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Final Fantasy 6

( as Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy III (usa) )

ไฟนอล แฟนตาซี 6

Game Genie Codes

Final Fantasy 6


   Terra      Locke         Cyan     Shadow      Edgar    Sabin

HP XX5C-7675 XX58-7B85 XX5A-7875 XX53-7685 XX5E-7C75 XX5D-5885

MP XX5C-7655 XX58-7BE5 XX5A-7855 XX53-76E5 XX5E-7C55 XX5D-58E5

Menu1 XX5C-7685 XX58-7C75 XX5A-7885 XX53-7B75 XX5E-7C85 XX5F-5675

Menu2 XX5C-76E5 XX58-7C55 XX5A-78E5 XX53-7B55 XX5E-7CE5 XX5F-5655

Menu3 XX5C-7B75 XX58-7C85 XX52-7675 XX53-7B85 XX5E-7875 XX5F-5685

Menu4 XX5C-7B55 XX58-7CE5 XX52-7655 XX53-7BE5 XX5E-7855 XX5F-56E5

Vigor XX5C-7B85 XX58-7875 XX52-7685 XX53-7C75 XX5E-7885 XX5F-5B75

Speed XX5C-7BE5 XX58-7855 XX52-76E5 XX53-7C55 XX5E-78E5 XX5F-5B55

Stam. XX5C-7C75 XX58-7885 XX52-7B75 XX53-7C85 XX5D-5675 XX5F-5B85

Mag.p XX5C-7C55 XX58-78E5 XX52-7B55 XX53-7CE5 XX5D-5655 XX5F-5BE5

Bat.p XX5C-7C85 XX5A-7675 XX52-7B85 XX53-7875 XX5D-5685 XX5F-5C75

Def. XX5C-7CE5 XX5A-7655 XX52-7BE5 XX53-7855 XX5D-56E5 XX5F-5C55 XX5C-7875 XX5A-7685 XX52-7C75 XX53-7885 XX5D-5B75 XX5F-5C85

Evade XX5C-7855 XX5A-76E5 XX52-7C55 XX53-78E5 XX5D-5B55 XX5F-5CE5 XX5C-7885 XX5A-7B75 XX52-7C85 XX5E-7675 XX5D-5B85 XX5F-5875

Weap. XX5C-78E5 XX5A-7B55 XX52-7CE5 XX5E-7655 XX5D-5BE5 XX5F-5855

Shield XX58-7675 XX5A-7B85 XX52-7875 XX5E-7685 XX5D-5C75 XX5F-5885

Helmet XX58-7655 XX5A-7BE5 XX52-7855 XX5E-76E5 XX5D-5C55 XX5F-58E5

Armor XX58-7685 XX5A-7C75 XX52-7885 XX5E-7B75 XX5D-5C85 XX54-5675

Relic 1 XX58-76E5 XX5A-7C55 XX52-78E5 XX5E-7B55 XX5D-5CE5 XX54-5655

Relic 2 XX58-7B75 XX5A-7C85 XX53-7675 XX5E-7B85 XX5D-5875 XX54-5685

    Celes     Strago     Relm   Setzer     Mog     Gau

HP XX54-5B75 XX57-5C85 XX59-5675 XX51-5B85 XX55-5875 XX5B-5685

MP XX54-5B55 XX57-5CE5 XX59-5655 XX51-5BE5 XX55-5855 XX5B-56E5

Menu1 XX54-5B85 XX57-5875 XX59-5685 XX51-5C78 XX55-5885 XX5B-5B75

Menu2 XX54-5BE5 XX57-5855 XX59-56E5 XX51-5C55 XX55-58E5 XX5B-5B55

Menu3 XX54-5C75  XX57-5885  XX59-5B75  XX51-5C85  XX56-5675  XX5B-5B85

Menu4 XX54-5C55 XX57-58E5 XX59-5B55 XX51-5CE5 XX56-5655 XX5B-5BE5

Vigor XX54-5C85 XX50-5675 XX59-5B85 XX51-5875 XX56-5685 XX5B-5C75

Speed XX54-5CE5 XX50-5655 XX59-5BE5 XX51-5855 XX56-56E5 XX5B-5C55

Stam. XX54-5875 XX50-5685 XX59-5C75 XX51-5885 XX56-5B75 XX5B-5C85

Mag.p XX54-5855 XX50-56E5 XX59-5C55 XX51-58E5 XX56-5B55 XX5B-5CE5

Bat.p XX54-5885 XX50-5B75 XX59-5C85 XX55-5675 XX56-5B85 XX5B-5875

Def. XX54-58E5 XX50-5B55 XX59-5CE5 XX55-5655 XX56-5BE5 XX5B-5855 XX57-5675 XX50-5B85 XX59-5875 XX55-5685 XX56-5C75 XX5B-5885

Evade XX57-5655 XX50-5BE5 XX59-5855 XX55-56E5 XX56-5C55 XX5B-58E5 XX57-5685 XX50-5C75 XX59-5885 XX55-5B75 XX56-5C85 XX5C-5675

Weap. XX57-56E5 XX50-5C55 XX59-58E5 XX55-5B55 XX56-5CE5 XX5C-5655

Shield XX57-5B75 XX50-5C85 XX51-5675 XX55-5B85 XX56-5875 XX5C-5685

Helmet XX57-5B55 XX50-5CE5 XX51-5655 XX55-5BE5 XX56-5855 XX5C-56E5

Armor XX57-5B85 XX50-5875 XX51-5685 XX55-5C75 XX56-5885 XX5C-5B75

Relic 1 XX57-5BE5 XX50-5855 XX51-56E5 XX55-5C55 XX56-58E5 XX5C-5B55

Relic 2 XX57-5C75 XX50-5885 XX51-5B75 XX55-5C85 XX5B-5675 XX5C-5B85

     Gogo    Umaro     Banon      Leo     Ghost #1     Ghost #2

HP XX5C-5C75 XX58-58E5 XX52-5B75 XX53-5C85 XX5D-8675 XX5F-8B85

MP XX5C-5C55 XX5A-5675 XX52-5B55 XX53-5CE5 XX5D-8655 XX5F-8BE5

Menu1 XX5C-5C85 XX5A-5655 XX52-5B85 XX53-5875 XX5D-8685 XX5F-8C75

Menu2 XX5C-5CE5 XX5A-5685 XX52-5BE5 XX53-5855 XX5D-86E5 XX5F-8C55

Menu3 XX5C-5875 XX5A-56E5 XX52-5C75 XX53-5885 XX5D-8B75 XX5F-8C85

Menu4 XX5C-5855 XX5A-56E5 XX52-5C55 XX53-58E5 XX5D-8B55 XX5F-8CE5

Vigor XX5C-5885 XX5A-5B75 XX52-5C85 XX5E-5675 XX5D-8B85 XX5F-8875

Speed XX58-5675 XX5A-5B55 XX52-5CE5 XX5E-5655 XX5D-8BE5 XX5F-8855

Stam. XX58-5655 XX5A-5B85 XX52-5875 XX5E-5685 XX5D-8C75 XX5F-8885

Mag.p XX58-5685 XX5A-5BE5 XX52-5855 XX5E-56E5 XX5D-8C55 XX5F-88E5

Bat.p XX58-56E5 XX5A-5C75 XX52-5885 XX5E-5B75 XX5D-8C85 XX54-8675

Def. XX58-5B75 XX5A-5C55 XX52-58E5 XX5E-5B55 XX5D-8CE5 XX54-8655 XX58-5B55 XX5A-5C85 XX53-5675 XX5E-5B85 XX5D-8875 XX54-8685

