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Breath of Fire

(as "Breath of Fire I ")


Breath of Fire [By]

Breath of Fire

Chapter 1: The Beginning


Before you get started, there are somethings to keep in mind. This game can be extremely hard, more than it already is, if something goes awry. Therefore, Rule Numero Uno - Save Often. This is just common sense. Also, be advised that when you purchase new armor and weapons, the things that are the most expensive are not necessarily the strongest. And of course, you always want to be as high-leveled as possible. That next level just may have that new spell you need for that Boss fight you keep losing. Also, explore everything. You never know what could be hidden and waiting for you.


The Epic begins as our Hero, Ryu, is awakened by the Dragon God Ladon warning him of immediate danger. Upon awakening, Ryu finds himself surrounded by flames. Before leaving with the Old Woman, check the chest across from Ryu's bed to obtain a V.Ptn. Follow the Old Woman downstairs and talk with all the Villagers. Upon talking to the last Villager, a scence erupts and you quickly find out from Ryu's sister Sara, that the Dark Dragons are attacking the village. The Villagers are quick to jump into battle, but not before Sara turns everyone into stone. She tells you that you will bring peace once you are a true Warrior. A scene follows with Sara fighting Zog's lieutenant Jade. She quickly loses...............

When everyone comes out of the petrification, they want to save Sara, but the Old Woman "convinces" them that they need to think of rebuilding Drogen. The Elder then tells you that you are the only one who can save your sister and defeat Zog. He then gives you a treasure chest with 300 GP. Don't buy any equipment in Drogen. Only buy 18 Herbs and 9 Antdt, you will get some new equipment very soon, for free! Walk around outside Drogen and get used to fighting and build Ryu to at least Level 4. You can return to the Elder's house and talk to the Old Woman to rest and restore your health. Also, remember to save at the Dragon Shrine by talking with Ladon's Statue. When you get to Level 4, travel North to find Camlon.


When you arrive, you find that Camlon Castle is in ruins. The Dark Dragons have demolished the entire village as well except for the Dragon Shrine. Take the opportunity to save and then go talk with the King. He asks you to rid his castle of the monsters and being the Hero he is, Ryu accepts.

This board is very straightforward. From the entrance, follow the path until you come to a pool of water. This is a healing spring, it will recover all HP/AP and status. If you continue on the path, you will see two treasure chests. Each one has 70 GP ripe for the taking. Stop at the second spring to heal.The area here is great spot to level-build and heal, especially with the presence of P.Bugs that can poison you. Also, don't forget to buy Antdt's to heal poisoning when a Healing Spring or White Magic user is not available. I would suggest getting to Level 6 before proceding. From the second Healing Spring, walk South, follow the bend and walk North taking the stairs at the end of the hallway.

Upon emerging in the passage, head for the first vault door, open it, and obtain an Herb and the BronzSD. Equip this right away! Continue to the left and open the second vault door to obtain another Herb and the Gauntlet. Equip this also. Aren't you glad you saved your GP in Drogen! Continue up the next set of stairs, and follow the hallway south and take the staircase down to another passage with two more vaults. Pilfer the treasure chests to obtain 2 more Herbs, a SuedeCP and the Visor. Equip these and continue onward up the stairs.

When you come up the stairs, you will come across two treasure chests. Open the second one first, and the first one second - trust me! Before walking up the staircase in between the two chests, please be at least Level 6 or 7, it will make your life much easier when you fight your first Boss - Frog.


Boss Alert: Frog

The castle is ruled by a giant frog with a nasty temper and a long tongue! Just attack and heal with Herbs whenever your life meter turns orange color. If you do this, you should have no problem defeating him.


When you defeat Frog, the air clears from the castle and the enemies inside dissapear. Grab the 2 treasure chests for an Herb and 150 GP. Procede to walk out of the castle, stopping to heal at a spring on the way. Talk with the King and then save at the Dragon Shrine before heading to Nanai.


To get to Nanai, you must walk some distance from Camlon. Follow the shoreline North and cross both bridges you come across. After crossing the second bridge, walk down the steep slope just before the mountains head southeast. If it is not nighttime, walk around until it is. You must enter at night to get past the guards. Be carefull, if a guard spots you, you'll have to start all over again. From the entrance, walk into the Dragon Shrine and save your game.

From the Dragon Shrine walk left and enter the Inn. Search the Cabinets to get a S.Ptn. Exit the Inn and follow the wall north until you see a garden with 2 trees. Walk East and then North just to the left of the first house and then east again and enter the last house before the moat to claim 2 treasure chests for 300 GP! Leave and walk south against the moat edge until you come to 2 buildings. Walk between them and follow the wall until just after the pier entrance. Walk North to find a weapon shop. Buy and equip the LongSD and sell any spare equipment you don't need. Forget about going North any farther than this. There are only 2 Herbs in the house two up from the weapons shop. Instead, retrace your steps to the two houses you passed between earlier. Walk North starting at the right side of biggest house and enter the Palace.

Once inside, there is nothing of interest except the staircase leading to the dungeon. Take it and go down until you emerge in a room with boiling lava and platforms. From the staircase, go east over the rope bridge and grab the Antdt from the chest. Go back to the steps and take another rope bridge south. After crossing, go left and head north to get 650 GP. Return and walk to the far right to obtain a B.Stn. Backtrack slightly and climb the rocks to follow a path to a staircase. Follow it down for two flights and emerge in a room similar to the first.

Again, walk east (to the right) and claim an ArmPad and 70 GP. Equip the ArmPad right away. Travel back west and then south crossing 2 rope bridges. From the second rope bridge, go west to get a F.Stn and then travel east again , collecting the treasure chest along the way containing a Cure. Follow the double staircase down and follow the hallway northward. Make sure you are at least Level 10 and prepare to fight the Knight.


Boss Alert: Knight

The Knight is a tough boss. He can cast magic spells that do up to 20 HP of damage, so make sure you have a least 9-12 herbs to heal with. Use the same technique as you did against Frog, until he gets down to the T in Knight on his life meter. Then unleash on him with the B.Stn and the F.Stn you found earlier. Now for the clincher: Most every boss has a second wind and keeps fighting after their life bar reads zero, so get used to it now. He should only last 2 or 3 more rounds after his second wind. Just keep healing with Herbs.


After defeating thte Knight, examine the Stone altar and elect to take the key. Run to the glowing sphere in the floor and step on it. You will be warped outside and then met by one of the attendants of the Camlon King. You will then cut to a scene in Camlon. After the story unfolds, save your game and prepare to travel to Winlan.

  Chapter 2: Winlan's Dilema


To get to Winlan, retrace your steps to where Nanai once stood and then follow the path NorthEast to find Winlan. Upon entering Winlan, don't bother buying anything right now equipment wise for Ryu. Trust me. Just hold on to all that precious GP for awhile. After talking to the townspeople and nabbing a V.Ptn in the cabinet of the eastmost house, enter Winlan Castle and speak to one of the soldiers to invoke a scene with Winlan's Princess Nina. When they ask you to wait, you accept and take a much needed rest.


After the Hero falls asleep, you will take control of Princess Nina. The first thing you should do is visit with the King and obtain a clue about Karma, your next destination. Make sure to explore the Castle to find the treasure chests and then head into the town. Buy Nina the BronzRP and the SuedeGN, then Deposit the rest of your money in Storage. When you are ready to go, Save your game and leave town. Head for the nearby cave just Southwest about one screen from Winlan.

