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Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

ฮาร์เวสต์มูน: แบ็คทูเนเจอร์



Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

ฮาร์เวสต์มูน: แบ็คทูเนเจอร์

ชื่อ วัตถุดิบ เครื่องปรุง เครื่องใช้ ส่วนผสมพิเศษ เครื่องปรุงพิเศษ เครื่องใช้เสริม Stamina Affect
Butter Milk --- Mixer --- --- --- +1
Ketchup Tomato, Onion Salt, Sugar, Vinegar Mixer --- --- --- +1
Mayonaise (s) Egg (s), Oil Vinegar Whisk --- --- --- +1
Mayonaise (m) Egg (m), Oil Vinegar Whisk Egg (s) --- --- +2
Mayonaise (l) Egg (l), Oil Vinegar Whisk Egg (s), Egg (m) --- --- +3
Mayonaise (g) Egg (g), Oil Vinegar Whisk Egg (s), Egg (m), Egg (l) --- --- +4
Strawberry Jam Strawberry Sugar Pot --- Salt (+1) --- +5
Grape Jam Wild Grapes Sugar Pot --- Wine (+1), Honey (+3) --- +5
Miso Soup --- Miso Pot Cabbage (+3), Green Pepper (+3), Potato (+3), Spinach (+3), Sweet Potato (+3), Tomato (+3), Carrot (+4), Corn (+4), Egg (+4), Eggplant (+4), Pumpkin (+4), Bamboo Shoot (+5), Mushroom (+5), Onion (+5), Small Fish (+5), Turnip (+5), Soy Sauce (+5), Salt (+7), Truffle (+8) Soy Sauce (+5), Salt (+7) Knife (+8) +5
Apple Jam Apple or SUGDW Apple Sugar Pot Wine (+1), Apple (+3), SUGDW Apple (+3), Honey (+3) --- --- +5
Cookies Flour, Butter, Egg Sugar Oven, Rolling Pin Honey (+2) --- --- +15
Greens Spinach Soy Sauce Pot --- --- --- +20
Hot Milk Milk --- Pot --- Sugar (+4) --- +20
Fruit Juice Apple, SUGDW Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, or Wild Grapes --- Mixer Honey (+1), Apple (+3), SUGDW Apple (+3), Grape Juice (+3), Pineapple (+3), Strawberry (+3), Wild Grapes (+3) Sugar (+2) Knife (+1) +20
Tempura Flour, Egg, Oil --- Frying Pan Poisonous Mushroom (-60), Chocolate (+2), Truffle (+2), Turnip (+3), Cucumber (+3), Cabbage (+4), Egg (+4), Spa-boiled Egg (+4), Carrot (+5), Corn (+5), Boiled Egg (+5), Small Fish (+5), Pineapple (+5), Pumpkin (+5), Spinach (+5), Large Fish (+6), Green Pepper (+6), Mushroom (+6), Onion (+6), Potato (+6), Sweet Potato (+6), Eggplant (+7), Medium Fish (+7) --- Whisk (+1) +20
Pickled Turnips Turnip Vinegar Knife --- Soy Sauce (+1), Salt (+2), Sugar (+2) --- +20
Pickles Cucumber Salt --- --- --- Knife (+3) +20
Boiled Egg Egg --- Pot --- Salt (+3) --- +20
Tomato Juice Tomato --- Mixer --- Salt (+5) --- +20
Vegetable Juice Cabbage, Cucumber, or Carrot --- Mixer Truffle (+1), Corn (+2), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Mushroom (+3), Turnip (+3), Eggplant (+3), Cabbage (+4), Carrot (+4), Onion (+4), Green Pepper (+5), Tomato (+5), Spinach (+7) Soy Sauce (+3), Salt (+5), Vinegar (+5) --- +20
Salad Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot, or Tomato --- Knife Truffle (+1), Mushroom (+2), Strawberry (+2), Turnip (+2), Cabbage (+3), Cheese (+3), Green Pepper (+4), Pineapple (+4), Apple (+5), SUGDW Apple (+5), Carrot (+5), Mayonaise (+5), Oil (+5), Onion (+5), Tomato (+6), Corn (+7), Cucumber (+7), Boiled Egg (+7), Potato (+7) Salt (+2) Knife (+1) +20
Strawberry Milk Milk, Strawberry --- Mixer Honey (+3) Salt (+0), Sugar (+3) --- +30
French Fries Potato, Oil --- Frying Pan --- Ketchup (+5), Salt (+5) --- +30
Ice Cream Milk, Egg Sugar Pot, Whisk Honey (+2), Apple (+5), SUGDW Apple (+5), Pineapple (+5), Strawberry (+5), Wild Grapes (+5) --- Knife (+1) +30
