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Dragon Quest 2

(as "Dragon Quest II")

ดราก้อนเควสต์ 2

Prince of Midenhall

Dragon Quest 2

You begin the game all alone as the Prince of Midenhall. Your father, the King of Midenhall charges you with the quest to seek out your relatives, other descendants of the Line of Erdrick, and band together to defeat the evil forces of Hargon. The Prince of Midenhall is the only full fledged warrior of the assembled group. He can equip nearly every piece of armor and weapon, save for those designed exclusively for women. In the end, he alone can equip the strongest items available. Although he will never gain the ability to cast a single spell, he more than makes up for this with his strength. He is usually the first character capable of destroying any enemy with a single blow. As long as the Prince of Midenhall is alive, he will lead your party throughout the world, in towns, and in dungeons.

Level Strength Agility HP Exp.
1 5 4 28 0
2 7 5 37 12
3 12 7 40 32
4 17 7 48 72
5 18 12 52 140
6 20 18 55 280
7 29 21 56 560
8 30 24 58 1000
9 33 24 58 1800
10 36 28 60 2800
11 41 30 62 3900
12 44 33 63 5300
13 49 37 64 7600
14 53 37 65 10000
15 55 41 68 13000
16 58 47 70 17000
17 61 49 75 21000
18 66 49 75 26000
19 69 52 82 32000
20 75 56 95 40000
21 81 59 101 50000
22 87 65 110 62000
23 91 66 119 75000
24 94 70 125 90000
25 99 70 134 107000
26 103 73 142 127000
27 107 79 153 150000
28 112 82 163 175000
29 116 86 170 200000
30 121 88 173 230000
31 127 90 178 260000
32 130 91 180 290000
33 131 91 188 320000
34 133 93 190 350000
35 134 95 192 380000
36 136 96 197 410000
37 138 98 200 440000
38 141 100 201 470000
39 142 102 205 500000
40 143 105 206 530000
41 145 107 210 570000
42 146 109 211 620000
43 149 110 215 670000
44 150 112 215 720000
45 150 115 220 770000
46 151 120 221 820000
47 152 123 222 870000
48 155 130 229 920000
49 156 132 235 970000
50 160 140 240 1000000




Basic information


ความลับ ,โกงเกม
Secrets, Cheat Game

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