You will find that Nina isn't the greatest character to start out with. She doesn't have much attack power or know much useful magic, yet. However, upon entering the cave, two Winlan soldiers volunteer to escort you. You have to accept to continue the quest, so just say yes. This will give some much needed support as you journey to Karma. While making your way through the cave, be sure to explore it very well. You will find some B.Stn and C.Stn as well as the Iron Ore. Make sure you find this or you will have to do some major backtracking later on. Another thing that will help you for quite a while is to have Nina use the E.Key as an Item during Battle. It will greatly help you out. Upon emerging from the cave, enter the town of Romero.


While in Romero, you'll find that the Wizard of Karma has been conducting weird experiments that are having strange effects on the soil. You cannot help the people here yet, but you can snag the World Map by falling down the hole in the floor of the eastmost house in the second row of houses and pushing the jars out of the way. I suggest trading the SuedeGN for the Gown before heading to the Forest leading to Karma. When you are ready, leave the town and head West to the Forest.
The forest is full of Spiders, P.Bugs, and Creeps. It is not overly difficult, as long as you use the E.Key in battle to dispose of your enemies, mainly the Spiders. If you do get in a bind, save your Magic for Karma by eating the red mushrooms scattered throughout the Forest. Each one should restore 5-10 HP. The other mushrooms are poisonous and should be ignored. The forest doesn't have much to offer in the way of treasure, but the Bandage does give Nina a tad more protection than the SuedeSH. The other chest contain 2 Herbs and 150GP. The exit is straight West of the entrance from Romero.


Finally, you've made it to Karma! Karma is a set of 2 Towers that must be navigated carefully, as the floors sometimes open and drop you back down a floor or two. From the entrance, go North until you come to an intersection with two Healing Springs on either side. Walk left and follow the path up until you see a stairway going up. Take the stairs and get an M.Drop (You'll want to save these!) Walk back down the steps, and continue on the path going right across the top wall and follow it all the way until to come to a treasure chest with another M.Drop in it. Proceed back to the split and take the narrow hallway down back to the Healing Spring. After restoring at the Spring, head for the floating figure guarding the stairway.


Mini-Boss Alert: Morte

Morte is a foul character who doesn't seem to like you. He is not that hard to beat, just use the E.Key and heal when necessary. He goes fast and has a very very small second wind.


After beating Morte, go back and heal at the Spring, then continue up the steps. On the second floor, opt to go down the hall to your right, not up. You will come to 2 sets of stairs. Climb/descend each to nab a Charm and a Cure. Next, head back to the other path along the top wall of the tower and take the (only) stairway up at the end. You are now on Floor 3.

Head along the narrow hallway you emerged in and take the path on the left to grab another Charm. Go back and head right along the top wall and take the stairs leading down.

Follow the path North until you come to 2 holes on the floor. Don't bother with the stairs going up unless you want a Herb. Of the 2 holes, fall down the one on the right. Take care not to fall in the hole in the next room and follow the stairs up. Take the next set of stairs down to find a Life2 (Very important this early in the Game!). head back up the stairs and prepare to fight Mortea.


Mini-Boss Alert: Mortea

Mortea is pissed that you defeated her brother and attacks you. She packs quite the wallop with her scythe, but just keep healing and using the E.Key. She also has quite the short second wind.


After defeating Mortea,head up the stairs. Step on the plaform to make a bridge to the other Tower. Take the stairs up to find a Healing Spring and a Save Point. Nina should now be at least Level 8. Head back down the stairs, and talk to the three girls who are in front of the steps. Step on the plates inside the doorway to free the 3 girls. Proceed down the stairs until you come to the Wizard's Lair. A staged fight scene ensues and the Wizard captures Nina, but one of the Soldiers escapes and flys back to Winlan.


The soldier barely makes it back to the castle before he dies. The soldiers then find Ryu and ask him to help. Accept, and meet them outside Winlan. Before going, buy and equip Ryu with the ChainML. Once you get outside, talk with the soldier who has the pointy helmet.
You will then be flown to the roof Karma's second Tower. Take the stairs down to the Wizard's lair. Once in the Wizard's Lair, take the outer path all the way around the room the a treausre chest. This contains the Rang and has a Spriong in it that will refill your HP/MP to full. Head back to the Center Aisle. Walk up the path. Before the top of the stairs, you should make sure that Ryu has the LongSD equipped, not the Rang. Prepare to take on the Wizard.


Boss Alert: Wizard

Ryu should be at least Level 10 before this fight. Attack him with your Sword at first, healing yourself from his constant barrage of Lightining and Freeze Spells. When he starts casting the Petrify Spell, begin using the E.Key instead of your Sword. You should win this fight with not too bad of a problem. His second will be gone with one attack from the E.Key.


After defeating the Wizard, you will be taken back to Winlan. Go and speak with the King. Nina now joins your quest and the King grants you passage through the tunnel leading eastward across the bridge. Save your game, and head over the bridge to your next adventure!

  Chapter 3: The Forest Clan


After crossing the bridge, follow the road Southeast to Tantar & Tuntar. Along your way, make use of the E.Key and the Rang to defeat your enemies. Also, note the Forest you pass on your way, it is the next board you will fight in, but for now, remember where it is. When you arrive in Tantar (the one on the left side of the river), get the Bandana for Nina and the SuedeAR for Ryu. Enter the Elder's house and nab a W.Ptn. Next, Visit the Blacksmith in the bottom right house and give him the I.Ore (Iron Ore) so he can make you the Saw. The Saw lets you enter the Forest of Despair. Then, talk to the townsfolk, save, and head over to Tuntar.

In Tuntar, talk to all the townspeople and stop by the Inn to find a Charm. After talking with the Elder, head to the Forest of Despair.


To enter the Forest of Despair, you must have the Saw handy. To use it, walk up to the tree in the middle of the path and press the A button. The Saw breaks from overuse, but you can now enter the Forest. The idea for the first section of this board is to make your way to the Dark Dragon Base in the Northeast part of the Forest. Along the way, be sure to nab all 5 treasyre chests for 2 T.Drops, 1 Life, 1 Herb and a Wrist (Give this to Nina).
Once inside the Base, be careful. The floor opens up if you try to cut corners, forcing you to walk back upstairs to where you were. The point for this board: Always take the long way. There are lots of treasure chests in the Base. Here what you can find: 3 T.Drops, 5 Herbs, 2 Lifes, 1 Life2, 1 LongSD, 1 Acorn, and 1 WolfHT. I'll leave the treasure hunting to you, but I'll give you the way to go:

From the entrance, go north and fight the 2 guards. Have Ryu use the Rang and Nina use the E.Key. This will make it MUCH easier. After beating the Guards, take the path left and then North. Continue until you come to an intersection. Go North again and come across 2 more guards. From here, go left and go down the stairs. Once you are down the stairs, follow the path to right and ignore the path to the north. Follow the path around the wall and go left when the path intersects. Ignore the doorway and keep going left. Walk up to the three Guards and let 'em have it. After beating the 3 Guards, the group follows the 'Elder' and walks into a trap. The General was disguised as the Elder! Now you must fight Pog!


Boss Alert: Pog

Pog is a two-headed beast. So every now and then he will get two attacks. However, the strategy is the same, Ryu uses the Rang and Nina the E.Key, healling when necessary. Pog's second wind only takes a few rounds to knock off, so it isn't too bad yet. After beating Pog, Bo shows up to save the day! Prepare to fight the General!


The General

The General is a tough opponent, but at least Bo knows Freeze Spells. The strategy is the same, but I would have Bo attack at first, and save the spells for the General's second wind. Remember to keep your HP fairly high towards the end of the fight.