Stew Flour, Milk Salt Pot Oil (+0), Chocolate (+2), Grape Juice (+2), Pineapple (+2), Spinach (+2), Vegetable Juice (+2), Wine (+2), Green Pepper (+3), Honey (+3), Wild Grapes (+3), Boiled Egg (+4), Apple (+5), SUGDW Apple (+5), Bamboo Shoot (+5), Spa-boiled Egg (+5), Small Fish (+5), Medium Fish (+5), Mushroom (+5), Sweet Potato (+5), Tomato (+5), Truffle (+5), Turnip (+5), Cheese (+6), Egg (+6), Eggplant (+6), Large Fish (+6), Onion (+6), Carrot (+7), Corn (+7), Potato (+7) --- Knife (+8) +30
Popcorn Corn --- Frying Pan Butter (+5) --- --- +30
Raised Bread Bread, Wild Grapes --- --- Butter (+5) Salt (+5) --- +30
Sashimi Medium Fish or Large Fish --- Knife Medium Fish (+5), Large Fish (+5) Soy Sauce (+3) --- +30
Happy Eggplant Eggplant Miso, Soy Sauce, Sugar Frying Pan --- --- --- +30
Chocolate Cookies 1 Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate Sugar Oven, Rolling Pin Honey (+2) --- --- +30
Chocolate Cookies 2 Chocolate, Cookies --- Oven, Rolling Pin Honey (+2) --- --- +30
Grilled Fish Medium Fish --- Frying Pan Oil (+3) Salt (+3), Soy Sauce (+3) --- +30
Curry Curry Powder, Rice Balls --- Pot Oil (+0), Grape Juice (+2), Chocolate (+2), Spinach (+2), Turnip (+2), Vegetable Juice (+2), Wine (+2), Green Pepper (+3), Wild Grapes (+3), Boiled Egg (+4), Pumpkin (+4), Truffle (+4), Bamboo Shoot (+5), Spa-boiled Egg (+5), Small Fish (+5), Medium Fish (+5), Milk (+5), Mushroom (+5), Sweet Potato (+5), Tomato (+5), Cheese (+6), Egg (+6), Eggplant (+6), Large Fish (+6), Onion (+6), Apple (+7), SUGDW Apple (+7), Carrot (+7), Corn (+7), Honey (+7), Pineapple (+7), Potato (+7) Vinegar (+1), Salt (+3), Soy Sauce (+3), Sugar (+3) Knife (+8) +30
Bamboo Rice Bamboo Shoot, Rice Balls --- --- --- Salt (+1), Soy Sauce (+1) Knife (+3) +30
Mushroom Rice Mushroom, Rice Balls --- --- --- Salt (+1), Soy Sauce (+1) Knife (+3) +30
Fruit Latte 1 Milk; Apple, SUGDW Apple, Pineapple, or Wild Grapes --- Mixer Honey (+1), Apple (+3), SUGDW Apple (+3), Grape Juice (+3), Pineapple (+3), Strawberry (+3), Wild Grapes (+3) Sugar (+2) Knife (+1) +30
Fruit Latte 2 Fruit Juice, Milk --- Mixer Honey (+1), Apple (+3), SUGDW Apple (+3), Grape Juice (+3), Pineapple (+3), Strawberry (+3), Wild Grapes (+3) Sugar (+2) Knife (+1) +30
Veggie Latte 1 Milk; Cabbage, Carrot, or Cucumber --- Mixer Truffle (+1), Corn (+2), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Eggplant (+3), Mushroom (+3), Turnip (+3), Cabbage (+4), Carrot (+4), Onion (+4), Cucumber (+5), Green Pepper (+5), Tomato (+5), Spinach (+7), Cheese (varies), Egg (varies) Salt (+2) Knife (+1) +30
Veggie Latte 2 Vegetable Juice, Milk --- Mixer class="colorSwap"Truffle (+1), Corn (+2), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Eggplant (+3), Mushroom (+3), Turnip (+3), Cabbage (+4), Carrot (+4), Onion (+4), Cucumber (+5), Green Pepper (+5), Tomato (+5), Spinach (+7), Cheese (varies), Egg (varies) Salt (+2) Knife (+1) +30
Dinner Roll Bread, Butter --- --- Honey (+2) --- --- +40
Sushi Rice Balls Sashimi, Vinegar --- --- Soy Sauce (+1) --- +40
Scrambled Eggs Egg, Oil --- Frying Pan Butter (+3), Mayonaise (+3) Salt (+3), Soy Sauce (+3), Sugar (+3) Whisk (+3) +40
Jam Bun Bread; Apple Jam, Grape Jam, or Strawberry Jam --- --- Apple Jam (+5), Grape Jam (+5), Strawberry (+5) --- --- +40
Noodles Flour --- Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin Cabbage (+1), Turnip (+1), Sweet Potato (+2), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Carrot (+3), Eggplant (+3), Green Pepper (+3), Mushroom (+3), Onion (+3), Truffle (+3), Salt (+3), Sugar (+3), Large Fish (+4), Medium Fish (+5), Small Fish (+6), Soy Sauce (+7), Egg (+8) --- --- +40