Evade XX58-5B85 XX5A-5CE5 XX53-5655 XX5E-5BE5 XX5D-8855 XX54-86E5 XX58-5BE5 XX5A-5875 XX53-5685 XX5E-5C75 XX5D-8885 XX54-8B75

Weap. XX58-5C75 XX5A-5855 XX53-56E5 XX5E-5C55 XX5D-88E5 XX54-8B55

Shield XX58-5C55 XX5A-5885 XX53-5B75 XX5E-5C85 XX5F-8675 XX54-8B85

Helm XX58-5C85 XX5A-58E5 XX53-5B55 XX5E-5CE5 XX5F-8655 XX54-8BE5

Armor XX58-5CE5 XX52-5675 XX53-5B85 XX5E-5875 XX5F-8685 XX54-8C75

Relic 1 XX58-5875 XX52-5655 XX53-5BE5 XX5E-5855 XX5F-86E5 XX54-8C55

Relic 2 XX58-5855 XX52-5685 XX53-5C75 XX5E-5885 XX5F-8B75 XX54-8C88


Replace the "XX" with the appropriate 2 digits from the tables below:

DD:  Fight DF:  Item D4:  Magic D7:  Morph-Blank until Terra gets Morph D0:Revert D9:Steal D1:Capture D5:SwdTech-Only the ones Cyan knows when new character starts D6:Throw DB:Tools DC:Blitz-Only the ones Sabin knows D8:Runic DA:Lore-Only the ones Strago knows D2:  Sketch D3:  Control DE:Slot FD:Rage FF:Leap-Only on Veldt F4:Mimic F7:Dance-Character gains dances only when Mog gets them F0:Row F9:Def F1:Jump F5:X-Magic-No spells at start, but you can learn them via Espers F6:GP Rain FB:Summon-Only works with curative Espers equipped FC:Health F8:Shock FA: Possess-Erases character if successful F2:MagiTek-Terra has 8 spells, others have 4. F3:[Blank]-Filler spot


Terra: Before new game

Locke: Save point after old man's house

Edgar: Any time after getting Locke but before Kefka shows up

Sabin: Save point in Mt. Kolts

Banon: Save point in Returners Hideout

Shadow: Don't talk to him in S. Figaro.  Save after Sabins scenario starts

Cyan: Save before Imperial Base

Ghost1: Before getting the first ghost

Ghost2: If Shadow bails, you can get a second ghost. Before getting G#2

Gau: Before the waterfall.

Celes: Save under Duncan's house, codes MUST be in before you see her

Setzer: Before Opera house and (?) until after Imperial base

Mog: Save point after old man's house.

Strago: Save outside of Thamasa

Relm: Save outside Esper cave

Leo: Save point in Esper cave

Gogo: Save point in Zone Eater

Umaro: Save at snowfield in Narshe, before entering hole behind Esper



DD=0   FF=17   44=34   77=51 00=68  99=85   10=100  55=119 66=136 BB=153  CC=170 88=187 *Note: Do not set speed or vigor above 200! A5=200 22=221  33=238  EE=255


DD:Dirk FD:Epee 4D:Partisan 7D:Aura DF:MithrilKnife FF:Break Blade 4F:Pearl Lance    7F:Strato D4:Guardian F4:Drainer 44:Gold Lance 74:Sky Render D7:Air Lancet F7:Enhancer 47:Aura Lance   77:HealRod D0:ThiefKnife F0:Crystal 40:Imp Halberd    70:MithrilRod D9:Assassin F9:Falchion 49:Imperial 79:Fire Rod
D1:Man Eater F1:Soul Sabre 41:Kodachi 71:Ice Rod D5:SwordBreaker F5:Ogre Nix 45:Blossom 75:ThunderRod D6:Graedus       F6:Excalibur 46:Hardened 76:Poison Rod
DB:ValiantKnife FB:Scimitar 4B:Striker 7B:Pearl Rod DC:MithrilBlade FC:Illumina 4C:Stunner 7C:Gravity Rod D8:Regal Cutlass F8:Ragnarok 48:Ashura 78:Punisher
DA:Rune Edge FA:Atma Weapon 4A:Kotetsu 7A:Magus Rod D2:FlameSabre F2:Mithril Pike 42:Forged 72:ChocoboBrush D3:Blizzard F3:Trident 43:Tempest 73:Da Vinci Brush DE:ThunderBlade FE:Stout Spear 4E:Murasame 7E:MagicalBrush 0D:RainbowBrush 9D:Trump 1D:Flame Shield 5D:Coronet 0F:Shuriken      9F:Dice 1F:Ice Shield 5F:Bards Hat
04:Ninja Star 94:FixedDice 14:ThunderShield 54:GreenBeret 07:Tack Star 97:Metal Knuckle  17:Crystal Shield 57:Head Band 00:Flail  90:Mithril Claw   10:Genji Shield 50:Mithril Helm 09:Full Moon 99:Kaiser 19:TortoiseShield 59:Tiara 01:Morning Star 91:Poison Claw 11:CursedShield 51:GoldHelmet 05:Boomerang 95:FireKnuckle 15:Paladin Shield 55:Tiger Mask 06:Rising Sun 96:Dragon Claw 16:Force Shield 56:Red Cap
0B:Hawk Eye    9B:Tiger Fangs 1B:Leather Hat 5B:Mystery Veil 0C:Bone Club     9C:Buckler 1C:Hair Band 5C:Circlet 08:Sniper 98:Heavy Shield 18:Plumed Hat 58:Regal Crown 0A:Wing Edge  9A:Mithril Shield 1A:Beret 5A:Diamond Helm 02:Cards 92:Gold Shield 12:Magus Hat   52:Dark Hood 03:Darts 93:AegisShield 13:Bandana   53:CrystalHelm 0E:DoomDarts 9E:Diamond Shield 1E:Iron Helmet  5E:Oath Veil 6D:Cat Hood BD:PowerSash CD:Nutkin Suit 8D:Goggles 6F:Genji Helmet BF:Light Robe CF:BehemothSuit 8F:StarPendant 64:Thornlet B4:Diamond Vest   C4:Snow Muffler 84:Peace Ring 67:Titanium B7:Red Jacket C7:Noise Blaster 87:Amulet 60:LeatherArmor B0:ForceArmor C0:BioBlaster 80:WhiteRing 69:CottonRobe B9:Diamond Armor  C9:Flash 89:Jewel Ring 61:Kung Fu Suit  B1:Dark Gear C1:Chain Saw 81:Fairy Ring 65:Iron Armor B5:Tao Robe C5:Debilitator 85:Barrier Ring 66:Silk Robe B6:Crystal Mail   C6:Drill 86:Mithril Glove 6B:Mithril Vest BB:CzarinaGown CB:Air Anchor     8B:Guard Ring 6C:NinjaGear BC:GenjiArmor CC:AutoCrossbow   8C:RunningShoes 68:WhiteDress    B8:Imps Armor     C8:Fire Skean 88:Cherub Down 6A:Mithril Mail BA:Minerva CA:Water Edge 8A:Wall Ring 62:Gaia Gear B2:Tabby Suit C2:Bolt Edge      82:Cure Ring 63:MirageVest B3:Chocobo Suit   C3:Inviz Edge 83:True Knight 6E:Gold Armor BE:MoogleSuit CE:ShadowEdge 8E:Dragoon Boots AD:Zephyr Cape 2D:Gauntlet 3D:MarvelShoes ED:FenixDown AF:CzarinaRing 2F:Genji Glove    3F:Back Guard EF:Revivify A4:Cursed Ring 24:Hyper Wrist  34:Gale Hairpin E4:Antidote A7:Earrings 27:Offering 37:Sniper Sight E7:Eyedrop A0:Atlas Armlet 20:Beads          30:Exp. Egg     E0:Soft A9:Blizzard Orb 29:Black Belt 39:Tintinabar E9:Remedy A1:RageRing 21:CoinToss 31:Sprint Shoes E1:SleepingBag A5:Sneak Ring 25:Fake Mustache  35:RenameCard E5:Tent
A6:Pod Bracelet 26:Gem Box 36:Tonic          E6:Green Cherry AB:Hero Ring 2B:Dragon Horn 3B:Potion EB:Magicite AC:Ribbon 2C:Merit Award    3C:X Potion EC:Super Ball A8:Muscle Belt 28:Memento Ring 38:Tincture    E8:Echo Screen AA:Crystal Orb 2A:Safety Bit 3A:Ether EA:Smoke Bomb A2:Gold Hairpin 22:Relic Ring     32:X Ether E2:Warp Stone A3:Economizer 23:Moogle Charm 33:Elixir E3:Dried Meat AE:Thief Glove 2E:Charm Bangle 3E:Megalixir EE:[Nothing]


