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Destiny of an Emperor 2

(as "Tenchi o Kurau II: Shokatsu Koumei Den")

เดสทินี ออฟ แอน เอมเพอเรอร์ 2

Destiny of an Emperor 2 - Chapter IV: Cao Cao and Sun Quan, Battle of Red Cliffs

Destiny of an Emperor 2

Chapter IV: Cao Cao and Sun Quan, Battle of Red Cliffs
(Begins after Liu Bei takes the Jingzhou throne, and ends with Cao Cao’s defeat at Red Cliffs.)

Xin Ye Castle (7th Visit)


Inn (10 Gold Each)
Headquarters (Outside)

  1. When you arrive, Cai Xun demands to know why Lu Su is coming. He doesn’t wait for an answer, though, and simply attacks.
  2. Battle Cai Xun at Xin Ye Castle (Easy)
    • Cai Xun
    • Jiang Xu
    • Zhang Nan
    • Kuai Yue
    • Outlaw Army
    • (~815 Exp, ~1750 Gold, Drops: Leather Armor)
      Cai Xun will get a surprise attack in against your army, but it shouldn’t cause serious damage. Initially, Cai Xun’s force looks rather intimidating, but when you examine his officers (not to mention himself) you will discover that none of them really have the equipment or strength to take advantage of their large armies. Kuai Yue, however, is intelligent, and knows Ye Huo. Generally, this makes him the greatest threat. Focus your physical attacks on Kuai Yue and cast Yi Xin with a few of your more intelligent officers (Zhao Yun, Guan Yu) on Cai Xun and Zhang Nan.
        On the following rounds, tie up Jiang Xu if it is convenient, keep Cai Xun and Zhang Nan tied up, and continue attacking Kuai Yue until he has been defeated. If you manage to tie all three warriors up with Yi XIn (not very hard to do), start to cast Ye Huo on Cai Xun. Save some TP for healing, just in case.
        Before long, Kuai Yue will fall. Focus your physical attacks on Cai Xun afterward, and continue using Yi Xin. He should be defeated soon enough as well. Take the same approach to Zhang Nan, and you will be one short step away from victory.
  3. In defeat, Cai Xun claims Cao Cao will avenge his death!
  4. Enter Xin Ye. Those bums still haven’t finished building anything. In the ‘throne room’ a nameless advisor of some sort is surprised to hear that Liu Bei has taken the throne, and now stationed in Xiakou. He departs to meet with him.
  5. Rest and save your game. Next, we attack Jingzhou Castle.

Jingzhou Castle (5th Visit)


  1. When you arrive at Jingzhou Castle, you will find Cai Zhong waiting for you. Cai He informs you, with delight, that upon their victory the battlefield will be painted with your blood.
  2. Battle Cai Zhong at Jingzhou Castle (Easy)
    • Cai Zhong
    • Cai He
    • Huang Zu
    • Han Sui
    • Outlaw Army
    • (~910 Exp, ~1705 Gold, Drops: Leather Armor)
      This battle will play out very much as the last one did. Cai Zhong and Cai He are both, basically, useless. Huang Zu is a bit stronger, but not intelligent at all. Han Sui has some strength, and an intelligence high enough that you may want to take him down with physical attacks. Have your intelligent officers (Zhao Yun and Guan Yu) use Yi Xin on Huang Zu as a first target, and Cai Zhong and Cai He as secondary targets, while everyone else attacks Han Sui.
        After Han Sui falls (it shouldn’t take too long), begin attacking Huang Zu with your officers while maintaining Yi Xin. After his defeat, go all-out for an easy victory.
  3. After the battle, Cai Zhong will try to flee into Cao Cao’s territory, but they will find all of their ships with the exception of one, which has been seized by Liu Bei, have been burned. Both Cai clan members are executed.
  4. Rest at the inn, save, and make any necessary preparations.
  5. Unfortunately, you have no way of reaching Xing Yang. Return to Liu Bei in Xiakou to report your victories.

