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Dark Cloud

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Dark Cloud

Divine Beast Cave
Wise Owl Forest
Sun & Moon Temple
Moon Sea
Gallery of Time

(I am listing the items that can be stolen from the enemies, but not the items that are dropped.  The monsters drop a different item when defeated
with an attack item than they do when killed by a normal attack, and the items they drop after being defeated with an attack item are not always the same.)

Divine Beast Cave

Picture Name HP Abs Steal Attacks/Characteristics
Cave Bat Cave Bat 12 3 Antidote Drink Frequently poisons you, but easy to kill.  It is best to go in swinging so it doesn't have a chance to attack.
Dasher Dasher 23 3 Bread Rushes you and swings, then runs back away.  Try to sneak up behind it and attack. 
Dragon Dragon 90 5 Fire Gem Moves slowly, but shoots fire at you in a very damaging attack.  Move from side to side to dodge fire attack.  Use bombs if you have them.
Ghost Ghost 15 3 Antidote Amulet Easily killed, but try not to get too close.
King Mimic King Mimic 90 4 Stand-in Powder Very tough.  Will try to smash you between its hands, likely taking half or more of your HP in one hit.  Attack then back off.  If you have a ranged attacker, use that character.
Master Jacket Master Jacket 75 5 Repair Powder Strong defense.  Tends to get back up after you think it's been destroyed, even two or three times.  Guards frequently.  Hard on WHp.
Mimic Mimic 68 3 Repair Powder Fast and touch.  Try to keep your distance between attacks.
Opar Opar 28 3 Rotten Fish Ranged attack is best on this one.  Slow moving.  Likes to fall on you.  Emits clouds of vapor which cause Gooey condition.  When it is defeated, it will fall in a cloud of vapor.  Stay back until the field has disappeard, or gooey condition will occur.
Rockanoff Rockanoff 30 3 Stone Not really hard to kill, but will roll at you and knock you down.  Best to surprise it, if possible.
Skeleton Soldier Skeleton Soldier 23 3 --- Easy to kill.  Not particularly high defense.
Statue Statue 38 3 Stone Very tough, and very hard on WHp.  Might want to think about using attack item on it instead of using weapon.
Statue Dog Statue Dog 15 2 Stone Will remain in a block till you come close.  Then will expand to dog shape and attack.  Not particularly tough, but cannot be attacked from a distance, as it is invulnerable in compact form.
Yammich Yammich 13 3 Stone Easy to kill.  Stay back out of its range except when you're attacking.
Divine Beast Dran Divine Beast Dran (BOSS) 250 0 --- Shoot at him with slingshot, then throw bombs or use melee attack when he lands.  Stay at edge of room when not attacking, because he can destroy sections of the floor with his attacks.

