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Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

(as "Fire Emblem: Shin Monshou no Nazo - Hikari to Kage no Eiyuu, Fire Emblem 12")

ไฟร์ เอมเบลม: นิว มิสเทอรี ออฟ ดิ เอมเบลม - ฮีโรส์ ออฟ ไลท์ แอนด์ แชโดว์



Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

• Damage
- Total physical damage you can deal: Strength + (Weapon Might, x3 if effective) + Weapon Triangle + Weapon Ranks Extra
- Total magic damage you can deal: Magic + (Weapon Might, x3 if effective) + Weapon Ranks Extra
- Physical damage you can deal to the enemy: Total damage you can do - (Enemy Def. + Terrain Bonuses) x 3 if critical
- Magic damage you can deal to the enemy: Total damage you can do - (Enemy Res. + Terrain Bonuses) x 3 if critical
- Chance of making a critical hit:  
If the user's skill is less than 20:
(Skill/2) + Weapon Crit + Support Bonus + Class Bonuses
If the user's skill is greater than or equal to 20:
(Skill - 10) + Weapon Crit + Support Bonus + Class Bonuses
- Chance of making a critical hit to the enemy: Your chance to crit - the enemy's crit evasion
• Hit and avoid
- Total accuracy percentage when hitting: (Luck/2) + Weapon Hit + Skill + Class Bonus + Support Bonuses + Weapon Range Extra + Weapon Triangle + 10 if is an Enemy in Lunatic
- Total accuracy percentage when hitting the enemy: Tu porcentaje de precisión - Porcentaje de evasión del enemigo
- Evasion percentage: Speed ​​+ (Luck/2) + Terrain Bonuses + Support Bonuses + Class Bonuses
- Double attacks: If the speed compared to the enemy is greater than or equal to 4, you will do a double attack, and 4 with a brave-type weapon.
- Chance to evade a critical: Luck + support bonuses
• Weapon Levels
Points required to obtain it (each XX point is separate from the previous one)...
- Rank E ~ D: 30
- Rank D ~ C 45
- Rank C ~ B: 60
- Rank B ~ A: 60
- Note
You gain 2 points for each time you use a weapon or staff, and you gain them even if you miss the attack. And contrary to what was previously in other games, there is no S rank for weapons in this Fire Emblem.
- Weapon Ranks Extra (E): Nothing
- Weapon Ranks Extra (D) Nothing
- Weapon Ranks Extra (C)

+1 Power

+1 Power

+5 Hit

+1 Power

+1 Power

Heal +1
- Weapon Ranks Extra (B)

+2 Power

+1 Power,
+5 Hit

+10 Hit

+1 Power,
+5 Hit

+1 Power,
+5 Hit

Heal +2
- Weapon Ranks Extra (A)

+3 Power

+2 Power,
+5 Hit

+15 Hit

+2 Power,
+5 Hit

+2 Power,
+5 Hit

Heal +3
- Nota
The bonus does not exist if you do not have the advantage with the weapon triangle in case of using a sword, lance or axe. It still exists if the battle turns out to be neutral.
• Bonuses that formulas can get for certain things:
- Terrain Bonuses: Defense or Avoid from terrain, varies.
- Classes: +5 chance to hit if you are a Sniper.
+10 evasion if you are a Swordmaster.
+5 chance to critical hit if you are a Sniper, +10 if you are a Berserker.
- Effectiveness : Every weapon effective against a certain class triples its might against them.
- Support Bonuses: See here.
• Weapon Triangle:
- Strong weapon against... Sword > Axes > Lances > Swords
(There is no magic triangle)
- Damage bonuses: If it is strong against another, the strong one gains +1 damage and the weak one -1 damage. Only if you have rank A.
- Hit bonuses: If it is good against another +5 (User rank is E or D), +10 (User rank is C to A).
If it is bad against another -5 (User rank is E or D), -10 (User rank is C to A).


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