After you defeat the General, equip Bo with the WolfHT. While you are here, charge up your characters. Before you leave, Nina should be at Level 13 (That is when she gets the Warp Spell). You may need to return to Tantar to rest at least once during this time. The idea is to get as much Meat and C.Stn's as possible. Warhogs drop Meat and C.Stn's can be acquired from Zargs and S.Riders. If you do not do this, you will have a hard time with the bosses soon to come.

After this, head back to Tantar/Tuntar to sell any excess weapons and armor, buy and equip Bo with the ShortBW & SuedeAR. Talk to the townspeople to clues about the Stone Robot up north and then Save your game.


Your next quest will be to acquire the Stone Robot to give the villagers back their water. To do this, you must enter Agua to find the Key to operate it. If you have talked to all the townsfolk, you know that the Elder of Romero knows how to enter Agua. However, make sure that you have talked to the Elder of Tuntar's Daughter. Walk outside and Warp to Romero.

Talk to the Elder in Romero. He agrees to help you if you can get rid of the Zombies. To do this, you need to re-enter Romero at Night. After coming back during the Night, talk to the Elder's Daughter (upstairs), and then talk to the Old Woman near the village entrance. Her Zombie husband will open the way to the WtrJr. Get the WtrJr and exit the town.

You must now go southwest through the woods to get to the Water Cave. To move in the woods, Bo must be leading the party(Note: While in the lead, Bo can also Hunt on the World Map by pressing the A Button). The Water Cave is relatively small, but has some neat secrets that you won't find out about for a while yet. Make your way to the bottom, making sure to get the treasure along the way. You should find these items: 2 Herbs, F.Stn, T.Drop, Apple, BronzHT, and a NiceHT. Once you make your way to the bottom, fill the WtrJr by walking into the spring. You will be taken back to Romero. Talk to the village Elder and receive the Tablet, which allows you to enter Agua.

To get to Agua, go Northwest form Romero. It is the floatng tower you will see. To enter, walk to the end of the dock and your lead character will automatically read the Tablet. Walk up the steps to procede. Once inside, the basic idea is to ride the floating platforms across the holes in the floor. Not a difficlut board, but full of lots of goodies! You should find the following as you make your way up: 2 Herbs, Life2, SunHT, IronSH, TheifCL, Apple, Acorn, Bracelet and a Hairband. All very good items! There will be 4 chests that you cannot get yet, you will need to come back here with someone who can break down crumbling walls.......

As you are on your way up, you will come across locked doors. For now these are unopenable, but they will be soon. When you arrive at the top, you will see a pillar with a 'ghost' in front of it. Prepare to fight, but equip Ryu with the LongSD first.


Boss Alert: Wisp

Wisp is tough opponent, but he has no second wind, which is nice. To wallop him, have Ryu attack, Nina can use the E.Key between healings, and have Bo cast the Frost spell. Once you whittle away his HP, he gives you the KngKey as your reward.


Once you have the KngKey, walk back down through Agua, and Warp to Tantar, stay at the Inn, and Save your game. (Don't sell any extra equipment just yet.....)


Now you finally have the means to operate the Stone Robot! From Tuntar, walk North and enter the Stone Robot by walking into its Left foot. The treasure in this board consists of an Herb, 1 BronzHT, 1 Acorn, and a Mrbl1. Once you get to the 5th floor, you'll meet the General, again. Prepare to fight him again.


Boss Alert: General (again)

This fight is just like the last one, except he has two Lancers. This fight is pretty easy and the General's 2nd wind is fairly small.


Once you beat the General, activate the Stone Robot by walking up to the altar and pressing the A Button. Now, you must make your way to the Robot's controls. The going gets a little confusing now, cause each glowing dot on the floor warps you to another glowing dot somewhere else. There is alot of treasure along the way, but here is how to get to the control room:

Starting at the Heart Altar, head back to the steps and step on the teleport (glowing dot) just to the left of the stairs. In the next room, walk along the right-hand wall and follow the path up and around to another teleport. After emerging in the next room, walk all the way to the end of the hallway, and take the Northeast teleport. In this room, walk up the path and ignore the first teleport and continue until you come to a large room with two pillars. Take the teleport in this room. Walk up and take the next teleport. Welcome to the control room. Walk up to the Altar and press the A Button. The Stone Robot will walk to the damn and release the water for the villagers. Walk back to Tantar and talk to the Elder. He will ask you to look for their treasure, the Ring. Also, he will give you the Key to open the door guarding the Ring.


Once you have the Key, save your game and head North, back to where the Stone Robot is. Enter the cave. This is basically a 2 screen filler to bring you to the Ring Cave, no big deal. Once in the Ring Cave, you will find it is pretty straightforward. Besides the Ring, you will find: 2000GP, Life, Life2, Herb, Acorn, and a SkySH. This cave is about as hard as the Water Cave, which means that you should have no problem with it at all. You will find the Ring at the bottom of the Cave surrounded by 3 pillars and a teleport. Once you have the Ring, step into the teleport and walk South to exit the cave. Beforre heading back to Tantar, make sure Nina has the SkySH and Ryu has the Ring.

When you get back, you find that Terry and Amelia are having a wedding! Cool! During the wedding, a huge explosion rocks the village! That bastard General steals the Stone Robot and destroys Tuntar! You must stop him before he destroy Tantar. Enter the Robot and head for the control room. Before you get there, equip Ryu with the LongSD instead of the Rang. Once you arrive, the General transforms into the Gremlin!!!


Boss Alert: Gremlin

This is the nastiest Boss you have faced so far. If your party isn't charged up, you'll be a lot of trouble. I suggest that Ryu be at Level 17 or 18. His attacks are very strong, especially against Bo. His main attack hits all the party members, so keep your HP high. This is a good fight to make use of all those C.Stn's you been saving(hopefully). Gremlin's 2nd is 600HP and the going gets even rougher when he gets mad. Just keep healing(use Meat if possible, it heals everyone) and using C.Stn's to make your life easier.


After you defeat the Gremlin, the Stone Robot, tired of being used for human ambition, walks into the volcano. This is sad, but it does open up the way south past the river.


  Chapter 4: The Light & Dark Keys


Before heading south past the newly formed path, thanks to the Stone Robot. you should head back to Tantar to Save and rest up. Head back South, and you will come across a small Dragon Shrine. Here, Ryu must fight alone to gain his first set of Dragon Powers. It is essential that you have lots of healing items, such as Meat and Herbs. Since there is no prerequiste for this training, talk to the Dragon Elder, and prepare to fight Talon.


Boss Alert: Talon

This fight is just an old-fashioned slug fest between Ryu and Talon. Just keep attacking and healing until you wear him out. Talon does NOT have a 2nd wind.(Thank God!!!)


After beating Talon, heal at the Spring in the Dragon Shine, leave and head South. Put Bo in the lead and explore the Woods and field. You will eventually find a Boy unable to stop himself from going in circles and a Fairy hangout. Talk to all of them and head Southwest to the Cave. The Cave is another filler board, but be careful of Shadows in battle. They are very dangerous right now. Go South at the only fork in the road, and exit the cave. Head South and enter Auria.