Wise Owl Forest

Picture Name HP Abs Steal Attacks/Characteristics
Cannibal Plant Cannibal Plant 60 3 Gooey Peach Emits a cloud of goo.  Best to attack from a distance, if possible. 
Earth Digger Earth Digger 120 3 Minon Very tough and very annoying.  Use Xiao to attack it.  It moves around like Bugs Bunny, in a little burrow.  When it pops up, shoot at it.  Don't let it jump at you, because it will hurt.
Flifli Flifli 120 3 Antidote Drink Another cloud-emitter.  Get it from a distance or from behind.
Friday Friday 60 3 Bread Will frequently poison you with a projectile.  You will run out of antidotes quickly around this guy.  It falls easily, though.
Haley Holey Haley Holey 50 3 Carrot You have to get close to make it come up out of the ground.  Then back off a little and attack.
Halloween Halloween 150 3 Bomb Nuts Fires projectiles at you as it bounces around.  Xiao is better here.
Hornet Hornet 60 3 Antidote Drink Not hard to defeat, but don't let it get too close before you take it out.
King Mimic King Mimic 150 10 Escape Powder As usual, it can smack half your hits points away with one blow.  If Xiao doesn't have a powerful weapon, use bombs or gems to defeat it.
King Prickly King Prickly 63 3 Prickly You won't see it at first - only its shadow.  It won't come down from the trees till you are very close.  Then it swings in a pendulum motion.  Either Xiao or Toan can dispatch it fairly easily, though, as long as you don't let it sideswipe you.
Mimic Mimic 90 3 Repair Powder It is always better to stay back from Mimics.  Use a good weapon or items, and take it out fast.
Monday Monday 60 3 Tasty Water This one is a thief, and if it robs you, you must defeat it to get your money back.  Luckily, like its brothers, it goes down without too much trouble.
Saturday Saturday 60 3 Bread Another poison projectile shooter.  Use Xiao, or get it from behind with Toan.
Sunday Sunday 60 3 Mellow Banana This knife-wielding troll isn't  too different from the others except in its method of attack.
Thursday Thursday 60 3 Antidote Drink The poison pellets it shoots are the greatest danger.  Otherwise, it is fairly weak.
Tuesday5 Tuesday 60 3 Antidote Drink This one poisons you, also.  Using Xiao is the easiest.
Wednesday Wednesday 60 3 Tasty Water Not hard to defeat, but will pursue you relentlessly, like its compatriots.  Take it out with a few solid whacks.
Werewolf Werewolf 180 12 Stand-in Powder Fairly tough.  Use Xiao or items to defeat it, if you can.  It is a powerful enemy.
Witch Illza Witch Illza 120 3 Poisonous Apple She throws poison apples at you, and can phase in and out.  You can't hit her when she is offscreen, so keep your eyes open.
Master Utan Master Utan (BOSS) 375 -- --

Use Goro in this battle.  You might want to consider giving him a stamina potion.  Run up to Master Utan and attack him with Goro's axe, then run.  Try to avoid Utan's spitting attacks, because they can do great damage.  Stay on the move, and try to stay fairly close to the boss, because the spitting attacks seem to occur more often when Goro is farther away.  After Utan has relaxed his guard from the last attack, hit him again.  After you have repeated that  procedure several times, Master Utan will fall. 


Picture Name HP Abs Steal Attacks/Characteristics
Auntie Medu Auntie Medu 300 10 Throbbing Cherry She likes to freeze you, and attack while you are incapacitated.  Use Throbbing Cherries to cure the frozen condition, and attack hard.  She can also guard, so you might want to use items.
Captain Captain 225 6 Repair Powder Not too difficult, but he can hurt you if he gets a good whack in.  Stay on your toes.
Corcea Corcea 150 4 Holy Water One of the easier enemies in the Shipwreck.  Defense seems fairly low.
Cursed Rose Cursed Rose 225 4 --- Like its relatives in the Wise Owl Forest, this plant release a cloud of goo; however, this one does it almost constantly.  Stay out of the way of the clouds, and use a ranged attack to defeat it.
Gunny Gunny 250 4 Soap It can hurt you, but it is slow.  Defeating it isn't too difficult.
Gyon Gyon 225 4 Antigoo Amulet Very dangerous.  It can wipe you out fast with that spear.  Don't get within weapon range of it - use Xiao or Ruby.
King Mimic King Mimic 300 15 Escape Powder As with all mimics, staying back from it is best.  Bombs are effective on it, and will keep you healthier.
Mask of Prajna Mask of Prajna 375 12 Antidote Drink It is hard to hit, because it will hold up its fan as a shield when you attack.  You need to get close so it will lower the fan to attack you, hit it quickly, then back away.
Mimic Mimic 150 4 Repair Powder Use a ranged attack or item to defeat it.  It isn't as strong as the King Mimic, but can still cause you pain.
Pirate's Chariot Pirate's Chariot 270 8 Bomb This thing is despicable.  If you learn to hate any enemy in the game, it may be this one.  Use Ruby or Xiao with a good weapon.  Hide behind a pillar, step out and shoot, then step right back.  It will wipe you out if you don't have some kind of protection.  Use a weapon that steals, because it has great items.
Sam Sam 180 4 Ice Gem This guy uses ice projectiles on you.  Use something fire-based against it.  It guards frequently, and can take some time to eliminate.
Ice Queen La Saia Ice Queen La Saia (BOSS) 400 --- --- The easiest way to defeat her is to throw Fire Gems at her.  You can buy these from the Joker, and will need a lot of them.  If you cannot afford to do that, use a weapon with the strongest fire attribute possible.  In either case, have plenty of food and Throbbing Cherries, as she will freeze you whenever possible.  Stand-in Powder and Revival Powder are also good to have here.

