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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7

(as "Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII")

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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7

"Accessories can be equipped up to 4 pieces on Zack, but by default, you will only have 2 accessory slots available. The other 2 slots can be unlocked by completing missions, which reward you with the 'Back Pack' and 'Key Holder'."

English Japanese  Description 
Adaman Bangle アダマンバングル Max HP limit = 99999.
Aegis Armlet エイジスの腕輪 Defense & Spirit + 20. Immune vs. Silence & Confuse.
Aurora Armlet 極光の腕輪 Absorbs Ice damage.
Amulet アミュレット Spirit + 30. 
Attribute Sword  属性の剣 Fire, Ice, & Lightning elemental attacks.
Black Belt ブラックベルト Strength & Defense + 10. Immune vs. Poison & Curse.
Black Garb 黒装束 Strength & Defense + 100; Magic & Spirit - 100.
Black Hood 黒頭巾 Max AP limit = 9999.
Bolt Bracer 雷鳴の腕 Immune vs. lightning damage.
Bolt Ring 雷の指輪 Adds lightning element to your weapon.
Bronze Bangle  ブロンズバングル Max HP + 10%.
Bronze Armlet 銅の腕輪 Max MP + 20%.
Bulletproof Vest 防弾のチョッキ Defense + 30.
Carbon Bangle カボンバングル Max HP + 40%.
Champion Belt チャプベルト Strength & Defense + 10. Immune vs. Poison.
Charm お守り Luck + 100.
Chocobo Bracelet チョコボの腕輪 Max AP + 20%.
Circlet サークレット Magic + 10.
Cold Armlet 冷気の腕輪 Immune vs. ice damage.
Crystal Glove クリスタルの小手 Strength & Magic + 20. Immune Poison & Silence.
Crystal Orb クリスタルオーブ Spirit + 80.
Curse Ring 呪いの指輪 Inflicts Curse but raises HP, MP & AP by 10%, & raises all stats by 10.
Death Impact 死の衡撃 Adds Death status attack to weapon.
Diamond Glove ダイヤの小手 Strength & Magic + 10. Immune vs. Silence.
Diamond Bracer ダイヤブレス Magic & Spirit + 10. Immune vs. Poison.
Dragon Armlet ドラゴン腕輪 Fire, Ice & Lightning damage -50%.
Earring イヤリング Magic + 5.
Energy Suit エネルギースーツ MP + 100%; Magic & Spirit + 50; Strength & Defense - 50; HP & AP -50%.
Escort Guard エスコートガード Max MP + 50%. Immune vs. Fire, Ice, Lightning damage.
Fairy Ring 妖精の指輪 Spirit + 20. Enables "Auto Regen".
Feathered Hat 羽根つき帽子 "Break" HP, MP, & AP x3.
Fury Ring 怒りの指輪 Enables ability to counterattack.
Genji Armor 源氏の鎧 Max HP limit = 99999; Enables "Auto Endurance" & "Auto Regen".
Genji Helmet 源氏の兜 MP & AP consumption = 0. Enables "Auto Scan".
Genji Gloves 源氏の小手 Always critical. Damage limit = 99999.
Genji Shield 源氏の盾 Super Ribbon effect + Auto Barrier & Auto Magic Barrier.
God Slayer ゴッドスレイヤー HP, MP, AP + 100%; Max HP, MP, AP = 99999; Raises all stats by 50.
Heavenly Bolt Armlet 天雷の腕輪 Absorbs lightning damage.
Hermes Sandals エルメのくつ Immune vs. Stop.
Flame Armlet  炎火の指輪 Immune vs. fire damage.
Fire Armlet 炎の腕輪 Fire damage -50%.
Fire Ring 炎の指輪 Adds fire element to your weapon.
Force Bracer フォースブレス Magic & Spirit + 5.
Four Slots フォウスロット Defense & Spirit + 5.
Gold Armlet 金の腕輪 Max MP + 60%. Immune vs. Silence.
Gold Hairpin 金のかみかざり Max MP limit = 9999.
Headband ハチマキ Immune vs. Confuse.
Knowledge of Healing 医術の心得 Auto-Potion when near-death.
Hyper Wrist ハイパーリスト Strength + 20.
Hypno Crown ヒュプノクラウン Magic + 20.
Ice Armlet 氷の腕輪 Ice damage -50%.
Ice Ring 氷の指輪 Adds ice element to your weapon.
