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Final Fantasy 6

( as Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy III (usa) )

ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 6


Final Fantasy 6

Charector Location
Acquired from:
C = Chest,Barrel,Clock,etc.
B = Defeating Boss
S = Purchased in Shop
P = Acquired from Person / Event

A = Albrook, CD = Cyan's Dream
CI = Cid's Island, DC = Doma Castle
DT = Darill's Tomb, EC = Esper Caves
FC = Figaro Castle
FV = Figaro Caves, FN = Floating Continent
FT = Fanatic's Tower
Gt = Cave to the Sealed Gate
IB = Imperial Base, IC = Imperial Camp
IP = Imperial Palace, J = Jidoor
KT = Kefka's Tower, K = Kohlingen
M = Mobliz, Mr = Miranda
MF = Magitek Factory, MZ = Mt Zozo
MK = Mt Kolts, N = Narshe
Nk = Nikeah, OC = Odin's Castle/Caverns
OH = Opera House
PC = Phoenix Cave, PF = Phantom Forest
PT = Phantom Train, RH = Returners HQ
SF = South Figaro, ST = Serpent Trench
T = Tzen, Th = Thamasa
TC = Thamasa Caves, TI = Triangle Island
U = Umaro's Cave, V = Vector
VC = Veldt Caves, Z = Zozo



Dirks | Swords | Lances | Knives | Rods | Brushes | Special | Claws | Gambler


-- Weapon Bat. Power Evade % Speed MBlock % Magic Stamina Vigor Value Location Special Abilities Equip
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Dirk 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 150 SF(S) -- T,L,Sh,E,Ce,Se,M,St,R
dirk.gif (853 bytes) MirthrilKnife 30 -- -- -- -- -- -- 300 SF(S), M(S) -- T,L,Sh,E,Ce,Se,M,St,R
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Guardian 59 +10 +4 -- -- -- -- 2 MK(C) Randomly evades attack L
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Air Lancet 76 -- -- -- -- -- -- 950 N(S), K(S), T(S) Wind Elemental L
dirk.gif (853 bytes) ThiefKnife 88 +10 +3 +10 -- -- -- 2 N(C) Steals L,Sh
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Assassin 106 +10 +3 -- +2 -- -- 2 Gt(C) Dispatch L,Sh
dirk.gif (853 bytes) ValiantKnife 145 +10 -- -- -- -- -- 2 K(P,R) HP+ -> Attack+ L
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Man Eater 146 -- -- +10 -- -- -- 11,000 DT(C,R), J(S,R), Th(S,R) Double damage to human target T,L,Sh,E,Ce,Se,St,R
dirk.gif (853 bytes) SwordBreakr 164 +30 -- -- -- -- -- 16,000 Mr(S,R) Randomly evades attack L,Sh
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Graedus 204 +10 -- -- -- -- -- 2 OC(B,R) Pearl Elemental T,L,Sh,E,Ce,Se,M,St,R
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Imperial 72 -- -- -- -- -- -- 600 -- -- Sh
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Kodachi 93 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,200 J(S) -- Sh
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Blossom 112 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3,200 A(S) -- Sh
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Hardened 121 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 FN(B) -- Sh
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Striker 190 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 VC(C,R) Dispatch Sh
dirk.gif (853 bytes) Stunner 220 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 FT(C,R) Randomly casts "Stop" Sh


