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Your Child

Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Your Child
Birthday: Varies
Gift Preferences: Hot Milk

Once you get married your wife will soon become pregnant. Three seasons later you will have a child! This is a fun addition to the game and it's great to watch him grow.

You won't be able to do anything at all with the baby just yet, but you will see it with your wife now and then.

After your son's first birthday, he will begin to walk and you can now take care of him and raise his heart rating.

Walking and Talking
A few seasons later your son will be able to walk and will randomly speak gibberish. His speech will progress over time, however.

Final Stage
The final stage of your child is basically the same as the latter, but his words will now make sense. For example, he may start to say "Daddy" or "Book". 

  • Your child does not grow up to become an adult, or run your farm, or anything of that sort.