  1. 108C-EF03+108C-E4A3 All items in shops are free--SWITCH OFF


  1. 108C-EFD3+108C-E4A3 Buying an item gives you 9,999,999 gold. The items look expensive, but you can keep buying them.
  2. DC9C-E4D8 Max out your GPs!
  3. E7D8-D4D8 No gold after battle



  1. AAB8-7F69 Enemy changes to brown.
  2. AAB3-54D9 Enemy is invisible
  3. AADC-EDA8 No Enemy
  4. AAD8-EF08 All party members are Floating, Stopped, and Reflective in battles!
  5. 6794-E708 Makes the EXP, Magic Points, Items, and GP keep repeating in a cycle. Turn off after 2 or 3 cycles or it may blackout.
  6. DFD8-EF68 All characters float
  7. D0D8-EF68 All characters have Slow cast on them
  8. D6D8-EF68 All characters have Haste cast on them
  9. D8D8-EF68 All characters have Haste, Float, and Regen cast on them
  10. AADB-EDA8 Get HP & MP in battle
  11. ED3B-E514 Tincture gives you 999 magic.
  12. AA68-E7D8+AA6B-EDA8 Magic becomes X-Magic and takes only 1 MP
  13. AA6B-E7D8 Party hits twice
  14. 8ED8-EF68 This code takes about 30 to 50 seconds to come into effect (in other words, you can't fight right away) but it does fine once it starts playing, it casts Wall, Regen, and Float on all members (works great in the Fanatics Tower!! by the time you need to fight, they've half killed themselves off your wall!!)
  15. 30D8-EF68 Casts Slow, Float, Wall but gives less damage to all(same as above with the starting off)
  16. A29D-54D8 Characters will do STRANGE things in battle...desperation attacks, enemy attacks, calling espers, you name it... only problem is that it is random and the person will keep repeating the same attack over and over.
  17. AA94-74DD Your party is all blobs of color
  18. AAB8-7F69 The enemies are all blobs of color


  1. 5592-E7D8+5592-E768+5592-E7A8 "GET NOTHING AFTER A BATTLE"
  2. CE17-7DD6 "GET SOME RAGES AND LORES" To use this code equip an Esper and fight one battle. Gau will learn every fourth rage on the right-hand side of the list, and Strago will learn ForceField, Stone, and Exploder. All other rages and lores are deleted.
  3. F194-EDD8 "GET 99 OF ALL ITEMS" (Doesn't work on all games)
  4. CE17-77D6 "LEARN SPELLS 10x FASTER"
  5. E317-77D6 "LEARN SPELLS 50x FASTER"
  6. E3DB-EDA8 Get a lot ofHP and MP after battle
  7. AA94-E7D8 This code will make the enemy give you weapons, items, and armor. (This code is constant)
  8. AA94-EFO8 Makes the enemy give you items/weapons/armor. (This code is not constant, it's at random)
  9. AA94-E7D8+AA94-EFO8+AA94-E4D8+D794-E708+(AA94-E408) Super Item Codes: Get Paladin's Shield, Offering, Gem Boxes, Economizers and other stuff after battles! Add AA94-E408 if it seems that you have all the items that are possible two get with the first four codes.
  10. D493-54D8 Gain over 16,000 Exp. per fight
  11. D793-54D8 Gain nearly 1,000,000 Exp. per fight!
  12. AA92-E768 Casts Flare after a battle, blackout
  13. AA23-54D8 Level 99 after one battle
  14. AA94-E4D8+AA94-EF08+AA94-54D8(+AA94-E408) Add last 1 once you own 1st128 items.
  15. 1793-54D8 Over 5 million exp per fight!
  16. AA2A-54D8 Gain no experience (for expert players only!)
  17. 3037-54A6 Learn all spells after one battle
  18. 0D39-0766 1000x EXP and GP after a battle!A great code!
  19. 132C-E4D8 Repeat battle ending (turn off to exit)
  20. F32C-E4D8 Restart game to select menu after battle
  21. EE5C-74DD This last one is kinda weird.Depending on where in the game your group is, you get different effects. Ex: at the beginning of the game, you leave an Imperial soldier after every battle.