Upon entering Auria, you get thrown into prison. Fortunately, there is thief sleeping in the bed. By talking to him and accepting his help you can escape. Visit the weapon and item shops next door. Here is what I suggest: For Ryu get the BroadSD and the SageML, for Nina the Rapier and Tiara, & for Bo the LongBW and SageML. As for the Item Shop, buy one vitamin and one pouch. Then head up the stairs. Upstairs, the man at the table who is sick. Talk with him and give him the Vitamin. He gives you 5000GP. This is very important: Don't spend any money that you find in this town. You will need it to continue on in your quest very soon. After getting your 5000GP, walk up to the shelf and push it aside. Walk into the new room and push the Jar up and search to find a Life2. When you leave the Weapon/Item Shop, go left down the pier and talk to the man in front of the boat to find out about Ross. Walk back into the main part of town. Dodge the soliders here just like you did in Nanai. If you do get caught, just talk to the thief again, and he will let you out. Talk to everyone and explore everything. You should come away with these: 26000GP, 3 Lifes, V.Ptn, S.Ptn, 2 Cures, Acorn, Antdt, W.Ant (Put this in storage. They are extremely rare and you'll need one later), L.Ptn, Mrbl3, Mrbl1, G.Tiara(Hold on to this), and a SmartRG for Nina.

After exploring, head for the Northernmost house and talk to Ross. In order for you to use his ship, you must save his daughter who is locked in the safe. To get in into the safe, you need to be able to pick the lock. To find a thief to help you, you must travel to Bleak, but for now, you should have talked a woman who wants you to help her son. Her son is the one who is under the Fairies influence. So travel back there and talk with the Fairies and then the Boy to release him. Stop back in Auria to Save, and then head for Bleak.

To get to Bleak, you must travel through the cave to the East of Auria. It is decently long cause you will get attacked alot. There are 6 Treasure Chests, but only 2 are obtainable right now. They are a Cure and a ShellHT. The other 4 you will have to wait for a little while. However, the cave is very straightforward, so you shouldn't have to much of a problem with it. Once you leave the cave, make your way up and around the lake over to Bleak. Notice the Tower you pass on your way, it is the Dk.Key Tower. But for now, just go to Bleak.

When you enter Bleak, Save your game. Make sure you have the pouch in your inventory and stay at the Inn. The Innkeeper will you give 5000GP, but you must have the pouch. Otherwise you will lose your money....not cool! At the Weapon Shop, sell the G.Tiara and buy Nina the WoolRB and Ryu the MetalSH. Talk to the Village Elder in the North House. He tells you Karn could help you, but you must have the Icicle to travel in the Desert. He will trade you a G.Bar for it. I hope you saved all that money people have been giving you! A G.Bar costs 65,000 GP!!!!! Warp back to Auria and talk with the Boy's Mother again. She gives you 20000 GP for saving her Son. Now you should have enough to buy a G.Bar. Buy one and head back to Bleak. Give the Elder the G.Bar and receive the Icicle. Before heading to the Desert, you may want to walk around the Bleak area and fight the G.Slimes. You can reap alot of EP and GP!!! Once you feel secure in your Party's Levels (I suggest Level 19), head Southwest to Bleak Cave after Saving your game.


The Cave to the Desert is another filler board. The only catch is that to exit the opposite end, you must have the Icicle. Once you enter the Desert, head South to find the Krypt. You cannot enter cause of the quicksand. Maybe someone in the nearby town of Arad knows something. You learn that you need the Fife to enter the Krypt. The Elder will give you the Fife if you help him out. Rest at the Inn (It's free) and Save your game. Walk into the goat corral and examine the moving patch of dirt. Then prepare to fight the Sandworm!


Boss Alert: SandWorm

The SandWorm is a hard enemy and would pose an even bigger threat, except that Ryu now has Dragon Powers! Have Ryu morph into the ThrDr and watch the fun begin! Each attack will take down 130HP from SandWorm. Have Nina heal and Bo use Fry magic. His second wind is nothing to worry about if Ryu uses Dragon Magic. You should win in no time! (^_^)


After you beat the SandWorm, get the Fife, rest and Save. Make your way to the Krypt and press the A Button to play the Fife. A bridge appears and allows you to enter. Once inside, the Krypt is a tricky place. There are opening floors and booby-trapped treasure chests. Skip getting all the treasure until Karn is in your party. He can open them without setting off the traps and he can also keep your party from falling through the opening floors when he leads the party! For now though, you must find him. Make your way down into Krypt. On the 3 Floor down, you'll fight EyeSpy.


Boss Alert: EyeSpy

Use the same strategy as you did on SandWorm. Except in Ryu's case, have him use a Mrbl1. This will double his attack power for the battle. EyeSpy should fall quickly without any problems. Hopefully, you won't have a problem with his second wind.


After you beat EyeSpy, walk down the steps to collect some booty!!! However, when you open the Blue Chest, it sets off a trap!!! No problem, Karn to the rescue! He now joins your party! When he joins, put him in the lead for now. He can open those pesky locked doors you have been coming across. make sure that you equip Karn with the gear you have found in your quest. I suggest the ThiefCL, SkullHT, and Wrist. Upgrade anyone elses equipment and head for the bottom of the Krypt. From here, start collecting the treasure chests now. As long as Karn is in the lead, the traps will not hurt you. The only treasure you cannot get yet is the B.Rang (It is the one sticking out of the rock in the room where you fought EyeSpy). Once you reach the bottom, you will find a room full of coffins. It doesn't matter what order you open them in, the Book is always in the last one you open. After Karn's little scene, head back out making sure to collect any treasure you may have missed. Head to Arad to rest and Save.

Before you head to Auria and Save Ross' daughter, head back to all those lock doors you have come across and grab all that treasure! Now if only you could break down those crumbling walls too..........


When you are done collecting treasure, return to Auria and free the girl from the safe. She is quite stubborn and won't leave yet. Listen to what she says, and head for the Dk.Key Tower, West of Bleak.

Once in the Tower, you will meet an Old Man who challenges you to get to the top. Take that challenge and work your way up the Tower collecting the treasure along the way. The idea is to get the Mirror on the second floor from the Old Man by beating the Dk.Key's Guardian, Cloud, on the top floor.


Boss Alert: Cloud

This is another tough fight. ThrDr is really the only thing that works and to make matters worse, Cloud knows the Devistat and Lightining Spells. Each one does 20 to 45 HP of damage respectively. Use Nina and Bo to heal while Karn uses regular attacks or the E.Key (depending on which is more powerful at this point) and Ryu uses ThrDr. Cloud has no second wind, so when he's gone....he's gone.


Once you defeat Cloud, take the Dk.Key and go see the Old Man. He will now give you the Mirror. Take this Mirror back to Auria and talk to Ross. Ross' dead wife will convince him to give you the Lt.Key. Now go and talk to Ross' daughter and she will let you pass. Climb the small tower to get the Lt.Key.


After taking the Lt.Key, head to the port. The captain cannot sail cause the Dark Dragons are blocking the ship!

Boss Alert: Knight

This fight isn't too hard. Just use ThrDr and say bye-bye.


After the fight, the Knight sinks the ship and escapes. Talk with the Captain and Gobi. They tell you the whereabouts of the Dark Dragon Base. You must give Gobi a G.Bar to get the GnPwdr. If you haven't gotten it yet, there is a G.Bar in the Cave east of Auria. Just use Karn to pick the Lock on the door. After trading up, head to the cave North of Auria and hang a left at the first intersection. Walk up to the rocks blocking the way and Ryu will use the Gun Powder. Continue and exit the cave.

When you get to the Dark Dragon's Base, head for their ship. You will have to fight plenty of goons along the way, but if Ryu is at least Level 21, you shouldn't have a problem. Once at the bottom of the ship, the General shows up yet again! This time, he transforms into Squid.


Boss Alert: Squid

Just have Ryu use ThrDr while Bo and Nina heal and Karn supports them. Squid's secnond wind is very short. You should have no problem as long as you stay healthy.


After you beat Squid, watch the scene that follows. You are in for one more fight.


