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Dragon Quest

(as "Dragon Warrior")


All codes are for the Game Genie

Dragon Quest

(Some codes only work when starting a new game)

OZNZNYOP – Infinite Battle HP.

OXSZAPOP – Infinite Battle MP.

OXUAEUOO – Infinite Overworld MP.

SZKAKSSE + SZKEOSSE – Infinite Gold.

OUKXYOOO – No damage from Swamps.

ATKEYZAZ – No Random Battles.

GANZNYOP – No damage during battle.

NNESILPG – Walk through walls.

AESPGYZY – Chest drop after every battle.

OZSEGOPX + ZGSEIOYY – More Metal Babbles.

OXUEIOPX + ZKUETOYY – More Metal Babbles.

OXXETUPX + ZKXEYUYY – More Metal Babbles.

PEKLKLLZ – Metal Babbles have 1 HP.

Prince of Midenhall – Hero

LVKLUSGP – Start with 99 hit points.

NNKLUSGO – Start with 255 hit points.

AXKLOIIE – Start with 40 strength points.

ASKLOIIA – Start with 80 strength points.

NNKLOIIE – Start with 255 strength points.

AXKLXIGE – Start with 40 agility points.

ASKLXIGA – Start with 80 agility points.

NNKLXIGE – Start with 255 agility points.

Prince of Cannock

ZUKLNSYP – Start with 50 hit points.

LVKLNSYP – Start with 99 hit points.

AXKLSIGE – Start with 40 strength points.

GUKLSIGE – Start with 60 strength points.

TOKLVIGE – Start with 30 agility points.

GUKLVIGE – Start with 60 agility points.

AXKUEITE – Start with 40 magic points.

GUKUEITE – Start with 60 magic points.

Princess of Moonbrooke

ZUKUUIAZ – Start with 50 hit points.

LVKUUIAZ – Start with 99 hit points.

POKUOIZE – Start with 25 strength points.

ZUKUOIZA – Start with 50 strength points.

AXKUXITO – Start with 40 agility points.

AXKUKSGO – Start with 40 magic points.

Replaces Antidote Herb in Midenhall Item Shop

AOUOUNLL – Thunder Sword for 500 Gold.

AEUOUNLU – Iron Spear for 770 Gold.

LOUOUNLL – Water Flying Cloth for 70 Gold.

IOUOUNLU – Shield of Strength for 21,500 Gold.

PXUOUNLL – Mysterious Hat for 20,000 Gold.

Everything below will always show normal price in shop menu

AAEZTEGL – Club is free.

AAEZAEEG – Magic Knife is free.

AAEXZAVA + AAEXLAPA – Chain Sickle is free.

AAXXAAET + AAXXPAPA – Chain Mail is free.

AAUZGEZI – Leather Shield is free.

AAEZZAKG + AAEZLEPA – Wizard’s Wand is free.

AAOZAEKI + AAOZPAIA – Broad Sword is free.

AAOZYEYP – Dragon Killer costs 64 Gold.

AAOZYEYP + AAOZTAAG – Dragon Killer is free.

AANZZEAA – Antidote Herb is free.

AANZGEYA – Medical Herb is free.

AAVZGEAZ – Fairy Water is free.

AAVZTAAI – Wing of the Wyvern is free.

AASXIAZA – Dragon’s Bane costs 128 Gold.

AASXIAZA + AASXGAEA – Dragon’s Bane is free.

NYVZLAAE – Sell Lottery Tickets for 49,013 Gold.

YEUOUNLU – Sword of Erdrick at Tool Shop in Midenhall for 2 Gold.

LOUOKYAE – Armor of Erdrick at Tool Shop in Midenhall for 4 Gold.


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