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Stronghold: Warlords

(as Stronghold Warlords)

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Building Walls

Stronghold: Warlords

Walls in STRONGHOLD: WARLORDS can be built in thick segments or  as thin curtain walls.

To place a line of wall, click and hold the left mouse button, drag out  the wall and then release the mouse button to construct the wall. You  can “layer” your walls by clicking and dragging a second wall adjacent  to the first. There’s no limit to how thick your walls can get if you have  enough stone. 

When placing walls, if any piece of the wall is not in a valid building  location, the invalid section(s) will turn red. 

In order for your troops to access the walls or towers, stairs must be  attached to a section of wall. 

Units standing on walls gain a range bonus and the wall they are  standing on will also absorb a proportion of the arrows fired at them.  Walls also have braziers built into them allowing archers to shoot  flaming arrows at gunpowder trails and gunpowder stashes.


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