Boss Alert: Octo

After the Dark Dragons board your ship, you make your way down to the cargo hold only to find the Knight again. He changes in Octo, a much meaner version of Squid. Use the same strategy and you should do fine. His second wind can be wiped from one hit of Ryu's ThrDr Attack.


When you beat Octo, the party jumps overboard. They end up stranded on a desert island. But all is not lost.....................

  Chapter 5: Underwater Adventure


After awakening on the desert island, Gobi offers to save you for 1,000,000 GP. Of course, you would never have this much, but say yes anyway and he accepts your "IOU". This is where thing can be rough if you don't have any Mrbl3. Gobi must travel by himself and is fairly weak, 2 enemy attacks will usually do him in. You must get to Prima. To get there from your current location, walk due west. Once there, take time to explore and possibly buy some Mrbl3, but nothing else yet. Find Prima's Mayor and talk with him. He sends you to Gant for the Gills.

The trip to Gant is bearable once you exit the ocean. To get there, walk south and the west along the coastline, you can't miss the landing. Follow the road West between the mountains to find Gant. When you get there, go directly to the Northernmost house and talk to the Village Chief. He gives you the Goods. Take these back to Prima and get the Gills from the Mayor.

When you get the Gills, a commotion occurs. A capture Gant citizen has escaped from the Dark Dragons. However, a Reaper shows up threatens to take the injured man. Gobi, being ever the money-maker, offers to bring back Ryu and friends for 10,000 GP. Accept to lower this offer to 5,000 GP and then head back to the island and talk with Ryu. Travel back to Prima. Before taking on the Reaper, upgrade your equipment. I won't tell you what to buy from now on, cause you should have a handle on it by now, but spend your money wisely. When you are done upgrading, take on the foul being trying to take this man's life.


Boss Alert: Morteo

Morteo may remind you of Morte and Mortea, but he is ALOT stronger. Keep on him with Ryu's ThrDr and Nina's Zom1 (Zom2 if you have it) Spell. He should fall quickly if you stay healthy. His second wind is around 700 HP.


When you beat Morteo, Ox joins your party! Now you can take the time to go back get all that good stuff that was blocked by crumbling walls!!! Score. The place you should visit are Agua, the Cave east of Auria and Krypt. Please oh please, whatever you do, find the B.Rang. You can't use right away, but you will very, very soon. But for now, just get it!

Once you finish treasure hunting, head back to Gant.



In Gant, go back to the Chief's house where you got the Goods. Notice the shelf by the wall can be pushed aside. Walk into the room to find a man behind some rocks. Use Ox to break the rocks and have Karn talk to the Old Man. He learns the Shin Transformation Spell. This Spell rocks! This spell will morph Bo and Gobi with Karn to create a Super-Human hunter. Try it out! You can hunt easier as well as having a super-powerful warrior! What a deal! This is cool cause you'll need all the help you can get with the upcoming levels. Now make for Prima.



From Prima, head West and walk onto the landing. Follow the path West and enter Nabal Dungeon. Have Ox knock down any crumbling walls you come across. This board isn't to hard or long except for the enemies. Eventually, you'll come to the General, yet again.

Boss Alert: Toad

You should know the drill by now. Make sure you have Life2's in case Nina dies. Other than that: Attack hard and heal often. With the Shin Spell added to your bag o' tricks, this fight isn't hard. His second wind is around 500 HP.


Upon beating Toad, you find out that half of the prisoners have been moved to Nabal Castle. Head North and survey the situation and then head to Gant. Talk to the Chief to get the B.Rang fixed, for FREE!!!!!!

After you acquire the B.Rang from the Chief, leave Gant and head east along the shore past the landing until you come to a small hut. Talk to the Man here. He says to steal a Grimfowl Egg. Head back to Nabal Dungeon and head North. Walk up to the egg in the clearing and the Mother attacks.


Boss Alert: GrimFowl

She isn't too tough, just use the same strategy as the Toad and you'll do this on just fine!


Once you beat the GrimFowl, head North towards Nabal Castle. Once you get there, your lead character will throw the egg into the castle. **Note: You must move slowly or the Mother GrimFowl will not be able to follow you.** Time to move in!

Once in the Castle, it is pretty straightforward. There is a Life2 and a SkullRG under the pots by the steps, just push them out of the way and search the ground. You will meet the General. He sends his goons after you this time. Prepare for a 'fun' fight.


Boss Alert: SlimeX

This fight is different from the ones you have fought before. You will get attacked by 3 SlimeX's. No biggie, except when the last one dies, they revive and form one massive SlimeX. You don't get a chance to heal in between battles, so stay healthy.


Once SlimeX is a pile of Ooze, rescue the prisoners. They tell you that they are about to attack Prima! Hurry back to Prima and talk to the Mayor!



When you talk to the Mayor, he tells you to ask the Sorceress of Wisdon what to do. Do what he tells you and talk to the guy upstairs. Talk to him and search under his bed. Take the Statue and Warp to Arad. In Arad, rest up and Save. Leave Arad, and head for the small moving town in the Desert.
Enter Wisdon, and talk to the Spirits. Head into the Palace and explore throughly. If you have done a good job upgrading your character's equipment, most of the stuff you find will be obsolete, but good for selling and making money (You'll need that soon too). Eventually, you come to find Bleu. When you try to approach her, the 3 Spirits stop you to test your worthiness. Prepare to rumble.


Boss Alert: Wisp, Cloud and Myst

In order to win, you must beat all 3 one after the other - with no rest in the mean time. Go all out to make short work of them. None have second winds.


When you win, they wake Bleu and she gives you the OldEgg. Take this to the Volcano North of Prima. It is very small, so you won't have much of a problem. Once you drop the OldEgg in the Volcano, you get taken back to Wisdon and Bleu joins your party and you are taken to Prima. Watch the scene that occurs and when you land on the ocean floor, arrange your party. I suggest Ryu, Bleu, Gobi and Ox. Fight time!


Boss Alert: Pincher

To make short work of this Boss, use this strategy: Have Ryu use ThrDr, Bleu use Shock, Gobi use EcoX and Ox attack or use healing items. This fight shouldn't take more than 6 or 7 rounds at the most.


After you pound the Dark Dragon Fleet into submission, a scene with Zog and Jade transpires. Now the real fun begins.

  Chapter 6: Enter Cort


After the dust settles, Gobi gets his license back and the Sphere (You may have to walk back into town and talk to the Mayor). Before leaving, buy some fishing bait such as a Worm2. In the ocean, put Gobi in the lead and press the A button. You can now travel as the Great Fish, without getting attacked. Beautiful!

From Prima, head North until you come across the gap in the ocean floor. Cross it and continue West until you come across a small island. Walk onto the island and enter the Castle. You just happen to be in Tunlan. You don't need to bother with much here cause you cannot talk to or understand the people here yet. Make your way into the Castle at the top of town. Explore the Castle until you find the treasure room. Walk down the Left-hand side of the wall. The statue will come to life and push you into a hole in the floor. You should land in a room with 2 guys standing by a bed. Push aside the bottom right chest and search. You find Rod5! Congrats! You can now fish in wells. Push the other chests to fall down another level and exit Tunlan for now.

Once outside, Warp to Romero and walk along the coastline to the North, until you come to a well in the middle of nowhere. Equip Ryu with the Rod5 and the bait you bought and fish in the well. You find the DragonSD!!!! This is cool, cause it is a requirement to take the next Dragon Trial. Warp to Gant and make your way to Nabal Dungeon. Walk to the other side of Nabal Dungeon and instead heading North to Nabal castle, walk west to the coastline to the south. From here walk east and enter the small Dragon Shrine. Talk to the Dragon Elder and prepare Ryu for another test!


