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Final Fantasy 1

(as "Final Fantasy I")

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Final Fantasy 1 [By Silicis]

Final Fantasy 1

What this guide is – A simple 100% guild that points out achievements and treasure. I also touch on magic purely for a quick reference for people who do not want to spend time experimenting. My goal is to keep it as short and as concise as possible with a touch of my humor for fun. No long-drawn-out sections with heavy details and little to no spoilers.

  • Each section will list the name of the area; usually the dungeon or town we should be in
  • Then the level my party currently was
  • Followed by the number of chests to get and the total number as a running count
  • Use the new tools to your favor; especially the map. I will assume you are doing this

What this guide isn’t – a detailed walkthrough with theory and numbers for maximum anything. Seriously, this is a simple guide to help you keep track of where you are, what you need to do, and what you must get to 100% this game. If you want a heavily detailed walkthrough with instructions then this one isn’t for you.

I am writing this guide for fun so please feel free to use it as you see fit; (semi-colon…. fancy) I do ask that you give credit where credit is due but since this is the internet, people are going to do what they want anyway. if I make a mistake or write something in correct, please feel free to post it in the comments. It’s okay I have thick skin. Honestly, if this guide helps someone or makes a couple people smile, then it served its purpose.

Lastly, I am a bit of a completionist and tend to farm a little extra so I can have one of everything that I can. For the sake of this guide and the fact that you can come back to any town, I will try to keep that to a minimum but note that if you are a little lower leveled then me you are going to be fine.
Getting Started
Make a Party that you like (if you are not sure, you can’t go wrong with the default party and that is exactly what I will be using for this run).
  • Note in this version the thief ended up doing more damage than my warrior and I was glad I took him along.

  • Note that the speed run record is with two warriors and two red mages on NES. You really can beat this game with just about any party. If you are going for speed you really don't need the white and black mages. Magic damage is outclassed heavily by physical damage in this game.

  • I will give magic advice and try to list out the top 3 spells for each level and the “must haves” if you are only using a single red mage caster. Given my “catch them all” desires, I will be running with one white mage and one black mage so I can get all (well most of) the magics! Note that you can always replace a spell with a different one if you want but you do have to pay for it.

  • I will also try to point out key equipment pieces I pick up but the stats are clear in this game so generally, when you go shopping at towns just get the upgrades you can that make the most sense for your party. I prioritize damage over defense FYI. Gotta go fast.

  • When it comes to farming, for a "normal" run of FF 1 I would farm to get the best stuff before moving on including skipping ahead to "better" towns when possible. For this run I won't be doing that for the sake of guide but I will point out when you could do that if so desired.
Game play tips and Notes
  • Great news – there isn’t anything missable in this game. No area gets locked to you in the entire game. This is the only final fantasy like it and as such is the best final fantasy! Really though my completionism side loves this game for this reason. Just play, have fun, and I will point of rare or hard to find stuff. (Looking at your warmachine)

  • A couple cool upgrades in this game include a chest and item list for each unlocked area on the world map. Super handy if you are missing something later in the game.

  • AHHHH the font!? not sure why they went with this but it is super easy to fix. I won't go into details for it here but I do highly recommend looking up the fix. You just have to rename and move a couple of files.

  • Leveling up has a random element to it so you can save scum it for better stats/results, but some stuff is guaranteed at certain levels. I will not be save scumming for this run as you really don't need it.

  • Don't fall victim to magic potion syndrome. Use your items and magic early and often to keep the gaming moving quickly. Don't be afraid to drop that fira on those six undead simply to get the fight over fast.

  • another odd tip is that running at 45 degree angles only count as one step (holding up and left as an example) so it can reduce combat rate and speed things up. I tend to do this when I can to save time.

  • Focus on killing monsters that can inflict status effects like poison and stone first as they can be annoying and those effects persist outside of battle.

  • a potentially dumb tip but I just figured out (later than I care to admit) that holding 'B' on my xbox controller has my characters run saving much more time. This does not work on the over world though.

  • Later in game you will find gear that you can use to cast a spell. You do not need to have it equipped to do this. You can use it from the item list.

  • You may want to stay as low level as you can until mid to late game. Keep in mind lower level farming will not impact this much.

  • How I fight late game for farming

  • How I fight bosses end game
Cornelia and Cornelia Castle
Cornelia and Cornelia Castle (level 1) - 0 chests - Total Chests = 0

Head north into the castle and talk to the king (to save a little time you can step into to town and talk to the guard blocking the exit)

Go to town and buy gear/spells for your party (The gear is straight forward and the stats clear when you are buying it so just get the best for each of your party members)

There are no chests to collect yet as the ones in the castle are behind locked doors

Level 1 Black Magic
  • Fire – Must have – fire damage is great on undead. Honestly 99% of my first level spell slots will be used on fire
  • Sleep – I never use it but normally take it
  • Thunder – good
  • Focus – Not needed – never used it so maybe there is some powerful use for this spell I don’t know about, but I doubt it

Level 1 White Magic
  • Cure – Must have – its your first healing spell and you will use it a lot
  • Blink – good (only for caster though)
  • Dia – not needed – does light damage to undead but I never really use it. Still if I am using a white mage I grab this one over protect
  • Protect – not needed – outclassed by other spells/actions

Level up to 3 around town to make starting out easier if so desired (consider 4 with a black mage for a good HP bump but I didn’t as this version of the game is already easier than the original)
Chaos Shrine
Chaos Shrine first visit (level 3) – 3 chests – Total Chests = 3

Do a loop around the outside to pick up chests – Can only open the chests on the west side as the east side chests are locked for now and yet I always check for some reason.
  1. Leather Cap – West of entrance (I put this on my thief)
  2. Potion – NW of first floor
  3. Tent – NW of first floor

Head to the center area for a boss fight

Garland (level 5) – Nothing special to do as this is an easy fight. I saved my white magic for healing and cast fire with the black mage

Note - After the fight you are taken back to the castle

Achievement unlocked A Hero’s Journey
Save the princess – automatic

Talk to the princess to get the key item lute

Head out and if you talk to people in the castle many will say something different after saving the princess

a scene will play out of the bridge to the north being fixed

Sleep at the inn!!!! (I forgot and had my thief die later and on another definitely not related in anyway side note, make sure you go to the church before the inn if needed…)

Head north and cross the bridge for another scene/scrolling txt

Head north past the J shaped river to Matoya’s cave – you do not need to but the story expects you to and there are 3 chests. (I can’t be the only person who sees the J)
Matoya’s cave
Matoya’s cave (level 5) – 3 chests – Total Chests = 6

You do not have to stop here now but there are 3 chests

  1. Antidote – west side main chamber
  2. Potion – west side main chamber
  3. Potion – west side main chamber

Leave and head south until you can head east (south past the J river then east)

Achievement unlocked – apprentice Warrior
Kill 100 monsters – I had to back track to heal my dumb dead thief though so you may get this a little later. Also, I tend to re-load after checking things out as I am playing this from memory and trying to write this guide and I am not sure if the counters are persistent or tied to the save yet.

