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Final Fantasy 6

( as Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy III (usa) )

ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 6

Strago Magus

Final Fantasy 6

Blue magician, 70 years old, born on June 13, height 151 cm, weight 43 kg, blood type O
He was a human being who had been able to use spells since his birth. Lives secretly with other magic users in Thamasa. Stragas himself had been interested in the art of monsters since he was a child. Stragus' personal command was therefore the use of blue magic (覚えた技 ; Lore), or monster art. This will be added once Stragas has seen the move.

Starting Stats

Vigor 28
Stamina 19
Speed 25
Magic 34
Attack 20
Defence 33
Evade 6%
Magic Defence 27
Magic Evade 7%


  • Lore - Magic Spells learned from enemies.

Objective Overview: 

Strago is the true blue mage of FF6. He is old, but he can still wield some powerful magic. Whenever Strago comes into contact with a certain enemy spell, he can learn that spell and use it for himself later on. Many powerful enemy spells can be learned this way, though unlike with Gau they cost MP to cast. Strago is one of the weakest characters in the game physically, though he makes up for it with his magical abilities.

Zeppelin's Ultra-Biased, Unfair, Opinionated Overview: 

Zeppelin's Rank: 11

Makes up for it? Hardly. Strago has the lowest total stats in the game. He is ridiculously weak, and his magic score can't compare to Relm, Celes, or Terra. Lore magic is not all that useful either. Granted, there are some very powerful spells in the arsenal, but nothing more powerful or more useful than any of the standard spells you could have him learn without the hastle. Maybe he can't help it. He's like 150 years old, his bones are disentragating, and so his mind. But I don't really care. He's pretty useless.





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