Boss Alert: Bain

The fight with Bain is much like the first test you took. Except this time you can use ThrDr to fight against Bain. Just keep healthy, and you'll make short work of Bain. He has no second wind.


Once you have your new set of Dragon Powers, Warp to Tunlan and use Gobi's Great Fish as tranportation to head North. Exit the ocean at the landing and follow the path to Gust.



When you enter Gust, the people seem strange, but they are under a very evil control spell. Talk with everyone in town to find out about Nicholie. While talking with everyone, you will find a 'crazy' flutemaker. Push aside the chest and drop down the hole. Have Karn talk to the Old Man. He will learn the Debo spell! It can only be used underwater, but it is a good spell nonetheless.
Be sure to also explore the chests in all the houses, especially the Inn. Upgrade your equipment, and walk North into Gust Valley. Enter Cort's Base to help cure the villagers.



Inside the Base, all the Chest are guarded by mini-bosses called Rogues. Hit them hard and fast, and you won't have a problem. If you let them carry on, you'll be sorry. When you catch up to Cort, he douses you with a strange formula that shrinks your party to mouse size. Walk northeast to find a mouse hole in the wall. Enter it and get a good laugh.
You have to help the Mice here fend off the Roaches. Simple enough, not really, the Boss roaches pack a huge punch, but first, rest at the Mouse Inn.


Boss Alert: K.Roaches

These guys are fairly hard for Roaches. They go down quick, but have a long second wind. Use your newly acquired Dragon Powers, the Shin Spell, Nina to heal, and Bleu cast Blizzard. You should beat them if you stay healthy.


After beating the K.Roaches, talk to the Mice who are grateful to you. Before you open the chests, stay at the Mouse Inn. Now, collect your reward and chase after Cort. You will have to navigate some floating platforms, but they are not too difficult. When you reach Cort, you will fight RugaX


Boss Alert: RugaX

Only a tougher version of Rogue. No biggie, no second wind.


You find out that RugaX is actually Nicholie, the man who can fix the Bridge. When Nina cannot help him, he is taken back to Gust.



To save Nicholie, you must obtain the Oil from the Frogs on Frog Island. Well, frogs like flies and dammit, your gonna get them one! Enter the cave in Gust where the guy had his lunch stolen. This fight is techinically a boss fight but the G.Fly is not hard to beat. Kill him and pick him up. Take him to the Frogs in a cave East of Tunlan. Return with the Oil.
When you give Bleu the Oil, you head out to destroy the Flower that is causing the illness. Prepare for Battle.


Boss Alert: FlowerX

Just pound at him with the same strategy, except you'll have Ox, not Bleu. Have him attack while Nina heals everyone. FlowerX has a super short second wind.


After beating FlowerX, return to Gust. You'll find that Nicholie has turned into RugaX again. You know the drill. Upon winning, he is cured for good and sets out to fix the bridge while you rest up. Talk to the FluteMaker to get the Maestro. Save your Game and head for the Bridge. When you arrive, you find that Cort is waiting for you. Here we go again.


Boss Alert: HornToad

This is a hard fight. Use the same strategy as you did against RugaX and you'll make short work of Cort. His second wind is about 1500 HP, so pound him fast!


Head back into Gust to rest up and Save. Cross the Bridge.


 Chapter 7: Enter Mote

After crossing the Bridge in Gust, follow the mountain path until you come to a barren wasteland. You will see a hole in the ground with a mole in it who dissappears. Follow her and you will find yourself in Gramor and find your next mission - To save Mogu. To do this, you need to travel to Tunlan to get the Bolster. They do give you the Cowl so you can finally understand what the Tunlan's are saying and if you got the Maestro, you can also talk to them. For now though, leave Gramor and head south until you find a cave. Pass through this cave carefully, if Ryu isn't Level 24 or higher you may have a hard time. The upside is that it is only a filler board.

After passing through the cave, you'll enter the town of Spring. It is good enough that you got here so you can Warp back here later. Leave town and head for Tunlan. You have been here before, but really explore it this time. You will find some nice armor for Nina and Bleu. When you are done exploring, make for the Castle and talk to the Old Woman in front of the stairs. Follow her to where you found the Rod5 item. Talk to her and find out that the Princess is in love with Zog and about to give him the TmKey. Not good. If you help her, she will give you the Bolster. She also tells you the safe combination is written on the Princess' back. Sounds good, you get the Bolster and a peek at a cheeky babe!!! However, you must enter Tunlan at nightime. If it isn't, walk outside and use the DkKey to make it nightime. Walk back into the Castle and find the break in the wall to check out the Princess' tattoo on her back and head to the safe. You enter the code, but it is wrong!!! You saw the reflection, so you entered it backwards!!! You'll get a good laugh out of the upcoming scene, except that Cerl (one of Zog's henchman) shows up and steals the TmKey in the middle of the confusion.

After the dust settles, the old lady tells you the bolster is in the now demolished safe. Get it and return to Gramor. When you enter Gramor, Save your game.

Talk to Mogu's mom and enter his dream. You find yourself in the Dream World. Talk to all of Mogu's attributes. They tell you to head North to the Tower. Walk north and enter the Tower. You will find that the walls seem to dissappear when you step on switches in the floor. Try to find your way to Mote. The enemies here can be very dangerous. Be careful, you may need to use some Mrbl3, although I did not. When you talk to Mote, he turns into Mothro. You cannot win this fight, so run. Mote will let you run. Have Bleu cast Exit and return to the Village. Save and rest up. You find out that Courage is in a cave Southwest of the Village.

Leave the Village and head for the Cave. To enter the Cave, you have to pass through the Gas Fields. The Gas Fields are not long, but can be fatal. Hard enemies and poison gas make this a hard maze. Use some Mrbl3 if you are having problems. Once you get past the Gas Fields, enter the cave and talk to Mogu's Courage. He will join your party. I personally don't like Mogu, but you can decide if you want him in your battle party. To leave the cave, you have to go back through the Gas Fields. When you get out of the Gas Fields, head for the Village to rest up and Save. Once you are ready, head for the Tower. Make your way back to Mote. He runs, so chase after him! The Tower is only 4 Floors, so it isn't too bad. Once you get to the top, prepare for an odd fight.


Boss Alert: Mothro

This time, the fight is for real. Don't be deceived by Mothro's life meter. It says 1 HP. He has about 3500 HP. Pound him hard. You will miss quite often, but so will Mothro. It may take awhile, but you will beat him.


After you beat Mothro, you awaken back in Gramor. Give yourself a pat on the back, and prepare to go on a treasure hunt!!!



Now that Mogu joined your group, it is time to go on a treasure hunt with Mogu's special abilities! The first place to go is Camlon Castle. You'll find they made a statue in your honor. Cool! Leave Camlon, and head North to where Nanai once stood. North of Nanai, there is mark on the ground of a Dragon Head. Place Mogu in the lead and press the A button. He will dig into the ground revealing another place for Karn to learn a new spell! This time he learns the Doof spell. Now Warp to Bleak.
In Bleak, have Karn turn into Doof. Go back to the house with the shelf you couldn't move before. Place Karn in point and have him move the shelf. Drop down the hole and have Karn in his normal form talk to the Old Man. You receive the Puka spell. This is THE spell to have.

Warp to Auria. Leave town and head North to the metal plate in the mountain. Put Puka in the lead and press the A button. The Metal plate moves aside. Raid the chest and Warp to Tantar. Head north towards the place where the Stone Robot first stood. You will find another place for Mogu to dig. Raid the room and go back to Tantar and fish with Rod5 and some bait in a well to the East. Then, head for Gust. Head South from Gust along the coastline. Have Puka open the metal door.