-- Weapon Bat. Power Evade % Speed MBlock % Magic Stamina Vigor Value Location Special Abilities Equip
sword.gif (878 bytes) MirthrilBlade 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- 450 M(S), SF(S) -- T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) RegalCutlass 54 -- -- -- -- -- -- 800 N(S), SF(S,c) -- T,E,Ce
sword.gif (878 bytes) Rune Edge 55 +10 -- -- -- -- -- 7,500 Nk(S), N(C) Uses MP for Critical T,E,Ce
sword.gif (878 bytes) Epee 98 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3,000 A(S), T(S), Mr(S), V(S) -- T,E,Ce
sword.gif (878 bytes) Flame Sabre 108 -- -- -- +2 -- -- 7,000 A(S,R), Nk(S,R), T(S,R), MF(C), IB(C) Randmoly casts "Fire" T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) Blizzard 108 -- -- -- +2 -- -- 7,000 A(S,R), Nk(S,R), T(S,R), MF(C) Randomly casts "Ice" T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) ThunderBlade 108 -- -- -- +2 -- -- 7,000 A(S,R), Nk(S,R), T(S,R), MF(C) Randomly casts "Bolt" T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) Break Blade 117 -- -- -- -- -- -- 12,000 MF(C) Randomly casts "Break" T,E,Ce
sword.gif (878 bytes) Drainer 121 +10 -- -- -- -- -- 2 T(C,R) Drains HP T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) Enhancer 135 -- -- +20 +7 -- -- 10,000 K(S,R), SF(S,R), Nk(S,R) -- T,E,Ce
sword.gif (878 bytes) Crystal 167 -- -- -- -- -- -- 15,000 J(S,R) -- T,E,Ce
sword.gif (878 bytes) Falchion 176 +10 -- -- -- -- -- 17,000 Mr(S,R) -- T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) Ogre Nix 182 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 - Uses MP for Critical T,E,Ce
sword.gif (878 bytes) Scimitar 208 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 OC(B) Cuts up target T,E,Ce,C
sword.gif (878 bytes) Excalibur 217 +20 +2 -- +1 +1 +2 2 KT(B) -- T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) Ragnarok 255 +30 +3 +30 +7 +7 +7 2 N(P,R) Uses MP for Critical, Randomly casts "Flare" T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) Illumina 255 +50 +7 +50 +7 +7 +7 2 - Uses MP for Critical, Randomly casts "Pearl" T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) Soul Sabre ??? +10 -- -- -- -- -- 2 FC(C,R) Drains MP, Randomly casts "Doom" T,E,Ce,L
sword.gif (878 bytes) AtmaWeapon ??? -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 Gt(C) HP+ -> Attack+ T,E,Ce,L


-- Weapon Bat. Power Evade % Speed MBlock % Magic Stamina Vigor Value Location Special Abilities Equip
lance.gif (872 bytes) Mirthril Pike 70 -- -- -- -- -- -- 800 Mr(S), Nk(S), N(S) -- E,M
lance.gif (872 bytes) Trident 93 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,700 Mr(S), N(S), SF(S,R) -- E,M
lance.gif (872 bytes) Stout Spear 112 -- -- -- -- -- -- 10,000 Th(S), SF(S,R) -- E,M
lance.gif (872 bytes) Gold Lance 139 -- -- -- -- -- -- 12,000 SF(S,R), K(S,R), Th(S,R) -- E,M
lance.gif (872 bytes) Partisan 150 -- -- -- -- -- -- 13,000 J(S,R) -- E,M
lance.gif (872 bytes) Pearl Lance 194 -- -- -- +3 -- -- 2 FT(B) Randomly casts "Pearl" E,M
lance.gif (872 bytes) Aura Lance 227 -- +2 -- +3 +1 +3 2 KT(B) -- E,M
lance.gif (872 bytes) Imp Halberd 253 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 - Only Effective as Imp All


-- Weapon Bat. Power Evade % Speed MBlock % Magic Stamina Vigor Value Location Special Abilities Equip
knife.gif (865 bytes) Ashura 47 -- -- -- -- -- -- 500 - -- C
knife.gif (865 bytes) Kotetsu 66 -- -- -- -- -- -- 800 M(S), N(S), Nk(S) -- C
knife.gif (865 bytes) Forged 81 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,200 J(S), A(S), V(S) -- C
knife.gif (865 bytes) Tempest 101 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8,000 Gt(C) Randomly casts "WindSlash" C
knife.gif (865 bytes) Murasame 110 +10 -- -- -- -- -- 9,000 FC(C) -- C
knife.gif (865 bytes) Aura 162 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 - -- C
knife.gif (865 bytes) Strato 199 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 PC(B) -- C
knife.gif (865 bytes) Sky Render 215 +20 -- -- -- -- -- 2 KT(B) -- C


-- Weapon Bat. Power Evade % Speed MBlock % Magic Stamina Vigor Value Location Special Abilities Equip
rod.gif (860 bytes) Mirthril Rod 60 -- -- -- +2 -- -- 500 Th(S) -- R,St,Go
rod.gif (860 bytes) Fire Rod 79 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3,000 Th(C,S) Randomly casts "Fire2" R,St,Go
rod.gif (860 bytes) Ice Rod 79 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3,000 Th(C,S) Randomly casts "Ice2" R,St,Go
rod.gif (860 bytes) Thunder Rod 79 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3,000 Th(S) Randomly casts "Bolt2" R,St,Go
rod.gif (860 bytes) Poison Rod 86 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,500 N(S) Randomly casts "Poison" R,St,Go
rod.gif (860 bytes) Punisher 111 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 OC(C) Uses MP for Critical R,St,Go
rod.gif (860 bytes) Gravity Rod 120 -- -- -- -- -- -- 13,000 FC(C,R), Th(S,R), Mr(S,R) Randomly casts "Quartr" R,St,Go
rod.gif (860 bytes) Pearl Rod 124 -- -- -- -- -- -- 12,000 T(C,R) Randomly casts "Pearl" R,St,Go
rod.gif (860 bytes) Magus Rod 168 -- -- +30 +7 -- -- 2 OH(B,R) -- R,St,Go
rod.gif (860 bytes) Heal Rod 200 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 EC(C), T(C,R) Heals target R,St,Go


