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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

(as "Doraemon Bokujō Monogatari")

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Easy Money Making

Final Fantasy 5

Being a farmer is no easy life, and getting ahead can be quite costly. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to make money in Doraemon, although some do take a bit of time to get there.

Starting Out

Although growing crops does bring in good income, it is a stamina drain and takes time. While you wait for those first few batches of crops to grow, try fishing, bug catching, and foraging to supplement your income. These are all options that cost you no stamina at all so you can do them whenever you have spare time. The wild Fruit Trees around the island are an excellent source of income as well, so pay attention to their growth cycles and harvest from them whenever you can. For foraging details check out our Foraging & Fruit Trees page.

As soon as you unlock the mines, you can also sell any fossils you find there for a profit. Fossils are mainly used for specific furniture sets by Pent, and are very easy to come by, so it is okay to sell them as you get them. Hoard all ores, gems, and junk (junk is used for Koropokkurs).

Fishing in Rollin Forest

In Rollin Forest, there is a small pond accessible via a path hidden behind two trees. This pond offers the chance to catch some rare and valuable fish. Most notable is Mbenga, found in Summer and worth 2500 G, but the Arowana found in Fall is also worth the detour. These rare fish do share their pond with the very inexpensive Crayfish, found in all seasons, so if you see a small shadow bite down let it go and continue waiting for the larger shadow which hides the more valuable fish.

The Big Bucks - The Mill

It takes a bit of work to unlock, but the Mill is well worth it as it is a recipe for a gold mine. The Mill will become available for purchase at the Blacksmith after unlocking the Invention Inventor.



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