With all of your new items in tow, head to the town of Spring.



When you get to Spring, talk to all the people, rest, upgrade your equipment, and Save your game. You find out that your destination is Spyre. Head south from Spring have Mogu dig on the Emblem to enter the tower. You can find some nifty equipment for Ryu and Ox in the basement.
Once you begin climbing the tower, you will find that the rooms are very, very big with each one representing a different landscape. The stairs are usually in one of the four corners of the room. On your way up, you'll see open spots in the walls. Don't walk into them or you will leave the Tower. When you arrive at the top, you find Mote. He takes you into his own private Dream World. To find Mote, you have to find his Conscience.

Upon entering Mote's dream, talk to all the people in the town, use the Inn and Save your game. Leave town and walk around the spiral path to the cave. In the cave, you will fight some mean little enemies in addition to finding some nice items. When you meet Mote's Conscience pleads for your help and break the wall. Continue on to find a healing spring and a Save Point.

The next major room, in my opinion, is the most confusing in the game. The floor spins every time you step on a switch. There is no treasure in this room, so the goal is to just get to the next room. For your sake, here is how to do it without slamming down the controller and breaking your TV/Computer screen (each one tell you which direction to walk after the floor stops spinning):

1. Go North to the first switch

2. Go West

3. Go South

4. Go North

5. Go East

6. Go North

7 & 8. Go South

9. Go East

Once you have left the rotating room, take the middle staircase up. Place Karn in the lead (his form doesn't matter) and walk over the glowing tiles to the Southeast corner of the room. Karn should find a trap. Drop down the hole (the trap) and follow the path until you come to a room with 5 set of stairs going up. Take the set that is 2 to the right of the staircase going down. Continue up the stairs to find Mote.


Boss Alert: Mote

Mote is weird Boss. He starts out as a blob of squares and he gradually becomes to look more "normal" the more damage he takes. Eventually, Mote will taunt you. Then Mote's Conscience shows up. After this happens, go all out on him. Spells really don't work so I suggest having Ryu attack, Karn use Puka, have Nina heal, and Bleu for support. Mote has a huge second wind, so this will be a long, hard fight. If you keep on him, you'll eventually win.


Once Mote is history, the Guardian gives you the Skykey. Use it in the Altar and the town of Spring will return to normal. Back in Spring, Equip the Rod5 and some bait, such as the Shell, and fish in the duckpond. You'll net the DragonAR for Ryu! Score! Rest up and Save, then walk into the waterfall to find the path to Carmen. Just a filler board. Carmen is South from the Cave's exit.

  Chapter 8: Enter Cerl & Zog


When you enter Carmen, you notice that something is wrong. None of the people are moving and only a man named Alan is not in stasis. Talk to him to find out about Tock, your next battle ground. Ryu should be at leaast Level 25 by now. If not, you'll have some problems. To find Tock, follow the plateau on the East side of Tock. Start by heading South, then East, then North. You should find a spot that lets you climb the plateau. Walk up it then head West. You'll see the Tower. You will need to have Bo or Shin in the lead to walk through the trees surrounding Tock.

Once you get inside the Tower, head up through the doorway to find a Healing Spring. You'll notice the glowing arrows on the floor. Step on them to get a feel for how they work. Your success in this board depends on it. You should have no problem once you figure out that the tiles move warp you two steps forward in the direction the arrows are pointing. ON the second floor, take the tiles until you reach the right-hand side of the room. Walk all the way around the perimeter of the room in a counterclockwise direction until you come to an arrow pointing this way: <---. It will take you into the room with the stair leading to the third floor.

Upon arriving on floor 3, you'll notice that most everyway you try and go, you end up being forced back to the West and South sides of the room. I'll leave the treasure chests to you (which include a WolfSkin and an AgileHT), but here's how to get to the steps:

Walk to the top of the room and head left. You will see 6 tiles across the top row. Counting from the left, stand between tiles 4 & 5 and walk down one step. Walk right one step and down 2 steps on to the next tile. From here go down one step. Then down two more steps. Next, down one more step. Now go right one step. Again, go right one step. Then go left one step. Then right again twice. Move up one step twice.

You should now be standing in front of the stairs. Congrats on a job well done! At the top of the Tower, you meet with Cerl and find out she has mastered time. After her bragging, she notices Alan and the disturbance creates a time warp. Everyone gets pulled in, it is unavoidable. Everyone except for Ryu lands in Carmen. As Ryu, you must travel back to Carmen. Be careful along the way, Shock spells can really kill a Dragon. If you do die don't worry, you just end up in Carmen anyway.

Once you enter Carmen and rejoin your buddies, you find out Alan and Cerl's history. In the middle of the conversation, Alan bolts for Tock to talk with Cerl. Follow him back there. Upon arriving on the top floor, you will she a short story scene, and then fight a mock battle with Cerl.

I really don't consider this a boss fight cause it is not that hard. Just have Nina cast FortX on everyone and go all out. When she starts losing, Cerl creates another time warp. The same thing happens, except that Nina is with Ryu at a Fortress southeast of Carmen and Tock. Cerl locks herself in the Fortress and you are left to head back to Carmen. Use the Warp Spell. Once you get back, you find that Alan is hurt very bad. Listen to what they say, and go off to find the Fruit. You can get one by heading to where Ryu was stranded and have Ox punch the trees until one falls out. Take it and head to the Fortress.

When you get there, Cerl lets you in (if you have the Fruit), and gives you the TmKey. As soon as you take the TmKey, Goda shows up and all hell breaks loose. Cerl delays him. Watch the scene that follows and you eventually get taken back to Tock. Go and place the Key in the Altar. (Notice the treasure chest behind it. Come back for it later.) When you do this, something goes wrong and Nina gets sucked into a time warp. The party jumps in and ends up in Tunlan.



Enter Tunlan and Save your game. Talk to the mysterious man in green/blue next to the Save Point. He gives you an important clue. If you talked to everyone here, you'll remember seeing someone who looked like Nina, only dressed in Blue. Go there, and you discover it is Nina, but she has amnesia. Take the mysterious man's advice and go to Carmen. Find the doctor and he tells you that to cure Nina, he needs some ingredients to make the Tonic.
Here is where you can find the ingredients:

1) W.Ant - Hopefully you saved one of the 2 you should have found.

Otherwise, you'll have to hunt until you kill a White Deer.

2) C.Nut - Have Ox punch the tress outside of Tunlan and pick it up.

3) Root - Walk South of Gramor and have Mogu dig near the base of a lone

dead tree. You should find it.

4) P.Fish- You'll have to walk from Carmen to the Bridge near Scande. Just

follow the path South from where Cerl's castle once stood. You must

have some type of Bait and any Rod except Rod5.

After you acquire all these items, head back to Carmen and notice that mysterious man again. Talk to him and get the Pass. What luck! This will allow you entry into Scande! Now, talk to the Doc and get the Tonic. Go to Tunlan and give it to Nina. She regains her memory and a new ability!



Walk outside of Tunlan and put Nina on Point. If you press the A button, she turns into The Great Bird and the party can now fly!!! Rock on!!! Now that you can fly, you have some serious "shopping" to do. Fly to Tock. North and East there are two spots for treasure- a Dragon Door and Dragon Head. Use Mogu and Puka to get these, then fly South of Arad. Here there is a well where you can find the DragonHT using Rod5 and some bait. From here, fly west to find another spot for Mogu to dig. From here, fly North to Winlan. Fly over the area until you spot a small Island with 2 small circular tower coming out of the ground. Land, and search behind the taller one to find the TriRang!!! It is more powerful than the DragonSD!!! From this island, head west to find another spot for Mogu to dig. Now, head to Gramor. Fly North over the mountains and you should find a well in the middle of them. Fish here to get the DragonSH. After fishing here, fly Northeast to find a Castle on an Island above the waterfall. Here, Ryu will undergo his 3rd Dragon Trial. Only do this if have found all the Dragon Equipment, but you at least have to have the DragonAR and the second set of Dragon Powers if you can't wait.

