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Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

ฮาร์เวสต์มูน: แบ็คทูเนเจอร์



Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

ฮาร์เวสต์มูน: แบ็คทูเนเจอร์

Mary, แมรี่, マリー , Marii
Birthday: Winter 30) (Alternate: Winter 25)
Family: Basil (Father) , Anna (Mother)

Gift Preferences: Mushrooms, poisonous mushrooms, bamboo shoots, green grass, red grass, blue grass, grape, truffle

Birthday: Winter 20 Or (Alt: 25)

She is a shy and quiet girl who works at the Library, and is prone to assisting people in need. She loves books, saying that they are "Calm and soothing, somehow." Mary spends most of her time in the Library, except for Mondays when it's closed.

Her father Basil has written most of the books in the library, and is very happy when people come to read. As her heart level increases, she will open up to you.

Gray will often go to the Library to read books, and will be your rival for Mary if you choose to pursue her.

Personality: Mary is a kind, well mannered librarian. She still rather shy, but not as much as in HM64. She is more interesting once you get to know her.
Schedule: She stays in the Library from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm. When she is not working on Mondays you can find her on Mother's Hill from 7:30 am to 10:00 am, and at the Supermarket from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm.
Gifts: Mary likes earthy things such as Herbs, Grape Jam, Tomato Juice, Mushrooms, Poisonous Mushrooms, Mushroom Rice, Veggie Latte, Raisen Bread, and Relaxtea Leaves. She does not like some types of Ores as presents.

Everyday Angry Happy Sad
Thinking Shocked Embarrassed Blushing


Everyday, except Mondays (All Weather)
6am - 10am At Home
10am - 4pm Library
4pm - 12am At Home
Monday (Sunny)
6am - 7am At Home
8am - 10am Mother Hill
11am - 1pm At Home
1:40pm - 4pm Supermarket
4:50pm - 12am At Home
Monday (Raining)
6am - 1pm At Home
1:40pm - 4pm Supermarket
4:50pm - 12am At Home

Gift Preferences

Loved Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Poisonous Mushroom, Truffle, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Green Grass, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL,Vegetable Juice, Tomato Juice, Pumpkin Pudding, Cheese Fondue, Bamboo Rice, Mushroom Rice, Truffle Rice, Grape Jam, Raisin Bread, Relaxation Tea Leaves, Relaxation Tea, Veggie Latte
Liked Pumpkin, Spinach, Green Pepper, Moondrop Flower, Pink Cat Flower, Blue Magic Red Flower, Red Magic Red Flower, Toy Flower, Orange Cup Fruit, Apple, Wild Grape, Mayonnaise, Milk, Cheese, Wool, Yarn Ball, Honey, SUGDW Apple, Grape Juice, Fruit Juice, Mixed Juice, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk, Sweet Potato (dish), Greens, Boiled Egg, Hot Milk, Cheesecake, Apple Jam, Apple Pie, Sushi, Jam Bun, Dinner Roll, Cookie, Ice Cream, Cake, Golden Egg, Fruit Latte, Mixed Latte, Ketchup, Jewelry
Neutral Turnip, Potato, Cucumber, Strawberry, Cabbage, Tomato, Corn, Onion, Pineapple, Eggplant, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Mystrile, Orichalcum, Adamantite, Gold Ore, Silver Ore, Copper Ore, Egg, Spa-Boiled Egg, Rice Ball, Bread, Wine, Fish, Oil, Flour, Curry Powder, Stir Fry, Miso Soup, Stew, Salad, Sandwich, Popcorn, Roasted Potatoes, Scrambled Eggs, Omelet, Chirashi Sushi, Sashimi, Grilled Fish, Pizza, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Fried Noodles, Tempura, Chocolate, Chocolate Cookie, Chocolate Cake, Rice Omelet
Disliked Veggie Pancake, Fried Rice, Curry, Pickled Turnips, Fries, Pickles, Happy Eggplant, Butter
Hated Stone, Branch, Lumber, Weeds, Ketchup Recipe, Fodder, Chicken Feed, Fish Food, Food Fiasco, Garbage, Fries Recipe, Bandage, Dead Weeds, Winter Stone, Winter Branch, Winter Lumber

Heart Events


Black Heart Event

Walk into the library between 10am and 4pm. As you enter the library, you find Mary writing a book. You can say two things: "What are you writing?" or "I'd like to read a book." Choosing the former will earn points with Mary and she feels welcome.


Purple Heart Event

Enter the library between 10am and 4pm when Mary has a purple heart or more. She asks what you came for. You can either select between "Came to read" and "Just dropping by."; choosing the former will earn points with her.


Blue Heart Event

No matter the day or season, exit your house between 2pm and 6pm when Mary has a blue heart or more, assuming that her previous two heart events have been viewed.

Mary comes to your house and gives you a book titled "The Woodcutter and the King", which can be read by pressing the Triangle button inside your rucksack. Once you have finished reading, take it back to her. She then asks which character you liked: "the King" or "the Woodcutter". Choosing the latter will earn points with her.

Heart Events


Serious Discussion

Visit the Square at 1pm on Spring 2 of Year 1 to trigger this event.

Mary asks why Gray is always at the square what's he doing. Gray says nothing, Mary then asks if he's Saibara's grandson and if he works at the blacksmith. Gray says he's not interested in smithing and that he wants to go back to the city. Mary then says her family came from the city too because her dad wanted to study plants.

Gray says he can't figure out what he wants to do in the village. Mary asks him what he wants to do that he can't find, Gray says nothing. Before he walks away, Mary tells Gray to try different things to see what he wants to do.


Gray Borrows a Book

Visit the library at 5:30pm on Spring 6 of Year 1.

Gray and Mary discuss a book he has partially read and is going to borrow. Gray says he's starting to like the village more; Mary says that's good and offers to show Gray more books. Upon thanking Mary, she calls out to him asking if he will visit again, which Gray agrees.


Gray is Injured

Visit the Blacksmith at 10am on Spring of Year 2.

Mary walks into the blacksmith's and witness Gray burning himself, asking if he is OK. Saibara says that the burn isn't too bad and that he got hurt because he wasn't paying attention and insults him.

Gray says again that he's ok and Mary apologizes for panicking and that she doesn't know how to help. Gray says that's not true as that Mary helps motivate him. Saibara comes back and gives Gray for his burn.


Gray & Mary Talking about Book

Visit the library at 2pm on Spring 9 of Year 2.

Mary and Gray are discussing a book that Mary has written. Mary asks Gray what he thinks, and Gray tells her it's even better than her dad's books. Mary states she was nervous because she had never shown it to anyone else before. Gray thinks she should show others to be professional. Mary humbly says it's not that great and Gray returns the book.

Mary asks Gray what's wrong as he walks away. Gray responds by saying his praise isn't enough to boost her confidence and that he's going home. Mary apologizes and says that his praise is more important to her than anyone else. Gray then says it was special for him to read it.


Gray's Proposal

Visit the library at 2:10pm on Spring 3 of Year 3. Gray mentions that he was promoted to Blacksmith and all that he has left to do is proposed to Mary.


  • If the player marries Mary, she will work in the library on Sundays and will be at home from Mondays to Saturdays.