  1. E3DB-EDA8+E3DB-ED68+E3DB-ED08+E3DB-EDD8 Enter the Menu Screen and you'll have 4000 – 5000 HP and 100-500 MP -- for every character on the menu screen. Once entered, you may save the code's effects, and the game will stay that way.
  2. AADB-EDA8 Increase all members' Max HP and MP
  4. AA90-74DD Walk through walls (only certain directions)
  5. AA20-77AD Walk through walls (better than other code!)
  6. DDA4-8767 Party always has Sprint Shoes
  7. EE30-E944 'Tonic' gives 255 HP
  8. 3CB8-5DAE Most items can be used infinitely-- NOT IN BATTLE MODE; SWITCH OFF TO EXIT MENU SCREEN
  9. AA9B-E768 All relics equipped, all of it. Not tested much; may freeze up. Even the cursed stuff is equipped. Just DO NOT SAVE YOUR GAME; your statistics are messed up...
  10. AAD2-E768 Lowers Speed, Vigor, Stamina, and Magic Power for all members
  11. AADC-EF08 Always sprint in dungeons and never encounter random enemies (as if Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm were equipped)
  12. AADC-EDA8 Never encounter random enemies
  14. DD90-EFDB Everyone has a hidden Economizer --IN BATTLE MODE.
  15. DD97-5FDA Everyone has a hidden Economizer --NOT IN BATTLE MODE.
  16. AADC-EF08 Sprint shoes & Moogle Charm equipped
  17. DDA4-8767 Sprint Shoes equipped
  18. D007-8DD7 Mega Sprint Shoes!!!
  19. AADB-E768 All relics! Even cursed ones!!!
  20. B4CD-E798+AA68-E7D8 Only fight Narshe Guards
  21. EEBC-576E This one lets you equip any item as many times as you want; in other words you get infinite equipment!
  22. 3CB7-5D03 When you equip something, it turns into the top item of your inventory.
  23. 108B-E403 “GET 99 OF ANY ITEM!" Go into a store.Sell the item you want 99 of.  It should say that you are selling "0".  Turn of the GG, and press Left on the Control Pad until you are selling "58" of the item.  Press A.  You now have 99 of the item.
  24. 3CBC-576E "USE ITEMS INFINITELY" Never run out of an item if you have it already (only on the menu). When you use an item, it will say you have 14, then 12, then 20, etc...


Add spice to your game.  Let your characters do moves you never

thought possible.  Like:

*** Summoning an ANGEL to attack your enemies.

*** Guile's Sonic boom

*** Body Laser and more...

  1. "NEW FF3 ATTACKS" This code will allow you to "create" different attacks for your characters!


3CB7-5F63 "RANDOM EQUIP DIFFERENT ITEMS" This code will allow your characters to equip different (random) items as armor or weapons.  You can change the

1st and/or 2nd characters for different "ITEM" changes.


Your characters must have the GENJI GLOVE and OFFERING equipped as RELICS.

PROCESS: All you have to do is replace your character's weapon slots with various ITEMS to get different attacks. You can put different ITEMS for different effects. You can also mix and match ITEMS, unless noted. Do not put "WEAPONS" on either hand or it will not work!

REMEMBER: All attacks go in descending seen in the equip screen! HAND: Attack 1 HAND: Attack 2

Here is a LIST of what you can put to produce different attacks!

EQUIPMENT:    EFFECT:                     NOTES:

MOST ARMOR  Various weaponless attacks 

Snow Muffler                  Red Rain!                 Use only as a 1st attack

ALL SHIELDS                Various weaponless attacks

Force Shield                  Guile's SONIC BOOM!

MOST ITEMS                     Give many different effects

Antidote                       Giant Pac-Man!             Use only as a 1st attack

Ether                            Freezes the game

Tincture                          Freezes the game

Eye Drop                       Haunting!                      Use only as a 1st attack

Eye Drop                       Disappearing Enemies!            Use only as a 2nd attack

(Don't combine the 2 Eye Drop codes)

Magicite                        Red Sky!

Potion                           Glitches

X-Potion                       Glitches

Tonic                            Glitches

Rename Card                    Fireball jump attack and weird sound!

Revivify                          Guile's SONIC BOOM!            Use only as a 1st attack

Revivify                          Star of DEATH!             Use only as a 2nd attack

Sleeping Bag                   Bum Rush!

Smoke Bomb                     Light Arrow                         Use only as a 1st attack

Tent                              Jump Attack                             Use only as a 1st attack

Tent                              Black Missle                             Use only as a 2nd attack

HEADGEAR                       Many different effects

Bandana                        Death Laser!              A strange laser emits from character

Beret                            Throw a strange BLACK AXE!

Circlet                           Circlet Attack

Dark Hood                      Morph Terra Attack!

Diamond Helm                   God's Voice!

Gold Helmet                    Angel of DEATH!              An angel visits enemies to kill them!

Hair Band                      Rising Wind attack!

Leather Hat                    A Million Pins

Magus Hat                      Silent Multiple Punches

Mithril Helmet                 Water Bum Rush!

Mystery Veil                   Aura Zap!

Red Cap                        Red sphere Zap!

Regal Crown                  Bubble Attack

Tiger Mask                     Sketch Enemies to Death!

RELICS                         Many different effects

Sneak Ring                               Black out/Freezes game

Hyper Wrist                               Black out/Freezes game

Back Guard                   Black out/Freezes game

Amulet                         Black out/Freezes game

Sniper Sight                   Glitches/Freezes game

Marvel Shoes                   Glitches/Freezes game

Fake Mustache                  Glitches/Freezes game

Beads                          Glitches/Freezes game

Genji Glove                    Glitches/Freezes game

Fairy Ring                                 Glitches/Freezes game

Memento Ring                   Glitches/Freezes game

True Knight                    Instant Damage!

Dragon Horn                    Instant Damage!

Coin Toss                      Reverse Leo Shock Attack!

Cure Ring                      Skud Missle!                  Use only as a 2nd attack

Cursed Ring                    Summon the REAPER!             Use only as a 2nd attack

Earrings                       Satanic Sounds!                       Equip in both hands

Exp. Egg                               Dead of NIGHT!                Use only as a 1st attack

Gale Hairpin                   A loud sound followed by damage to enemies!

Gauntlet                        Sun God's Trident Attack! Use only as a 1st attack

Goggles                                    Grenade Toss!                     Use only as a 2nd attack

Guard Ring                     Fiery Screen!                      Use only as a 1st attack

Merit Award                    Tornado Spin                 Use only as a 1st attack

Merit Award                    Light Saber                              Use only as a 2nd attack

Mithril Glove                  Singing Black Sword!              Use only as a 1st attack

Rage Ring                      Meteor Attack!

