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Final Fantasy 10

(as "Final Fantasy X")

ไฟนอลแฟนตาซี 10


Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Here is a list of various items from Final Fantasy X. Items after the marked point must be used with the USE command in battle.

NOTE: To get the buying price, multiply the Sell Price by 4.

Ability Distiller Enemies will drop Ability Spheres 25
Ability Sphere Used to activate White and Black Magic, Special, and Skill nodes on the sphere grid 1
Accuracy Sphere Used to fill an empty node with an Acc node 75
Agility Sphere Used to fill an empty node with an Agi node 75
Antidote Cures poison 12
Attribute Sphere Activates Str, Def, HP, Mgc, Mgc Def, MP, Agi, Eva, and Acc nodes activated by fellow party members 25
Blk Magic Sphere Used to activate Black Magic nodes activated by fellow party members 25
Clear Sphere Used to turn an adjacent Stat node into an empty node. To get it, capture 5 of every monster and buy it from the Arena owner. 2500
Defense Sphere Used to fill an empty node with a Def node 75
Echo Screen Cures Silence 12
Elixer Fully heals all HP and MP of one character 1250
Ether Heals one character by 100 MP 250
Evasion Sphere Used to fill an empty node with an Eva node 75
Eye Drops Cures Darkness 12
Friend Sphere Move to a party members current position 150
Fortune Sphere Used to activate Luck nodes on the sphere grid 5
Hi-Potion Heals one character by 1000 HP 125
Holy Water Cures Curse and Zombie 75
HP Sphere Used to fill an empty node with an HP node 75
Luck Sphere Used to fill an empty node with a Luck node 75
Lv 1 Key Sphere Used to dissipate Level 1 Lock Nodes 25
Lv 2 Key Sphere Used to dissipate Level 2 Lock Nodes 50
Lv 3 Key Sphere Used to dissipate Level 3 Lock Nodes 75
Lv 4 Key Sphere Used to dissipate Level 4 Lock Nodes 100
Magic Def Sphere Used to fill an empty node with a Mgc Def node 75
Magic Sphere Used to fill an empty node with a Mgc node 75
Mana Distiller Enemies will drop Mana Spheres 25
Mana Sphere Used to activate Mgc, Mgc Def, and MP nodes on Sphere Grid 1
Master Sphere Activates ANY node on the sphere grid 25
Megalixer Fully heals all HP and MP of entire party 5000
Mega Phoenix Restores all party from KO 1000
Mega-Potion Heals all party by 2000 HP 375
MP Sphere Used to fill an empty node with an MP node 75
Phoenix Down Restores one character from KO status 25
Potion Heals one character by 200 HP 12
Power Distiller Enemies will drop Power Spheres 25
Power Sphere Used to activate Str, Def, and HP nodes on Sphere Grid 1
Remedy Cures all status effects 375
Return Sphere Used to move to any node the character has activated 125
Skill Sphere Used to activate Skill nodes activated by fellow party members 25
Soft Cures Stone/Petrification 12
Special Sphere Used to activate Special nodes activated by fellow party members 25
Speed Distiller Enemies will drop Speed Spheres 25
Speed Sphere Used to activate Agi, Eva, and Acc nodes on Sphere Grid 1
Strength Sphere Used to fill an empty node with a Str node 75
Teleport Sphere Move to ANY activated node on the Sphere Grid 200
Turbo Ether Heals one character by 500 MP 750
Warp Sphere Can move to ANY node with the exception of locks 250
Wht Magic Sphere Used to activate White Magic nodes activated by fellow party members 25
X-Potion Fully heals one character 250

