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Name: Piccolo
Difficulty: Easy
You'll end up attacking first here, so use a 3 stage attack and put in the commands to gain some CC. If Piccolo gathers power you better do it too. On his next turn, if you have Foresight in your hand, use it so he can't do damage to you with his 4 or 5 stage attack. Now, I suggest using a 4 stage attack, or just hit him with a masneko. Now on his turn this time, he'll use his Special Beam Cannon, so be sure that you have an avoid card. If you don't, move Gohan to the bottom left corner of the field so he won't take as much damage. Repeat this process until you win.
Name: Nappa
Difficulty: Normal
All you have to do is use the same strategy as above. Pummel Nappa with 3 and 4 stage attack. If he doesn't gather power around the his 4th or 5th turn, make sure endurance is ready. If he does, use the same tactics as you did with Piccolo. Repeat until big moron falls and goes boom.
Name: Vegeta
Difficulty: Hard if you're new
Before you begin the battle, equip Goku's limit with Super Kamehameha, Kaioken, and anything else you want. Just be sure that you have those 2 cards set as his limits. Now attack Vegeta normaly with 3 and 4 stage attacks. You should know the process of them powering up and stuff by now. When he does, have Goku do it, and during your defense phase, have Goku use Kaioken and then attack with Super Kamehameha on your attack phase. And beware of Vegeta's Galick-Ho. It's a weak card, but this far into the game it can do some damage. Just repeat the process until he's beaten.
Name: Vegeta
Difficulty: Normal
This is just like the last fight, only this time you don't have daddy fighting for you. It's the same strategy none the less though.
Name: Guldo
Difficulty: Easy
You can pick either Gohan or Krillin now. I'd suggest you pick Krillin to at least get him to level 2. if not just use Gohan. All you have to do is use the normal strategy here.
Name: Recoome
Difficulty: Almost Hard
Just wail on Recoome normaly with 3 or 4 stage attacks. After you've taken out a good amount of HP, he'll use his Eraser Gun that will take out a good amount of your HP as well, so be careful.
Name: Jeice and Burter
Difficulty: Normal
This is your first 2 on 2 battle. I suggest you put Gohan in front, and Goku in back so that if Gohan loses, Goku can step in. Use your normal strategies, and when Goku or Gohan reach about 1/4 of their HP, I'm hoping that you put the Dende card in your deck. Once you've got Jeice out of the way, you get to fight Burter, only he won't use Ki Blasts. Instead he'll use Mach Attack, so I hope that you've got Shokwave in your deck. When you get the chance on either Jeice or Burter, have Goku power up, Kaioken, then Spirit Bomb. You should have it by now.
Name: Ginyu (Goku) and Jeice
Difficulty: Easy
Be careful in this battle, seeing as how Ginyu will use Super Kamehameha. Just use your regular tactics and wail on him, then Jeice will fly in. If Gohan is anywhere near death, replace him with Krillin. It's pretty much the same here too. Have Krillin use MistyKiWave when you get a chance. Jeice may or may not use Crasher Ball. If Krillin happens to get low on Hp, switch back to Gohan and get rid of Jeice.
Name: Freeza
Difficulty: Almost Hard
Freeza likes to use two attacks after he powers up. Ground Wave and Super Dash Elbow. But it turns out that Super Dash elbow happens to be his favorite. Try and get your CC up to about 65-70 or so. When you get a chance use Kaioken and throw Spirit Bombs at Freeza so he'll take major damage.
Name: Freeza
Difficulty: Almost Hard
This battle will be almost the same as last time, only with a Super Saiyan Goku. You can still use the Spirit Bomb, but not the Kaioken. Get a nice amount of CC while using your normal tactics, then just keep throwing the Super Kamehamehas and Spirit Bombs at Freeza. He will eventually die.
Name: Goku
Difficulty: Easy