Running Shoes                  Wind Blast!                            Use only as a 2nd attack

Safety Bit                      Spear of Destiny!                  Use only as a 2nd attack

Sprint Shoes                   Shock Drop

Thief Glove                    Dance of Rocks                   Use only as a 2nd attack

Tintinabar                     Portal of DOOM!

Wall Ring                                  Suicide Attack!                          Use only as a 1st attack

Zephyr Cape                    Red Rain of DEATH!              Use only as a 2nd attack


  1. METHOD 1


Go anywhere and fight. You will eventually end up with Kefka and/or Leo. It's good if you are in the WOB and about to go to the floating continent.  Anywhere else is fine, including the WOR.


  1. If your map man is Geshtal and you try to equip, relic, use item or etc. If you have Geshtal continue fighting and ignore him...
  2. If you get Kefka-he comes in many things...
  3. If he is a zombie or dead-do not revive him or the game will freeze.
  4. Sometimes he will a lot of different stuff in his statistics like: Morph, Capture, Shock, Sketch...

You should save the game if you get something cool like this...

  1. Kefka in Magitek Armor-same as A
  2. Mog may freeze the game when it is his turn to fight.
  3. Leo is unglitched-you can revive him if he is wounded.

(Really preferred if he had a screen shot...Kefka uses Terra's screen shot because he doesn't have one).



Use this code to edit Kefka.  It may take a while to get

a perfect Kefka (Now you're getting to it)!

TO HAVE A PERFECT KEFKA: Kefka should have non-freezing the game battle commands. For both WOB or WOR, Kefka should have Rage, Leap, Magic, and Item!  Which means Kefka takes over Gau's status! (The ONLY one that will let you keep Kefka forever)... Make sure he is able to use magic and equip weapons and armor. Also check out Gau's magic...Once Kefka takes over Gau's body the magic will change to something new. The picture on the status screen should be Terra...Rename Kefka "Kefka" when he replaces Gau... :D It is highly recommended you do this in the WOR, because you'll have the airship to go to the Veldt and test Kefka's

Leap and reappear (UWAOOOOOO~). Kefka will just be Kefka!

  2. Enter the code D5E5-776D.Choose a save game.  You will now have LEO &

KEFKA, but Kefka has no commands and will thus freeze the game.

  1. Rearrange the party so that Kefka is on top
  2. Save, reset, and enter D7E7-776D.Go into a town.  Switch Kefka to the back of the lineup.  By doing so, you have "ditched" him in the town, and you now have a glitch free Leo!!
  4. Enter the code D5E5-776D to get Kefka.
  5. Use the code **97-E76D to give Kefka commands.Replace ** with any two characters to give Kefka...

19-Lore (knows none)    11-Lore, Rage*   15-Rage, Possess            16-Possess, Row

1B-Row, GP Rain      1C-GP Rain      18-Runic**, Shock            1A-Shock!

12-Summon (?), Sketch  13-Slot              1E-Slot, Def                   54-Dance

57-Mimic                       50-Mimic, Jump            59-Blitz, Jump                51-Blitz, Control

55-Health, Control  58-MagiTek!

Note that the commands produced by this code may vary from game to game.

* = Only the ones Gau knows

** = Disabled  


Enter the code DD5C-740D.  This will make Leo and Kefka appear in the last two slots in the party selection screen!  Leo is perfect, but if you want Kefka to have commands, you must use the code **97-E76D as described above.



These codes change the character's image. For example-Terra.  You see her, her body, her color, her command windows (Fight, Morph, Magic, Item). After one battle, Terra has changed to Gogo's image but the rest of the commands stay the same. Once in a while you may get Umaro's image with Terra's battle commands! Now you can control Umaro and see him chanting

magic at last! Once you get to a circular pattern, it'll alter to another character in the game!  Like Ultros, Siegfried, Chupon, the little girl, the little boy, Terra's Mom, Espers, Dragons, Faeries, Imperial Soldiers, Vicks and Kappa the Imp!  You can control the Emperor and some characters will stay the same while others change to a totally different image!



  *OR*         Note:  You may or may not need Relm in your party...

9E9B-E7D8      You should bring her along just in case... You need Leo in your party for this to work. Go into battle, and after it, Leo will be changed! (His mapman will be Banon).  It will continue to change after each battle... Here is a list of characters you can be (not in order):

Mapman            Battle                Stat            Note

Banon               Banon               Banon            Should be your 1st Character

Ghost               Ghost               Ghost

Green Guard            Green Guard   Vicks

Merchant            Merchant         Vicks            Locke as a Merchant

Kefka                Kefka                Terra

Gestahl             Gestahl             Leo            Battle guy is sort of glitched

Leo                   Leo                   Leo

Impresario            invisible             ????

Opera Celes            invisible             ????

Dog                  ????                 ????            Freezes the game sometimes


  1. MANSON CODE 1:3037-54A6 "GET ALL SPELLS!!!"

After one battle, every member of the party who is capable of learning magic

some time in the game will learn every spell.  Note that this happens after every

battle, and it happens regardless of whether the party members know the spells or

not; i.e., turn off the code once everyone has learned the spells (unless you *like*

watching 4 people learn all the spells after every battle).


HOW TO USE:    First, equip everything you have  (right down the list) as you do this, you will see that the WEAPONS you equipped are not the ones you selected.  Once your done, go to items, click ARRANGE, and start the process over again.


HOW TO USE:    Go to ESPERS and move the arrow anywhere and you will see ESPERS you know and others.  The other ones can be used in battle.


HOW TO USE: Talk to certain people in towns etc. and you will have a 50% chance of it working.  The other 50% of the time, it will freeze the game.


HOW TO USE:   Enter code, start game, and things that happened in the WORLD OF BALANCE will happen in the WORLD OF RUIN-- Such things as SHADOW sitting at the bar in a town, Darryl is flying your AIRSHIP, etc.  Don't SAVE or your game will stay that way.


HOW TO USE:    Start GAME and your character will be someone who looks like TERRA.  But, is actually KEFKA change the party POSTIONS around and you will get GENERAL LEO and the REAL TERRA.  One GLITCH with this code is that KEFKA has no commands.  So, in battle when it is KEFKA's turn it will freeze (see above section on how to avoid this).


People that don't usually move move in the direction you are facing.


Change party positions in a town/cave and you will leave the character that you changed behind!


Allows you to fight some enemies on the Veldt that you normally can't.


Talk to the man in Thamasa that is walking in the center of town with a blue vest on.  You will be transported to the world of Espers. (Don't save; you can't get out).


Allows you to buy better items (e.g. Ragnaroks, Illuminas, Muscle Belts) in stores.


  1. Turn off the GG.
  2. Go into a store.... click on "Buy" and turn on the GG.
  3. Choose an item to buy, then hit "A".It will freeze, but turn of the GG and you will be able to move the cursor.
  4. Press Up, Down, Left or Right and you will notice that the prices and "how many owned" have changed.
  5. Press "A" and you will buy an item that is not on the list... however, sometimes the items will be priced as high as 9999999 GP!!