Xiakou Castle (2nd Visit)


Inn (12 Gold Each)
Training Room (4000 gold)
Blacksmith (Copper Sword/Spear/Sabre/Axe; Copper Shield/Armor)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive)

  1. Arrive in the palace to find Liu Bei standing next to Lu Su, the Wu official you have heard so much about. When you speak to Lu Su, he will ask you to assist him in securing an alliance with his lord, Sun Quan, against Cao Cao.
  2. Lu Su will be with you for a while, and is a talented strategist with many soldiers. He would be useful in your party.
  3. Prepare yourself, and board the boat which is now waiting at the dock south of Xiakou. After crossing the river, walk southeast a short distance to find Chaisang Castle.

Chaisang Castle


Inn (15 Gold Each)
Training Room (9000 gold)
Blacksmith (Iron Sword/Armor, Copper Spear/Axe/Helm/Shield)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Steed)

  1. Speak with the villagers. In a home, one man tells you that a saltpeter mine lies to the northeast. An old man speaks of a legendary island chain to the east, theorizing that someone in that area must have mastered the wind. Another man in a house suggests that the defeat of Cai Mao should cause Cao Cao to falter (Cai Mao commands Cao Cao’s navy). Cai Mao still waits in Xing Yang, and Cao Cao’s army is to resupply there.
  2. An old man talks about Gunpowder. Remember his location.
  3. The item shop has something new for sale: the Steed. Buying and equipping one will increase an officer’s agility by 10. It is useful to have one officer you can generally count on to go faster than the enemy generals. This allows you to cast tactics to impede them, or heal yourself, before they have a chance to react. As you continue into the game, this will become even more important. For now, if you have an officer who would be good for this task (they should have a high agility), it wouldn’t hurt to give them a Steed or two.
  4. The blacksmith in this city is selling Iron Armor. This armor is much more powerful than Leather Armor, and is even a fair upgrade when compared to Copper Armor. You should at least consider upgrading anyone using Leather Armor to Iron.
  5. Save your game, and enter the palace. Sun Quan’s commanding officers stand before him, while Sun Quan rests on the throne. You will meet Lu Meng, Zhou Yu, and Zhang Song (apparently the Regent of Southeast Wu). Zhou Yu thinks he could defeat Cao Cao, but the bitter winds would prevent his plot from working. Everyone else wonders what could be done.
      (Background: Who? Zhang Song? Zhang Song served Liu Zhang in Ba-Shu, a territory we haven’t come across yet in the story. Perhaps this is supposed to be Sun Quan’s civil advisor, Zhang Zhao?)
  6. When you speak with Sun Quan, he will tell you of Cao Cao’s ultimatum, “Surrender, or face a million-man army.” He too pleads with Zhuge Liang for advice.
  7. Zhuge Liang must find a way to assist Zhou Yu with his plot in order to win Sun Quan’s support. Exit Chaisang when you are ready, and travel east, beyond the hills and mountain ranges, and search for a small village in the middle of a forest.

Eastern Village


  1. Speak with the villagers. Asking them if it is possible to change the wind, most respond with laughter or advice that it is a fool’s errand. One villager suggests visiting some islands to the east in the ocean, while another asks you to speak with the elder.
  2. Speak with the elder. Though he thinks it a myth, he advises you to sail into the Eastern Sea in search of an island called Wa. There, you are supposed to meet its ruler, Empress Miko.
      (Background: Lady Himiko. For more information about her, read this Wikipedia article. This doesn’t take place in either the novel or history.)
  3. Return to your boat to sail east.


Inn (10 Gold Each)

  1. Speak with the villagers. They have confidence that Lady Himiko will have some knowledge of a technique for changing the wind, but you learn she is away at Mt. Fuji.
  2. Depart, and head north to Mt. Fuji.