Fried Rice Rice Balls, Eggs, Oil --- Frying Pan Cheese (-1), Eggplant (-1), Fried Rice (-1), Bamboo Shoot (+1), Cucumber (+1), Boiled Egg (+1), Scrambled Egg (+1), Mushroom (+1), Spinach (+1), Stir Fry (+1), Wine (+1), Grilled Fish (+2), Spa-boiled Egg (+3), Small Fish (+3), Medium Fish (+3), Large Fish (+3), Green Pepper (+3), Onion (+3), Sashimi (+3), Cabbage (+5), Carrot (+5), Corn (+5), Truffle (+5) Sugar (-1), Salt (+5), Soy Sauce (+5) Knife (+3) +40
Cheese Fondue Cheese, Bread --- Pot Wine (+5) Salt (+5) Knife (+3) +40
Pizza Cheese, Flour, Ketchup --- Oven, Rolling Pin Bamboo Shoot (+2), Pumpkin (+2), Sweet Potato (+2), Carrot (+3), Eggplant (+3), Mayonnaise (+3), Pineapple (+3), Truffle (+3), Egg (+4), Small Fish (+4), Large Fish (+4), Mushroom (+5), Medium Fish (+5), Green Pepper (+6), Onion (+6), Corn (+7), Potato (+7), Tomato (+8) Sugar (+1), Salt (+3) Knife (+7) +40
Sweet Potato Sweet Potato, Stone on the farm Salt, Sugar Oven --- --- --- +40
Cake Flour, Salt, Butter, Egg Sugar Oven Honey (+2), Apple (+5), SUGDW Apple (+5), Pineapple (+5), Strawberry (+5), Wild Grapes (+5) --- Knife (+1) +40
Stir Fry Oil, Cabbage Soy Sauce Frying Pan, Knife Potato (+1), Tomato (+1), Cucumber (+2), Sweet Potato (+2), Spinach (+3), Turnip (+3), Bamboo Shoot (+5), Corn (+5), Mushroom (+5), Eggplant (+6), Carrot (+7), Green Pepper (+7), Onion (+7), Truffle (+9) Vinegar (+2), Miso (+3), Salt (+7) --- +40
Sandwhich Bread; Cucumber, Tomato, or Boiled Egg --- Knife Truffle (+2), Cabbage (+3), Small Fish (+3), Honey (+3), Wine (+3), Apple (+4), SUGDW Apple (+4), Carrot (+4), Large Fish (+4), Mushroom (+4), Onion (+4), Sweet Potato (+4), Wild Grapes (+4), Cheese (+5), Corn (+5), Cucumber (+5), Medium Fish (+5), Mayonnaise (+5), Pineapple (+5), Strawberry (+5), Tomato (+6), Butter (+7), Boiled Egg (+7), Potato (+7) Salt (+5) --- +40
Veggie Pancake Flour, Egg, Oil --- Frying Pan, Knife Milk (+1), Potato (+1), Cucumber (+1), Pumpkin (+2), Cheese (+3), Eggplant (+3), Spinach (+3), Carrot (+4), Bamboo Shoot (+5), Mushroom (+5), Small Fish (+7), Medium Fish (+7), Large Fish (+7), Mayonnaise (+7), Truffle (+7) Salt (+3), Soy Sauce (+5) --- +50
Omelet Egg, Milk, Oil --- Frying Pan Truffle (+2), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Cabbage (+3), Eggplant (+3), Pumpkin (+3), Carrot (+4), Green Pepper (+4), Mayonnaise (+4), Mushroom (+4), Sweet Potato (+4), Small Fish (+4), Large Fish (+5), Ketchup (+5), Spinach (+5), Cheese (+6), Onion (+6), Corn (+7), Medium Fish (+7), Potato (+7) Salt (+3), Soy Sauce (+3), Sugar (+3) Knife (+2), Whisk (+3) +50
Chirashi Sushi Rice Balls, Scrambled Eggs, Sashimi Vinegar Knife Cucumber (+2) Soy Sauce (+3) --- +50
Pumpkin Pudding Pumpkin, Milk, Egg Sugar Oven Honey (+1), Wine (+1) --- --- +50
Apple Pie Butter, Egg, Flour; Apple or SUGDW Apple Sugar Knife, Oven, Pot, Rolling Pin Wine (+1), Apple (+3), SUGDW Apple (+3), Honey (+3) --- --- +50
Cheese Cake Cheese, Milk, Egg Sugar Oven, Pot, Whisk Honey (+2) --- --- +50
Mixed Juice 1 Apple, Carrot, Pineapple, Strawberry, or Wild Grapes --- Mixer Honey (+1), Truffle (+1), Corn (+2), Apple (+3), SUGDW Apple (+3), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Eggplant (+3), Grape Juice (+3), Mushroom (+3), Pineapple (+3), Strawberry (+3), Turnip (+3), Wild Grapes (+3), Onion (+4), Cabbage (+4), Carrot (+4), Green Pepper (+5), Tomato (+5), Cucumber (+5), Spinach (+7) Salt (+2), Sugar (+2) Knife (+1) +50
