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The DioField Chronicle

เดอะ ไดโอฟีลด์ โครนิเคิล

Soldier Skills

The DioField Chronicle

Skill Effect
Shield Wall Erect a barrier of shields and inflict provoke on enemies in the target area.
Axe of Grace Deal damage to a target and recover HP based on the damage dealt. Inflict Provoke.
Shockwave Deal damage to enemies in the target area. The lower the user's HP, the greater the damage inflicted.
Deadly Chaser Deal damage to a target. Enchanted beasts take extra damage.
Boomerang Axe Deal damage to enemies in the target area and recover HP based on the number of enemies targeted.
Heavy Smash Deal damage to enemies in the target area and then move to the specified enemy. The lower the user's HP, the greater the damage inflicted.
Shield Bash Deal damage to a target, inflicting Stun.
Photon Blade Unleash a shockwave when attacking, dealing additional damage to foes in the target area. The effect continues throughout the cooldown period.
Roundhouse Slash Deal damage to enemies in the target area, inflicting Provoke.
Shield Charge Move to an enemy in the target area and deal damage to them. The enemy's actions will be cancelled, and they will be inflicted with Provoke.
Phantom Sword Deal damage to enemies in the target area, inflicting Weakness. Cavaliers take extra damage.
Assassination Deal damage to an enemy. Cooldown is reduced to 0 if the finishing blow is delivered.
Dagger Blitz Deal damage to enemies in the target area, inflicting Poison.
Avatar Rush Deal damage to a target. Damage is doubled if their HP is at 25% or less.
Leaping Attack Move to a specified point and deal damage to enemies in the target area, knocking them back.
Shadow Step Move behind a target and deal damage to them. Enemies with a status effect take extra damage.


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