Mt. Fuji


  1. Enter Mt. Fuji to the north. Simply walk into the valley until you find yourself in a new area. Upon entry, follow the path to pick up a treasure containing ~75 Gold. Continue until you reach the fork in the road just south from the broken bridge.
  2. Turn west and continue until you pick up an Herbal Remedy.
  3. Now travel south at the fork and open the treasure containing ~255 Gold. Continue south to find two more treasures, one containing a Copper Remedy, the other containing ~85 Gold.
  4. Return to the fork and travel east. Follow the path to the top of the walkway, and continue. You will have to cross a number of long bridges and work your way back and fourth. Eventually, you will reach another fork in the road. Here, you can go east across a lone bridge (which leads to the stage’s last stretch), or west, for more treasure. Treasure is good.
  5. Travel west and go down each of three southern paths to obtain a Tent (this new item allows you to rest away from an inn), ~245 Gold, and a Power Pill.
  6. Return to the fork, and continue east. Cross the bridge and follow the path until you exit the mountain.

Mt. Fuij Valley (Orochi)


  1. If your party is weak at all, you should use the tent here.
  2. If you haven’t been using Lu Su, I advise you consider him for at least the next short stretch of the game.
  3. As you walk north you will find yourself in what, at first, looks like a random encounter. Once you see your foe, however, you will know that isn’t the case.
  4. Battle Orochi in Mt. Fuji Valley (Easy)
    • Orochi
    • Python x4
    • (~140 Exp, ~285 Gold, Drops: Copper Remedy)
      Examine your enemy. Orochi, a powerful cobra-like creature, has a very high strength and agility, and will frequently go first. It also has respectable attack and defense power. Fortunately, Orochi’s intelligence is very low. The Pythons possess average strength, speed, and lack numbers. The Pythons aren’t strong enough to hurt your officers much. For the first round, attempt to paralyze the Orochi with your smartest officer, have other intelligent officers cast Ye Huo on it, and use physical attacks with everyone else. In the following round, finish the Orochi with physical attacks. With it dead, the Pythons are no threat.
  5. After defeating the Orochi, continue north to meet Lady Himiko.

Mt. Fuji Valley (Lady Himiko)


  1. Meet with Lady Himiko in Mt. Fuji Valley. She seems surprised to meet you, and tells you that the pass is dangerous. When she learns that you have defeated the wicked Orichi she becomes very thankful, and asks if there is any way she can repay you. Your plight is explained, and she provides you with a Wind Scroll, instructing Zhuge Liang that only he may use it.
  2. Pass the Wind Scroll to Zhuge Liang for safekeeping.
  3. You must now return to Chaisang Castle. To do this you will have to retrace your steps through Mt. Fuji, board the boat again, and walk the remaining distance to the castle. Fight the random battles if you have been struggling at all to improve your strength along the way.

Chaisang Castle (2nd Visit)


Inn (15 Gold Each)
Training Room (9000 gold)
Blacksmith (Iron Sword/Armor, Copper Spear/Axe/Helm/Shield)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Steed)

  1. Return to the palace and speak with Zhou Yu. After he discovers that you can control the wind, he expresses his confidence, and suggests you use it in battle.
  2. Remember the old man who talked to you about gunpowder, just south of the palace? Find him again. This time, he will tell you what he needs in order to make it: Deadwood from a 1,000-year-old tree, and Saltpeter. We know from earlier conversations that the Saltpeter is probably located in the saltpeter cave to the northeast. That leaves the Deadwood. A 1,000-year-old tree? Why not start by searching under the tree behind him.
  3. If you didn’t have enough money to upgrade all of your gear earlier, stop by the blacksmith and make use of your new gold.
  4. Save and, when ready, travel northeast until you find a bridge alongside the river. Cross the bridge, continue east, and enter the mountainside cave.

Saltpeter Cave


  1. The saltpeter cave is mostly river and narrow paths. Though you can travel in many different directions from the entrance, there aren’t any treasures in the first open cavern. Find a path to the northeast which leads deeper into the cave and you will come across another moderately sized room containing a Copper Remedy.
  2. Continue east into the passage surrounded by rock, rather than water, and follow it south. This will take you into the second open area of the cave. This one is dominated by an underground river. Work your way across (you can take any of several paths) to the northeast area until you find a path going further east. Follow it south and slightly to the west to obtain the Saltpeter.
  3. With the Saltpeter in hand, return to Chaisang Castle.

