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Dragon Quest 8

(as "Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King")

ดราก้อน เควสต์ 8

Dragon Quest 8 [By]

Dragon Quest 8

1. Well the first thing that I recommend you do is turn on your PS2 and start up DQ8. I'm not going to walk you through that.
2. Talk to Yangus and Trode.
3. Kill the 3 attacking slimes.
4. When you get into town tell Trode you'll find Master Rylus, and then head to the pub.
5. Start to walk towards the bar and a cut scene will start. You should talk to Kalderasha he will start talking to you only to be interrupted.
6. Head back to where Trode was, and you will see him being confronted by the villagers.
7. Talk to Valentina, and do what she asks.
8. Go outside and talk to Trode, he will tell you to sleep at the inn for the night.
9. Head to the cave and make your way through it.
10. Defeat Geyzer
11. Head back to Valentina's house and go through all the cutscenes
12. Go to the Southern Checkpoint.

Recommended level: 8

1. When you go through the southern checkpoint continue along the path until you get to Alexandria.
2. Upon entering you will be confronted by Bangerz and Mash. They will try to fight you, but an elderly woman will interrupt the fight
3. Head to upstairs of the mansion in town.
4. Go through the door by the stairs, then up the stairs in that room. If you search along the wall you will find a hole where Munchie can go through.
5. As Munchie head down the stairs and find a way to get the letter off the table. When you've gotten it navigate back where you started from.
6. You will read the letter and it says that Jessica has gone to the tower to the East.
7. Talk to Bangerz and show him Jessica's letter, and tell him that you'll go get Jessica if he opens the door to the tower.
8. Go to the Tower.
9. Navigate to the top of the Southern Tower
10. Examine the statue, and there will be a scene between you, Jessica, and the statue. This will explain what happened to Alistair.
11. Try to head down the stairs and Jessica will tell you that she needs to be alone and that you will talk later at the village.
12. Return to Alexandria.
13. When you get back, go to the inn and stay the night for free.
14. When you wake up go to the second floor of Jessica's house and watch everything play out.
15. Now it is time to head to Port Prospect.

Port Prospect

Recommended level: 11

1. Head to the lighthouse.
2. Talk to Jessica, and tell her that you're ready to go.
3. Defeat Khalamari.
4. When you are ready to leave talk to Jessica and tell her you are ready to set sail.
5. Allow Jessica to join your party.
6. Find King Trode and get the alchemy pot, and make sure to find the bronze knife on the ship.
7. Soon after you will arrive at Peregrin Quay.

Peregrin Quay

Recommended level: 12

1. Go into the inn and talk to the man at the table wearing green. He will give you an iron nail
2. Assuming that you got the bronze knife on the ship mix it with the iron nail to get the thiefs key. (a very important item that allows you to open many locked treasure chests.)
3. My trick to pass the time needed to make an alchemy pot item is to make your hero run against the wall in a town. To do this either use your cord from your controller, or if you have a wireless controller like me just use a rubber band, wrap it around the joystick then around the handle of the controller. When you hear the ding your item is done, just go into the alchemy pot and get it.
4. Now head back outside and you will find an item shop where the owner has seems to have lost his key.
5. Open up one of the chests, when he notices that you've opened it he will tell you to take everything that's in them' well if he insists.
6. Now would be a good time to go back to the places that you've already visited and get some of the treasure chests that you couldn't open before. When you're done with that just follow the path to Maella Abbey.

Maella Abbey

Recommended level: 12

1. Explore Maella Abbey until you get a cut scene with Angelo
2. Head to the pub at Simpleton and talk to one of the poker players
3. Receive the ring and head to the prison area of Maella Abbey
4. Go behind the Abbey and talk to the guards on the bridge
5. Agree to help Angelo during the cut scene
6. Head to the Ruined Abbey
7. Navigate through
8. Kill the Tortured Soul
9. Head into the Abbots Room upstairs
10. Talk to everyone in the jail after the cut scene then head toward the door
11. Go back to the Abbots room
12. Go to Ascantha


Recommended level: 15

1. Go to the throne room at night and talk to the King
2. Go back downstairs and watch the cut scene with Emma
3. Talk to her Grandmother at the house by the riverside chapel
4. Go to the top of wishers peak
5. Wait until a door appears at night
6. Talk to Ishmahri, and take him to the throne room and watch the cut scene
7. Head to Pickham


