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Dragon Quest 8

(as "Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King")

ดราก้อน เควสต์ 8


Dragon Quest 8

Name Effect Equipped Special Dropped Buy Sell
Strength ring ATK +5 H, Y, J, A None Muddy hand N/A 325
Tough guy tatoo ATK +8 H, Y, J, A None Hoodlum, Troll, Belial, Anchorman 2400 1200
Templar Captain's ring ATK +10 WIS +10 H, Y, J, A Can't be sold or dropped None N/A N/A
Titan belt ATK +10 H, Y, J, A None Cockateer, Skeleton soldier, Jackal ripper, Golem, Icikiller N/A 1500
Mighty armlet ATK +15 H, Y, J, A None Stone guardian N/A 4500
Argon ring ATK +20 AGL +20 H, Y, J, A Can't be sold or dropped None N/A N/A
Lady's ring DEF +2 H, Y, J, A Can't be sold or dropped None N/A N/A
Gold bracer DEF +4 H, Y, J, A None Fencing fox, Chainine, Dingaling, Goodybag, Dieablo, Gold golem, Lesser demon, Notso macho 350 175
Slime earrings DEF +4 H, Y, J, A None She-slime, Puppeteer, Slime knight, Metal slime knight, King slime, Magic marionette 400 200
Life bracer DEF +5 H, Y, J, A Max HP +30 Dark devildog N/A 7000
Prayer ring DEF +5 H, Y, J, A Restore 20-30 MP when used, but may break Goodybag, High roller 9000 1500
Gospel ring DEF +5 H, Y, J, A Non-boss monsters will not attack while worn. Can't be sold or discarded None N/A N/A
Templar's ring DEF +5 H, Y, J, A Can't be sold or discarded None N/A N/A
Dragon scale DEF +5 H, Y, J, A None Hacksaurus, Frost wyvine, Dragurn, Tyrantosaurus, Frou-frou, Sea dragon, Seasaur N/A 240
Garter DEF +6 J None Witch, Dark turkey, Fowlfighter N/A 700
Fishnet stockings DEF +8 J Changes Jessica's appearance when worn with bunny ear and bunny tail. Ice queen N/A 900
Gold ring DEF +10 H, Y, J, A None Dieablo, Night emperor, Gold golem, Ghoul, Bloody hand 2000 1000
Ring of truth DEF +10 H, Y, J, A Wearer is more resistant to Dazzle-type attacks None N/A 700
Ring of immunity DEF +10 H, Y, J, A Wearer is more resistant to poison-type attacks None N/A 750
Holy talisman DEF +10 H, Y, J, A Wearer is more resistant to Whack-type spells None N/A 2400
Full moon ring DEF +10 H, Y, J, A Wearer is more resistant to paralysis-type attacks Tentacular N.A 600
Ring of awakening DEF +10 H, Y, J, A Wearer is more resistant to Snooze-type attacks None N/A 550
Ring of clarity DEF +10 H, Y, J, A Wearer is more resistant to Fuddle-type attacks None N/A 650
Recovery ring DEF +15 H, Y, J, A Wearer regains HP while walking in field and dungeon areas Pandora's box N/A 4800
Catholicon ring DEF +15 H, Y, J, A Wearer is more resistant to Snooze, Fuddle, Dazzle, poison, and paralyzing attacks None N/A 18000
Ruby of protection DEF +15 H, Y, J, A None Living statue, Elysium bird 3100 1550
Bunny tail AGL +2 H, Y, J, A None Bunicorn, Skipper, Spiked hare, Night sneaker, Dark gryphon, See angel 50 25
Elevating shoes AGL +5 H, Y, J, A Wearer gains EXP as they walk Liquid metal slime, Hell hopper N/A 50
Devil's tail AGL +10 H, Y, J, A Cursed, wearer's resistance to spell damage and effects is lowered Tap devil, Demon thunderer, Caped caperer 200 100
Agility ring AGL +15 H, Y, J, A None None N/A 180
Meteorite bracer AGL +50 H, Y, J, A None None N/A 2500



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