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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

(as "Doraemon Bokujō Monogatari")

โดราเอมอน: สตอรีออฟซีชัน

Events: Mayor

Final Fantasy 5

This collection of events features Mayor Ryam.


Ch. 1 - Busy Kids
Starting Location West Natura
Requirements Mayor Ryam at 2 Hearts

Noby is the only one in town who is unoccupied and everyone is too busy to play with him. So he heads over to Mayor Ryam's office to give him a piece of his mind. Unfortunately, in the process, he gets Doraemon's gadgets taken away by the Mayor, including his Time-Dumb gadget.

Ch. 2 - No More!
Starting Location East Natura - In front of Mayor Ryam's Residence
Requirements Mayor Ryam at 3 Hearts
Time 6 AM - 4 PM

Mayor Ryam seems to be coming around to the idea of returning Doraemon's gadgets if Noby works hard. Noby resolves to work harder than ever...

To prove it, ship at least three crops. The next morning, Mayor Ryam will show up at your door and hand over the Super Gloves! Now you can save the hurt Dog. Additionally, you can use the Super Gloves to sow seeds and fertilizer with OOMPH! Which means you can charge when planting or fertilizing in the same manner you use upgraded tools. Works up to a 2 x 6 area.

Ch. 3 - Gift for Harmon
Starting Location West Natura
Requirements Mayor Ryam at 3 Hearts

The Mayor visits Harmon to give him a gift of fertilizer.

Ch. 4 - Mayor's Work
Starting Location East Natura - In front of Mayor Ryam's Residence
Requirements Mayor Ryam at 3 Hearts
Time 6 AM - 4 PM

Noby learns a little of Mayor Ryam's childhood and why he is so insistent that everyone do their part.

Ch. 5 - Rem's Gift
Starting Location West Natura
Requirements Mayor Ryam at 5 Hearts
Time 6 AM - 4 PM

Ryam gives a stuffed animal to Rem.

Ch. 6 - Time Letter
Starting Location Farm
Requirements Mayor Ryam at 6 Hearts
Time 6 AM

Step outside your farm in the morning to trigger this event. Ryam asks Noby to assist Ravi after an injury.

Ch. 7 - Kids Day
Starting Location East Natura
Requirements Mayor Ryam at 7 Hearts
Time 6 AM - 4 PM

Ryam calls for a meeting to announce to everyone in town that he's declaring Children's Day.

Ch. 8 - Last Gadget
Starting Location Farm
Requirements Mayor Ryam at 8 Hearts
Time 6 AM

Step outside your house in the morning to trigger this event. Ryam will be waiting for Noby outside. He tells Noby how grateful he is and gives him the last gadget, the Time-Dumb.



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ความลับ ,โกงเกม
Secrets, Cheat Game

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