Recommended level: 18

1. Get on the rooftop and go down the stairs to Brain's house
2. Go to the pub by the inn and talk to Trode
3. Find the crook who took Medea in the house by the lookout tower
4. Go to he southeast pub and talk to the bartender for access to Dodgy Dave's
5. Talk to Dodgy Dave and find out he sold the horse to Red
6. Go to Reds house Southwest of Pickham and talk to the man at the door
7. Talk to Red and find out what she wants for the horse.
8. Head to the Swordsmans Labyrinth North of Red's House.
9. Navigate through the labyrinth, defeat the Trap box, and claim the Venus' tear
10. Go back to Red's and give her the Venus' tear for the horse.
11. Head to Pickham and talk to Brains
12. (Lv 20) Follow Brains's advice and take the path to the West of Port Prospect, until you find the ship in the mountains.
13. Trode will then realize you are close to his castle, so make your way there.
14. Navigate your way through the castle to the library
15. Check the bookshelf closest to the door, and all the others for alchemy recipes
16. Open the moonshadow windows and talk to Ishmari.
17. Go to Ascantha and talk to King Pavan.
18. (Lv 22)Go through the tunnel to the Mole Hole
19. Navigate through the Mole hole and tell Don Mole you don't want to hear his music, and then defeat him.
20. Go back to the throne room and tell King Pavan that you retrieved the harp
21. Head to Trodain at night and open the Moonshadow window
22. Talk to Ishmari and watch him rouse the ship.
23. Sail to Baccarat.


Recommended level: 24

1. Go upstairs in the gold bank and down the hallway to hear a conversation between the bartender and another man.
2. Go downstairs and talk to the bartender and tell him you'll keep it quiet.
3. Head to the Island north of Baccarat.
4. Talk to the people as you get off the boat
5. Head to the ruins and try to enter them
6. Talk to the people outside
7. Head to Chateau Felix.
8. Answer Toms Questions (take cat home, free tiger, let him join)
9. Talk to Felix.
10. Talk to Tom outside
11. Ride your Sabrecat to the spot where the Sabrecat statues point.
12. At dawn you will see Baumren, use the Serenity powder.
13. Head back to Chateau Felix and talk to Felix.
14. Head to Argonia


Recommended level: 26

1. Talk to King Clavius on the second floor of the Castle and accept his request.
2. Go to the storage room on the fourth floor and break the pots to reveal a hole to send Munchie through.
3. Use Munchie to scare the lizard through the hole. Then return to the original hole
4. Head back to the throne room
5. Head to the Royal Hunting Ground
6. Talk to the man out front.
7. Apply the lizard humour and head inside the grounds
8. Kill and Argon lizard
9. You come upon an argon lizard sleeping drop a Salamango near it and defeat it.
10. Get on top of the ledge you'll walk under and a lizard will jump into the cave.
11. Get a fruit thats up ahead and throw it near the latest lizard, then defeat it
12. Defeat the Great Argon Lizard.
13. Go back to Argonia
14. Head to the top of the hill and talk to Charmles then head to the throne room.
15. Talk to the king by the window in the throne room.
16. Go to the 4th floor and obtain the Magic mirror
17. Head to the Seer's Retreat and upon finding out he's not home head to the mystical spring
18. Talk to Medea and let her drink from the spring
19. Go back to the seer's house and talk to him
20. Go to the strait and use the Mirror in battle against a Sea Dragon.
21. Head to the Dark Ruins
22. Defeat Dhoulmagus.
23. Go to Arcadia


Recommended level: 30

1. Enter the Mansion and go upstairs.
2. Talk to Dominico and accept his request.
3. Go to the Kranbartle's house and get the stone sword
4. Head to Rydon's Tower.
5. Use the stone sword to open the tower.
6. Navigate your way to the top
7. Talk to Rydon
8. Head for the Tower of Alexandra
9. Examine the statue at the top and then try to leave.
10. Pick up the Kran Spinels
11. Go to Arcadia and Talk to Dominico.
12. Retrieve the Big Book of Barriers and give it to Dominico.
13. Defeat Evil Jessica
14. Talk to Dominico in the Kitchen
15. Talk to David
16. Agree to Destroy Leopold.