This battle is actually pretty easy. Just use normal tactics. Goku is a push over, but when he uses ki attacks he'll make them count by using Spirit Bomb which will drain you Just build up your CC's and throw those Masenkos or just pummel him with your new Dunk Shot.
Name: Android 19
Difficulty: Normal
Unlike in the anime/manga, the android might or might not absorb your Ki attacks. He doesn't do it too often either. He does, however, have an attack that will drain your HP, so let's gain some CC, power up, and throw those Spirit Bombs.
Name: Android 20
Difficulty: Normal
20 is pretty much the same as 19, only he will use a Super E-Ball for his special. Just use the normal strategy and get rid of him.
Name: Cell
Difficulty: Normal
I suggest you have Piccolo-God. If he's not unlocked, lose to Cell once, continue, then repay him with a death of his own using normal strategies. But beware that Cell will use Special Beam Cannon and Super Kamehameha.
Name: Android 17
Difficulty: Semi-Normal
If you have Piccolo-God this battle will be a lot easier. He won't absorb your energy, but he will attack with Crazy Rush or Super E-Ball. Anyway, use normal tactics and use Special Beam cannon when you can.
Name: Android 16 and 18
Difficulty: Almost Hard
This battle can be tricky. 16 will usually use Rocket Punch for his special. Then 18 uses a bit of a Variety. It's also advised that you have Goku-SS help you. After you get rid of them, the battle's over.
Name: Cell
Difficulty: Normal
This battle is the same as it was with Piccolo. Only now he may use Cell Combo. But he tends to use the Special Beam Cannon most of the time.
Name: Cell
Difficulty: Very Easy
Same strategy as Cell.
Name: Cell
Difficulty: Normal
I'm gonna hope you put Super Kamehameha on Gohan, because he can use it now! Let's do that. Same strategy for Cell as it was when you fought him with Goku.
Name: Cell
Difficulty: Normal
The strategy is the same, but before the battle begins, Vegeta swears he will kill Cell for killing his son. Just use the same tactics as always, and he'll go down.
Name: Androids 17 and 18
Difficulty: Normal
I suggest beating them with only Super Trunks. They use the same attacks and stuff as before, but you'll want to put that card you got from Bulma in your deck for this battle.
Name: Cell
Difficulty: Normal
Use the exact same strategies from when you fought him as Piccolo.
Name: Trunks
Difficulty: Normal
Trunks is stronger than Goten because he's a year older, but he proves it too. He uses attacks like Burning Attack and Flash Punch. You should have Goten's Kamekameha. Guard against his specials while using normal strategies.
Name: Majin Vegeta
Difficulty: Normal
We've got Super Saiyan 2 Goku for this fight. Vegeta is a lot tougher now that he has Final Flash and Big Bang Attack. Raise your CC and power as much as you can without doing too much damage to Vegeta. Then if he flies up, SPIRIT BOMB! You can just use the normal strategy here as well.
Name: Fat Buu
Difficulty: Normal
Buu is a little funny to watch. Just watch out for Super E-ball and Potbelly Attack. Othersiwe normal strategies will work. And having either Final Flash or Big Bang Attack helps too.
Name: Trunks
Difficulty: Normal
Use normal tactics here. And Trunks likes to use Rising Kick and Burning Attack so be careful.
Name: Buu
Difficulty: Normal
Use the same tactice on him as you normaly would, but just watch out for his Super E-ball.
Name: Buu
Difficulty: Normal
Pretty much the same as last time. Just gain CC's and throw some Super Kamehamehas if you gave them to this Gohan.
Name: Buu
Difficulty: Normal
This Buu is actually smart. If you throw a Super Kamehameha a him, he'll use Breathe to cancel it out! I suggest you beat him using any card you can while sticking to the normal strategy so that you know his moves.
Name: Buu
Difficulty: Normal
Equip Vegito with Super Kamehameha, Teleport, and Big Bang Attack if you have it. You should be able to waste Buu in no time.
Name: Evil Buu
Difficulty: Normal
Hope you have Super Saiyan 3 Goku unlocked, because it makes this battle a lot easier. You know the strategy by now.
  • Hits: 539


