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Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

ฮาร์เวสต์มูน: แบ็คทูเนเจอร์



Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

ฮาร์เวสต์มูน: แบ็คทูเนเจอร์


Ok, this is the page where you'll find some of the events that occur between character in Back to Nature. The list here is rather limited as we have only seen some of the events, not all of them. There are a large variety of events and if you have seen any that we don't have please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject of the e-mail being "Back to Nature: Events".

Introduction to Ann: During the first few days of spring go to the inn. To boost your affection from Ann answer "She's cute" when Doug asks you a question.
Introduction to Elli and Stu: During the first few days of spring go to the clinic. You'll meet Elli and she'll notice you have a cut. Tell her it hurts and she'll give you a bandage. Head to the area of town with the library and you'll meet a little boy named Stu who has hurt himself. Give him the bandage and Elli will show up and ask why you didn't use it and tell her that it didn't really hurt. This boosts your affection from her and Stu will like you more as well.
Introduction to Karen: During the first few days of spring go to the general store. When the second villager enters and takes an item on 'credit' tell him that he should pay and Karen will come out, yell at him and then she'll thank you for the help. Karen's affection towards you will boost.
Introduction to Mary: During the first few days of spring go to the library. You'll see Mary, talk to her and answer one of the two options. I think asking to read a book is better then the other but I'm not entirely sure as she gets freaked out either way.
Introdution to Popuri and Rick: During the first few days of spring go to Chicken Lil's. You'll see an event with Popuri and Rick, Popuri will run away to the Spa area. Head there after talking to Rick and comfort Popuri when you talk to her. Popuri's affection towards you will rise after this.
Karen and Rick 1: Once you've met Karen this event will occur if you wander into the church area. It's difficult to avoid and it is the first in a series of events that will end up with Rick and Karen getting married. Don't worry though as it takes another event or two, depends on whether you marry Popuri, and these events are a couple of years apart.
Mary and Gray 1: Once you've met Mary this even will occur if you wander into the square area. It's difficult to avoid and it is the first in a series of events that will end up with Mary and Gray getting amrried. Don't worry though as it takes a few years for the events to play out.
Elli and Doc 1: This event will occur soon after you meet Elli at the Clinic. Not right away as you need to at least raise your heart meter with Elli up to Purple to see it. This event involves Elli liking babies and Doc answering strangely to her statement. This, like the other events between the rivals and the girls, lead eventually to these two getting hitched.
Ann and Cliff 1: This event will occur after you've met Ann and will take place inside the church. Ann will come to deliver a meal to the Pastor and try to get Cliff to come back to the inn.
Popuri, Rick and Kai: This event will randomly occur during the summer at Chicken Lil's. You'll see an argument between Rick and Kai which Popuri will break up. This is the first event that leads towards Popuri and Kai running away together.
Won: Won will show up on your farm one day near the start of the first spring. This is no big deal, it's just to introduce his character.
Ann purple heart: If you've got Ann's heart up to at least purple, she'll visit your farm and ask you to start delivering three eggs a day to the inn until she asks you to stop.
Elli's purple heart: If you've got Elli's heart up to at least purple you can see this event when you walk into the area outside the clinic. Pick the answer fun to boost your affection from her.
Karen's purple heart: If you've got Karen's heart up to at least purple you can see this event when you wander into the Spa area. Answer the love for her question and her affection for you will boost.
Mary's purple heart: If you've got Mary's heart up to at least purple you'll see this event when you enter the library. She'll ask you what you're there for, answer to read a book and her affection for you will boost.
Popuri's purple heart: If you've got Popuri's heart up to at least purple you can see this event when you wander into the area outside Chicken Lil's. Answer that would be fun and her affection for her will boost.
Happy Birthday Ann!: If you've got Ann's heart up to blue by the summer you'll get a letter telling you to come to her birthday party, keep the invitation in the letter and bring her a wrapped gift and her affection towards you will boost even more then if you just showed up.
Elli's Sammitch test: If you've got Elli's heart up to blue she'll show up one day and ask you to taste test some sandwiches she will bring you for the next three days. This occurs around noon.
A moondrop by any other name, Karen's flower seeds: If you've got Karen's heart up to blue she'll show up one day during the spring to give you a bag of Moondrop flowers. Grow them and then give them to her.
Mary's favorite book: If you've got Mary's heart up to green she'll give you a book when you go to the library. Read it, examine it in the rucksack menu with triangle, and then return it to the library the next day and tell her your favorite character was the Woodcutter.
An egg from Popuri: If you've got Popuri's heart up to blue and you have one space left in your chicken hut she'll give you an egg. Incubate the egg and when it hatches name it Popuri. The next day she'll show up and be happy you named the chicken Popuri.