Walk around anywhere; strange creatures will attack you.


All the people in the game disappear.


Take one step and you fight!

  1. MANSON CODE 17: 05C3-5F63 "STRANGE"

Pick a game, and you will be near an esper with weird guys... and the timer runs backwards.

  1. MANSON CODE 18: 00C3-5F63 "STRANGE 2"

Like above, but instead you are in the first town with Vicks & Wedge.


Get new rare items like: Eerie Stone  - Manicure - Opera Record  - Magn. Glass  - Dull Picture

To use this code, go into BATTLE and go to ITEMS.  Double click your SWORD or SHIELD and the battle will end. Go to RARE ITEMS and you will have the listed items.  Another event that happens with this CODE is that if you use your AIRSHIP, you will go back to the WOB.


Gives you new rare items like: Dull Picture, Magn. Glass, Eerie Stone, Opera Record, etc.

HOW TO USE: Turn off GG...Go to "Item"....Turn on GG....Click on "Rare" and weird things will happen to your rare items. NOTE: This one will not take you back to WOB.


  1. DAAE-8F6D......Run into some bosses, including the final Kefka, on the Veldt.
  2. 8AAE-876D......Run into enemies from the Zone Eater & Phoenix Cave only.
  3. 8AA3-846D......Run into other bosses during Phase 5 (random enemies) of Veldt cycle; also run into a new enemy called the "Colossus" -- it looks like a HadesGigas (same color) and it dies like a boss.It casts the "Lode Stone" and "Fire Wall" spells.  As of yet, no one has been able to identify it.  Perhaps you can help...
  4. **A3-8FDD......Replace ** with any 2 digits to run into ONLY X's Veldt, where X is a monster or combination of monsters designated by the **.


00= Monsters from Banon's river (Pterodons, Exocites, etc.) and M-Tek Armors

01= Beakors, Rhobites, Stray Cats, and CrassHopprs

02= Zozo enemies

03= Crawlers, Mag Roaders (R&P), General, Commando, Garm, Trapper, Vermin, Sewer Rat

04= GreaseMonks, Rhodoxs, Tuskers, Rhinotaur

05= Rhobites

06= Phantom Forest enemies and HeavyArmor

07= Rhodox, M-TekArmor, Cirpius, Tusker, Trilium, Soldier

08= Over Grunk, Vulture, Iron Fist, Whisper, Bounty Man, Trooper

09= Were Rats, Repo Men, Lobo, Guard, Actaneon

0A= Vulture, Iron Fist, Mind Candy, Red Fang

0B= Bomb, OverMind, StillGoing, Whisper

0C= Guard, Vomammoth, Whisper, Hazer, StillGoing, Anguiform, Actaneon, Aspik

0D= Hornet, Bleary, Lobo, Marshal, Leafer, Dark Wind

0E= General, Pipsqeak, Commander, Chaser, Trapper, Gobbler

0F= Were Rat, Sand Ray, Areneid, Dark Wind, Leafer

10= Dahling, Still life

11= Rain man, Samurai

12= Gobbler, Rhinox

13= Trilobiter, Primordite, Vector pup, Commander

14= Red Wolf, Test Rider

15= Allosaurus, Parasite, Crawler

16= Geckorex, Reach Frog

17= Mag Roaders (yellow and brown), Vindr, Souldancer, Crusher

18= Tap dancer, Covert

19= Rain man, Samurai

1A= Magic Urn, Karkass

1B= Sprinter, Spek Tor

1C= Chaos Dragon, Uruburos, Sea Flower, Phase, Trixter

1D= Ceritops, Tomb Thumb, Borras

1E= Primordite, First Class, Wild Rat, Trilobiter, Dark Side, Spectre, Rinn

1F= Rhyos, Toe Cutter, Ursus

54= Pipsqueak

5F= Innoc, Fortis

1A= Karkass

59= Kefka's Tower enemies (Hemophyte, Dk. Force, Retainer, etc.)

60= Punisher, Scrapper

61= Nastidon

62= Punisher, Scrapper

63= White Dragon

64= Apparite, Lich

65= Land Worm, Humpty

66= SlamDancer, Harvester, Gabbledegak

67= Lunaris, Osprey, Chintonid, Gigan Toad

68= Nastidon

69= Lobo, Marshal, Bleary, Crawly

6A= Fidor, Trooper, HeavyArmor

6B= Leafer, Lobo, Marshal, Dark Wind

6C= Opinicus, Eland, Hipocampus, Still Life

6D= Leafer, Dark Wind, Lobo

6E= Mag Roader (both types form MagiTek Facility), Vermin, Sewer Rat

6F= Lobo, Narshe Guard

There are many more!  I haven't tested it much yet...perhaps someone could help me come up with a complete list of enemies?  E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to help.  ALSO, there are some enemies (mostly the "rare" monsters mentioned above) that do not appear

with this code....maybe we could alter it so that they do?

  1. **A3-8DAD....Like #478, but with different monsters for the ** values.
  2. 74A3-846D....Another "boss code" into different bosses than with #3.Also fight Io, which gives you the spell "Flare Star" as a Rage.        
  3. 83A3-846D....Totally random battles on the Veldt!You can run into anything from anywhere in the game; bosses, normal monsters, etc.  You never know what to expect.


  1. AD9B-E7D8 After one battle, only one character is in party.Notice that the mapman and only character are different.  After a second battle, that character is normal.

483."COOL COMMANDS CODES" xx97-E7D6.....xx=DD to EE Substitute for strange Commands in the battle menu, some are useable, others are gibberish.  Using some commands may cause


  1. DF98-E7D6: Magic - X-Magic (but isn't really), Fight - Jump (and really works).
  2. ED90-E7D6 In Battle, Fight becomes MagiTek.
  3. DF9F-E7D6 In Battle, Terra, Locke, Sabin, Setzer, and Gau cannot use Magic.
  4. E39C-E7D6 Mog's Magic becomes X-Magic, but isn't really.
  5. E394-E7D1 "I've been playing this game too long today." Causes subtle changes in the color table, most noticeably on the background of battle scenes.
  6. xx23-E7D6.....xx=DD to EE I can’t see what I'm doing! Try it...
  7. 3339-07D6 Percentage of winning normal random items increases by 12%.
  8. E317-54A6 Party learns 'Bolt' a few times each.
  9. DF94-7DD6 Learn Magic, Rages, Lores 2.1 times faster.
  10. "BLIND-EYE": 0D39-7DD6 Left side of two column menus in battle is hidden. It still works, and is there, you just can't see it.No effect on magic menu.

