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Dragon Quest 8

(as "Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King")

ดราก้อน เควสต์ 8

สูตรหม้อแปรธาตุ | Alchemy pot recipes

Dragon Quest 8

- อย่างแรกคือหลังจากพิคแฮม เมเดียกลับมาปาร์ตี้ สิ่งที่คุณต้องทำก็คือพักที่โรงแรม และคุณสามารถผสมของได้ 3 อย่าง
- การอัพเกรดอีกแบบคือ หลังจากเอาชนะการทดลองของดราโกเวีย สิ่งนี้ทำให้หม้อของคุณไม่ต้องใช้เวลาในการผสมสิ่งของ

Usable Items

Strong medicine = medicinal herb + medicinal herb
Special medicine = strong medicine + strong medicine
Rose-root = medicinal herb + medicinal herb + medicinal herb
Rose-root = strong medicine + medicinal herb
Amor seco essence = holy water + strong medicine
Strong antidote = medicinal herb + antidotal herb
Special antidote = strong antidote + strong antidote
Special antidote = medicinal herb + antidotal herb + antidotal herb
Rose-wort = medicinal herb + medicinal herb + moonwort bulb
Rose-wort = strong medicine + moonwort bulb
Moon's mercy = moonwort bulb + moonwort bulb + moonwort bulb
Lesser panacea = special medicine + special medicine
Greater panacea = special medicine + special medicine + special medicine
Greater panacea = lesser panacea + rose-root + rose-wort
Yggdrasil dew = Yggdrasil leaf + magic water
Magic water = holy water + seed of magic
Elfin elixir = Yggdrasil dew + magic water
Holy water = amor seco essence + rock salt
Chimaera wing = wing of bat + wing of bat
Mystifying mixture = holy water + wing of bat + cowpat
Mystifying mixture = medicinal herb + antidotal herb + moonwort bulb
Sage's stone = gold nugget + orichalcum + Yggdrasil dew
Timbrel of tension = sun crown + tough guy tattoo + magic beast hide


Plain cheese = fresh milk + rennet powder
Plain cheese = scorching cheese + c-c-cold cheese
Spicy cheese = plain cheese + red mould
Super spicy cheese = spicy cheese + nook grass
Super spicy cheese = spicy cheese + red mould + red mould
Scorching cheese = super spicy cheese + premium mould + dragon dung
Cool cheese = plain cheese + waterweed mould
Chilly cheese = cool cheese + waterweed mould
Cold cheese = chilly cheese + waterweed mould + waterweed mould
C-c-cold cheese = cold cheese + premium mould + dragon dung
Mild cheese = plain cheese + amor seco essence
Cured cheese = fresh milk + premium mould + amor seco essence
Angel cheese = fresh milk + premium mould + Yggdrasil dew
Hard cheese = plain cheese + rock salt
Soft cheese = fresh milk + rennet powder + rock salt
Chunky cheese = plain cheese + magic water
Highly-strung cheese = super spicy cheese + cold cheese + rock salt


Premium mould = red mould + waterweed mould + Yggdrasil leaf
Thief's key = bronze knife + iron nail


Copper sword = bronze knife + bronze knife
Rusty old sword = liquid metal sword + mystifying mixture + cowpat
Holy silver rapier = Templar's sword + holy talisman
Uber falcon blade = falcon blade + meteorite bracer
Fallen angel rapier = zombiesbane + holy talisman
Double-edged sword = uber double-edge + devil's tail
Uber double-edge = double-edged swhord + saint's ashes + saint's ashes
Mercury's rapier = fallen angel rapier + Mercury's bandana + Mercury's bandana
Dragon slayer = dragonsbane + mighty armlet
Blizzard blade = bastard sword + icicle dirk + cold cheese
Uber miracle sword = miracle sword + life bracer
Shamshir of light = rune staff + light shield + shimmering dress
Liquid metal sword = rusty old sword + slime crown + orichalcum


Iron lance = cypress stick + dagger
Long spear = cypress stick + cypress stick + iron lance
Holy lance = long spear + gold rosary
Sandstorm spear = partisan + saint's ashes
Demon spear = battle fork + poison needle + devil's tail


Reinforced boomerang = boomerang + iron nail
Razor wing boomerang = edged boomerang + wing of bat + steel scythe
Flametang boomerang = swallowtail + flame shield
Metal wing boomerang = razor wing boomerang + metal king spear


Stone axe = stone hardhat + cypress stick
Golden axe = iron axe + gold nugget
Iron axe = farmer's scythe + farmer's scythe
Bandit axe = battle-axe + thief's key
Moon axe = golden axe + moon's mercy
King axe = golden axe + slime crown


Sledgehammer = giant mallet + iron helmet + iron helmet
Uber war hammer = war hammer + mighty armlet
Megaton hammer = uber war hammer + conquerer's axe + orichalcum


Hell scythe = steel scythe + poison moth knife + Hades' helm


Falcon knife = slime earrings + tough guy tattoo + agility ring
Assassin's dagger = eagle dagger + poison needle
Imp knife = assassin's dagger + devil tail


Leather whip = devil's tail + saint's ashes
Snakeskin whip = leather whip + scale shield
Dragontail whip = snakeskin whip + dragon scale + dragon scale
Demon whip = scourge whip + devil's tail
Scourge whip = demon whip + saint's ashes