-- Weapon Bat. Power Evade % Speed MBlock % Magic Stamina Vigor Value Location Special Abilities Equip
brush.gif (857 bytes) ChocoboBrsh 60 -- -- -- +1 -- -- 600 - -- R
brush.gif (857 bytes) DaVinciBrsh 100 -- +1 --- +1 -- -- 7,000 Th(S,R) -- R
brush.gif (857 bytes) MagicalBrsh 130 -- +1 -- +1 +1 -- 10,000 TI(C,R) -- R
brush.gif (857 bytes) RainbowBrsh 146 -- +2 -- +2 +1 +1 2 KT(C) -- R


Note: All Special weapons, except for Bone Club, do the same from the back row

-- Weapon Bat. Power Evade % Speed MBlock % Magic Stamina Vigor Value Location Special Abilities Equip
special.gif (865 bytes) Flail 86 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2,000 N(S), K(S) Same Damage in Back Row T,Ce,R,St
special.gif (865 bytes) Full Moon 95 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2,500 N(S), K(S), J(S), T(S) Same Damage in Back Row L
special.gif (865 bytes) Boomerang 102 -- -- -- -- -- -- 4,500 Mr(S), T(S), N(S) Same Damage in Back Row L
special.gif (865 bytes) Morning Star 109 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5,000 N(S), Th(S) Same Damage in Back Row T,Ce,R,St
special.gif (865 bytes) Hawk Eye 111 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6,000 N(S), Th(S) Same Damage in Back Row L
special.gif (865 bytes) Rising Sun 117 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 - Same Damage in Back Row L
special.gif (865 bytes) Bone Club 151 -- -- -- -- -- -- 20,000 - -- U
special.gif (865 bytes) Sniper 172 -- -- -- -- -- -- 15,000 K(S,R) Same Damage in Back Row L
special.gif (865 bytes) Wing Edge 198 -- +7 -- +2 +1 +7 2 PC(C), OC(C) Same Damage in Back Row, Dispatch L
star.gif (877 bytes) Shuriken 86 -- -- -- -- -- -- 30 PT(S), K(S), A(S), Th(S,R) Thrown Sh
star.gif (877 bytes) Ninja Star 132 -- -- -- -- -- -- 500 Th(S,R) Thrown Sh
star.gif (877 bytes) Tack Star 190 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 TI(C,R), KT(C)x2 Thrown Sh


-- Weapon Bat. Power Evade % Speed MBlock % Magic Stamina Vigor Value Location Special Abilities Equip
claw.gif (869 bytes) MetalKnuckle 45 -- -- -- -- -- -- 400 - -- Sa
claw.gif (869 bytes) MirthrilClaw 65 -- -- -- -- -- -- 800 M(S), Nk(S), N(S) -- Sa
claw.gif (869 bytes) Kaiser 83 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,000 J(S), T(S,R) -- Sa
claw.gif (869 bytes) Poison Claw 95 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2,500 A(S), Mr(S), V(S) Randomly casts "Poison" Sa
claw.gif (869 bytes) FireKnuckle 122 -- -- -- -- -- -- 10,000 Z(C), T(S,R) Randomly casts "Fire" Sa
claw.gif (869 bytes) Dragon Claw 188 -- -- -- +1 -- +2 2 DT(C) -- Sa
claw.gif (869 bytes) Tiger Fangs 215 -- +3 -- +3 +2 +3 2 VC(B) -- Sa


-- Weapon Bat. Power Evade % Speed MBlock % Magic Stamina Vigor Value Location Special Abilities Equip
gambler.gif (831 bytes) Cards 104 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,000 - -- St
gambler.gif (831 bytes) Darts 115 -- -- -- -- -- -- 10,000 Th(S), K(S,R) -- St
gambler.gif (831 bytes) Trump 133 -- -- -- -- -- -- 13,000 K(S,R), Th(S,R) Dispatch St
gambler.gif (831 bytes) Doom Darts 187 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 OC(C) Randomly casts "Doom" St
gambler.gif (831 bytes) Dice ??? -- -- -- -- -- -- 5,000 K(S,R) Random Damage St
gambler.gif (831 bytes) Fixed Dice ??? -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 KT(C) Semi-Random Damage St




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