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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

(as "Doraemon Bokujō Monogatari")

โดราเอมอน: สตอรีออฟซีชัน

Events: Big Tree

Final Fantasy 5

This collection features main story events.


Ch. 1 - Seed & Study
Starting Location Noby's Room
Requirements N/A (Opening Story Cutscene)


Ch. 2 - Storm Town
Starting Location Big Tree Root
Requirements N/A (Second Opening Cutscene)


Noby and friends find Natura Town and meet Harmon and Ravi. Big G asks Noby for ideas on what to do:

  • Find gadgets

The group agrees that finding the gadgets would help... except Sneech.

  • See where we are

The group agrees that exploring is a good idea... except Sneech.

Don't worry too much about choices during story events. Shortly into the game, you will gain the option to re-view any cutscene using the What If? Box.
Ch. 3 - Helping Noby
Starting Location Mayor Ryam's House
Requirements N/A (Story Event)


Doraemon is kidnapped by the Mayor and forced into being his assistant. Noby finds work as a farmer.

Naming your Farm
During this cutscene, you get to pick out a name for your farm. If at any time you want to change it, view this cutscene from the What If? Box to receive the option to name your farm again.

After naming your farm, you have the option to have Harmon teach you about farming.

  • About framework.

View the lengthy tutorial.

  • Stay silent.

Skip the tutorial.

You can skip the stamina tutorial and the hammer and axe tutorials in the same manner. You will still receive the beginner tools from Harmon either way.

Ch. 4 - Goddess Story
Starting Location West Natura
Requirements On or after Y1 Spring 10

Walk into West Natura on or after Y1 Spring 10 to trigger a cutscene with Harmon and Ravi, where Ravi will tell Noby about Natura's Goddess. Curious, Noby will run off to find her (continue into "Ch. 5 - The Goddess" cutscene automatically).

Ch. 5 - The Goddess
Starting Location Swoosh Falls
Requirements N/A (Continuation of "Ch. 4 - Goddess Story")


Noby and friends meet the Goddess Vera. From Vera, they learn the four powers (and Doraemon's corresponding gadgets) they will need to obtain in order to return home.

  • Power to Draw in Others (Come-Here Cat)
  • Power to Make Things Come True (Realization Pen)
  • Power to See the Future (Time TV)
  • Power of Nature (Sprite Summoner)
Ch. 6 - Showers
Starting Location Big Tree Root
Requirements Give the Sprite Summoner to Vera


Ch. 7 - An Offering
Starting Location Big Tree Root
Requirements Give the Come-Here Cat gadget to Vera


Ch. 8 - Assignments
Starting Location Big Tree Root
Requirements Give the Time TV gadget to Vera


Ch. 9 - Big Problem
Starting Location Big Tree Root
Requirements Give the Realization Pen gadget to Vera


Ch. 10 - Lightning
Starting Location West Natura.
Requirements Harmon and Ravi at 5 Hearts.


Ch. 11 - Future Town
Starting Location Big Tree Root
Requirements Vera at 5 Hearts.


Ch. 12 - Storm & Reunion
Starting Location Big Tree Root
Requirements Vera at 5 Hearts. Clear Koropokkur's events and obtain the Hopter.


Ch. 12 - Storm & Reunion
Starting Location Big Tree Root
Requirements Vera at 5 Hearts. Clear Koropokkur's events and obtain the Hopter.


Ch. 13 - The Future
Starting Location N/A
Requirements Finish previous chapters.


Ch. 14 - The Holder
Starting Location N/A
Requirements Complete the Cave's events and choose to "Leave The Seed" during the final chapter.




Basic information


ความลับ ,โกงเกม
Secrets, Cheat Game

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