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Stardew Valley

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Stardew Valley

Winter is the fourth season in Stardew Valley. It is followed by Spring and preceded by Fall.

Winter is unique amongst the seasons in that no outdoors Crops apart from Powdermelon Seeds, Winter Seeds and Fiber Seeds will grow, and all Weeds and most tilled soil (including all fertilizer, even if the tile remains tilled) will all be removed at the start of the season. Grass remains but does not spread. Bee Houses will also not produce honey during winter. Finally, standard trees, including those planted on the farm (except fruit trees) do not grow in winter unless Tree Fertilizer is applied.

Overall, with plant growth stopped, Winter can become a challenging season for farmers, leaving only animal produce and the Greenhouse as the mainstay of farm produce. However, the reduced intensity of farming makes it an excellent season for other activities, including foraging, The Mines/Skull Cavern exploration, fishing, digging at artifact spots, and gift-giving - with nine birthdays, Winter is tied with Summer for most birthdays in a season. It also makes it easier to obtain Farm and Tool upgrades without impacting normal routines.

Animals require additional care during this season, as they cannot go outside due to the cold. Providing them with a Heater will also make them happier. Additionally, due to the lack of grass and weeds, Fiber and Hay are more difficult to obtain outdoors. However fiber still can be found in the Mines and Mutant Bug Lair, or alternatively grown with Fiber Seeds. Hay can be purchased from Marnie's Ranch, or randomly gifted from her in the mail. It can also be obtained as a byproduct of Wheat grown in the Greenhouse.

There are several winter events and festivals which give the player unique opportunities to acquire items. One takes place early in the month and one takes place towards the end, marking the end of the year in the Valley. Additional SquidFest and Night Market activities occur halfway through the season.

Day Birthdays Festivals
01 Krobus Icon.png Krobus  
03 Linus Icon.png Linus  
07 Caroline Icon.png Caroline  
08   Vincent Icon.png Festival of Ice
10 Sebastian Icon.png Sebastian  
12   Vincent Icon.png SquidFest
13   Vincent Icon.png SquidFest
14 Harvey Icon.png Harvey  
15   Vincent Icon.png Night Market
16   Vincent Icon.png Night Market
17 Wizard Icon.png Wizard Vincent Icon.png Night Market
20 Evelyn Icon.png Evelyn  
23 Leah Icon.png Leah  
25   Vincent Icon.png Feast of the Winter Star
26 Clint Icon.png Clint  


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