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Doraemon: Story of Seasons

(as "Doraemon Bokujō Monogatari")

โดราเอมอน: สตอรีออฟซีชัน

Events: Cave

Final Fantasy 5

This collection of events features the Cave which can be found on Zazan Beach.


Ch. 1 - Cave Walls
Starting Location Cave
Requirements Sometime around Y1 Spring 15 (could be earlier)

Enter the cave off of Zazan Beach to trigger this event. Noby will note some curious white patches on the cave wall and bring his friends to check it out. You may be able to delve deeper, if you can recover Doraemon's Pass Loop gadget...

Ch. 2 - Mural Room
Starting Location Cave
Requirements Obtain the Pass Loop

Once you have completed the steps to obtain the Pass Loop, visit the Cave to trigger the next cutscene. Noby and friends will use the Pass Loop to travel into the secret chamber beyond the cave wall. Within the chamber is a great mural, which the friends can't help but notice has missing pieces. The columns in the chamber contain clues to find the missing Mural Lithographs.

Ch. 3 - Goddess's Box
Starting Location Cave
Requirements Find all the Litographs.

Read our Mural Litographs guide to know how to find all the Litographs and get Vera to 5 Hearts. After completing the Litographs puzzle you will trigger a scene and you'll have to ask Vera to open the box.

Ch. 4 - Venture's End
Starting Location Big Tree Root, 8 PM.
Requirements Vera at 5 Hearts.

You will be prompted to destroy or leave the seed. Leaving the seed will unlock the last chapter of the Big Tree events line.



Basic information


ความลับ ,โกงเกม
Secrets, Cheat Game

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