Sun & Moon Temple

Picture Name HP Abs Steal Attacks/Characteristics
Blue Dragon Blue Dragon 600 12 Ice Gem He is a huge, lumbering fellow and can hurt you badly....if you let him.  To take him out, just use Xiao or Ruby and keep firing at him, moving from side to side as you attack so that his fireballs won't hit you.
Bomber Head Bomber Head 180 4 Bomb This guy isn't too tough, but he will explode once he takes enough damage.  Use a ranged attack, and make sure not to stand close to him when he goes down. 
Crabby Hermit Crabby Hermit 280 4 Throbbing Cherry Easy to eliminate if you just stay out of range of his pinchers.
Dune Dune 525 10 Stone This self-shielding enemy can be tough.  He can raise a plate in front of himself that will not only prevent damage to him, but will also hurt you if he hits you with it.  It comes up from the ground in front of him, so stay back.  Wait till his shield is down, then attack with Xiao or Ruby.
Golem Golem 375 4 Repair Powder Yes, it's a giant rock man.  He will pound the floor, causing circles to radiate toward you.  Stay outside their range, and use one of the girls to attack him.
King Mimic King Mimic 525 15 Stand-in Powder Just the same as the others.  Watch the hands, and use a ranged attack.
Mimic Mimic 270 6 Repair Powder Just like his counterparts in the other areas, he likes to hop around and smack you.  Stay away from those hands, and use a ranged attack or attack item on him.
Mr. Blare Mr. Blare 225 5 Fire Gem Remember Sam from the Shipwreck?  Well, this is his fiery brother....kind of like Snow Miser and Heat Miser.  He's almost bright enough to read by.  Make sure you aren't using a weapon with the fire attribute active.  Try to stay out of range of his fire attacks, but close enough that he doesn't consistently block you.
Mummy Mummy 150 4 --- Easy to defeat, especially when you use a weapon with the Holy attribute active.  He doesn't like to stay dead, though, so you may have to convince him. 
Phantom Phantom 150 4 Antidote Drink A big bee.  Not much more.  He should go down easily - just don't let him poison you.
Steel Giant Steel Giant 750 12 Repair Powder Like the Golem, only more so.  Definitely stay back out of his pounding range.  Use a ranged attack, and just be patient.  Fortunately, he is a slow mover.
King's Curse King's Curse (BOSS) 1000 --- --- It's time to fight an angry coffin.  He presents a little more problem than the earlier bosses did.  He has a film of smoke in front of him which renders him invulnerable.  Use Ungaga, and have the Holy attribute active on his weapon.  Use his air-clearing ability, and attack the coffin while the film of smoke is gone.  I did pretty well just keeping the charge attack going while the smoke was clear, but using that ability constantly chews up the WHp.  Have lots of repair powder, and maybe an Auto Repair Powder equipped.  If you don't want to do it that way, just clear the smoke away and get as many hits in as you can before it returns.  He can hurt you badly, so keep him vulnerable as much as you can.  After he has been defeated, a passage will be revealed, permitting you to leave the chamber. 

