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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

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Festivals: Winter Harvest Contest [Winter]

Final Fantasy 5

The Winter Harvest Festival takes place in Harappa Square on the 28th of Winter between 10 AM to 6 PM. To win the contest, you must bring a high-quality crop. You can check our Crops Guide to see which crop is right for you.

How to Get a 5-Star Crop with Seed Maker

To increase the quality of crops, you need Fertilizer. The more Fertilizer you apply to your crops, the higher the quality it will be. Unfortunately, this will only get your crops up to 2 stars with conventional methods.

To get higher-quality crops, you'll need to unlock the Invention Inventor, which unlocks the Mill and Seed Maker. With the Seed Maker, you can use crops to get seeds. You put a two-star crop in the Seed Maker and you'll get 3 two-star seeds. When you plant the seed, you can use more Fertilizer to keep raising the quality and because this time it will star with 2 stars, you will have more time and be able to get it to 5-stars. Repeat this process until you get the desired quality.

How to Get a 5-Star Crop without Seed Maker

Crops can live without water for 3 days. This is important to know because watering crops is what causes them to grow. Let's say you plant a crop and only Fertilize it for 2 days. This will raise the quality of the crop, but it will not grow it, this means you'll have enough time to raise it to 5-stars. Use Fertilizer every day and water your crop every 3 days.



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