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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

(as "Doraemon Bokujō Monogatari")

โดราเอมอน: สตอรีออฟซีชัน

Events: Gadgets

Final Fantasy 5

This collection of events features recovering some of Doraemon's lost gadgets.


Ch. 1 - Amazing Door
Starting Location East Natura
Requirements On or After Y1 Summer 1
Time 6 AM - 6 PM

Mayor Ryam has found Doraemon's Anywhere Door and admires it so much he is using it to replace his old door, to Doraemon's dismay. However, the pair manage to convince Ryam that if they can get Pent to craft him an even better door, he will give them the Anywhere Door. Luckily, Pent is willing to help you out in exchange for giving him one Gold Ore, which can be found in the Mines starting at B4F.

Ch. 2 - Gifted Door
Starting Location N/A
Requirements Give Pent Gold Ore

Give Pent Gold Ore x1 to progress to the next step. As promised, Pent will craft the Mayor a grand door and you will receive the Anywhere Door! This is a great achievement as you can now use the Anywhere Door to instantly travel anywhere within Natura and its surrounding areas.

Ch. 3 - Hidden Base
Starting Location Zazan Beach
Requirements Complete Cave Event (Ch. 1)
Harmon, Cooper, & Jemma at 2 Hearts

This event may be triggered after viewing the first Cave cutscene and then visiting Zazan Beach. Doraemon and friends need the Pass Loop to delve deeper into the Cave, and as luck would have it, they find it in the hands of Harmon, Cooper, and Jemma who are playing at the beach. They agree to share it with you if you can give Sandy a present so that she will let them keep playing on the beach.

As you may have noticed, Sandy loves Marlins, so that is exactly what you'll need to catch for her. The Marlin can be caught in Summer between 6 AM - Noon, and you must have at least the Copper Rod upgrade to catch it.

Ch. 4 - Secret Friend
Starting Location N/A
Requirements Give Cooper Marlin

Once you've got a Marlin, give it to Cooper (NOT Sandy) to advance the story. Cooper will give the Marlin to Sandy and in exchange you will be welcomed into the group and receive the Pass Loop.

Ch. 5 - Creator Blake
Starting Location Blacksmith
Requirements Blake and Smitty at 3+ Hearts
On or after Autumn 1st

Beginning in Autumn, visit the Blacksmith to discover that Blake has found Doraemon's Invention Inventor! Enter Smitty, who decides he wants to experiment with the Invention Inventor himself, much to Blake's dejection. Looks like the friends won't be recovering the Invention Inventor for now, but luckily Smitty will generously make some special creations for you in return for lots of materials.

The Mill and Seed Maker will now be available for purchase at the Anvil - Blacksmith Shop.



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Secrets, Cheat Game

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