Chaisang Castle (3rd Visit)


Inn (15 Gold Each)
Training Room (9000 gold)
Blacksmith (Iron Sword/Armor, Copper Spear/Axe/Helm/Shield)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Steed)

  1. Enter the palace. You will be asked to recover some arrows (i.e. Arrow Storm) from Cao Cao’s aresenal.
  2. Now that you have obtained the Deadwood and Saltpeter, speak with the old man again. He will use the ingredients to prepare Gunpowder for you.
  3. Remember the rock wall located south of Bo Wang Po Forest, back by Xin Ye? The time has come to travel back to Jingzhou, through the forest, and to the fallen rocks.

Mountain Pass


  1. After passing through Bo Wang Po Forest, travel south a short distance and face the blockade of boulders in the valley pass. Use the Gunpowder item, and the boulders will clear.
  2. Continue west to Xiang Yang castle.

Xiang Yang Castle


Inn (20 Gold Each)
Blacksmith (Iron Sword/Spear/Sabre/Axe/Armor, Copper Shield)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Tent)

  1. Informing you that he will command Cao Cao’s fleet upon its arrival, Cai Mao attacks.
  2. Battle Cai Mao at Xiang Yang Castle (Moderate)
    • Cai Mao
    • Zhang Yun
    • Wen Ping
    • Lu Gong
    • Wang Can
    • (~1305 Exp, ~2750 Gold, Drops: Copper Sword)
      An evaluation of your enemy reveals that your battle with Cai Mao won’t be anywhere near as easy as your previous fights with his relatives. Cai Mao is strong with a fair intelligence. Zhang Yun has a passable strength, a fair intelligence and good tactics. Wang Can is a talented strategist. Wen Ping is very strong and will hit hard, but not smart. Lu Gong is no great threat.
        For the first round, have your best strategist (I’m using Lu Su) target Wen Ping with Yi Xin. It may be a good idea to cast Ce Jian with another intelligent officer to reduce the damage you take from tactics. Target Cai Mao, using physical attacks, with all other officers.
        For the second round, if you managed to tie up Wen Ping, and you are using Lu Su, you can try to cast Yi Xin on Zhang Yun as well. Continue using physical attacks on Cai Mao until he has been defeated. If an enemy officer casts Ce Jian, don’t use Ye Huo.
        Adjust your attacks as needed if the enemy army moves into a formation. Sometimes they will use Heng Fang. If they do, this will make Cai Mao and Wen Ping easy targets for physical attacks. The formation should break by the time they are finished.
        After you have defeated Cai Mao and Wen Ping, use physical attacks to defeat Zhang Yun and Wang Can, keeping some TP available for Tong Xian if needed, then go all-out.
  3. Rest at the inn.
  4. There are no villagers roaming around inside Xiang Yang.
  5. Visit the merchant and consider the purchase of a few tents, then sell all of your outdated gear.
  6. The blacksmith has a full stock of Iron weapons along with Iron Armor (which you should already have) and Copper Shields. You will want every active member of your party to be equipped with these new weapons before you leave Xiang Yang. You probably have at least one Iron Sword by this point, and you are about to get a complete set of Iron weapons and armor in the palace, so all you probably need to buy is a Iron Spear and Sabre.
  7. Rest at the inn if necessary.
  8. Enter the palace. You will find a room to the west of the throne (which means you won’t be able to use the Zheng Letter here), and in this room, you will see some stairs. Let’s see where they go?
  9. Ah! Treasure! Top row, from left to right, contains: Iron Sword, Iron Spear, Iron Sabre. Center row, from left to right: Iron Axe, Iron Armor. Bottom row, from left to right: Iron Shield, Arrow Storm (the key item you need to return to Chaishang Castle), and an Iron Helmet.
  10. After your equipment has been adjusted, save your game.
  11. Observe how nicely your new weapons slice enemies up!