Achievement unlocked – Field Research – basic
Get 10% of the bestiary. Honestly, I have not been trying for this yet as I figure I will run into just about everything. I will point out any hard to get/rare monsters though

Note – I save my fire spells for any Ogres as they can be rough here
Pravoka (level 6) – 0 chests – total chests = 6

On your way here you may run into:
rare monster - 004 - Crazy Horse - Easy to miss in the fields north east of Cornelia on your way to Provoka. These are a tough fight for now but make sure you come back these if you don't find any.

There is a big fight in this town so get ready first (don’t talk to the pirate)

Stay at the inn and shop
  • I like the broadsword over the battle axe for warriors
  • You can skip the iron armor and get it at the next town
  • Do get leather gloves as you can’t get them at the next town

Level 2 Black Magic
  • Blizzard – good – your only second level damage spell
  • Dark – not great – I take this over slow though
  • Temper – must have – super must have. You will be using this through out the game
  • Slow – not great

Level 2 White Magic
  • Blindna – not good – but removes blind and is better than silence
  • Invis – great – helps with evasion for anyone
  • Nulshock – great – helps with shock damage so it can be useful
  • Silence – Not great

Once you are ready save and head to the west side of town and talk to the pirate

Once the fight is over you get a key item ship! (also that fight was way easier than I remember)

board your ship

Achievement unlocked – hidden game (ACHIEVEMENT WILL POP AFTER NEXT COMBAT)
Play the 15-puzzle game. To unlock this, I used a gamepad and held A while pressing B like 60 times while on your ship. (I believe you hold enter with the keyboard and hit backspace 60ish times) However, the achievement didn’t pop for me until after I beat it 5 or 6 times and gave up until I got into a combat.

Tip on winning. Work in pairs and start with the top two rows. For example, work 1 and 2 into place in the top left, then 3 and 4. The last eight must be done at the same time so do 9, 10, 13 and 14 together. No reward for winning in this version sadly but its for the best as it was OP in the original.

Take your new ship south and then west until you can doc

From this port head south
Elfheim and Eleven Castle
Elfheim and Eleven Castle – (level 9) – 0 chests for now – total chests = 6

Rest and shop in the city as needed

Make sure you check the graves for a funny little joke

You are not going to be able to upgrade everything you want now without serious farming, and I wouldn’t even try to get the level 4 spells just yet. The copper armlets are nice though but you can skip the iron armor and one copper armlet as you will get them soon.

Level 3 Black Magic
  • Fira – Must have - fire spell
  • Focara – meh - decrease evasion for all enemies
  • Thundara – good – thunder spell
  • Hold – meh – hold one monster

Level 3 White Magic
  • Cura – Must have – like cure but better
  • NulBlaze – Must have – cuts fire damage in half
  • Heal – good – heals a little for everyone
  • Diara – meh – multi undead damage but not as good as fira but can be handy for large groups

Level 4 Black Magic
  • Sleepra – Meh – puts one enemy to sleep
  • Haste – Must have – super must have - it works a little different in FF 1 and doubles the number of attacks/hits
  • Confuse – meh – never really used my haste slots for this
  • Blizzara – good – ice damage to all enemies

Level 4 White Magic
  • Poisona – Good – cures poison but antidotes are not that expensive
  • Fear – meh – I have never really used it
  • NulFrost – Must have – cuts ice damage down
  • Vox – meh – cures silence but in previous versions I do not believe I have ever been silenced. Will update if that changes

Once you are done shopping head west from here then north past the mountains and keep going north to talk to the king in the Western Keep or skip that and head west and then south to the March Cave.

I do recommend having the best gear you can get and at least the fira spell plus some antidotes and one tent.

Achievement unlocked – Thrifty Spender – Obtain 10k gil
I got this while getting ready to go to the Marsh Caves
Marsh Cave
Marsh Cave – (level 12) – 15 chests – total chests = 21

The first real dungeon

First head north and follow the path until you go down to the next floor
On this floor use the map and go to the three rooms to get treasures

  1. Dagger – northeast room
  2. 1180 gil! – northwest room
  3. Potion – Southwest room
  4. 1120 gil! – South west room
Achievement unlocked – Experienced warrior – defeated 300 monsters
Nothing special here

Once you have the 4 chests head back the way you came to outside and rest up. Then head back in and head south this time

Note that if at anytime you feel you need to, run back outside and use a tent or even back to town. Trying to get all the chests in the next two areas in one go can be tough.

Once you reach the next floor if you open your map you will see 4 rooms in the south. The smaller 3 each have a chest.
  1. Potion - first room on the west side
  2. Broadsword - second room from the west
  3. Potion - third room from the west
After that, head through the room in the south east and make your way down to the last floor.

Open your map and look at this room like a 4x4 grid. There are 7 chests you can grab now including a key item. The bottom row of rooms are locked leaving 3 chests you can't get now. If you number these like the 15 square puzzle, starting with the top left as 1 then the chests are as follows:
  1. Phoenix Down - room 1
  2. 1045 gil! - room 4
  3. Copper Armlet - room 5
  4. Cottage - room 6
  5. Potion - room 6 also
  6. Key item The Crown - room 10 - I save this for last as it has a mini boss
  7. 1135 gil! - room 11
  8. Potion - room 12
The mini boss in room 10 is 4 heavy hitting monsters. I just attack two different ones with the warrior and thief, had the white mage cast invis on the thief and had the black mage cast thundara.

Rare monster - 028 - Crawler - Marsh cave - you might miss this one. If you didn't see one you may need to farm a bit or come back later for one.

After getting the crown you are ready to head out and bring it to the western keep. You may want to rest up before you go.
Western Keep and Loot
Western Keep and Loot - (level 14) - 19 chests - total chests = 40

Head back to Elfheim and heal up while also picking up some of the 4th level spells. Once done head to the Western Keep. I will be using haste in the Western Keep

Once you are ready talk to the king for a boss fight

Astos (level 14). I have my fighter types fight while my casters buff and heal. I put temper on the warrior and thief and then haste while my white mage cast invis starting with the casters and healed as needed. Astos is your first real boss and he hits hard and casts spells including blind.

Key item - Crystal Eye received

Now its time to run around and do some back tracking for a bunch of chests.

Go back to Matoya's cave - First head back to your ship and go north past the start city through a bridge and then dock.

Achievement unlocked - legendary warrior - 500 kills
I got this on my way to Matoya's cave but again, there is no issue if you get this later

Talk to Matoya to trade the Crystal Eye for the key item - jolt tonic

Now head back to your ship and sail back south to the Eleven castle and talk to the person next to the sleeping elf king

The king will give you the key item mystic key. We can now go back and get all of the chests behind locked doors and get some really good stuff.

Lets start here - Elvin Castle chests - as you enter you can walk around the right side of the castle and open up a room
Easily miss-able chests:
  1. Mythril Hammer - chest in hidden room - I put this on my white mage
  2. 800 gil! - chest in hidden room
  3. 700 gil! - chest in hidden room
  4. Bronze Gloves - chest in hidden room - I equipped this on my warrior

Achievement unlocked - rookie treasure hunter - find 10% of the chests. I got it as I left the castle
If you are following this guide you should get this one at the same time.