F194-54D8 and/or FE94-54D8 and/or AA94-54D8

In Battle, characters are TOTALLY invisible to you the player.  The enemy can see them just fine.  Party has condition 'Psyche', HP is glitchy, can't cast spell on yourself ('cause you're invisible), or items, Gau can't Rage. TRY THIS:  equip someone with 'DragoonBoots' and


  1. SUPER-HERO CODE D4D8-E7D8 In Battle mode only, Fight becomes Jump (as if Both DragoonBoots and Dragon Horn is Equipped), magic becomes X.Magic, Steal becomes Capture, Sketch becomes Control, Slot becomes GP Rain, some characters can do double commands but

are not Quick.  Also, I've noticed there is always at least one character whose Fight command remains unchanged.  Also EED8-E7D8, but nothing in between.

  1. GAMBLER CODE xyD8-E7D6.....x=D to E  y=D or F (all give same result) Most enemies cast 'Roulette' instead of Battle.
  2. 5592-E7D6 All menu commands normally possible show on battle menu, though you can't use those you haven't earned yet ;-}. Nobody can use magic.
  3. xy68-E7D6 x=F to E, y= F to 5 “Credits on Drugs Code” Changes colors in Intro & Credits.
  4. 0D39-E7D6 BATTLE MENU SHUFFLE!!!Toggle the switch on the GG to play!

Substitute X for 8 or 5 (more additions at a future date) These codes start the character at a higher experience level (thus at a higher level, too).  I've used these codes continuously until my party reached about level 31 or so and have noticed other more subtle effects, such as the way the character moves in battle, sometimes stumbles in battle, etc. (I at one time, called these my 'Personality Codes')            Terra:Dx58-7B55            Locke:Dx5A-7CE5            Cyan:Dx53-7655

Shadow: Dx5E-7BE5            Edgar:Dx5D-5855            Sabin:Dx54-56E5            Celes:Dx57-5C55

Strago:Dx50-58E5            Relm:Dx51-5B55            Setzer:Dx55-5CE5            Mog:Dx5B-5655

Gau:Dx5C-5BE5            Gogo:Dx58-5885            Umaro:Dx52-56E5            Banon:Dx53-5C55

Leo:Dx5E-58E5             Ghost1:Dx5F-8B55            Ghost2:Dx54-8CE5

They also effect the other characters in your party at that time--to a limited degree.


Created By:  AeroStar13

  1. **00-8D68"THE ENEMY SPELLS CODE!!"

The effect:  This code will change Strago's Lores into different Enemy Spells.  You can use

this code to cast any spell in the game!!  Replacing ** with different characters causes the

code to have different effects.  Here are some examples of what to replace the ** with.

All the spells are free (0 MP).

The spells are cast on the targets of the original Lore spell, e.g., if a spell replacing

"Blow Fish" is cast, it can only be cast on one target because Blow Fish is a 1-target spell. 

Spells which replace the spells Big Guard, Pearl Wind and Pep Up can only be used on party

members.  You can change this, however, with the following code:

  1. 2694-EFDB "TARGET ANYONE!" (created by AeroStar13)

This code will let you target anybody with any Magic spell Lore / Esper.  Now, instead of just being able to cast the enemy spells on the original Lores' targets, you can cast them on anyone.

Your choices for targeting, regardless of the spell, are:

- One party member of your choice;

- All allies;

- One enemy of your choice; or,

- All enemies

Side effects of this code:

- All regular magic costs 4 MP

- Small graphic glitches during "Quake" and "Meteor" spells

  1. F19A-8708 "GET ALL LORES"
  2. **00-8D68 505-508 Let you exchange the Lores for enemy spells!! REPLACE ** WITH.... 29

LORE SPELL                NEW SPELL              EFFECT

Condemned                   Engulf                      Instantly kills target; causes screen to shake

Roulette                            Disaster                  Gives target multiple status ailments

Clean Sweep                         Shrapnel           Non-elemental damage on all enemies

Aqua Rake                            Bomblet                No effect

Aero                                Heartburn         Non-elemental damage on all enemies

Blow Fish                           Zinger                       Caster cannot be targeted by spells or attacks until target of Zinger is killed. (Wrexsoul effect)

Big Guard                           Discard                  No effect

Revenge                             Overcast                 Target becomes condemned; when countdown runs out, target becomes Zombie.  (really cool looking!)

Pearl Wind                          Missile                   Removes 1/4 of target's HP

  1. 5 Doom            Goner                     Big damage on multiple targets (Kefka's attack)
  2. 4 Flare            Meteo                          �Meteo" from FF2!
  3. 3 Muddle            Revenger                 Removes status enhancements from targets

Reflect???                          Phantasm         Casts away some of target's HP at regular intervals

  1. ? Pearl            Dread               Attempts to turn target to stone

Step Mine                          Shock Wave    Non-elemental damage

ForceField                          Blaze                        Fire-elemental attack

Dischord                             Soul Out                   Turns target into a Zombie

Sour Mouth                          Gale Cut                    Wind-elemental attack

Pep Up                              Shimsham       Cuts target's HP by 1/2

Rippler                             Lode Stone                  Cuts target's HP by 3/4

Stone                               Scar Beam                  Pearl-elemental attack

Quasar                              BabaBreath                 Removes target from battle

Grand Train                         Lifeshaver         Earth-elemental "Drain" spell

Exploder                           Fire Wall                     Fire-elemental attack

  1. REPLACE ** WITH... C7

Condemned                           Imp Song                    Changes target to/from Imp

Roulette                            Clear                      Stops and Condemns target

Clean Sweep                        Virite                    Poison attack

Aqua Rake                           ChokeSmoke    Revives dead targets as zombies

Aero                                Schiller                      Blinds targets

Blow Fish                           Lullaby                  Makes target sleep

Big Guard                           Acid Rain                 Water/Poison attack

Revenge                             Confusion                Muddles target

Pearl Wind                          Megazerk         Tries to Berserk entire party

  1. 5 Doom            Mute                           Silences target
  2. 4 Flare            Net                            Stops target
  3. 3 Muddle            Slimer                      Slows target

Reflect???                          Delta Hit       Turns target to stone

  1. ? Pearl            Entwine                      Stops target

Step Mine                           Blaster                     Kills target

ForceField                          Cyclonic                   Reduces HP of everyone on screen to 10%

Dischord                            Fire Ball                  Fire-elemental attack

Sour Mouth                          Atomic Ray                   Fire-elemental attack

Pep Up                              Tek Laser                  Lightning-elemental attack

Rippler                             Diffuser                      Lightning-elemental attack

Stone                               Wave Cannon              Lightning-elemental attack

Quasar                             Mega Volt                   Lightning-elemental attack

Grand Train                         Giga Volt                    Lightning-elemental attack

Exploder                            Blizzard                       Ice-elemental attack

  1. REPLACE ** WITH... 88

Condemned                           Absolute 0        Ice-elemental attack

Roulette                            Magnitude 8      Earth-elemental attack

Clean Sweep                         Raid                         Same as "Drain"

Aqua Rake                            Flash Rain                 Lightning/Water attack

