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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

(as "Doraemon Bokujō Monogatari")

โดราเอมอน: สตอรีออฟซีชัน

Events: Blacksmith

Final Fantasy 5

This collection of events features Smitty and his son Blake, who work at the Blacksmith Shop.


Ch. 0 - Blacksmith
Starting Location East Natura - Anvil Blacksmith Shop
Requirements N/A

This event is triggered automatically when Noby and Doraemon visit the Blacksmith Shop for the first time. Here they will meet Smitty and his son Blake, who run the shop.

Ch. 1 - Family Pains
Starting Location East Natura - Anvil Blacksmith Shop
Requirements Smitty and Blake at 2 Hearts
Time -

Walk into the Blacksmith shop to find Smitty and Blake in the middle of a heated discussion regarding Blake's attitude towards smithing. Blake storms out, but Smitty doesn't feel inclined to go after him. Noby is presented with two choices:

  • I'll find him!

Blake isn't impressed that you want to get involved in their affairs. After exiting the shop, Noby finds Blake outside.

  • I'll head home.

Noby decides to go home, but first runs into Blake outside.

After questioning Blake about his interests, Blake runs off but then changes his mind and decides to return to the shop. Maybe one day Noby will learn what Blake is interested in doing?

Ch. 2 - Cattle Work
Starting Location West Natura - Gouter Mawk Livestock Shop
Requirements Blake at 3 Hearts
Time -

Blake is seeking other forms of employment and so visits the livestock shop. Unfortunately, he realizes he is deathly afraid of animals when a ferocious lamb wanders into the shop.

Ch. 3 - Blake
Starting Location Blacksmith
Requirements Blake at 3 Hearts, Smitty at 4 Hearts
Time 3 PM

Noby and Smitty discuss Blake and his fear of animals.

Ch. 4 - Cook Work
Starting Location Cafe Delish
Requirements Blake and Smitty at 5 Hearts.
Time 3 PM


Ch. 5 - Born Bad
Starting Location Blacksmith
Requirements Blake and Smitty at 5 Hearts.
Time 11 AM


Ch. 6 - His Treasure
Starting Location Blacksmith
Requirements Blake and Smitty at 5 Hearts.
Time 11 AM


Ch. 7 - Friends Again
Starting Location Blacksmith
Requirements Blake and Smitty at 6 Hearts.
Time 5 PM


Ch. 8 - Denial
Starting Location Blacksmith
Requirements Blake and Smitty at 8 Hearts.
Time 2 PM


You will be prompted with a choice in this event. Choosing to Go After Blake will unlock Ch. 9 Acceptance and choosing to Talk to Smitty will unlock Ch 10. First Step.

Ch. 9 - Acceptance
Starting Location Blacksmith
Requirements Blake and Smitty at 10 Hearts. Choose "Go After Blake" in Ch 8.
Time 2 PM


Ch. 10 - First Step
Starting Location Blacksmith
Requirements Blake and Smitty at 10 Hearts. Choose "Talk to Smitty" in Ch 8.
Time 2 PM




Basic information


ความลับ ,โกงเกม
Secrets, Cheat Game

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