecconary. The Club is the best weapon to start the game with.
– Keep Herbs with you even after learning the Heal Spell as a backup for restoring HP.
– Learn the best spells and tactics to use on enemies when facing them a lot while you are still gaining EXP. Example, use Stopspell on Warlock, Knight, and Starwyvern, use Sleep on Knight and Skeleton enemies.
– Check the Monster Territory World Map when seeking out certain monsters in battle like Goldman if desiring more gold for example.
– Instead of throwing the Cursed Belt or Death Necklace away, sell them at item shops.
– If you do get cursed by equipping one of those items, there is a Wise Man in Brecconary who can lift the curse at no charge. His location is noted on this map.
– Every time you cross a bridge be prepared because the monsters are always stronger on the other side.
– The Wise Man in Tantegel restores you MP each time you speak to him. His location is noted on this map.
– You can fight the Axe Knight in Hauksness over and over again for an easy way to build your experience and gold. After defeating him, walk away 1 step and return to the same spot to fight him as many times as you desire.
– The Magic Armor and Erdrick’s Armor both restore HP when walking.
– You can walk through swamps and damage barriers without losing HP when equipped with Erdrick’s Armor.
– Do not try to fight the Dragonlord until you are equipped with Erdrick’s Sword, Erdrick’s Armor, and the Silver Shield.
– Try waiting until you learn the Hurtmore Spell which is usually around level 19, then it should be easier to beat the Dragonlord.
– The first form of the Dragonlord will often cast Hurtmore Spell on each turn.
– The second form of the Dragonlord is very powerful, be ready with the Healmore Spell.
– There is a glitch in which many of the treasure chest replenish themselves when you leave and re-enter the town or dungeon.
– You can start the game with higher stats if you enter TEST as your name.
– You can start the game with lower stats if you enter ENIX as your name.