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Destiny of an Emperor 2

(as "Tenchi o Kurau II: Shokatsu Koumei Den")

เดสทินี ออฟ แอน เอมเพอเรอร์ 2

Destiny of an Emperor 2 - Chapter II: Managing Traitors, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao

Destiny of an Emperor 2

Chapter II: Managing Traitors, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao
(Begins with the game, and ends with meeting Yuan Shao.)

Home and Inn


Inn (7 Gold Each)

  1. After arriving to the new land, travel northeast. You will see a lone hut along the way. Enter, and you will find two buildings: one, and inn which charges 7 gold per person, and two, a home which contains nothing.
  2. Rest if you need to, then continue northeast.
  3. You will see an encampment north of the hut you just exited. Don’t bother with it—it doesn’t contain anything yet.

Guan Ding’s Home


  1. After you travel northeast for some time, you will find a hut between two mountains. For now, just enter, exit, and continue along the path north to Jizhou.

Jizhou Castle


Inn (5 Gold Each)
Training Room (1000 Gold)
Blacksmith (Copper Swd/Spear; Leather Arm/Helm; Scale Shld; Stone Swd)
Merchant (Herbal, Smoke, Revive)

  1. Head to the palace upon arrival and speak with Yuan Shao. He will greet you as the ‘executioner of my brother-in-law’, but you will soon learn that he isn’t bothered by this, as the only thing he has to say is, “what a lout he was!”
  2. Use the Zheng Letter on Yuan Shao (if you performed the Zheng Letter trick detailed in the previous chapter, the original Zheng Letter will not vanish when you use it here, but a duplicate, if used, certainly will). Yuan Shao will seem quite excited, and will talk to you about helping him fight Cao Cao. He will have his strong warrior, Yan Liang, join your party, then he will command you to return to Cao Cao’s land for revenge with Yan Liang in the lead.
  3. When you are finished in the palace, find your way to the weapons shop. Here they offer a few new items: the Copper Sword, Spear, and the Scale Shield. There shouldn’t be a great need to spend money on equipment this early in the game, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to give Yan Liang a new Copper Spear and some decent armor (perhaps from your other characters’ inventory).
  4. If you wish to buy any items, visit the merchant.
  5. Rest at the inn if necessary, and save your game.
  6. Backtrace your steps to the dock from which you arrived, and board the boat once again. It will take you back to the land now occupied by Cao Cao, and this time to attack.

Field Gate


  1. Battle Wei Xu at the Gate (Very Easy)
    • Wei Xu
    • Song Xian
    • Lu Qian
    • Outlaw Army x2
    • (~55 Exp, ~335 Gold, Drops: Leather Helmet)
      You will discover, in this battle, that every hit placed by Yan Liang is a critical hit. If you gave him a Copper Spear, he should be able to defeat any general in this battle with a single hit. If he has a weaker weapon, you will need to support him with Liu Bei and Chen Deng to defeat an officer. Either way, because all the enemy officers in this battle are pretty much alike. You can kill an enemy officer each round, and if Yan Liang has a Copper Spear, you can defeat with your other characters. I killed Song Xian first, because his bow is more annoying.
  2. After the battle, a message will appear noting how your army tore through Cao Cao’s forces. This should be quite accurate.
  3. If anyone is badly wounded, heal them with Chi Xin in a random encounter, then move south to the next gate.

Field Gate II


  1. Battle Yue Jin at the Gate (Easy)
    • Yue Jin
    • Yu Jin
    • Cheng Yu
    • Li Dian
    • Outlaw Army
    • (~75 Exp, ~515 Gold, Drops: Leather Helmet)
      Yue Jin, Yu Jin, and Li Dian all have fairly mid-range strength, and under the circumstances, none of them are going to present a truly serious threat to you. Cheng Yu, on the other hand, is a bit more dangerous. Too bad his lower soldiers make him easy prey for Yan Liang. He will die on the first round. For round two, take out Yue Jin, which should be another simple task. Yu Jin can be defeated in two rounds, and Li Dian will quickly fall to your next attacks. Heal with Chi Xin if one of your officers takes heavy damage.
  2. After you defeat Yue Jin, you are ready to move on to the next gate. Spoiler: before the next battle, you may want to remove Yan Liang’s equipment.

