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Final Fantasy 5

(as Final Fantasy V)

ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 5

Secrets: Esper Hunt Part 2: Bahamut

Final Fantasy 5

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After exiting the Phoenix tower, proceed north of the desert.
The enemies you encounter in the desert are not hard.  With the possible exception of the Land Crawl, GP Toss would be sufficient to destroy all monsters.

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Follow the desert trail right until you come up to North Mountain.
Enter North Mountain.  You've been here before in World 1 when you were getting Lenna's father's hiryuu.  The enemies here are the same as before...and pretty weak.

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Work your way to the top of the mountain.
Remember these poisonous purple flowers?  Guess what, they don't seem to poison anymore.

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Remember this rope which Faris tied to form a land bridge way back in world one?  Proceed to the top of the mountain.
On the summit of North Mountain, your party braces for a Bahamut attack.

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Bahamut, the King of Dragons, gladly consents to a showdown.
If you defeat Bahamut, you get him as a call beast.

I do hope you are strong enough.  Bahamut is at Level 99 and has 40,000 HP.

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He casts highly destructive magic like Maelstrom and Megaflare.

Slow him down and try to stop his magics.  If you have enough GP, GP Toss will work wonders.

A good strategy is to use Jikuu magic Meteo on him  Make four Time and White wizards and cast Meteo until Bahamut dies.  Use curative spells/items when one of his spells hit you.

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After defeating Bahamut, you receive him as a call beast.

Call Beast Bahamut casts Megaflare when called.  This is a highly destructive damage magic that burns your enemies to smithereens.

Cast Exit to leave North Mountain the easy way.





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