Recommended level: 32

1. Head North through the cave and go until there is an avalanche.
2. Talk to everyone including the dog
3. Head to Orkutsk
4. Go into the Mayors house(center of town) and talk to the man outside of Marek's room. Go into Marek's room and look around then talk to the man again.
5. Go to the Herb Grotto.
6. Make your way to the bottom and help Marek.
7. Evac from the Grotto
8. Defeat the Hellhounds
9. Go to Orkutsk and head to Marek's room.
10. Agree to help Marek, and head to Marta's Cottage.
11. Defeat the Hellhounds in Marta's Cottage.
12. Head to the ruins behind Marta's house.
13. Talk to Marta twice.
14. Defeat the Hellhounds
15. Now would be a good time for the side quest Cash and Carrie, or you can head to Savella Cathedral.

Pursue Leopold

Recommended level: 35

1. Head to the building that leads to the High Priests Residence and talk to Marcello.
2. Head to the Pirate's Cove.
3. Navigate your way to the bottom.
4. Defeat Captain Crow.
5. Get the Illuminated Sea Chart
6. Go to the X on your world map
7. Follow the shining path.
8. Go to Empycchu.
9. Talk to the Chief.
10. Follow the Empyrea's shadow to the World of Darkness
11. Head to Dark Empycchu
12. Go talk to the Chief and agree to help.
13. Head to Empyrea's Roost
14. Defeat Empyrea and agree to help her
15. Navigate to the top of the Dark Godbird's Eyrie
16. Defeat Gemon
17. Agree to let the baby Godbird help you.
18. Head to Tryan Gully and talk to Raya.
19. Agree to help her.
20. Get the Darktree Leaf from the Treasury.
21. Use the Darktree leaf and try to follow Leopold.
22. Go upstairs and defeat Leopold


Recommended level: 37

1. Upon arriving at Purgatory Island talk to everyone until you get a cutscene by trying to open the door.
2. Keep talking to people and eventually you'll get out.
3. Head to Neos
4. Defeat Marcello

Dark Citadel

Recommended level: 40

1. Fly to The Dark Citadel
2. Navigate through it.
3. Defeat Rhapthorne.
4. Start to exit.
5. Defeat the Servant of Darkness and the Dancing Flames
6. Keep going.
7. Defeat the Statues of yourself
8. Continue towards the exit
9. Defeat the two Megalodons
10. Head outside.
11. Defeat the Ruin
12. Fly away with the Godbird's Soulstone

The End

Recommended level: 42

1. Go to Farebury and get the orb at the burnt down house.
2. Go to the Tower of Alexandra and get the orb at the top
3. Go to Maella Abbey and get the orb at the Abbot's house
4. Go to Baccarat and get the orb upstairs in the mansion
5. Go to Arcadia and get the orb in Dominico's lawn.
6. Go to Marta's cottage and get the orb at the cave entrance
7. Go to the Lord High Priest's house and get the orb upstairs.
8. Talk to Empyrea and say you're ready to go
9. Break down Rhapthorne's Shield
10. Defeat Rhapthorne
11. Finish out the ending
12. Watch the credits.
13. SAVE!!!!!

Dragovian Trials

Recommended level: 45
Only Accessible after Defeating Rhapthorne.

1. Go to the shrine West of Argonia
2. Examine the glowing statue.
3. Navigate through the cave
4. Talk to the citizen on the gound
5. Talk to the guard at the elders house
6. Enter the house and hear the story
7. Talk to all the elders
8. Accept the task to defeat the Lord of the Dragovians
9. Go to Chen Mui's house
10. Go downstairs and talk to Chen Mui
11. Head back up to the room and stay the night
12. Go to the basement of the elders house
13. Navigate through the Heavenly Dias.
14. Defeat the Lord of the Dragovians
15. Now you have two choices, defeat Rhapthorne again for an alternate ending, or undergo the Dragovian trials (recommend lvl 50+)
16. Congratulations you have successfully beaten Dragon Quest 8, now try defeating it using Fisticuffs only.



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