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Dragon Quest

(as "Dragon Warrior")



Dragon Quest

1. Where are the keys sold? 3 Locations, the first place you will find them is in the town of Rimuldar. The keys are sold in the shop located in the Northwest corner. You have to walk along the grass to your right when you first enter Rimuldar, right before the bridges. The second shop that sells keys is located in Tantegel Castle, however you need a key just to get into the area where the shop is. Finally, you can find a key shop in Cantlin, for the most expensive price of 98 gold.

2. Where is the Fairy Flute at? 4 steps south of the bath in Kol.

3. Where is the Silver Harp? It is deep within the Grave of Garinham, follow the directions on the map to get to it.

4. Where is the Grave of Garinham entrance? First you need a key to get into the large grey building. Then go towards the Northwest wall and there will be a 2nd door, you must search for it. This map shows the door already open so you know where to search.

5. Where is Princess Gwaelin hidden at? In the Swamp Cave, you have to defeat a Green Dragon before rescuing her.

6. Where are the Stones of Sunlight? They are located in the dungeon of Tantegel Castle, which is in the Southeast corner. You will need a key first to enter.

7. Where is Erdrick’s Token located? It is Southeast from Cantlin, 70 South and 40 East of Tantegel when using Gwaelin’s Love as a compass. It’s location is noted on this World Map.

8. How do I get the Wise Man in the shrine south of Rimuldar to give me his treasure chest? You need to have Erdrick’s Token first, then take that along with the Stones of Sunlight and Staff of Rain to him, he will then make the Rainbow Drop.

9. How do I defeat Golem, the monster who guards Cantlin? Playing the Fairy Flute immediately puts him to sleep. He may wake up during battle, if so just play the flute again.

10. Where is Erdrick’s Armor? In Hauksness, you must defeat the Axe Knight first to get it.

11. Where is Erdrick’s Sword? In Charlock Castle, follow directions on the map.

12. I am stuck in Charlock Castle, how do I get to another floor from the main one? There is a secret staircase behind the throne, you must hit the search button to access it.

13. What happens if I agree to join the Dragonlord and share half the world with him? He says “Thy journey is over. Take now a long, long rest. Hahahaha…” and then the stat screen turns red while the game freezes up. You have no choice but to reset, therefore you lose whatever you did during that period of playing since you could not save. View Screenshot.

14. Is it possible to beat the game without saving the Princess? Yes it actually is. You can still beat the game without saving her and get just about the same ending. She obviously wont be in the ending, and a few people say the same quotes about rescuing her, but the King will still send you on your way after you defeat Dragonlord.

– Also check the Town and Castle and Dungeon pages for more tips.

– You start the game with a limited amount of gold, buy the Club and Clothes from the weapon shop at Brecconary. The Club is the best weapon to start the game with.

– Keep Herbs with you even after learning the Heal Spell as a backup for restoring HP.

– Learn the best spells and tactics to use on enemies when facing them a lot while you are still gaining EXP. Example, use Stopspell on Warlock, Knight, and Starwyvern, use Sleep on Knight and Skeleton enemies.

– Check the Monster Territory World Map when seeking out certain monsters in battle like Goldman if desiring more gold for example.

– Instead of throwing the Cursed Belt or Death Necklace away, sell them at item shops.

– If you do get cursed by equipping one of those items, there is a Wise Man in Brecconary who can lift the curse at no charge. His location is noted on this map.

– Every time you cross a bridge be prepared because the monsters are always stronger on the other side.

– The Wise Man in Tantegel restores you MP each time you speak to him. His location is noted on this map.

– You can fight the Axe Knight in Hauksness over and over again for an easy way to build your experience and gold. After defeating him, walk away 1 step and return to the same spot to fight him as many times as you desire.

– The Magic Armor and Erdrick’s Armor both restore HP when walking.

– You can walk through swamps and damage barriers without losing HP when equipped with Erdrick’s Armor.

– Do not try to fight the Dragonlord until you are equipped with Erdrick’s Sword, Erdrick’s Armor, and the Silver Shield.

– Try waiting until you learn the Hurtmore Spell which is usually around level 19, then it should be easier to beat the Dragonlord.

– The first form of the Dragonlord will often cast Hurtmore Spell on each turn.

– The second form of the Dragonlord is very powerful, be ready with the Healmore Spell.

– There is a glitch in which many of the treasure chest replenish themselves when you leave and re-enter the town or dungeon.

– You can start the game with higher stats if you enter TEST as your name.

– You can start the game with lower stats if you enter ENIX as your name.


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