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Final Fantasy 6

( as Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy III (usa) )

ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 6


Final Fantasy 6

Killer, about 30 years old, unknown date of birth, height 178 cm, weight 66 kg, blood type unknown.
Mysterious ninja, no one knows his origin. It's like a spy who thinks of coming and going, sometimes even having to hire him to travel with him. Shadow has only one friend, his canine companion, the Interceptor. And he seems to have some kind of relationship with Realm. Shadow's personal command is Throw (なげる ; Throw), which throws weapons and ninjutsu at enemies.

Starting Stats

Vigor 39
Stamina 30
Speed 38
Magic 33
Attack 33
Defence 47
Evade 28%
Magic Defence 25
Magic Evade 9%


  • Throw - Throw a weapon at an enemy to deal some hefty damage.

Objective Overview: 

No one can evade attacks like Shadow can. Hence the name. This is a very mysterious guy. Through the first world, he will help you out here and there, but he'll never stick around for long. If you were lucky enough to save him before the world collapsed, you can finally get him to stay in your group in the World of Ruin. Shadow is probably the best all-around character. He has very good physical attack, but his magic is also much higher than most physical attackers. He is also the second fastest character in the game. His throw technique is also a good way of getting rid of old weapons you don't need any more, if you don't need to sell them for money. They say he'd slit his mama's throat for a nickel, but I think there is more to Shadow than that. Perhaps once you've seen his dreams, you will think so also?

Zeppelin's Ultra-Biased, Unfair, Opinionated Overview: 

Zeppelin's Rank: 6

Shadow is so underappreciated. I suppose it has to do with the fact that you can't have him in your group for about half the game, but nonetheless he is so useful when you do have him. I always make sure there is room in my party for Shadow to join up when the chance is there in the World of Ruin. Plus, his dog is just so damn cool. Is it just me or does it look like he bites the enemies' balls when he attacks? I suppose it's just me. Anyway, I would rank Shadow higher if his Throw technique weren't so useless in the end of the game. Throwing shurikens and stuff around is useful early on, but I'd have to slap you silly and call you Sally if I ever saw you throwing shurikens around in Kefka's Tower or something. I tend to focus on magic for Shadow near the end of the game, since his physical becomes kinda useless. Nevertheless, this is the best all-around character in the game.





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