Invincible インビンシブル Max damage limit = 99999.
Iron Bangle  アイアンバングル Max HP + 20%.
Jewel Ring ジュエルリング Receive twice the amount of spoils dropped by enemies.
Kaiser Knuckle カイザーナックル Strength + 30.
Laurel Crown 月桂樹の冠 AP consumption = 0.
Light Armlet 光の腕輪 Enables "Auto Magic Barrier".
Luxurious Watch 高級腕時計 Luck + 10. Gil received from enemies x2.
Magical Charm 魔よけのおふだ Spirit + 20. Immune vs. Curse.
Magic Master マジックマスター Magic & Spirit + 100; MP consumption = 0; Strength & Defense - 100.
Marshal Davout マーシャルダブー HP. MP, AP + 10%; Magic & Spirit + 120; Strength & Defense - 50.
Marshal Nei マーシャルネイ Strength & Defense + 50; Magic & Spirit - 80.
Mithril Armlet ミスリルの腕輪 MP + 100%. Immune vs, Silence.
Mithril Glove ミスリルの小手 Strength & Magic + 5.
Moogle Charm モグのお守り Always get rare items, either dropped or stolen.
Moon Armlet 月の腕輪 Enables "Auto Barrier".
Mountain Chocobo Bracelet 山チョオボの腕輪 Max AP + 40%. Immune vs. Confuse.
Muscle Belt マッスルベルト Strength & Defense + 5.
Mystille ミスティル Defense & Spirit + 10. Immune vs. Silence.
Ocean Chocobo Bracelet 海チョコボの腕輪 Max AP + 80%. Immune vs. Confuse.
Pearl Necklace 真珠ネックレス Immune vs. Poison & Silence. 
Platinum Bangle プラチバングル Max HP + 50%.
Poison Impact 毒の衡撃 Adds Poison status attack to weapon
Powered Suit パワードスーツ HP + 100%, Strength & Defense + 100; Magic & Spirit - 50; MP & AP -50%.
Power Wrist パワーリスト Strength + 10.
Protect Ring 守りの指輪 Enables "Auto Barrier" & "Auto Magic Barrier".
Raging Fire Armlet 烈火の腕輪 Absorbs fire-based damage.
Ribbon リボン Immune vs. all status ailments except Death.
River Chocobo Bracelet 川チョオボの腕輪 Max AP + 60%. Immune vs. Confuse.
Royal Crown ロヤルクラウン Magic + 30.
Rune Armlet ルーンの腕輪 Max MP + 80%. Immune vs, Silence.
Safety Bit セーフティビット Immune vs. Death.
Shinra Alpha 神羅安式防具 Defense + 60.
Shinra Alpha Plus 神羅安式防具改 Defense + 80.
Shinra Beta 神羅保式防具 Defense + 40.
Shock Impact ショックの衡撃 Adds Confuse status attack to weapon.
Silence Impact 沈黙の衡撃 Adds Silence status attack to weapon.
Silver Armlet 銀の腕輪 Max MP + 40%. Immune vs. Silence.
Sky Chocobo Bracelet 空チョコボの腕輪 Max AP + 100%. Immune vs. Confuse.
Sniper Eye スナイパーアイ "Critical" field effect always enabled.
Soul of Heike 平家の魂 This accessory has the following effects:
 - HP, MP, AP limit = 99999.
 - Absorbs damage from all elements.
 - Gil & Item received from enemies x2.
 - Has effects of Thief Glove, Knowledge of Healing,all "Impact" accessories, Item Master materia, SP Master materia, & Double Cast materia.
 - Enables Auto Scan, and also inflicts Curse.
Soul of Thamasa ソウルオブサマサ MP Consumption = 0.
Star Pendant 星のペンダント Immune vs. Poison.
Stop Impact 停止の衝撃 Adds Stop status effect to weapon.
Super Ribbon スーパーリボン Immune vs. all status ailments.
Talisman タリスマン Spirit + 40.
Tarot Card タロットカード Spirit + 60.
Thief Glove 盗賊の小手 Always steal rare items.
Titan Bangle チタンバングル Max HP + 30%.
Towel Headband ねじりハチマキ Enables "Auto Endurance" field effect.
White Cape ホワイトケープ Immune vs. Silence.
Wizard Bracer ヴィザードブレス属 Absorbs Fire, Ice, & Lightning damage.
Wrist Band リストバンド Strength + 5.
Zeidrich ザイドリッツ Strength, Defense, Magic & Spirit + 100; Damage from all elements - 50%


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