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Dragon Quest 8

(as "Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King")

ดราก้อน เควสต์ 8


Dragon Quest 8

Axe Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Helm Splitter Lowers enemies defense for 7-10 turns. OE 0 Y. 6SP
Hatchet Man Wild attack that my kill an enemy if it connects. OE 3 Y. 19SP
Parallax Attack capable of paralysing an enemy. OE 2 Y. 42SP
Axes of Evil Attack that hits a group of enemies. EG 0 Y. 54SP
Executioner Attack that can kill and enemy if it connects. OE 3 Y. 66SP
Typhoeus' Maul Attack that does 50% more damage to beast type enemies. OE 6 Y. 100SP
Boomerang Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Crosscutter Throw Attacks like a normal throw but hits first enemy twice. AE 2 H. 6SP
Power Throw Does less damage than a normal hit, but damage doesn't decrease AE 4 H. 18SP
Firebird Throw Attacks with fire and damage doesn't decrease AE 6 H. 32SP
Super Throw Deals more damage than a regular throw and damage doesn't decrease. AE 4 H. 52SP
Starburst Throw Deals light damage AE 8 H. 82SP
Gigathrow Attack deals tremendous damage. OE 15 H. 100SP
Bow Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Sandman's Arrow May put an enemy to sleep OE 2 A. 6SP
Cherub's Arrow Regenerates 1/16 MP of the damage dealt OE 0 A. 25SP
Needle Shot Causes 1 point of damage or an instant kill. OE 1 A. 25SP
Multishot Attacks 3 or 4 times randomly. AE 4 A. 44SP
Seraph's Arrow Regenerates 1/8 MP of the damage deal OE 0 A. 66SP
Shining Shot Destructive light attack AE 10 A. 88SP
Needle Rain 3 to 4 needles causing 1 point of damage or an instant kill OE 1 A. 100SP
Charisma Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Sarcastic Snigger Lowers tension by one level OE 3 A. 13SP
Angel Eyes Causes Paralysis OE 4 A. 19SP
Chilling Chuckle Reduces tension by one level EG 3 A. 52SP
Charming Look A glance that burns enemies AE 4 A. 81SP
Club Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Heart Breaker Occasionally causes the target to miss a turn. OE 2 Y. 19SP
Penny Pincher Steals gold coins from enemies OE 2 Y. 25SP
Monster Masher Smashes enemies with 50% more damage to material monsters OE 3 Y. 32SP
Mind Breaker Causes enemy to miss a turn OE 2 Y. 71SP
Gold Rush Steals more gold OE 2 Y. 93SP
Devil Crusher Deals double damage to Material and Demon Monsters OE 5 Y. 100SP
Fisticuffs Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Stones' Throw Hits enemies with rocks. EG 0 H. 17SP, J. 19SP
Knuckle Sandwich Deals 50% more damage than a normal attack OE 2 H. 24SP, Y. 12SP, A 35SP
Defending Champion Reduces Physical damage by 90% S 0 H. 11SP, A. 68SP
Harvest Moon Does 50% more damage than regular attack but damage is distributed equally. AE 6 J. 45SP, A. 42SP
Thin Air vortex that slices through all enemies AE 2 H. 42SP, Y. 42SP, J. 68sp
Multifists Four random hits that strike for 1/3 normal damage. RE 0 H. 70SP, Y. 60SP
Boulder Toss Hits all enemies with boulders AE 4 H. 82SP, Y. 100SP
Miracle Moon Attack that regenerates your own HP AE 6 A. 100SP
Humanity Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Warcry May Paralyze a group of enemies for one round EG 0 Y. 22
Underpants Dance May Paralyze a group of enemies for one turn AE 0 Y. 55SP
Golden Oldies Multiple hits from trode and friends RE 15 Y. 100SP
Knife Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Toxic Dagger Attack that may poison an enemy OE 3 J. 9SP
Assassin's Stab Attack that may instantly kill and enemy OE 8 J. 22SP
Toxic Sword Attack that may poison and enemy OE 3 J. 66SP
Sudden Death Attack that may instantly kill one enemy OE 8 J. 100SP
Scythe Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Steal Sickle Attack that may steal and item. OE 0 Y. 22SP
Wind Sickles whirlwind of sickles that cause 29-166 damage depending on level OE 0 Y. 32SP
Grim Reaper Attack that may instantly kill one or more enemies. EG 3 Y. 50SP
Stainless Steal Sickle Attack that may steal an item. OE 0 Y. 70SP
Grimmer Reaper Attack that deals 50% more damage to undead monsters EG 3 Y. 90SP
Big Banga Enormous Explosion that causes 200+ damage AE 30 Y. 100SP
Sex Appeal Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Blow Kiss Attack that may cause an enemy to lose a turn OE 0 J. 8SP
Puff-Puff Attack that may cause an enemy to become paralyzed OE 0 J. 38SP
Hip Drop Attack that deals 50% more damage than a normal attack OE 0 J. 48SP
Sexy Beam Attack that causes around 70 damage and may cause confusion OE 3 J. 54SP
Pink Typhoon Attack that deals about 80 damage to a group of enemies EG 5 J. 88SP
Hustle Dance Restores about 80HP to each party member AA 0 J. 100SP
Spear Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Mercurial Thrust Always attacks first with slightly less damage OE 0 H. 7 SP
Thunder Thrust Does a critical if it connects OE 3 H. 12SP
Multithrust Attack 3 or 4 times for 1/2 damage RE 4 H. 25SP
Clean Sweep Attack all enemies in a group EG 0 H. 45SP
Lightning thrust Does a critical if it connects OE 3 H. 59SP
Lightning Storm attacks with lighting for around 200 damage AE 25 H. 100SP
Staff Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Caduceus Heals party member about 85HP OA 0 J. 57SP, A. 48SP
Sword Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Dragon Slash Attack that causes 50% more damage to dragons OE 0 H. 9SP
Flame Slash 50% stronger than a normal attack OE 0 H. 15SP, A. 9SP
Metal Slash Always deals 1-2 points damage to metal monsters OE 0 H. 30SP, A. 22SP
Falcon Slash attacks twice for slightly less than normal attack OE 0 H. 52SP, A. 40SP
Miracle Slash Restores HP equal to half the damage dealt OE 4 H. 82SP, A. 66SP
Lightning Storm Lightning deals about 200 damage AE 25 A. 100SP
Gigaslash Technique that does about 200 damage to a group of enemies EG 20 H. 100SP
Whip Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Whiplash May cause paralysis EG 4 J. 10SP
Twin Dragon Slash Hits two random enemies in a group RE 3 J. 23SP
Lady's Thong Recover's 1/8HP of damage dealt EG 3 J. 32SP
Lashings of Love Deals 50% more damage than normal attack and may cause paralysis EG 4 J. 55SP
Queen's Thong Recover's 1/4HP of damage dealt EG 2 J. 82SP
Serpent's Bite Does 80% more damage than a normal attack. EG 8 J. 100SP
Other Abilities
Name Effect Target MP Learned
Call Team Summons your arena monster team for three turns N/A 10 H. story event
Gigagash Does around 300 points of damage to a group of enemies EG 20 H. 100SP



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