Field Gate III


  1. Battle ????? at the Gate (Impossible)
    • ?????
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      You should be able to guess that something is wrong right from the moment battle begins. Your unknown enemy (which resembles a certain fellow that was once in your party, both in terms of appearance and impressive stats) has 3,000 soldiers, and seems to be out for business. No matter, as soon as you begin the battle ????? will strike Yuan Liang for a critical hit, killing every soldier in his party, and Yan Liang himself in the process. Liu Bei will panic and retreat to Jizhou.

Jizhou Castle (2nd Visit)


Inn (5 Gold Each)
Training Room (1000 Gold)
Blacksmith (Copper Swd/Spear; Leather Arm/Helm; Scale Shld; Stone Swd)
Merchant (Herbal, Smoke, Revive)

  1. Talk to the villagers. They are all shocked at Yan Liang’s defeat. One of them compares his killer’s strength to a general named Lu Bu.
  2. Enter the palace and speak with Yuan Shao, who you will find enraged at Yan Liang’s defeat. He orders you to take Wen Chou, his other powerful warrior, and return for revenge.
  3. Wen Chou is standing off to the side a short distance. Speak with him, and he will ask to join in order to avenge Yan Liang. Accept his services—he is necessary to continue.
  4. Retrace your steps back to the gate at which Yan Liang was defeated so Wen Chou can attempt to get his revenge.

Field Gate III (2nd Visit)


  1. Battle ????? at the Gate (Impossible)
    • ?????
    • (No Exp, No Gold)
      When you arrive, Wen Chou will identify the ‘rebels’, and the unknown character will simply state that he should not have come. The battle goes much as the last one did, with Wen Chou being slain in a single blow. Liu Bei notices that his opponent may be Lord Guan (Guan Yu), however, and retreats.

Jizhou Castle (3rd Visit)


Inn (5 Gold Each)
Training Room (1000 Gold)
Blacksmith (Copper Swd/Spear; Leather Arm/Helm; Scale Shld; Stone Swd)
Merchant (Herbal, Smoke, Revive)

  1. Talk to the villagers. Rumors have been passing through the city that the person who was responsible for the deaths of Yan Liang and Wen Chou is none other than your own Guan Yu. How will Yuan Shao receive this news? (If you want to play with the Zhang Letter during the upcoming small portion of the game, you will have to make a duplicate and place it in the city’s item storage. Do not save any officers you get during the upcoming scene with Guan Yu, however, as it will cause the game to stop working properly when Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are supposed to reunite.)
  2. Later, you will need a Copper Spear, and you may have use for one or two Scale Shields. The Scale Shields aren’t too important, but for the cost, the Copper Spear is worthwhile.
  3. Speak with Yuan Shao. He is, indeed, quite furious about the death of Wen Chou, and understandably so. His two finest warriors are now both dead. Liu Bei suggests, despite the situation, that he thinks he could talk Guan Yu into joining them. Given the death of Yan Liang and Wen Chou at Guan Yu’s hands, Yuan Shao decides it wouldn’t be bad to upgrade, and sends a messenger to Guan Yu.
  4. Here the scene fades, and you get a chance to play Guan Yu.

??? Castle


  1. This scene opens with Guan Yu pondering his next action before the messenger arrives. After hearing of Liu Bei’s location, Guan Yu decides he must join him, and sends word to Cao Cao that he must depart.
  2. Speak with Lady Gan and Lady Mi, and they will join your party.
  3. Observe that they appear in your party, without stats, but they do have a certain something—an item called ChiTuMa. ChiTuMa (better known as Red Hare) is the fastest horse in all the land. Move ChiTuMa to Guan Yu’s inventory for now. Having this item equipped dramatically increases your walking speed (almost to that of what you were used to playing the original Destiny of an Emperor), and it may also increase your agility too. We are unable to confirm this right now, but if you know more, please feel free to write us using the contact information at the top of this walkthrough.
  4. With Lady Gan and Lady Mi in your party, exit the house. You will notice that nobody is in the city, including in the shops. Speak with the two people at the city entrance, and they will explain, as politely as they can manage, that you aren’t allowed outside. Guan Yu asks nicely, and they soften up. Once you exit, though, they get stubborn and don’t want you to come back in.
  5. Make Guan Yu your strategist or you won’t have access to tactics.
  6. Now on the overworld map, you will see a hut not far in the distance. Walk to the hut and enter it.

