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The DioField Chronicle

เดอะ ไดโอฟีลด์ โครนิเคิล

Cavalier Skills

The DioField Chronicle

Skill Effect
Mounted Charge Deal damage to enemies in the target area and knock them back.
Full Frontal Assault Move to the specified point, dealing damage to enemies en route.
Furious Flurry Deal damage to enemies in the target area.
Horse Kick Deal damage to an enemy and swap positions with them.
Vicious Swing Deal damage to enemies in the target area and move them in front of the unit.
Lance Strike Deal damage to enemies in the target area. Sharpshooters take extra damage.
Flame Breath Deal damage to enemies in the target area, inflicting Burn.
Wings of the Storm Deal damage to enemies in the target area, pulling them to the centre.
Cyclone Deal damage to enemies in the target area. Once the cyclone has been unleashed, it will damage any enemy that comes into contact with it.
Flame Assault Move to the specified point, dealing damage to enemies en route and setting the ground on fire.
Rush Flare Move close to an ally and deal damage to enemies in the target area.



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