Chaisang Castle (4th Visit)


Inn (15 Gold Each)
Training Room (9000 gold)
Blacksmith (Iron Sword/Armor, Copper Spear/Axe/Helm/Shield)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Steed)

  1. Speak with Lu Meng in the palace. He is thrilled to hear of Cai Mao’s death, and has high hopes for your venture.
  2. Speak with Zhang Song. Zhuge Liang will deliver to him the Arrow Storm item which you recovered from Cao Cao’s arsenal. Zhang Song enjoys quite a laugh out of this.
  3. Speak with Sun Quan. Now that Zhuge Liang and Wu have all the gear they need to commence with their plan to defeat his massive army in battle, a person talented enough to make it all happen is necessary. Sun Quan asks who might be equal to this task, and Zhuge Liang suggests a member of the Pang clan, Pang Tong. You must visit Sima Hui to learn of his whereabouts.

Sima Hui’s Hut (2nd Visit)


  1. Meet with Sima Hui. He agrees with Zhuge Liang’s assessment of Pang Tong being proper for this task, and tells you that he lives southeast of Chaisang.

Southeastern Water Passage


  1. Return to the Chaisang region and continue southeast past the castle. Keep going southeast until you reach an outcrop of land that stretches south, almost connecting with another stretch of land from the land below. Walk south to the very tip, into the trees, and you will arrive in the water passage.
  2. Board the boat, and travel southeast along the path until you reach a branch in the river. Continue south. The river will break up a little bit as you continue. You will work your way around the eastern region of this area, then back around to the rough center. The next stretch of river leads you, eventually, to the area’s exit. A treasure chest on a small outcrop of land provides you with a Copper Shield, but you shouldn’t be concerned with getting it if you find the exit first.
  3. Exit to the southeast.
  4. Continue in the southern territory to Pang Tong’s home.

Pang Tong’s Home


  1. Enter the hut, and speak with Pang Tong. He will be happy to meet Zhuge Liang again. When Zhuge Liang explains their situation, Pang Tong suggests tricking Cao Cao into chaining his ships together with the explanation that it will make his soldiers feel as if they are fighting on land. He asks if you think his plot will work, then sets off to meet Cao Cao.
  2. Return to Chaisang Castle.

Chaisang Castle (5th Visit)


Inn (15 Gold Each)
Training Room (9000 gold)
Blacksmith (Iron Sword/Armor, Copper Spear/Axe/Helm/Shield)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive, Steed)

  1. Make sure Zhuge Liang has the Wind Scroll in his inventory.
  2. Make sure Zhuge Liang appears in your active party! he must not be strategist. Appoint Lu Su to this position.
  3. Read steps one and two again!
  4. Make any final preparations, rest at the inn, and save your game.
  5. Speak with Sun Quan. Zhuge Liang will inform him that Pang Tong is in place. Sun Quan, seeming relieved, will thank you, and Zhou Yu will be ordered out with his troops. If you board the boat to Jingzhou (Xiakou region) now, instead of crossing the land, you will be taken to the river to face Cao Cao’s army.
  6. Are you planning to play around with the Zheng Letter? (See Chapter 1 if you aren’t sure what this is about). If so, you have a very fun opportunity here. In the throne room, do you see Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, and Zhang Zhao (‘Zhang Song’) standing? Save your game. You have a chance to actually hire Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, and Zhang Zhao here! In normal gameplay you can’t hire any Wu officers at all.
      Do you have a letter, and want to continue? Follow these instructions: Walk in the palace and use the Zheng Letter on Sun Quan. You will hear the old Yuan Shao quote, then Zhou Yu will probably vanish from the screen! If Zhou Yu (or either of the other two) vanish on your first attempt, go back out and save. Return to the palace and use the Zheng Letter again. This time, Zhang Zhao will probably vanish (again, it is okay if Lu Meng vanishes). Save. Finally, go back in one more time, and use the letter to make Zhang Zhao (or the last of the three officers) vanish. Save your game one last time. Do not use the Zheng Letter again, as it will cause one of the three soldiers to vanish, and doing so would cause the Outlaw Armies to vanish from all the scenes in which they appear later in the game. Doing this will ruin your game if you save. Sometimes it is possible to use the Zheng Letter and have nothing happen. If this is the case, reset just to be safe. You won’t notice any of these officers initially, but they will be placed in your billeting, and you will be able to use them later in the game.
      You should create backups of your saved states before you use the Zheng Letter, especially if this is your first time playing through the game. Hat tip: thanks, ‘Zhang Lu’!
  7. When you are prepared, board the boat to face Cao Cao.