We can now backtrack to several places to get some required and some good stuff. You can do these in any order but this is the order I do them in. I also grabbed the remaining level 4 spells I wanted.

Western keep - once you enter head around starting on the right side to get to another locked room.
Semi-easily missable chests if you don't come back:
  1. Power staff - first chest on the left - Monster in this chest. 5 Mummy - I attacked and blasted them with Fira. I equipped this on my black mage
  2. Falchion - middle chest - more monsters - 6 wraiths - these can stun - I again used fira. I put this one on my thief
  3. Steel gloves - left chest - more mummy - fira. I put these on my Warrior

Marsh Cave - head south and back to the bottom level. These chests are all in the southern row
Semi-easily missable chests if you don't come back:
  1. Silver armlet - first room on the left - double monsters - first there are 4 Piscodemon you can fight but you can also walk around them. (I kill them because why not) Then when you open the chest you will have to fight again. 6 anaconda - I hit them with Blizzara once. I put this straight on the black mage
  2. Antidote - second from the left - monsters - 4 Piscodemon. What I do his attack two of them and hit them with a blizzara in round 1 and finish off the last 2 in round 2.
  3. (skip the third room)
  4. 1020 gil! - fourth room - Monsters - 4 Piscodemon. Such a fancy room for not a lot of reward.

Achievement unlocked - smart saver - obtain 50k gil
I got this one on my way back to Cornelia Castle.

Cornelia Castle - back track to your ship (heal and buy stuff at elf town if needed) and sail north to dock back at the start city.

head east or west around to the back area and to the two locked rooms in the north east. In order from west to east:
  1. Iron armor - first room - on the warrior
  2. tent - first room -
  3. key item - Nitro powder first room -
  4. Cottage - second room
  5. Saber - second room
  6. Mythril knife - second room

Temple of Chaos - head north west back to where you saved the princess. Once inside open the two rooms in the east.

Semi-easily missable chests if you don't remember to come back
  1. Rune Blade - south eastern room - I put this on my thief (does extra damage against casters)
  2. Werebuster - North eastern room - I put this on the warrior for now (does extra damage against were creatures)
  3. golden needle - north eastern room

Great job! You now have all the loot and are ready to move on.
Mount Duergar and beyond
Mount Duergar and beyond (level 17) - 10 chests - total chests = 50

Head back to your ship and follow the coast north west.

Once docked head south west to find a cave entrance.

Mount Duergar - meet the dwarves and take their stuff. Note the southern room would have been locked if you came here earlier.

  1. 575 gil! - first room north of entrance
  2. 450 gil! - first room north of entrance
  3. tent - southern room
  4. Great helm - southern room - on my warrior
  5. Wyrmkiller - southern room - on my warrior and does extra damage on dragons
  6. ether - southern room - new to this addition. if you don't like it don't use them for more of an old school feel. I am going to try not to for fun as I love that they went back to the magic spell slots instead of MP like the OG FF.
  7. potion - southern room - very much not new
  8. Mythril mail - southern room
  9. 575 gil! - southern room
  10. cottage - southern room

Once you are ready talk to Nerrick (dwarf in the south) and enjoy a scene

head back to your ship and through the now open canal into the ocean proper
(note that you should get some Gold Needles before you do. I would say around 5 if you can but expensive magic is coming up in the next town as well)

It is also worth saying that there are no places to doc on the northern continents/islands and there are only a couple new areas in the south that you couldn't reach before. The first is just west of the new opening.
Melmond (level 17) 0 chests - total chests = 50

There are no chests in Melmond but there are some shops and new spells.

White Magic level 5
  • Curaga - must have - more healing
  • Life - must have - bring back the dead!
  • Diaga - good - does good damage to all of the undead - can be helpful so its your call over healara
  • Healara - good - does healing to everyone - a good spell but I am taking Diaga. Honestly though these slots will be used for Curaga and life mostly

Black Magic Level 5
  • Firaga - Must have - Fire!
  • Scourge - meh - I will skip this one as spells like this normally don't work when you want them to
  • Teleport - good - very handy for leaving if you have the slots (your black mage cannot learn this one yet) Also note that there is a better white magic version in the next town but I will skip it in favor of other spells)
  • Slowra - okay - could help on some boss fights so I will take this one

Other shopping
  • You can get a long sword if you want but it has slightly lower accuracy and only slightly higher damage so I will stick with Wyrmkiller
  • You probably can't afford knight's armor right now and that's okay
  • I like to get the silver armlets for everyone except the warrior (yep even the thief)
  • I forgot that petrifaction happens a lot in the next area so I went back to another town for golden needles as this town has no item shop

It might be worth it to farm for a bit to get your level 5 spells now depending on how hard you want the next area to be. I will farm for 3 or 4 spells and save the last few for later.

One other thing you could do is go all the way around the southern continent to the eastern side (on the outside) and and walk to a town called Crescent Lake and also purchase some stuff/upgrades if so desired but keeping with the standard pacing, you would actually come here later.

Once you are ready head back to Melmond and walk west and then south to the triangle part for the next dungeon.
Cavern of Earth First Run
Cavern of Earth First Run (level 19) 16 - chests - Total chests = 66

B1 - first floor
First things first. Time to get the chests on this floor. I started off going north then back to the entrance and south east for those two rooms.

Note that the western paths used to be a fight every step. Now there is just two NPC/monsters walking around. (Lizard and Hill Gigas). I took the time to kill them.

B1 treasure chests:
  1. 1975 gil! - Monsters - Earth Elemental - Northern path to NE room - this guy can hit hard be ready. I have my attackers attack, my white mage heal and my black mage use fire (this one is weaker to fire)
  2. 880 gil! - southern room
  3. Potion - Monsters - Southern room - another earth elemental (fight, fight, fight, fire)
  4. Antidote - Monsters - south eastern room - another earth elemental
  5. 795 gil! - Monsters - south eastern room - another earth elemental

lastly back to the entrance (pop out and use a tent if you would like) and east to head down.

B2 - second floor
Once on this floor open your map and head to the eastern door on this floor and then to the door all the way to the south for treasure. There is a monster blocking the south room - Earth Elemental

B2 treasure chests:
  1. Coral Sword - eastern room - I put it on my thief (does more damage to aquatic enemies)
  2. tent - eastern room
  3. 330 gil! - eastern room
  4. 5000 gil! - southern room
  5. leather shield - southern room
  6. 575 gil! - southern room

Once done head to the stairs down on the earn side.

B3 - Third floor
This floor looks more mazey than it actually is. Open your map and you will see its more of a single circle.

Head east and enter the first room there for a chest. Then follow the main path north. Take the fork east for another treasure room.

Then follow the main path around (No treasure in the NW corner room just a fight) for two more treasure rooms until finally you reach the center.

kill the cockatrices fast when you run into them as they can turn you to stone.