Magma staff = wizard's staff + rockbomb shard
Staff of antimagic = wizard's staff + rune staff
Staff of resurrection = rune staff + life bracer + Yggdrasil leaf


Hunter's bow = short bow + chain whip
Hunter's bow = cypress stick + cypress stick + strength ring
Eros' bow = hunter's bow + garter
Cheiron's bow = Eros' bow + power shield
Odin's bow = Cheiron's bow + Eros' bow + great bow


Wayfarer's clothes = plain clothes + plain clothes
Boxer shorts = bandit's grass skirt + bandana
Leather armour = wayfarer's clothes + magic beast hide
Leather kilt = leather whip + bandana
Leather kilt = boxer short's + magic beast hide
Templar's uniform = wayfarer's clothes + Templar's shield
Leather dress = dancer's costume + magic beast hide
Scale armour = leather armour + dragon scale
Chain mail = wayfarer's clothes + chain whip
Bronze armour = chain mail + bronze shield
Iron cuirass = iron shield + iron shield
Fur poncho = magic beast hide + magic beast hide
Robe of serenity = cloak of evasion + boxer shorts
Bunny suit = silk bustier + bunny tail
Zombie mail = silver mail + zombiesbane
Zombie mail = platinum mail + devil's tail
Silver cuirass = iron cuirass + silver platter + silver platter
Sage's robe = magic vestment + scholar's cap
Magical skirt = bandit's grass skirt + magical hat + magical mace
Magic armour = full plate armour + prayer ring + ruby of protection
Dancer's mail = silver mail + dancer's costume
Dragon mail = silver maul + dragon scale + dragon scale
Shimmering dress = spangled dress + ruby of protection + gold bracer
Spiked armour = magic armour + edged boomerang
Platinum mail = zombie mail + saint's ashes
Angel's robe = flowing dress + magical skirt
Bandit mail = heavy armour = bandit axe + bandit's grass skirt
Crimson robe = sage's stone + magic water + nook grass
Dark robe = cloak of evasion + devil's tail + wing of bat
Mirror armour = silver mail + mirror shield + mirror shield
Princess's robe = angel's robe + gold rosary + shimmering dress
Gigant armour = bandit mail + mighty armlet + mighty armlet
Divine bustier = dangerous bustier + shimmering dress
Metal king armour = liquid metal armour + slime crown + orichalcum


Leather shield = pot lid + magic beast hide
Scale shield = leather shield + dragon scale
Bronze shield = leather shield + bronze knife
Templar's shield = iron shield + Templar's uniform
White shield = light shield + fresh milk + fresh milk
White shield = iron shield + silver platter
Magic shield = steel shield + prayer ring + ruby of protection
Dragon shield = steel shield + dragon scale + dragon scale
Ice shield = magic shield + icicle dirk
Flame shield = magic shield + flametang boomerang
Power shield = magic shield + strength ring + cured cheese
Saintess shield = mirror shield + white shield + holy water
Silver shield = mirror shield + amor seco essence + magic water
Ruinous shield = metal king shield + devil's tail
Thanatos' shield = goddess shield + devil's tail
Goddess shield = Thanatos' shield + saint's ashes
Metal king shield = ruinous shield + saint's ashes + orichalcum


Pointy hat = leather hat + iron nail
Turban = bandana + bandana
Feather cap = leather hat + chimaera wing
Bunny ears = hairband + bunny tail
Stone hardhat = stone axe + pointy hat
Fur hood = feathered cap + fur poncho
Hermes' hat = feather cap + Mercury's bandana
Bronze helmet = stone hardhat + bronze knife + bronze knife
Mercury's bandana = bandana + agility ring
Silver tiara = coral hairpin + silver platter
Happy hat = feathered cap + elevating shoes
Scholar's cap = magical hat + scholar's specs
Hades' helm = mythril helm + devil's tail
Thinking cap = scholar's cap + iron headgear
Mythril helm = Hades' helm + saint's ashes
Raging bull helm = mythril helm + cowpat + fresh milk
Golden tiara = thinking cap + silver tiara + gold nugget
Phantom mask = iron headgear + dark robe
Skull helm = sun crown + devil's tail
Sun crown = skull helm + saint's ashes


Strength ring = prayer ring + seed of strength
Titan belt = leather kilt + strength ring
Mighty armlet = strength ring + titan belt
Life brace = recovery ring + gold bracer
Prayer ring = gold ring + seed of magic
Ring of truth = gold ring + sandstorm spear
Ring of immunity = gold ring + poison needle
Holy talisman = tough guy tattoo + holy water + gold rosary
Full moon ring = gold ring + poison moth knife
Ring of awakening = gold ring + dream blade
Ring of clarity = gold ring + fallen angel rapier
Recovery ring = prayer ring + seed of life
Catholicon ring = full moon ring + ring of truth + ring of immunity
Ruby of protection = prayer ring + seed of defence
Elevating shoes = fishnet stockings + happy hat
Agility ring = prayer ring + seed of agility
Meteorite bracer = agility ring + agility ring + orichalcum
Skull ring = sorcerer's ring + saint's ashes + saint's ashes
Scholar's specs = ring of awakening + ring of clarity + seed of wisdom
Goddess ring = recovery ring + orichalcum


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