Battle of Red Cliffs (Yangtze River)


  1. You sail forward to face Cao Cao and his vast army. Cao Cao laughs at your attempt to oppose him with such a small force, but Zhuo Yu simply dismisses his arrogance, certain of his victory.
  2. Battle Cao Cao in the Yangtze River (Storyline)
    • Cao Cao
    • Xu Zhu
    • Dian Wei
    • Zhang Liao
    • Xu Huang
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      Look familiar? A review of the officers opposing you reveals that there would have been no way to emerge victorious without a plan. No matter, have Zhuge Liang use the Wind Scroll (you did give it to him, right?) He will go first, and a moment later the fire attack will be launched.
        A hefty chunk of Cao Cao’s force will be decimated in the fire attack. Shortly afterward, Lu Meng launches a follow-up attack using the Arrow Storm, which is followed by a second fire attack. Cao Cao cries out in surprise, and anger at being targeted with his own arrows. Already badly wounded, he retreats with what remains of his troops.
  3. Zhou Yu gives chase to Cao Cao, but Zhuge Liang lets him go. Instead, he rushes to Jingzhou in order to set up ambushes in hopes of capturing Cao Cao while he retreats to his own territory.
  4. Taishi Ci catches up with Cao Cao as they sail near Jingzhou, and attacks him with Zhou Tai, Gan Ning, Huang Gai, and Zhang Hong. Sustaining another round of injuries in that battle, Cao Cao escapes to Jingzhou, evading the Wu navy and abandoning their boats. The screen fades to the next scene.

Cao Cao’s Escape


  1. In the next scene, Cao Cao, having finally evaded his pursuers, finds himself in a forest near some mountains. He asks Zhang Liao, the only officer still left at his side, where they are. Zhang Liao informs him that they are in the Black Forest, which lies east from Wulin.
  2. Cao Cao laughs, and states that if he was the man giving chase, he would have set an ambush here. He speaks too soon, however, as Zhao Yun arrives with his troops to attack. Cao Cao tries to flee, but Zhao Yun is too fast, declaring that here, he dies.
  3. Battle Cao Cao in the Black Forest (Storyline)
    • Cao Cao
    • Zhang Liao
    • (No Experience, No Gold)
      Attack Cao Cao once. After the fire attacks, they have lost their weapons (their attack power is now only five). Though they will attack back, they won’t defeat many soldiers. After a round of combat Cao Cao will retreat again.
  4. Cao Cao retreats into a village to the south with Zhang Liao. There, he meets and is reunified with Xu Huang and Xu Zhu. After a conversation, they decide they must retreat back to Xu Chang, Cao Cao’s capital. They exit the city and move north, then camp in the hills.
  5. Just as Cao Cao prepares his camp, Zhang Fei will find him, call him a milksop (!), then attack.
  6. Battle Cao Cao northwest from Black Forest (Storyline)
    • Cao Cao
    • Xu Zhu
    • Xu Huang
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      Cao Cao is now with Xu Zhu and Xu Huang, but the later two have just over 100 soldiers each. Zhang Fei gets in two solid blows before Cao Cao again manages to retreat.
  7. After escaping Zhang Fei, Cao Cao tells his men that they must retreat into the mountains. One of his soldiers reports that Zhuge Liang is now back in Xiakou, and that Liu Bei’s other officers are still on patrol. Cao Cao laments his army’s condition, morale, and lack of food, then laughs it off observing that his surrender could be forced at this point.
  8. Before Cao Cao can start moving, however, Guan Yu arrives. Xu Huang seems surprised and relieved to see him, but their soldiers are terrified. The two wind up in a debate about what loyalty really means, and whether or not Guan Yu should allow him to escape.
      Spoiler: Guan Yu, too honorable to dismiss his obligation to Cao Cao, takes their words to heart, and decides he has no choice but to allow them their safe passage back to Xu Chang. Cao Cao comments on how Guan Yu is, indeed, honorable, and all but laughs as he escapes. The scene returns to Xiakou.
      (Background: Though the game holds fairly close to the novel through this scene, the lines given Guan Yu don’t really convey his character properly. Guan Yu, in the novel, was a man of honor’s highest standard. He knew it was his obligation to kill Cao Cao, but given the kindness offered him by Cao Cao when he left his territory, and the condition of Cao Cao and his own men, he was unable to take his life. In fact, both were near tears. He also spared Cao Cao’s soldiers. His decision at this crossroad was deliberate and well thought out, not the result of Cao Cao’s manipulation as it may seem.)
  9. The scene returns to Xiakou Castle.