Hu Hua’s Home


  1. Remember Zheng Xuan, and how he looked like a pile of broken boards on the ground? Hu Hua looks the same. When you speak with him, though, Guan Yu asks to rest. Hu Hua wastes no time in saying, “My home is your home.”
  2. When you wake, he will give you a letter for his son, Hu Ban, who is in the service of Wang Zhi. He goes on to explain that Jizhou is across the river, which is, apparently, a long journey, but he suggests the letter he has given you will help. You receive the Hu Ban Letter.
  3. When ready, exit Hu Hua’s home, and travel south.

First Gate


  1. When you arrive, Kong Xiu will greet Guan Yu, who will request permission to pass. Kong Xiu demands papers, but Guan Yu has none. Kong Xiu then suggests that Guan Yu leave the women behind. This enrages Guan Yu, and he attacks.
  2. Battle Kong Xiu as the First Gate (Very Easy)
    • Kong Xiu
    • Outlaw Army x2
    • (~17 Exp, ~65 Gold, Drops: Leather Helmet)
      There isn’t much to this battle. Really. Guan Yu hits quite hard, and should be able to take Kong Xiu down in around three attacks. The enemy won’t manage to harm you much at all.
  3. Continue south to the next gate.

Second Gate


  1. Upon arrival to the second gate, you will be greeted by Han Fu, who again demands papers. Guan Yu, no longer in the mood to deal with this situation, simply demands passage or Han Fu’s blood. Han Fu attacks.
  2. Battle Han Fu at the Second Gate (Very Easy)
    • Han Fu
    • Outlaw Army
    • (~15 Exp, ~55 Gold, Drops: Herbal)
      This battle isn’t really any more difficult than the last. Though Han Fu has more soldiers than Kong Xiu did, you should be able to defeat him in around five rounds of attacks.
  3. Continue south to the next gate.

Third Gate


  1. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by Bian Xi, who seems quite excited. He asks you to the Zhenguo Temple to have a drink. Guan Yu, found of the idea, goes along with him.
  2. Spoiler: Bian Xi will continue to offer you drinks until you either refuse, or become quite drunk. In either case, he will attack you. Depending on how many drinks you have taken, you will begin the battle with anywhere between full soldiers, or as little as 10% of your previous total.
  3. Battle Bian Xi (Very Easy to Moderate)
    • Bian Xi
    • Outlaw Army x3
    • (~30 Exp, ~110 Gold, Drops: Short Sword)
      Bian Xi is not a dangerous enemy, but if you took too many drinks it won’t take much for his small band to finish you off. If weak, be sure to cast Chi Xin as soon as the battle begins. You remembered to make Guan Yu your strategist, right? From here, attack Bian Xi until he falls.
  4. After your battle, a monk named Pu Jing arrives and offers you a chance to rest. Take advantage of his offer.

Luo Yang Castle


Inn (10 Gold Each)
Training Room (1500 Gold)
Blacksmith (Copper Swd/Sbr, Wood Spear, Leather Arm/Helm, Scale Shld)
Merchant (Herbal, Smoke, Revive)

  1. At the weapon shop, purchase Guan Yu a Copper Sabre.
  2. If you stored a Zheng Letter for experimentation in this area, be sure to pick it up now. Remember, don’t save after hiring any officers with the Zheng Letter or your game will corrupt.
  3. When you are ready, proceed to the fourth gate.

Fourth Gate


Inn (7 Gold Each)

  1. Upon arrivel you will be greeted by Hu Ban, who welcomes you and asks you to rest at their inn. He will lead you to the back of the city, and wait for you to enter. Spoiler: If you enter, and stay at the inn, it will be set ablaze and you will be attacked in the middle of the night. Unless you have leveled up, you probably won’t be able to win this battle.
  2. Battle Wang Zhi at the Fourth Gate (Very Hard)
    • Wang Zhi
    • Outlaw Army x2
    • (Exp ~20; Gold ~105; Drops: Smoke)
      Without some level-ups, or having saved up some extra experience while going through the game, you probably won’t be able to win this battle. It isn’t Wang Zhi, who doesn’t do very serious damage and will generally fall in three hits, but rather the fire damage you will take after each round, which kills anywhere between 100 and 170 of Guan Yu’s soldiers. You should be able to kill Wang Zhi in three hits, but by that point you will be just about dead yourself. And you can’t heal with items or tactics from this area fast enough to keep up with the fire damage. Give Hu Ban the letter, and take his advice to leave.
  3. Give Hu Ban the letter. He will immediately lament having almost killed a good man, and will ask you to flee the city, saying that he will set the inn ablaze after you are gone to make Wang Zhi think you fell into the trap.
  4. One way or another, leave the area, and move on to the next gate. If you need to heal, return to Luo Yang.