The last Treasure room has a boss fight before the chest. It isn't hard but heal up before talking to the bat in your way.

achievement unlocked - Money Bags - get 100k gil
I got this while collecting the treasure on this floor. Depending on how much you farmed you may get this at a very different time.

B3 treasure chests:
  1. sleeping bag - first room east of entrance
  2. gold needle - Monsters - head east at the fork and then south to this room. Its another earth elemental
  3. 3400 gil! - Northern room
  4. 1020 gil! - monsters - western room - Your old pal the Earth Elemental

Vampire - He is a push over. Just hit him and use your spells. your anti undead spells if you took any will work on it as well. Otherwise good old fire based spells will get the job done.

Chest - key item star ruby - right after the boss

That is all you can do for now so make your way back to the surface and rest up at town. It is a good time to pick up any level 5 spells you want as well. I will leave a space for the escape spell later.

I also picked up a set of knights armor for my warrior since I had the money but you could probably skip it if you wanted
Giant's Cave and Sage's cave
Giant's Cave and Sage's cave (level 22) - 4 chests - Total Chests = 70

This will be a short section but once you are ready head west of the cavern of earth (really head west before heading south to the triangle).

Giant's cave
Once inside follow the path and talk to the "giant" and give them the star ruby and they will let you through.

Head south for some treasure (from west to east):
  1. Mythril Helm - southern treasure room - equipped on my warrior
  2. 450 gil! - southern treasure room
  3. 620 gil! - southern treasure room
  4. Great Axe - southern treasure room - equipped on my warrior

Once done head north and exit the stairs to the north.

Now that you are breathing the fresh air, follow the path around and south to a cave

Sage's cave
Head to the room on the west side and talk to the sage (no need to search the pots like later entries)

Also note that you have to come here AFTER the vampire is killed.

The Sage will give you the key item Earth Rod

You can now head back to the Cavern of Earth to finish it once and for all.
Cavern of Earth Second Run
Cavern of Earth Second Run (level 22) 8 - chests - Total chests = 78

Head back to the cave (use a tent or cottage if you would like) and make your way back down to where you killed vampire.

B3 - third floor
Walk through the room where you killed the boss and make your way to the stone in the center of the map.

Touch the stone with the earth rod to open up stairs and head deeper.

B4 - fourth floor
There are two treasure rooms on this floor. One in the north and one in the south west. hit them in that order.

B4 chests:
  1. 1455 gil! - Monsters - north treasure room bottom left chest - Two Sphinx they hit hard but so do you. I just used fight to kill them.
  2. 5450 gil! - Monsters - north treasure room to west chest - two more sphinx
  3. 1520 gil! - north treasure room second from the left
  4. Staff - monsters - north treasure room second from the right - 2 Hyenadon an Orgre Chief and an Ogre Mage. I just used fight, fight, fight, fira.
  5. 3400 gil!- monsters - north treasure room eastern chest - same group as last chest

  6. tent - Monsters - southern treasure room southern chest - same group as last chest
  7. Mythril Shield - Monsters - southern treasure room middle chest - same group as last chest - equipped on my warrior
  8. 1250 gil! - southern treasure room northern chest - same group as last chest

Once looted head to the stairs down in the north west corner

B5 - fifth floor
No loot on this floor so just use your map to make your way over to the only door in the south west.

talk to the yellow orb for a boss fight

Lich - boss fight. He is undead so fare and undead spells if you have them. I just hit him hard with my fighters while my white mage buffed and healed and my black mage cast firaga

Achievement unlocked - earth's blessing - restored the earth crystal's light
automatic after defeating the boss

Walk around the crystal to the yellow spot and inspect it to teleport out (nice finally don't have to walk out)

head back to town and rest up.

Crescent lake
Crescent lake (level 24) 0 chests - total chests = 78

From Melmond sail south and follow the cost all the way around to the east side of the continent and dock near the big crescent lake. (if you are in a big bay you went to far north) Dock here and walk around the lake to a town called Crescent lake. (pro tip - its actually faster to sail west since the world is "round")

White Magic level 6
  • Stona - good - removes stone status - I am taking this over exit for now
  • Exit - good - takes you out of a dungeon regardless of floor
  • Protera - Must have - boosts defense for entire party
  • Invisira - Must have - boots evasion for entire party

Black Magic level 6
  • Thundaga - must have - your big aoe for the level
  • Death - meh - never really used it
  • Quake - meh - never really used it but I will take it over the others. the last one is your call
  • Stun - meh - never really used it

Other shopping (I didn't need much here)
  • Buckler for the thief
  • Mythril Gloves for the warrior
  • Mythril axe for the warrior to change it up (you could skip this if you want)
  • Any items you may need. I picked up some Antidotes and potions to save spell slots later

I could only afford 4 spells right now so I am going to farm in a sec to get enough for the last 2.

Once you are done shopping there is a not so secret clearing on your map to the east side of town. You get there from a bridge in the north east. Head over there and talk to some people.

Key item canoe - from the purple robed sage just right of the blue one.
This item lets you "walk" across rivers.

Special note - Canoe trick - there is a trick that existed in the NES version (so I will use it) where you can now dock on rivers that meet the ocean. Basically, drive your ship into a river and you will pop out on your canoe.

Now its off to the next area via nearby river.
Mount Gulg
Mount Gulg (level 25) - 37 chests - Total Chests = 115

Use the rivers west of crescent lake and follow them around until you can get to the 'island' in the middle area. Use your map to guide you.

Once here enter use a tent if needed and enter Mount Gulg

You are going to have to walk through the lava and take some damage - no fights in the lava though.

Head to the stairs down in the north west. No treasure on this floor.

There is a ton of treasure on this floor. Skip the first door and go in the second. work your way around from south east to north east to north west and finally down to the mega treasure room in the south west.

There is also a lose monster/NPC to kill by the big room you can skip if you want.
(for the big treasure room I will go from left to right top down)

B2 treasure chests:
  1. 1520 gil! - Monsters - first chest in the south east - 2 fire elementals - don't use fire on them. I just used fight and a single casting of blizzara
  2. Mythril helm - Monsters - middle east side - 2 fire elementals
  3. great sword - monsters - 2 fire elementals - left north east chest since it dead ends
  4. 4150 gil! - North east right side
  5. 1250 gil! - monsters - right chest in the north west - 2 fire elementals
  6. 1295 gil! - left chest in the north west
  7. Mythril gloves - treasure room chest 1
  8. 1760 gil! - treasure room chest 2
  9. Mythril Helm - treasure room chest 3
  10. 1520 gil! - Monsters - treasure room chest 4 - Lava worm - it can hit hard.
  11. Mythril Shield - treasure room chest 5
  12. 1455 gil! - Monsters - treasure room chest 6 - Lava worm
  13. Mythril axe - treasure room chest 7
  14. Hi-Potion - why hello - treasure room chest 8
  15. tent - treasure room chest 9
  16. 1975 gil! - treasure room chest 10
  17. Antidote - Monsters - treasure room chest 11 - Lava worm
  18. Phoenix Down - treasure room chest 12

Since this room takes up some time and spells, after these I pop back up to the surface and use a cottage.

