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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

(as "Doraemon Bokujō Monogatari")

โดราเอมอน: สตอรีออฟซีชัน

Gadgets: Anywhere Door

Final Fantasy 5

The Anywhere Door allows you to instantly travel around Natura and its surrounding areas. Once you obtain it, it will first be found next to the Blacksmith Shop, and after which will be accessed from your farm.

Interact with the door to travel to any location on the map. A secondary door will follow you to the location you travel and you'll be able to use that door to go to another location when you want. If you leave the area the door will remain so you can return and access it again if you need to. It's a bit limited in that you cannot access the Anywhere Door from, well.. anywhere, but you can definitely use it to your advantage.

If you lose your door, just take a look at the map which will show an icon next to the location where you last left it. You can always return your farm also as the main door is a permanent fixture there.

How to Obtain

  • On or after Y1 Summer 1, walk into East Natura between 6 AM - 6 PM to trigger the Ch. 1 - Amazing Door cutscene from the Gadgets event collection.
  • The Mayor has found the Anywhere Door but will exchange it in return for a better door.
  • Pent agrees to help you out for 1x Gold Ore. Gold Ore can be found in the Mines beginning at B4F.
  • Give Pent the Gold Ore to automatically trigger the next cutscene. Mayor Ryam will accept the new door and you will gain access to the Anywhere Door.



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ความลับ ,โกงเกม
Secrets, Cheat Game

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