Fifth Gate


  1. Qin Qi greets you at the fifth gate, and asks who you are. Guan Yu identifies himself as Guan Yu. No tricks this time, Qin Qi simply states that you will die.
  2. Battle Qin Qi at the Fifth Gate (Very Easy)
    • Qin Qi
    • Outlaw Army x2
    • (~20 Exp, ~85 Gold, Drops: Herbal, *Leather Helmet [Reported])
      Begin with physical attacks against Qin Qi, who will fall within three rounds. You won’t be hurt much at all, and only Outlaw Armies will remain to oppose you at this point.
  3. After you defeat Qin Qi, return to Luo Yang and save your game. When you are ready, travel nort to the boat, and board it.

Field Battle with Xiahou Dun


  1. As you travel northeast in the new area, you will see a hut in the distance. Before you can reach it, though, you encounter Xiahou Dun. He observes that you killed Qin Qi, and has come to stop you.
  2. Battle Xiahou Dun in the Field (Storyline)
    • Xiahou Dun
    • (No Experience, No Gold)
      In the first round you will realize that you are in no position to face Xiahou Dun. If you are lucky, you will be able to defeat around 20 of his 1,400 soldiers in a single blow. Dun, on the other hand, strikes for nearly 100 a hit.
        After the first round of fighting, soldiers will arrive to tell Xiahou Dun that Guan Yu has been granted safe passage. Dun, however, wants nothing to do with it, and disregards them.
        On the next round, Zhang Liao arrives, and repeats to Xiahou Dun that Cao Cao has ordered safe passage for Guan Yu. Xiahou Dun clearly doesn’t like this, but he backs down. Guan Yu asks Zhang Liao to give his regards to Lord Cao, and the battle ends.
        (In the novel, while Guan Yu served under Cao Cao he became close friends with Zhang Liao. He also earned Cao Cao’s respect. Cao Cao tried to do everything he could to win Guan Yu’s loyalty, and though he was sad when Guan Yu decided to leave, he ordered Guan Yu’s safety on his way out of his territory. In fact, in the novel Cao Cao allowed him to leave, even after catching up with him in person, and hearing of his dead officers.)
  3. Continue to the hut just north of your position.

Field Settlement


Inn (7 Gold Each)

  1. You will recognize this area when you arrive from your trip, earlier, with Liu Bei. Unlike last time, though, there are people in the city now.
  2. Speak with the villagers. The man at the entrance complains that bandits plague the area. Another says Qingzhou, to the east, has been sized by ruffians. Apparently a person named Zhou Cang is hiding out in the northern camp.
  3. Investigate this Zhou Cang fellow. Travel to the fortification outside the small village, just to the north.

Northern Military Encampment


  1. Upon arrival, you will be greeted at the gate by Zhou Cang. He seems surprised that someone would dare to challenge him. This, he observes, demonstrates quite a bit of bravery.
  2. Battle Zhou Cang at the Gate (Storyline)
    • Zhou Cang
    • Bandit Party x2
    • (No Experience, No Gold)
      After a few rounds of fighting Zhou Cang, he stops, and comments on how powerful you are as well. Curious, he asks your name. Guan Yu identifies himself as Guan Yu, which surprises Zhou Cang. He has heard of Guan Yu’s previous ventures, and asks to join.
  3. Hire Zhou Cang. The battle ends.
  4. Equip Zhou Cang’s gear. Adjust your formation.
  5. Inside the camp, the bandits ask how their leader is doing.
  6. Return to the settlement to rest, then travel northeast. You will see the hut between two mountains.

Guan Ding’s Home


  1. If you enter Guan Ding’s Home, you will meet Guan Ding, Guan Ping’s father. He will ask you to defeat the bandits.
  2. Travel east from here to find a castle.