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Button What it does
D-Pad Use to select a menu or command, or to move the characters around the map.
Start Use to start game, and to view card details in the System Screen
A Use to enter commands, send messages, and proceed to other screens.
B Use to cancel commands. At the System Screen, use to return to previous screen.
Select This button is not used in this game.
  • Hits: 615


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Here's where I'll explain the menus and tell you how to increase your character's status when they level up. Lets take a look at the picture below.

This is the Start Menu. The two words in that pic pretty much explain themselves. You'll unlock 2 more menus there when you get so far into the game. I'll tell you what they are in the Secrets section. Now we'll take a look at the in-game menu.

Status displays the characters you have and their stats. When you level up, you can also come here to distribute the 5 extra point you get from leveling up. More on that later.
Deck allows you to add or remove cards from your deck. You're deck is made up of joint cards and it can only have 20. After you've drawn all 20 in battle you don't get to draw anymore, but the battle will continue.
Team lets you choose your team for battle if the situation allows it. After beating the game once, you can use whatever character(s) you want.
List just displays all the cards you have collected. You'll end up playing through the game many times to collect them all without cheating.
Save pretty much explains itself.
Exit will take you back to the map area if you're on the map, but when you're about to start battle, it uh...lets yoo start the battle.

Guess it's time to tell you how to level up and distribute the 5 points to add to one of your stats after you level up. The maximum level is 5. You probably know that leveling up can only be done by fighting. Your stats will increase on its own, but you also gain 5 points to give to one of your stats.
Increasing your HP lets you last longer in battle.
Increasing Strength will increase the damage you do with a damage card or command card.
Increasing you Ki will increase the amount of damage a beam attack will do.
Increasing Speed will increase your accuracy and avoidance. Speed will also determine which character goes first.

  • Hits: 1147


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This is where I'll tell you about the two decks you get in the begining and the list of 125 cards. And if you don't know what character can use what card, just hit the start button while you're viewing the card. Any character whose name is highlighted can use that card.

You get to choose between 2 decks in the begining. Those decks are the Damage and Beam decks. In case you don't know, Damage Deck includes mainly damage cards and Beam Deck includes mainly beam cards. Here's a list of the cards you get in each of the decks.

Damage Deck Beam Deck
Dunk Shot Masenko
Continuous Kick Energy Wave
Continuous Punch Energy Bomb
Continuous Punch Energy Bomb
Kamehameha Kamehameha
Energy Bomb Continuous Punch
Energy Wave Continuous Kick
Energy Wave Continuous Kick
3 Stage Attack 3 Stage Attack
Reading Ki 4 Stage Attack
Afterimage Chiaotzu
Bulma Chiaotzu
Yajirobe Bulma
Yajirobe Full Spirit
Foresight Shockwave
4 Stage Attack 4 Stage Attack
Reading Ki Reading Ki
Foresight Foresight
Endurance Endurance
Avoiding Avoiding

Here's a list off all 125 cards. But before I actually give you the list, I'm going to tell you about the cards. The card's accuracy is the chance it has to hit. Its power is the amount of damage it will do. R stands for rarity, which is how common the card is. Its rarity is shown with stars. One star is common, two is rare, three is super rare. The number is the card's, well, number. Anyway, here's the list with pics. All the information for all the cards are on the pics, but I will at least put the name beside them. They're also in alphabetical order for quick reference.

Name Card Pic
18's Attack
3 Stage Attack
4 Stage Attack
5 Stage Attack
6 Stage Attack
Atomic Break
Big Bang Attack
Body Change
Btl. Jacket
Burning Attack
Caps. Fridge
Cell Combo
Champion Belt
Continuous Kick
Continuous Punch
Crasher Ball
Crasher Buu
Crazy Rush
Dabura Spear
Dunk Shot
Dynamite Punch
Energy Absorb
Energy Absorber
Energy Bomb
Energy Slash
Energy Slice
Energy Wave
Eraser Cannon
Eye Beam
F. Kamehameha
F. Lightbomb
Finish Buster
Final Flash
Finger Beam
Flash Punch
Flash Sword
Flesh Guard
Full Spirit
Galacitca D.
Grand Wave
Gravity Device
Heart Virus
Heart Medicine
Hell Flash
H's Chocolate (aka Special Candy)
Kaio Ken
Ki Blast Bomb
Life Absorb
Life Preserve
Light Cannon (aka Lightning C.)
Light Vest
Lock On
M. Sound Wave
Mach Attack
Medical Machine
Misty Ki Wave
N. Slasher
Naughty Book
New B-Jacket
P. Comet Z
Potbelly Attack
Purple Comet
Reading Ki
R.F.B. Attack
Rising Kick
Rocket Punch
Special Beam Cannon
Super Dash Elbow
Super Destruc-Disk
Sand Glass
Sealed Ball
Super Ghost Kamikazi Attack
Solid Shot
Sonic Kick
Special Card
Speed Up
Spirit Bomb
Super Saiyan 2
Super Saiyan 3
Step Up Attack
Stop Device
Super E-Ball
Super Kamehameha
Supreme Kai
Sweet Beam
Time Freeze
Trunks Sword
V-ball Crash

