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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

(as "Doraemon Bokujō Monogatari")

โดราเอมอน: สตอรีออฟซีชัน

Gadgets: Come-Here Cat

Final Fantasy 5

The Come-Here Cat gadget is one of the required gadgets to progress through the story. In this page, I'll show you how to obtain it.

How to Obtain


Ch. 1 - Helping Sneech
Starting Location East Natura - Cafe Delish
Requirements N/A

This event is triggered automatically when Noby and Doraemon visit Cafe Delish for the first time. This is where Sneech finds his passion.

Ch. 2 - Cooking Test
Starting Location East Natura - Cafe Delish
Requirements Cafet & Sneech at 2 Hearts
Time Noon - 6 PM

Noby and Doraemon visit Cafe Delish to find Sneech struggling over a cooking test given to him by Cafet. Sneech persuades Doraemon to give him the Gourmet Tablecloth gadget in exchange for the promise of cooking him some yummy buns. Despite cooking some fancy looking meals with the Gourmet Tablecloth's help, Cafet still feels something is off with the food. Doraemon has no choice but to let Sneech hold onto the tablecloth until he is able to cook something to Cafet's satisfaction.

Ch. 3 - Deserted Cafe
Starting Location East Natura - Cafe Delish
Requirements Cafet at 2 Hearts.
Time Thursday, Noon - 6 PM

Enter the Cafe to find Doctor Regis observing Cafet gorging himself with food while an exhausted Sneech slaves away in the kitchen. During the event, you can choose to sit next to Regis or Cafet. It doesn't seem to have much bearing on how the event plays out. Regis and then Eria will lecture poor Cafet for a bit on his eating habits while Noby looks on.

Ch. 4 - Busy Cafe
Starting Location East Natura
Requirements Sneech, Cafet and Eria at 3 Hearts.
Time Noon - 6 PM

Approach the fountain in East Natura to trigger this cutscene. For some reason, everyone in town is strangely attracted to the previously deserted Cafe Delish. Noby and friends suspect this is the work of the Come-Here Cat.

Ch. 5 - Come-Here Cat
Starting Location Cafe Delish's Entrance
Requirements Sneech, Cafet and Eria at 4 Hearts.
Time Noon - 6 PM

You learn that Eria was the one using the Come-Here Cat and that she buried it immediately afterwards because she was scared. Talk to Doraemon afterwards and he'll give you the Come-Here Cat.



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