Boss Alert: Avian

This is probally the hardest fight you have had so far. Avian is very very strong. If you don't have all the Dragon Equipment, you'll likely lose. The strategy is the same though. Good Luck!


Once you have beaten Avian, head for the cave where you found the Cleansing Water. Walk. Into the water, and you'll find a hidden Shrine. Walk up to Ladon, and he'll give you Agni, the ULTIMATE power. No fights, nothing. What's the catch? To use it is 60MP and it combines Ryu with all the other party members to form one HUGE Dragon. This means Karn must be in his normal form, not transformed. But hey, it rules anyway, so don't complain!!!

If you want to do some Level-building, head to the Island where you found the TriRang. Walk around until you meet a M.Slime. It's big and Gold colored. For every one you beat, you get 9999 EP and 9999 GP!!! Try to have Ryu be Level 32 before moving on.



Scande is south of where you caught the P.Fish. To enter, you need the Pass, which that mysterious man in Carmen gave you. The elevator doesn't work and the Mole people have escaped, not the Dark Dragons lucky day. Warp back to Spring and talk with theman who likes to climb. He gives you the B.Parts. Talk to him a couple of times. Go to Gant to get the parts fixed. Talk to the Elder and the B.Parts become the Parts.
Head back to Scande, and talk to everyone again. Find out Scande is actually a part of Obelisk and head up the elevator. At the top you meet that mysterious man again. He tells you to go to Tunlan and the D.Hrt. Take his advice and go to Tunlan. Remember the woman who told you about the song-in-a-bottle? Talk to her now and she sings a song, to which Ryu feels disturbed (meaning he has only 1 HP left). She then puts it in a bottle for you. Now climb the Tower in Scande and enter the Castle.

There are some nice items here as you make your way through the castle, such as a badly needed new weapon for Bleu, the IcyCN. At long last, after lots of trials and hardships, you meet Zog, Emperor of the Dark Dragons.


Boss Alert: Zog

Zog is a huge opponent. Now, you could use the D.Hrt, but I suggest using Agni right away. Each attack takes away 999 HP from Zog. When he grins fearlessly, he gets his second wind. It is upwards of 11,000 HP, so you do the math if you're not using Agni. If your HP get low, one Cure Item will refill your entire life bar while in the Agni form. You should beat him without too much of a problem.


When Zog admits defeat, the floor gives way and you fall into an enclosed cave. You awaken to find Sara, Ryu's sister!!! The only thing that remains is to destroy the Goddess Keys. Sara asks you to give her the Keys, and of course, Ryu does. BAAAAAAMMMM!!!!!!!! Plot twist!!! Sara is under Jade's control and they leave for Agua to wake the Goddess Tyr.

Just when all is lost and you feel trapped, a Mole person comes to the rescue.

  Chapter 9: Enter Jade & Tyr


After being rescued by the Mole People, leave Scande and head for Agua. Head all the way up to the top floor. On the top floor, if you haven't already been here, open the door using Karn and follow the path until you come a set of steps. If you came here earlier, go up the steps, if not, grab the chest to get a FlameSH first.

When you come up the steps, you find a large Dragon Shrine. Enter it and you'll find Altars for all of the Goddess Keys and Sara. She babbles as if she is two different people. Follow her up the steps to find Jade. He taunts you and leaves via a warp tile. Follow him.

The Warp Tile brings you to Tyr's Tower (it is on the island where you found the TriRang). Tyr's Tower isn't too big for a goddess in my opinion. It only has three floors between the 2 towers, so it is only 6 rooms big. The navigation isn't too hard. Just be wary of the enemies in this board if Ryu is below Level 30. Hopefully by this time, Nina has learned the CuraX Spell and if you need it, the ZomX Spell. Both are very important from now on, especially CuraX. About 3/4 through the Tower, you will meet bump into some kind of Shield mechanism. Sara will then let you pass by. Make sure you heal. All party members except for Bleu lose all but 1 HP. Very mean indeed. Just as you are about to walk down the stairs, Sara challenges you to a fight!


Boss Alert: Sara

Ryu's sister is no pushover. She has near 15000 HP and very strong attacks. The only way to win this fight is to use Agni, unless you get very very very lucky. Just stay healed using the Cure Item and you will win. She has no second wind.


Once you defeat Sara, she is free from Jade's control, but she is also dead. Sad as it is, continue down the stairs and across the bridge to Healing Spring. From here, walk west then south. You will see a hole in the floor. Don't go in it. Instead, walk dead east from the right side of the hole and you can then take the set of stairs on the top wall. Upon emerging, you find yourself in an outerspace type room. Walk over the platform and head South along the path and follow it to a floating platform. You could go North instead, but then the floors dissappear on you (cause of the switches in the floor) and it is much harder to find your way around. Ride the floating platform and continue South along the path until you come to the steps. On this floor take the floating platform to meet Jade. He tells you it is too late and he is All-Powerful. Jade then destroys the Tower and you awaken in Drogen.



Upon awakening in Drogen, you find that you were unconscious for 3 days!!! You also find out that Jade has also finished ressurecting Obelisk, a flying fortress! You must stop him! The party leaves Drogen and hops on Nina (LOL) as she turns into the Great Bird. Obelisk is where Scande once stood. Fly there and you'll find you cannot enter because Mogu cannot dig through the crack in the floor. Leave and go to Gramor and talk with the Master Digger. He tells you about the I.Claw. You can also find out some more info in Prima.
You'll find that an Old Woman has the I.Claw. She is on a small island North of Auria. Talk with her and you'll have to start a messanger service between the Man east of Gant and the Woman. Eventually, you get something called the Wtzit which is the I.Claw. Continue this service, until you get the I.Claw from the Old Man. Head back to Gramor and the Master Digger shows Mogu how to use it. Hopefullt Mogu understands, cause it can only be used once! Save, stock up on Cures and Acorns, then head back to Obelisk.



At Obelisk, Have Mogu dig and sure enough, he got it right!!! Cool! Once inside, ride the floating platforms to move around. It is not to hard to figure out. On the Second floor, you only have once choice on platforms to ride when you enter. Ride it North and then take the Platform on the Bottom of right leg. (The floor looks like a funny shaped person). You will eventually meet Goda who warns you to leave. Follow him and prepare to fight!

Boss Alert: Goda

If you use Agni, he is no problem. He has a small second wind.


Continue on. In the next room you will have to ride the platforms and walk on the raised areas to reach the stairway down. Watch out for Ruga. He is a meaner version of RugaX. Also beware of Gargoyles. The path here is very straightforward. Take the stairs down, ride the platform and go down another set of stairs and meet Jade. Refuse his offer and get ready to rumble.


Boss Alert: Jade

The only differance between the fight with Jade and Goda is that Jade knows the Shock spell which he really likes to use, so be ready to bring the Hero back to life a time or two. His second wind is fairly small. 3 hits from Agni will do the job.


Don't worry about healing up before meeting Tyr. Trust me (She'll actually heal you if you pay attention). I won't tell you what to do or spoil the ending for you, but I will say this. Listen to Sara when she shows up. When Tyr reveals her true form, unload on her with Agni. It will take about 30-40 hits to beat her.



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