Qingzhou Castle


  1. Approach the gate and you will be greeted by none other than your brother, Zhang Fei. He immediately denounces you as a traitor, apparently quite upset that Guan Yu has chosen to serve Cao Cao. Guan Yu tries to reason with him, but they are interrupted by the arrival of one of Cao Cao’s officers. Zhang Fei demands that Guan Yu proove himself by dispatching him.
  2. Speak with the officer. He is Cai Yang, and he has come to avenge the death of his brother, Qin Qi.
  3. Battle Cai Yang outside Castle. (Easy)
    • Cai Yang
    • Outlaw Army x3
    • (~20 Exp, ~105 Gold, Drops: Smoke)
      Cai Yang hits pretty hard, but you aren’t alone anymore. With attacks combined from Guan Yu and Zhou Cang, he should fall within anywhere from two to three rounds.
  4. When you return, Zhang Fei will meet you inside. He is standing next to Zhao Yun, one of the most talented officers in the entire game. Both will ask to join, and you should obviously accept both requests.
  5. Return to Guan Ding’s home.

Guan Ding’s Home (2nd Visit)


  1. Enter Guan Ding’s home, and speak with Guan Ding. He will thank you for defeating the bandits, but warn that it is dangerous for Guan Yu to visit Liu Bei directly. Instead, he sends his son, Guan Ping.
  2. The screen fades out. The game returns to Liu Bei.

Jizhou Castle


Inn (5 Gold Each)
Training Room (1000 Gold)
Blacksmith (Copper Swd/Spear; Leather Arm/Helm; Scale Shld; Stone Swd)
Merchant (Herbal, Smoke, Revive)

  1. Liu Bei is waiting in his room when Guan Ping arrives with word that Guan Yu is waiting to rejoin him. Liu Bei knows Yuan Shao will feel betrayed if he leaves to join Guan Yu, but his obligation and loyalty to Guan Yu dictates that he leave. You set out now to meet Guan Yu.
  2. Equip Guan Ping with the armor you took back from Wen Chou. If you didn’t take back Wen Chou’s equipment, buy him some new armor from the store. He won’t have a weapon. The best you can manage is to buy him a Stone Sabre.
  3. Assign a strategist. Chen Deng is suggested.
  4. The soldiers at the entrance will not allow you to leave. Speak with Yuan Shao. Liu Bei points out that opposing Cao Cao will require a more powerful army. To overcome this problem, Liu Bei asks permission to travel southwest to visit his relative, Liu Biao. Yuan Shao, finding merit in this idea, agrees. He asks you to go.
  5. Save your game. If there is anything you need in this city, be sure to pick it up now.
  6. As soon as you exit the city, you will be attacked by Guo Tu. Guo Tu knows that Guan Yu has come, and has arrived with Tian Feng to prevent you from meeting him.
  7. Battle Guo Tu Outside Jizhou Castle (Easy)
    • Guo Tu
    • Tian Feng
    • Outlaw Army x3
    • (~100 Exp, ~610 Gold, Drops: Leather Shield)
      Guo Tu has a great strength, and soldiers to back him up. Tian Feng is a talented strategist, but he lacks tactics powerful enough to seriously damage you. Focus your attacks on Guo Tu first, and continue until he has been defeated. You can use Lian Huo with Liu Bei or, especially, Chen Deng, for a little extra damage, but be sure to turn to physical attacks if Tian Feng uses Ce Jian. Use physical attacks afterward to defeat Tian Feng.
  8. You cannot re-enter Jizhou. From here, travel south.

Guan Ding’s Home (3rd Visit)


  1. After your arrival, speak with Guan Ding. He will tell you your brothers are waiting upstairs.
  2. You will find Guan Yu and Zhang Fei sitting at a table. When you speak with them, they will both ask to join. Accept their services. Your party has now been re-unified! You should have Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Chen Deng, Zhou Cang, and Guan Ping.
  3. Do not worry about your formation yet. Any changes you make now will be shortly undone.
  4. Be sure to shift your equipment around to make sure everyone in your party is properly armed. Wen Chou’s Copper Spear, if saved, can go to Zhang Fei. If you purchased an extra Copper Spear in Jizhou, give it to Zhao Yun. You can fill in any holes when you reach the next weapon smith.
  5. Speak with Guan Ding. He will now ask you to adopt Guan Ping. Be sure to do so, especially if you wang to use Guan Ping! After doing so, Guan Ping’s strength and agility will both increase by 10 points. Note that the game will tell you that his T.P. have increased instead of his agility.
  6. After you exit Guan Ding’s home, the screen will fade out and the game will move forward into the future. Yuan Shao has been defeated. Liu Biao, who you have now joined with, is barely holding his own. Sun Quan to the east is not in the best shape either.



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