The items bellow can only be used in battle with the USE command
Al Bhed Potion Cures Posion Silence Stone/Petrification as well as heals 1000 HP to all party 250
Anarctic wind Light ice damage to 1 enemy 25
Arctic Wind Ice damage to 1 enemy 50
Blessed Gem Moderate damage on 1 enemy 125
Bomb Core Fire damage to 1 enemy 50
Bomb Fragment Light fire damage to 1 enemy 25
Candle of Life Infects enemy with Doom status 50
Chocobo Feather Casts Haste on one party member 40
Chocobo Wing Casts Hastega on entire party 50
Dark Matter Deals INCREDIBLE damage to all enemies 7500
Dragon Scale Water damage to 1 enemy 50
Dream Poweder Moderate damage and Sleep on all enemies 50
Electro Marble Light lightning damage to 1 enemy 25
Fire Gem Powerful fire damage to all enemies 75
Farplane Shadow Inflicts death upon one enemy 75
Farplane Wind Inflicts death upon all enemies 100
Fish Scale Light water damage to 1 enemy 25
Frag Grenade Moderate damage and Armor Break on all enemies 125
Grenade Light damage to all enemies 75
Gold Hourglass Damages and Delays all enemies 37
Healing Spring Casts Regen on one party member 150
Healing Water Fully heals HP of party 125
Ice Gem Powerful ice damage to all enemies 75
Light Curtain Casts Protect on one party member 45
Lightning Gem Powerful lightning damage to all enemies 75
Lightning Marble Lightning damage to 1 enemy 50
Lunar Curtain Casts Shell on one party member 45
Mana Spring Absorbs MP from one enemy 75
Mana Tablet Doubles one characters MP 500
Mana Tonic Doubles party's max MP 500
Petrify Grenade Turns all enemys to stone 50
Poison Fang Moderate damage and Posion on 1 enemy 25
Purifying Salt Moderate damage to an enemy and removes any positive status changes 70
Shadow Gem Halves HP of all enemies 50
Shining Gem Semi - Moderate damage on 1 enemy 75
Silence Grenade Moderate damage and Silence on all enemies 37
Silver Hourglass Delays all enemies turns 25
Sleeping Powder Semi - Moderate damage and Sleep on all enemies 25
Smoke Bomb Moderate damage and Darkness on all enemies 37
Soul Spring Absorbs HP and MP from one enemy 100
Stamina Spring Absorbs HP from one enemy 75
Stamina Tablet Doubles one characters HP 200
Stamina Tonic Doubles party's max HP 400
Star Curtain Casts Reflect on one party member 45
Supreme Gem Powerful damage on all enemies 250
Tetra Elemental Fully heals HP of party and casts NulBlaze, NulTide, NulShock, and NulFrost 200
Three Stars Reduces all MP costs of entire party to Zero 2500
Twin Stars Reduces all MP costs of one character to Zero 200
Water Gem Power water damage to all enemies 75

The following items are pretty much useless EXCEPT for teaching Aeons abilities, customizing weapons and armor, and Rikku's Overdrive
Amulet There seems to be some use for this 3750
Designer Wallet There seems to be some use for this 200
Door to Tomorrow There seems to be some use for this 2000
Gambler's Spirit There seems to be some use for this 4000
Hypello Potion There seems to be some use for this 50
Map Displays world map 12
Musk There seems to be some use for this 50
Pendulum There seems to be some use for this 1250
Rename Card Renames Aeons 5
Shining Thorn There seems to be some use for this 50
Underdog's Secret There seems to be some use for this 5000
Wings to Discovery There seems to be some use for this 7500
Winning Formula There seems to be some use for this 10000

Key Items

Key Items are unusable. All a key item is, is an item needed to trigger certain Events in the game. Note the Crests and Sigils are used for "powering up" celestial weapons.

Withered Bouquet Used as Tinder at start of game (how does he still have it then)
Flint Used to spark a flame in the Tinder at start of game
Cloudy Mirror Won at Remiem Temple. Becomes Celestial Mirror (Check Secrets)
Celestial Mirror Used to open the chests containing Celestial Weapons
Summoner's Soul Won from Belgieme. Allows to teach abilities to Aeons
Aeon's Soul Won from Belgieme fight number 2. Allows to raise Aeon's ability scores using spheres
Jecht's Sphere Spheres depicting Jecht's journey with Auron and Braska 10 years ago. There are 10 throughout Spira. Auron gains an Overdrive attack when you obtain 1 3 and 10 spheres
Rusty Sword Obtained from a statue near the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Used to obtain Auron's Celestial Weapon, Masamune
Mark of Conquest Given after defeating the hardest boss in the game, Nemesis. Nothing more than a space filler
Blossom Crown Used with Flower Scepter to remove the barrier to the chamber of the fayth in the Remiem Temple
Flower Scepter Used with Blosson Crown to remove the barrier to the chamber of the fayth in the Remiem Temple
Al Bhed Primer vol. I-XXVI Teaches one letter in Al Bhed. I have a self made translator available in the DOWNLOADS section
Crests Are used to add one extra Overdrive charge (N/A to Double, Double to Triple) to Celestial Weapons. A list of which Heavenly Bodies are for which characters is at the bottom
Sigils Are used to remove NO AP from Celestial Weapons. They also add one extra Overdrive charge. Finally, they add 2 more abilities to the weapon
For more information on Celestial Weapons, see the SECRETS section
Character     Celestial Sign
Tidus Sun
Yuna Moon
Auron Mars
Rikku Mercury
Lulu Venus
Wakka Jupiter
Kimahri Saturn


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