Then hop on back down and skip the treasure room and use the stairs on the west side.

No loot and nothing in the west. Head east to the stairs down.

Again no treasure in this section just head southwest for the stairs up.

No treasure just look at the map for the stairs slightly south and all the way west

There are six rooms all with treasure and then stairs down. Just use your map and follow the paths that dead end to reach chests before continuing down to the stairs. (Note a monster blocks the central room)

B4 treasure chests:
  1. 2750 - Monsters - Northern room - fire lizard
  2. Gold Needle - Monsters - Northern room - fire worm
  3. 1760 gil! - next room south west
  4. 7340 gil! - Monsters - North western room - Fire worm
  5. Flame Shield - Monsters - North western room - Fire worm - on my warrior
  6. Ice Brand - north western room - on my warrior
  7. antidote - north western room
  8. 1380 gil! - north western room
  9. 1150 gil! - central room
  10. 1155 gil! - central room
  11. cottage - eastern room
  12. 2000 gil! - eastern room
  13. potion - eastern room
  14. staff - Monsters - southern room - fire lizard
  15. 1250 gil! - Monsters - southern room - fire lizard

Once done take the stairs down

This room is large start by heading all the way west and enter the room and then work your way around the outside clockwise. You can skip north west, north, and south if desired. The boss is in the south west.

B5 Treasure chests:
  1. flame mail - Monsters - west room - Red Dragon use ice - equipped on Warrior
  2. potion - north eastern room
  3. potion - eastern room
  4. potion - south eastern room

Achievement unlocked - field research advanced - 50% of the beastery
I ran into several monsters one time in this zone so you may get this earlier or later but I got it after killing the red dragon.

Once you have all the look go south west to fight the boss
Marilith - boss fight. I have my casters buff and my fighters fight. Don't forget nulblaze. Once buffed I use ice spells.

Achievement unlocked - rekindled flame

after, use the teleport behind the crystal and head back to town to rest up and buy any spells you missed.
Cavern of Ice
Cavern of Ice (level 30) 15 chests - Total chests = 130

Once you are ready get back on your ship and follow the coast north to a bay area. You can park in the doc or park in the river like all of the cool kids.

Follow the river north and then all the way west and then south and around to a cave. Enter that cave.

Cavern of Ice B1
Swap out the ice sword for something else and follow the path until you get to the stairs down.

go all the way to the south west and take those stairs down as well

Take the other set of stairs up

follow the path around and enter the door

Carefully grab both chests without falling through the floor:
  1. Cloths - Monsters - east chest - 4 dark wizards. Nuke these fools they can cast all sorts of nasty stuff including insta-death spells
  2. Flame Sword - west chest - equipped on my warrior

Once you have both go ahead and fall through the floor

Fight your way out of this room. Then walk on the spikes to grab the treasure to the west and make your way all the way south for a second treasure room.

B3 Treasure chests:
  1. Mythril Gloves - West room west chest
  2. Ice Armor - Monster - west room east chest 2 white dragons - equipped on my warrior
  3. 7900 gil! - south room top left chest
  4. 5454 gil! - south room top middle chest
  5. 1180 gil! - Monsters - south room top right chest - 7 winter wolf (there is a stark joke in here someplace)
  6. 9900 gil! - south room bottom left
  7. 5000 gil! - south room bottom middle
  8. 12350 gil! - monsters - south room bottom right - 7 more winter wolfs

achievement unlocked - Veteran Treasure Hunter - 50% of the chests found
If you are following along you should get this at the same time. Just after the south six.

Once you got everything use the stairs on the east side.

enter the door you start by. Grab the chest here, then the one in the small room to the south and finally the three in the center room before falling in the crack in the floor.

B1 treasure chests
  1. Ether - chest near entrance
  2. 10000 gil! - chest in small south room
  3. 9500 gil! - center room west chest
  4. sleeping bag - center room center chest
  5. ice shield - center room east chest - on the warrior

once ready fall through the floor.

Heal up and carefully pick up the object without falling through the ice
Evil Eye boss fight - I attack with the attackers, buff with the casters and then drop spells while healing...... and killed it in one hit from the first attack....

Key item obtained levistone

Fall through the floor and make your way out by heading to the stairs in the east but this time instead of falling through the floor take the stairs north east of the center room to leave the dungeon.

Rare monster - 073 - Remorazz - you can reach them on the way to the Citadel of Trails or in the Cavern of Ice. If you didn't see one here you get the chance to find one again later.
Gaia (level 32) - 0 chests - total chests = 130

Gaia is a city on the northern continent so its time to put that float stone to use! Normally different NPCs would give you clues as to how to do this but instead of talking to those scrubs head back to Crescent Lake.

Rest up and then use the rivers to get to the desert just south of Crescent Lake

Step into the dessert for scene

board your new vessel

In the north east of the world there is a small town you can fly to and land by called Gaia
Note they only sell half of the level 7 spells and you can only by one now anyway. (Blizzaga)

Spell spoilers:

White magic level 7 part A
  • Curaja - must have - cure spell
  • Diaja - good - high end undead damage spell

Black magic level 7 part A
  • Blizzaga - must have
  • Break - not great - I don't take it

They also have level 8 magic but we will cover that when it is more relevant since you can't learn any now.

Other shopping items:
  • The Protect Ring takes up the hand slot and protects against insta death so its a good buy for everyone
  • The ruby armlets are nice if you got money to spend - i skipped on these for now
  • The cat claw weapon is pricey but depending on your party you may want it as well (your black mage could use it soon). Its good but not great so you can save the money if you don't want one of everything.

Lastly, several NPCs in this town have valuable information if you are figuring things out on your own.

You can technically go to a bunch of different places and cities now but even if you are trying to power up its a good idea to keep your level down until after the next dungeon.
Dragon Caves
Dragon Caves (Level 32) 13 Chests - Total Chests = 143

In the north almost center of the map, you will find some small islands with caves on them. That is our next target.

(note that if you are in a hurry you can skip this step as we will be back here later)

I will cover the islands from west to east and top to bottom.

There is no treasure in the "upper" island but I do go in both entrances to talk to the NPCs but you can definitely skip that for now if desired

Dragon Caves B1
  1. Tent - western island north room
  2. dry ether - western island south room
  3. gold needle - western island south room
  4. elixir - marsh island
  5. cottage - marsh island
  6. 1000 gil! - marsh island
  7. x-potion - eastern island western room
  8. 9500 gil! - eastern island western room
  9. 2750 gil! - eastern island western room
  10. 1520 gil! - eastern island western room
  11. 2750 gil! - eastern island eastern room
  12. 1455 gil! - eastern island eastern room
  13. 2000 gil! - eastern island eastern room

That is all we can do now but we will be back
Citadel of Trials
Citadel of Trials (Level 33) 10 Chests - Total Chests = 153

Our next destination is the ruined castle just east of the islands. Due to forest and marsh though you have to land far away on the tip of the northern peninsula.