That's all for the cards section.

  • Hits: 1235

Battle System

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Battle System

Time to discuss the battle system. The game uses cards to attack, kinda like in the Japanese SNES RPG, Legend of the Super Saiyan. Anyway, lets take a look at the screen below.

This screen displays which fighter you selected, and the one that the computer starts out with. If the battle allows, you can have more than 1 fighter, but you'll have to switch them. More on that in a second. See those numbers beside the character pics? This shows the number of enemies/allies that are fighting. The most you'll ever have to fight in a story battle is two. But in multiplayer I suppose you can fight as many as you want. Anyway, onto how the battle system itself works.

In the upper left corner, is your character's HP, and on the opposite side, your opponent's. Their HP must hit zero to win a battle. Remember how I mentioned an ally? I'll explain that now. If the battle allows you to use 2 characters, you can switch them in or out by using the Select Character command. That's the C on that black bar near the bottom. Or if one of your characters dies, the other ally is brought out and your stuck with him.

Now to explain Basic Commands. That's the B on the bar. If you're attacking, you can either gather power, or use a 3 stage attack (4 if you've gathered power). If you're defending, however, you have the option to move or defend. Defending just has your character...well, defend. Moving on the other hands enhances, and decreases some things. Here's the info for moving:

In the Air In the front and back you're vulnerable to Beam Attacks. In the front, your Attack Power is increased, but your defense is decreased. Vice versa for the back.
On the Ground In the front and back you're vulnerable to Damage Attacks. In the back your attack is decreases, and your defense is increased. Vice versa for the front.

Basic attacks do not take up CC (more on this later).

Now I'll explain Joint Attacks. That would be the J. This section allows you to use support and ability cards (the cards will be discussed in the Card section). The ablitly and support cards may or may not reduce your CC depending on what they are. These are also the cards you pull from your deck.

Time for the Limited Card command. As you probably figured it out, that's the L. These are basically cards that you can use over and over if you have enough CC. All characters can use up to 3 Limited cards, except for Androids 19 and 20, since they can only have 2. To use a Limited Card by going to the menu, team, select the character by hitting the A button and go to "limit".

Now I'll finally explain the CC, or Card Cost. Look back at that last screen. Look in the lower right corner. See that "CC: /13" down there? That's your display of CC. There are various ways to obtain CC. Look at the table below to find out.

Each time you're the attacker, you get 3 CC.
Each time you successfully enter the commands of a Command Card, you get 1 CC for each command. Meaning you'll get 3 if you entered the command of a 3 stage attack.
Each time your HP is decreased substantially, you get 2 CC.
You will get more CC if your hit in the air by a Beam Attack, and if you're on the ground, you get CC if you're hit by a Damage Attack. The amount depends on the location of the attacker, and the defender.

Now that I've explained how it works, I'm going to tell you about enemy attack patterns. They rarely use energy cards unless they've gathered power, and I suggest you do the same in order to get more CC, unless you absolutely have to. Anyway, here's the attack pattern:
Enemy attacks regularly
Enemy eventually gathers power
Enemy then uses a 5 stage attack
Enemy uses a Beam or Damage attack
Enemy Repeats process
I'll explain the basic strategy in the walkthrough.

Let's not forget that you get to select a card out of 3 after winning a battle. And it's only ONE card.

  • Hits: 1225