Xiakou Castle (3rd Visit)


Inn (12 Gold Each)
Training Room (4000 gold)
Blacksmith (Copper Sword/Spear/Sabre/Axe; Copper Shield/Armor)
Merchant (Copper Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Revive)

  1. The scene at Xiakou Castle opens with Zhuge Liang celebrating their success at Chibi and Cao Cao’s death. He will even go so fas as to proclaim, "Ah, ULTIMATE HAPPINESS!!"
  2. Guan Yu arrives, and is recognized and thanked by Zhuge Liang as he approaches the throne, congratulated for his success in eliminating Cao Cao.
  3. Guan Yu stammers for a short while, unable to communicate to them exactly what he has just done, but he eventually manages to spit it out. He also suggests that his crime is fit for execution. Zhuge Liang is astonished, and asks Guan Yu why he would place his loyalty with Cao Cao instead of Liu Bei, but before he can answer he goes on to agree that Guan Yu’s crime IS fit for execution. Liu Bei breaks off the conversation though, reminding Zhuge Liang of the Peach Garden Oath, which demands that the three brothers die on the same day together. By this reasoning, Guan Yu must be given a chance to atone for his sins. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun leave the room.
      (Background: Though the gist of what happens here stays true to the novel, the roles and background have changed significantly. Prior to the battle, Guan Yu asked Zhuge Liang to be given permission to participate, but Zhuge Liang denied his request out of fear he may spare Cao Cao. Guan Yu promised he wouldn’t, and Zhuge Liang agreed to allow him to participate on pain of execution should he fail. When Guan Yu returned, having spared Cao Cao, he asked for his execution, but after a scene he was spared. Zhuge Liang then explained to Liu Bei that he knew Guan Yu wouldn’t kill Cao Cao, and that he chose to allow him to participate to erase the debt Guan Yu had in his heart. He also points out that he had studied the stars, and they told him that it wasn’t yet Cao Cao’s time to die.)
  4. After everyone has left, Liu Bei tries to explain to Zhuge Liang that Guan Yu’s choice was born of honor, not disloyalty, though Zhuge Liang has trouble understanding this. Zhuge Liang drops the issue, and begins to lament the Han. Liu Bei questions him as to why, and he explains that with Cao Cao still alive he will remain the greatest threat to the dynasty. Liu Bei then suggests that their own force isn’t without their evils, using Zhang Fei’s drinking and anger as an example.
      (Background: This is an interesting line. Historically, and in the novel, Liu Bei never wavered in supporting his own right to uphold the Han. In the novel, he saw himself as a true and noble warrior of the Han, and would have never used one of his brothers in such an example. Zhuge Liang, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be as concerned with the Han as he was with his absolute loyalty to Liu Bei’s cause. Prior to this event, and in events to come, he has made, and will continue to make, suggestions that aren’t necessarily ethical, but rather are completely grounded in establishing Liu Bei as a major force in China [e.g. taking ownership of Jingzhou, or taking advantage of his relative, Liu Zhang]. Historically, Liu Bei was shrewd enough a man to seize these opportunities with no ethical quandary.)
  5. Before they can continue their conversation, however, one of their soldiers arrives to inform Liu Bei that Cao Cao has retaken Xiang Yang and Jingzhou (the castle, not territory). He explains that Zhou Yu has assembled troops and is presently skirmishing in South Jingzhou near Lingling. He also explains that Cao Ren is leading Cao Cao’s army. Zhuge Liang reminds Liu Bei how vital Jingzhou is to them, and Liu Bei orders your force to fend off Cao Cao’s new invasion.
  6. You retake control of your party in Xiakou.




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