FYI, I will not be doing that. If you look just east of the castle there is a small lake with a small river. I am going to take the ship all the way up here and land on that river using the river trick. Remember to sail south if you take the ship

These are two rare monsters you can find here that you may need to come back for if you don't find them in other places:

Rare Monsters:
  • 073 - Remorazz - you can reach them on the way to the Citadel of Trails or in the Cavern of Ice
  • 077 - Sabertooth - in the forests on your way to the Citadel of Trails or in Mirage Tower
minor spoilers explaining why:

If you walk there, be ready to rest up before going in.

Citadel of Trials 1F
Not much to do on this floor. Talk to the NPC and enter the door in the north west and sit on the throne.

Citadel of Trials 2F
This place has teleporters that take you all over the place so I will walk through this step by step.

  • After arriving on floor two enter the only portal you can
  • again enter the only portal
  • enter the south portal of the two
  • enter the only portal
  • South portal again
  • Only portal
  • Take the eastern portal
  • Enter the door and grab the chest - Potion
  • There are several portals but from the chest you want the most southern portal on the east side
  • Take the stairs up to F3
Citadel of Trials 3F
  • This floor is straight forward. Follow the path around and grab the treasure.
  • Healing staff - north east room - I put this on my white mage. using it in combat will cast heal.
  • ruby armlet - north western room - I put on my black mage
  • ice brand - north western room
  • steel gloves - north western room
  • gauntlets - Monsters - south west first chest - 3 clay golem
  • cottage - south west second chest
  • 1455 gil! - south west third chest
  • 7340 gil! - south west fourth chest
  • Key item - rat's tail - chest in throne room
combat note - I will have my white mage use that staff from now on unless casting a spell.

Once ready talk to the NPC for a fight with 2 dragon zombies and use the throne to leave.

head back to the upper Dragon island (north almost center of the map) and talk to the main NPC again. :)

Achievement unlocked - token of courage

Once done the spells you have access to will change so feel free to fly to each town and update as needed. Double check your team as if this is your first time playing FF 1 you might be surprised by who gets spells now. (I had to rest for everyone to get there slots before I could learn anything) Even your mages can get those high level spells they couldn't before.

Also, the equipment they can use has been updated so make sure you check that as well. If you had a monk you may want to remove their weapon as well.

Note that I will be grabbing both level 7 white magic spells and only blizzaga for level 7 black magic. I will only take 2 of each of the level 8 spells leaving an open slot for later.

White Magic level 8
  • Holy - Must have - damages all enemies not just undead
  • NulAll - meh - reduces all spell damage by half but only works on one person
  • Dispel - skip - I haven't tested in this version but this never worked for me on NES
Black Magic level 8
  • Stop - Meh - I won't use it but I will take this one
  • Warp - you can skip - I will take it to fill a slot but you don't need it
  • kill - skip - I will skip this one
Onrac and Caravan
Onrac and Caravan (Level 34) 0 Chests - Total Chests = 153

Once you are done shopping, buying spells and the like, you are going to need 40,000 gil! so make sure you have that or are saving up for it while we make the next trip.

You are going to need to go to a the caravan on the north western land mass. There is also a city there called Onrac.

I find the best place to land is the south east of the dessert on this land mass. There is a little one square space you can land just at the very tip of the dessert.

Keep in mind you are about to need 40k but if you are ready, you can buy the remaining level 7 spells here. I pass on these until after the next dungeon

White Magic level 7
  • NulDeath - skip - You won't need this if you keep your protect rings on
  • Healaga - good - I grab this one

Black Magic level 7
  • Saber - good - an interesting spell that I always get. it only works on the caster
  • Blind - Meh - blinds a bad guy but I usually grab this just to fill the slot

Once you are done and have the money. Head to the dessert in the north west.

In the north west part of the dessert there is a kind of dessert island of sand. head to the middle of that to find the caravan.

Buy the key item bottled faerie

Listen! and take your new friend back to Gaia

Take a step in and your new friend will leave you! head to the pond in the north east part of town and talk to the faerie.

Key item received - Oxyale

Now head back to Onrac

Head all the way east and talk to the NPC on the dock. Then get into the barrel to reach the next dungeon.
Sunken Shrine
(level 35) - 32 chests - Total chests = 185

Sunken Shrine F3
First walk to the first room you can enter in the south east. This is one of two chests on this floor. The second is in the room in the north west.
  • 2000 gil! - chest in south east
  • 9900 gil! - chest in the north west room

I am going to break this dungeon into two parts. We are first going to clear the upper floors
Take the stairs up in the north east

Rare monsters to keep an eye out for:
  • 101 - water naga - Choas Shrine and/or Sunken Shrine - Thank you RPG Gamer Man
  • 099 - Ghost - Found in the Sunken Shrine - I found it on B2

Sunken Shrine F4
use your map to look at this room. The first chest is in the north most room. Then grab the chest in the center room. Finally grab the chests in the bottom 3 rooms from west to east.

F4 chests:
  • Diamond Armor - Northern room - on the knight and it protects against lightning
  • 1300 gil! - center room
  • light axe - south western room - it does extra damage to undead and casts diara on use
  • Mage staff - south center room - casts fira when used - Much like the heal staff I now use this every turn on my black wizard.
  • 12350 gil! - south eastern room

once done take the stairs up in the south east.

Sunken Shrine F5 - No monsters on this floor
There are some captured NPCs on this floor you can talk to. Use your map to grab the chests in the various rooms. I will grab them based on the left to right top down 1 to 16 numbering with 14 being the stairs.

Note, there is a trick to get to room 4 in the north east. You have to take the path in the north west off the screen to the left and it loops around.

F5 treasure chests
  1. 2750 gil! - room 2
  2. 10000 gil! - room 3
  3. 1150 gil! - room 3
  4. Diamond Helm - room 4 - on my knight
  5. Diamond gloves - room 4 - not equipped
  6. Key Item Rosetta Stone - room 4
  7. 4150 gil! - room 7
  8. 5000 gil! - room 8
  9. 9000 gil! - room 10
  10. 1760 gil! - room 10
  11. Diamond Armlet - room 10 - on my black wizard
  12. Antidote - room 15
  13. Diamond shield - room 16 - on the knight and it also guards against lightning

Now cast teleport 3 times (or walk back to the start) rest up and get ready for the second half.
Once you are ready head back in and take the stairs down in the north west.

Sunken Shrine F2
A quick stay on this floor as you work your way north to the next set of stairs.

Sunken Shrine F3
same in the next little room.

Sunken Shrine F4
walk around to the stairs down in the south east

Sunken Shrine F3
Enter the door and grab the two chests on your way to the stairs down in the south.
  • 1110 gil! - northern chest
  • 1450 gil! - southern chest
take the stairs down.

Sunken Shrine F2
On this floor grab the chests in the 4 rooms. south east, south west, north west then north east.