Mixed Juice 2 Apple, SUGDW Apple, Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Pineapple, Strawberry, or Wild Grapes --- Mixer Honey (+1), Truffle (+1), Corn (+2), Apple (+3), SUGDW Apple (+3), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Eggplant (+3), Grape Juice (+3), Mushroom (+3), Pineapple (+3), Strawberry (+3), Turnip (+3), Wild Grapes (+3), Onion (+4), Cabbage (+4), Carrot (+4), Green Pepper (+5), Tomato (+5), Cucumber (+5), Spinach (+7) Salt (+2), Sugar (+2) Knife (+1) +50
Mixed Juice 3 Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice --- Mixer Honey (+1), Truffle (+1), Corn (+2), Apple (+3), SUGDW Apple (+3), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Eggplant (+3), Grape Juice (+3), Mushroom (+3), Pineapple (+3), Strawberry (+3), Turnip (+3), Wild Grapes (+3), Onion (+4), Cabbage (+4), Carrot (+4), Green Pepper (+5), Tomato (+5), Cucumber (+5), Spinach (+7) Salt (+2), Sugar (+2) Knife (+1) +50
Curry Noodles Curry Powder; Noodles or Flour --- Pot (for use with noodles); or Rolling Pin, Pot, and Knife (for use with flour) Turnip (-1), Cabbage (+1), Egg (+2), Sweet Potato (+2), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Carrot (+3), Eggplant (+3), Green Pepper (+3), Mushroom (+3), Truffle (+3), Onion (+3), Large Fish (+4), Medium Fish (+5), Small Fish (+6) Sugar (+1), Salt (+3), Miso (+2), Soy Sauce (+3) --- +60
Tempura Noodles Tempura Noodles --- Pot (for use with noodles); or Rolling Pin, Pot, and Knife (for use with flour) Cabbage (+1), Turnip (+1), Sweet Potato (+2), Onion (+3), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Carrot (+3), Egg (+3), Eggplant (+3), Mushroom (+3), Truffle (+3), Large Fish (+4), Medium Fish (+5), Small Fish (+6) Salt (+3), Sugar (+3), Miso (+5), Soy Sauce (+7) --- +60
Fried Noodles Noodles, Oil --- Frying Pan Turnip (-2), Cabbage (+1), Sweet Potato (+2), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Carrot (+3), Eggplant (+3), Green Pepper (+3), Mushroom (+3), Onion (+3), Truffle (+3), Large Fish (+4), Medium Fish (+5), Large Fish (+6), Egg (+8) Sugar (+1), Salt (+3), Miso (+5), Soy Sauce (+7) --- +60
Mixed Latte Add Milk to each Mixed Juice recipe --- --- --- --- --- ---
Truffle Rice Truffle, Rice Balls --- --- --- Salt (+1), Soy Sauce (+1) Knife (+3) +60
Omelet Rice Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Balls --- Frying Pan Truffle (+2), Bamboo Shoot (+3), Cabbage (+3), Eggplant (+3), Pumpkin (+3), Carrot (+4), Green Pepper (+4), Mayonnaise (+4), Mushroom (+4), Sweet Potato (+4), Small Fish (+5), Large Fish (+5), Ketchup (+5), Spinach (+5), Cheese (+6), Onion (+6), Corn (+7), Medium Fish (+7), Potato (+7) Salt (+3), Soy Sauce (+3), Sugar (+3) Knife (+2), Whisk (+3) +60
Chocolate Cake Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate Sugar Oven, Whisk Honey (+2), Apple (+5), SUGDW Apple (+5), Pineapple (+5), Strawberry (+5), Wild Grapes (+5) --- Knife (+1) +70
Relaxation Tea Relax Tea Leaves --- Pot Red Grass (-10), Honey (+2), Apple (+3), SUGDW Apple (+3), Pineapple (+3), Strawberry (+3), Wild Grapes (+3), Milk (+5), Wine (+5), Blue Grass (+10), Green Grass (+10, Orange Cup Fruit (+10) Sugar (+3) Knife (+3) +70



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