Aero                                TekBarrier         Makes target Reflective

Blow Fish                           Fallen One                 Reduces targets' HP to 1

Big Guard                           Wall Change                Change weak points/strong points of target's defense

Revenge                             Escape                      Caster flees from battle automatically 

Pearl Wind                          50 Gs                        Cancels "Float" on targets

  1. 5 Doom            Mind Blast                  Gives targets random status ailments
  2. 4 Flare            N. Cross                    Attempts to freeze targets
  3. 3 Muddle            Flare Star                   (Target's Lv. x 80 / # of targets) damage / Fire

Reflect???                          Love Token                Target protects caster from physical attacks

  1. ? Pearl            Seize                         Drains HP from target every turn (if it works)

Step Mine                           R. Polarity                  Moves target to back row

ForceField                          Targeting          No effect

Dischord                            Sneeze                    Removes target from battle

Sour Mouth                          S. Cross    Fire-elemental attack

Pep Up                              Launcher        Shoots missiles at all enemies (even if target is ally)

Rippler                             Charm                        Induces an incurable, muddle-like state in target

Stone                                Cold Dust                   Freezes target

Quasar                              Tentacle         Ultros' tentacles attack targets!

Grand Train                         Hyper Drive     BIG non-elemental damage

Exploder                            Train                       Blinds/Mutes target

  1. Put in ED and most of the Lores will do desperation attacks!!


  1. AA23-54D8/AA93-54D8Experience (lot's of experience per battle, enough to jump you immediately to level 99)

AA24-E7D8/AA94-E7D8    Get items after every battle.  Each monster gives a particular item. (this one is really cool, you can get stuff like Excalibur and Scimitar for weapons, and Genji armors)

  1. DC2C-E4D8/DC9C-E4D8Get the maximum amount of gold (something like 99999999 GP) after a battle (it won't show that you've won that much, you just have it after the battle).
  2. AA9D-E768+AA95-EFA8Get either some Illuminas or Ragnaroks after a battle. (Turn off the Genie to continue after the fight).
  3. AA24-EF08/AA94-EF08Get weapons from enemies
  4. AA94-E7D8+AA94-EF08+AA94-E4D8+D794-E708Get Paladin Shields, Offerings, Gem Boxes, Economizers, and other stuff in battles 
  5. D493-54D8/0493-54D8Over 16000 exp. per battle
  6. D793-54D8/0793-54D8Almost 1000000 exp. per battle
  7. AA9E-E4D8All equipped items become Paladin Shields after a battle.
  8. EE2C-5DD8Receive no MPS after a battle.
  9. DF22-54D8Receive no GP after a battle.
  10. DF26-EF08Receive 100 GP after a battle.
  11. 3B24-0703+EE39-076E+ 3C39-DEA7Multiply GP and Exp. by 1000 after a battle.
  12. AA95-EFA8Randomly selects number of items gained after a battle.
  13. EE98-EF08+6724-E708 Get tons of Gem Boxes and Dragon Horns through a cycle.
  14. AA94-E7D8Random item code 1.
  15. AA94-EF08Random item code 2.
  16. D794-E708Random item code 3.
  17. AA94-E7E8Random item code 4.
  18. AA94-E768Random item code 5.
  19. AA94-E4D8Random item code 6.
  20. A827-EF08+6724-E708Controlled Exp. giver.  After a battle, you receive Exp., and GP, but no items.  It just repeats itself over and over.  Turn off Game Genie when you've had enough.  Also works with MPS given at end of battle. (UNTESTED)


  1. 3CB8-5DAE/3CBC-5DAEMost items can be used infinitely--NOT IN BATTLE MODE�SWITCH OFF TO EXIT MENU SCREEN This code can also be used to double the number of weapons, armor and relics you are carrying.  This is done by: once you have 2 of the item you want doubled, just keep equipping it over and over in the same spot, and it will double.
  2. EDBC-5F0EShare possessions (relics, armor, etc.) - I haven't tried this one so I'm not sure if/how it works.
  3. 3DBC-5DAEDeplete all of the selected item when used.
  4. EEB8-5D0ECreates multiples of items when used.
  5. EEB8-570ECreates multiples of items when used up.
  6. 108C-EF03+108C-E4A3 All items in shops are free--TURN OFF TO SELL ITEMS FOR GP

535.ED30-E944            Tonics gives 240 HP

  1. ED3B-E5C4Tincture give 240 MP
  2. AA9B-E768All relics equipped.  May freeze up.  DO NOT SAVE.


  1. AAD8-EF08/DED8-EF68All members Float, are Stopped, and are Reflective in battles
  2. AA68-EF08All members are frozen and float.
  3. D4D8-EF68All members are Reflective.
  4. D7D8-EF68All members have Regen on them.
  5. D9D8-EF68All members have Slow and Float on them.
  6. D1D8-EF68All members have Slow and Regen on them.
  7. DBD8-EF68All members have Haste and Float on them.
  8. DCD8-EF68All members have Haste and Regen on them.
  9. 3DD8-EF68All members have Float and Safe on them.
  10. BDD8-EFD8All members have Reflect and Stop on them.
  11. DD27-E7DB/DD97-E7DBEveryone has hidden Gold Hairpin in BATTLE MODE ONLY
  12. DD20-5DDA/DD90/5DDAEveryone has hidden Golden Hairpin (NOT IN BATTLE)
  13. AADB-EDA8All members have higher number of HP and MP.  Effects can be saved.

AADC-EDA8                  All chars have hidden Moogle Charm.

D762-EF68                    Vigor/Speed/Stamina/MagPwr becomes 255.

F462-EF68                    Vigor/Speed/Stamina/MagPwr becomes 0.

EEDB-EDA8                  HPS/MPS becomes 9999/999.

D0A7-8DD7/D007-8DD7    Super sprint shoes.  Only works with sprint shoes equipped or with 'always have sprint shoes' code


A29D-54D8            Party leader randomly attacks out of turn and uses magic when they shouldn't.  Save often.

DFC7-E4D8            Clone Terra x4 during battle (turn effects switch off sometimes).

AA2A-5708      Text is displayed on a clear background in battle.

4DBE-8C88+/4DFE-8C88     Faster left/right movement on world map


4DBB-EB88+/4DFB-EB88    Faster up/down movement on world map


AA9B-E768+AA9B-E708+ Switch characters after a battle.  With this code it is possible to get

AA9B-E7D8+AA9B-E7A8 General Leo, Kefka, and others in your party. It's possible that some characters will cause your game to freeze so save often.


CE37-77D6      Spells are learned at a rate of 10% -- may cause graphical errors.

EE37-7DD6      All spells are learned after 1 battle with any Esper equipped (may appear to freeze, but it will come back after a few seconds).

EE39-7DD6      Learn the spells of equipped Esper after 1 battle. No Freeze.



Basic information


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