F2 treasures:
  • 7690 gil! - Monsters - south east room western chest - 3 water elementals
  • 8135 gil! - south east room eastern chest
  • 5450 gil! - south eastern room western chest
  • 1385 gil! - monsters - south eastern room middle chest - 3 water elementals
  • giant's gloves - monsters - south eastern room eastern chest - Mummy x2, King Mummy, Pyrolisk x3, Cockatrice x3 - I cast holy and blizzaga to end it fast - these gloves can be used to cast saber on the caster. Its a risk to swap it for a prot ring but it is worth considering. I did not equip them but may use them on boss fights.
  • light axe - monsters - north west room - bunch of monsters
  • Ribbon - north east room western chest - white wizard
  • 9900 gil! - north east room - top middle chest
  • 2750 gil! - north east room top east chest
  • 7340 gil! - north east room bottom chest

Once you have everything take the stairs in the north west down.

Sunken Shrine F1
Make your way north east toward the big room. there isn't anything in the little rooms on the east side. You have to walk around and south to actually get into the bit room.

Make your way through the room and to the north eastern room.

get ready for a boss fight before talking to the orb
Kraken - buff up and attack while healing as needed. Kraken can hit hard and casts ink/blind on everyone but I found this fight easy

Achievement unlocked - Revitalizing water

You can now walk around and use the portal to leave.
waterfall cavern
waterfall cavern (level 38) - 6 chests - Total chests = 191

You could have headed here early if you would have liked but now is a good time.

Take the river near Onrac and follow it up to a waterfall and row on in

waterfall cavern
Once in side use your map and make your way through the maze all the way around to the door in the south west.

fight your way in and loot everything. From west to east:
  • Wizard's staff - it has slightly better stats than the mage staff but it casts confuse.
  • ribbon - this one goes to the black wizard
  • 13450 gil!
  • 6400 gil!
  • 5000 gil!
  • Defender - a good sword that can cast blink when used - I equipped it on my knight

talk to the robot for key item warp cube

make your way out via spell or walking then get to your air ship and head over to Melmond

Once there make your way to the grave stones in the north east and talk to the NPC

scene will play out and you will learn a new language
Lufenia (level 39) - 0 chests - Total chests = 191

To get to this town you will need to land just east of the big dessert in the north east of the world map. You will land near/in a forest. head south east to a walled town.

Rare Monster - 083 - Allosaurus - in the forests near Lufenia town or in the desert in the north east

Enter Lufenia
Talk to the NPCs especially on in the south eastern side for a key item - chime.

There is also a semi-hidden shop in the north east (easy to find with the map) that sells the last 2 spells in the game.

White magic level 8
  • Full life - must have - revives and restores one person to full hp

Black magic level 8
  • Flare - must have - biggest highest damage spell

They are pricey but they are both worth it. I needed about 20k more gil to buy them both and farmed for the money. We are going to need both spells in the next dungeon.
Mirage Tower
Mirage Tower (level 40) - 18 chests - Total chests = 209

Head to the big dessert in the north east and park on the south east side. there is a small gab near the mountains where you can park slightly closer than obvious if desired.

Make your way north west toward the big tower. Note that you could not have come in here before getting the Chime

Rare Monsters:
083 - Allosaurus - in the forests near Lufenia town or in the desert in the north east
103 - tryranasaurus - large desert in the north east - this is the only place to fight this one

Mirage Tower 1F
If you check the map you can run all the way around the outside or you can enter the room in the center. do the latter.

Use your map to navigate and collect the treasure in this room. I will list them from west to east.
(note) - I missed the chest just north east of the center and had to come all the way back down for it. don't do that

Mirage Tower F1 Treasure:
  1. test - western chest
  2. Aegis shield - middle room - guards against stone and poison - goes on my knight
  3. 2750 gil! - middle room
  4. 18010 gil! - middle room
  5. Vorpal Sword - middle room - in the original it was supposed to have a higher crit but crit was bugged. I don't use it but feel free to play with it to see if it works out for you in this version.
  6. 3400 gil! - middle room
  7. healing helm - east chest - I put it on my ninja. the stats are good and it can cast heal. I won't use it as an item though
  8. 1300 gil! - north east of the rest of the treasure. don't miss this one.

Once done take the stairs up in the south on the left side

Mirage Tower 2F
Make your way all the way around so you can get into the big center room. Once in head to the center of the room and collect all of the treasure. I will list it top down west side first.
  • 1300 gil!
  • 12350 gil!
  • Thor's hammer! - this hammer cast thundara - I equip it on my white wizard.
  • 7900 gil!
  • 8135 gil!
  • Cottage
  • 7600 gil!
  • Sun blade - I put this on my ninja. it does extra damage to undead
  • 10000 gil!
  • Dragon Mail - guards against fire and ice - i put it on my knight

Take the stairs up in the north.

Mirage Tower 3F
Make your way around south and enter the only room.

Rare Monster - 077 - Sabertooth - in the forests on your way to the Citadel of Trails or in Mirage Tower. If you don't have one of these by now you may want to farm it on the world map later.

fight your way in. and use the warp to reach the flying fortress. (need the warp cube)
Flying Fortress
Flying Fortress (level 41) - 33 chests - Total chests = 242

You are now in the Flying Fortress. if you warp back an achievement will pop

Achievement Unlocked - Adventurous Wayfarer - go to every map
The only way to miss this one would be if you didn't upgrade your classes.

Updates pending

Flying Fortress F1
This floor is really straight forward. Grab the chests in the west room, south room and east room first.
  1. 9900 gil! - west room
  2. potion - west room
  3. 4150 gil! - west room
  4. 7900 gil! - west room
  5. Razer - south room - a saber that can cast scourge
  6. 500 gil! - east room
  7. Protect ring - east room
  8. 6720 gil! - east room
  9. healing helm - east room
  10. 1180 gil! - east room

Once done head north for the stairs up

Flying Fortress F2
Only slightly less straight forward than the previous floor. there are six rooms; 3 on the west side and 3 on the side. I will grab them top down starting on the west side.

(note) the bottom west room has the key item adamantite
  • Mythril Helm - top west room
  • Cottage - top west room
  • 1380 gil! - middle west room
  • 13000 gil! - middle west room
  • Diamond Gloves - top east room
  • Ribbon - middle east room - I take the slight def hit and put it on my ninja. Now everyone is immune to poison, stone and insta death.
  • Diamond Shield - middle east room
  • White Robe - bottom east room - It guards against fire, instant death and casts invisra when used.
  • Black Robe - bottom east room - tough call over the diamond armlet on the black mage. It guards against ice and time irregularities (can't be slowed/stopped) and casts Blizzara when used. - I equipped it on my black mage. and put the diamond armlet on my white wizard.

Note that if you are auto attacking, using the mage's staff for fira over blizzara is better as it does more damage to undead and earth so I stick with that but blizzara will do a little more to normal baddies so the choice is yours.

Once done take the stairs in the south

Flying Fortress F3
Check the giant orb for some interesting info and a scene

Rare Monster - 115 - Soldier - It is on this floor key an eye out for one

This floor has a little more going on. I grab the chests in the north room, then east room and you scan skip the south rooms. Lastly get the stuff from the western room since it is closet to the stairs.

  • 9000 gil! - northern room
  • Protect ring - northern room
  • Potion - northern room
  • 5450 gil! - northern room
  • 6400 gil! - eastern room
  • gold needle - eastern room
  • Clothes - eastern room
  • 9500 gil! - eastern room
  • Protect cloak - eastern room - it takes the shield slot for a caster. I put it on the Black Wizard
  • 8125 gil! - eastern room
  • gold needle - western room
  • 4150 gil! - western room
  • 3400 gil! - western room
  • Sasuke's Blade - a weapon for the ninja - so I put it on the ninja
Now take the stairs to the next floor

Flying Fortress F4
If you look at the map you will see the stairs up all the way in the north west. However, the room wraps around on all sides so just head south twice then east twice and you are there.

Flying Fortress F5
Time for a little heart to heart. The hardest monster in the game is a rare encounter on this floor. If you are taking advantage of quick save, do so before you take a step. It is very rare and normally I would clear this dungeon and come back later but with quick save, I will spend some time here killing things to try and find it. you can skip it for now if you would like.

Optional rare monster - War Mech - Flying Fortress F5- this thing is hard. Buff up, use your giant's glove. Make sure you cast invisra and protectra and keep on top of heals. Also feel free to use holy and flare as possible. It can also take a while to actually run into it, I just run around on this floor until I do.

Get ready for a boss fight before talking to the green orb
Boss fight - Tiamat - just buff up and lay the smack down with attacks and spells while healing as needed. Don't forget to use the giant's gloves on your attackers.

Achievement Unlocked - Winds Caress

Once you are done here take the portal out and get ready for the final dungeon. (Buy anything you want to buy). I did pick up more items and phoenix downs since the protect rings don't seem to stop all forms of insta death.... i purchased 99 of every item because I could.
Chaos Shrine
Chaos Shrine (level 45) - 7 chests - Total chests = 249

We need to make one quick stop before actually heading over. Go to Mount Duergar. and talk to the black smith. He will take the adamantite and give you Excalibur - I equipped it on my knight.

Achievement unlocked - Sword of myth
Get Excalibur

Now, one final thing I recommend is checking the rare monsters section of this guide and make sure you have killed all of the ones you needed before heading over to the Chaos Shrine. but you can do this after without a problem.

Chaos Shrine
Enter the center room and talk to the bats if you would like. Once ready talk to the orb in the middle. for a scene.

Chaos Shrine multiple floors
The Shrine looks a little different now and their are stairs in the four corners but if you look you can really only go to the south west and south east. This place looks like there are tons of different ways you could go but really, its straight forward with only one way to go at a time.

Head to the south east set of stairs.
  • Take the next set of stairs up
  • Head south and then into the center room for a fight with Death Eye
  • Grab the two chests for a Dry either and a Elixir
  • Interact with the stone in the middle the room and take the stairs down. (You will finally use the Lute)

Chaos Shrine B1
  • Run all the way to the north west and take the stairs down
  • walk west, or run, and take the stairs down
  • go all the way around to the south east
  • heal up if needed before talking to the orb for a boss fight - Lich. This is an upgraded version but not much harder. The next several bosses are like this.
  • Take the stairs down.

Chaos Shrine B2
  • Go around and north into the door
  • Exit the eastern door and head to the eastern stairs down but don't fight the boss yet
  • head south and explore the bottom part of this floor for 4 chests. There are 2 on each side. One just inside of the rooms and one down the path a ways.
  • Protect ring - western room
  • Sasuke's blade - western path
  • Protect Cloak - eastern room - equipped on my white mage
  • Elixir - eastern path
  • head back to the stairs for another boss fight - Marlith and again she is upgraded.
  • Once defeated take the stairs down

Chaos Shrine B3
  • go through the room and enter the south western door follow this room around
  • exit this room and head north to enter another one; exit the center door (first door east of you)
  • head to the stairs in the south east and great ready for another boss fight - Kraken - updated version
  • take the stairs down

Chaos Shrine B4
  • Head all the way south east to a little room first for a single chest - Masamune - the strongest weapon in the game. - I put it on my Ninja (this is also why I take a thief instead of a monk)
  • Now head back north and to the stairs on the east side
  • get ready for a boss fight - Tiamat - the upgraded
  • Take the stairs down

Achievement unlocked - Legendary treasure hunter - open all the chests
after you open the last chest you will need to finish a battle for this one to pop.

Rare Monster - 123 - Iron Golum - found in chaos palace on B4 - Thank you RPG Gamer Man. I actually had to farm for it.

Chaos Shrine B5
Make your way to the center room and get ready for the final boss fight. This fight can actually be a challenge

Achievement Unlocked - Seasoned here
Reach level 50 - I had to farm a small amount right before the final boss

Once ready talk to the NPC in the middle of the room for the final boss fight - Chaos
I followed the same boss formula from the tips section that I have used for all of the bosses. Still this one is the only boss fight in the game that can be a challenge. With the knight and ninja doing 1k to 2k an attack it will be over fast but he can still one or two shot just about everyone so keep your hp up.

Enjoy the end scene and credits you will need to let it finish and it will take a little bit.

Achievement unlocked - Prophecy Foretold - Finish the game
Finish the game, make a save and return to the title for this one.

Achievement unlocked - Fiend research professional - Unlocked all beastery entries
You may need to load up your now completed save file and fight a battle to get the bestiary achievement

Achievement unlocked - Master of I - unlock all other achievements
After unlocking that one this one is automatic

Rare Monsters
These are the rare or harder to find monsters that may have been missed.

Optional Boss rare monster - War Mech - Flying Fortress F5- this thing hits hard. Buff up, use your giant's glove. Make sure you cast invisra and protectra and keep on top of heals. Also feel free to use holy and flare as possible. It can also take a while to actually run into it, I just run around on this floor until I do. This is the rarest monster in the game.

rare monsters
  • 004 - Crazy Horse - Easy to miss in the fields north east of Cornelia on your way to Provoka
  • 028 - Crawler - Marsh cave - you might miss this one
  • 073 - Remorazz - you can reach them on the way to the Citadel of Trails or in the Cavern of Ice
  • 077 - Sabertooth - in the forests on your way to the Citadel of Trails or in Mirage Tower
  • 083 - Allosaurus - in the forests near Lufenia town or in the desert in the north east
  • 099 - Ghost - Found in the Sunken Shrine - I found it on B2
  • 101 - water naga - Choas Shrine and/or Sunken Shrine - Thank you RPG Gamer Man
  • 103 - tryranasaurus - large desert in the north east - Thank you RPG Gamer Man
  • 108 - Green Dragon - Not super rare and can be found in Waterfall Cavern and Chaos Shrine but I had it miss-labeled with ghost so I am adding here for clarification
  • 115 - Soldier - Flying fortress - I found it on F3
  • 123 - Iron Golum - found in chaos palace on B4 - Thank you RPG Gamer Man. I actually had to farm for it.

Thank you to Carramrod619 for pointing out my error with Ghost and Green Dragon


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