Moon Sea

Picture Name HP Abs Steal Attacks/Characteristics
Arthur Arthur 600 15 Repair Powder If you stay out of range, he isn't a problem.  He will swat at you if you get close, though, so your ranged fighters are better here.
Crescent Baron Crescent Baron 450 12 --- You're going to hate this guy.  He hovers above the ground and shoots fireballs at you.  Constantly.  Definitely use a ranged attack on him, and keep dodging.  Fast.  Did I mention that you will hate him?
Hellpockle Hellpockle 270 5 --- Look!  It's the space cousin of the weekdays in Wise Owl Forest.  He is easy, and will fall quickly.  He tries to hit you with a shovel, though.  This offends me. 
King Mimic King Mimic 600 12 Revival Powder This fellow doesn't change that much from one area to another.  Just use a good ranged attack or a couple of bombs on him.
Mimic Mimic 450 6 Repair Powder No surprises here.  Avoid the slap attack and hit him from a distance.
Moon Bug Moon Bug 450 5 Bomb He's an armored gun with spots.  He shoots fast and hard.  Dodge!  Attack from a distance, and keep on the move.
Moon Digger Moon Digger 420 6 Potato Cake Like the Earth Digger, he likes to stay underground till you get close, then jump up and follow you relentlessly, trying to smash you.  Occasionally, he will shoot at you (or spit), so dodge if he does.
Space Gyon Space Gyon 525 5 Soap They remain stationary for a long time, and if you attack from a distance, you shouldn't have any trouble.  If you get too close to them, though, beware of the spear.  He will use it quickly and to great effect.
Titan Titan 750 12 Repair Powder Another rock man.  He's a pounder, too, so hit him from a distance.
Vulcan Vulcan 480 12 Fire Like the Dune, he likes to shield himself and hurt you in the process.  Stay back, and attack when his shield is down.
White Fang White Fang 525 10 --- Like the Werewolf you met earlier, this guy is powerful and aggressive.  Try not to let him get his hands on you. 
Witch Hellza Witch Hellza 270 5 Poisonous Apple She's another poison apple lady, but she doesn't seem to be too quick on the draw.  Again, use Xiao or Ruby and you will make short work of her.  Do dodge if she happens to hurl an apple, though.
Minotaur Joe Minotaur Joe 2000 --- --- This guy has a drinking problem, and the spectators in the Coliseum keep throwing wine kegs in for him.  After he drinks, he is in a stamina state for a time.  You need to attack him while he is drinking, because that is when he is most vulnerable.  Between attacks, position yourself with a keg between you and Joe.  When he approaches you, he should pick up the keg to drink, giving you the opportunity to attack.  Keep repeating this sequence until he is defeated. 


Gallery of Time

Picture Name HP Abs Steal Attacks/Characteristics
Alexander Alexander 640 15 Wind Gem You must be fairly close to attack him effectively, because he blocks with his shield almost constantly if you do not.  Get a hit in and then back off before he can attack you.
Billy Billy 300 6 Thunder Gem A relative of Sam and Mr. Blare, he blocks frequently and likes to shoot damaging balls of energy at you.  Ruby is your best bet here.
Black Dragon Black Dragon 900 20 Mighty Healing Slow-moving, but very powerful, this enemy is best attacked from a distance.  Move from side to side constantly to make sure his attacks miss you.
Blizzard Blizzard 750 8 Ice Gem Kind of like a cross between a Golem and the Abominable Snowman.  Stay back from him and use ranged attacks.
Club Club 525 6 Antigoo Amulet One of a family of cards found in the Gallery of Time, he is easily defeated with a strong ranged attack.  Try not to get within their range of attack.  When these cards turn their backs, attacks are deflected, so you will have to hit them from the front.
Curse Dancer Curse Dancer 300 5 Throbbing Cherry This one isn't too difficult.  Use Ruby on him and he should go down pretty quickly.
Dark Flower Dark Flower 360 5 --- It's Audrey II!  Like the Cursed Rose and Cannibal Plant, it likes to shoot status- and damage-causing clouds at you.  Use a ranged attack and you can make short work of it.
Diamond Card Diamond 525 6 Antidote Drink All the cards are fairly similar.  Use Ruby on them and they won't last long.
Evil Bat Evil Bat 150 4 Antidote Drink As easy to defeat as the other bats, and the weakest enemy in this area.
Heart Heart 525 6 Stamina Drink Another card.  This one is a little tougher because his attacks aren't as limited, but you shouldn't have too much trouble with him.  When it turns its back, attacks are deflected, so attack when it is facing you.
Joker Joker 600 6 Premium Chicken The strongest of the cards, but still not too impressive. 
King Mimic King Mimic 675 18 Escape Powder Another in a long line of King Mimics.  Stay out of his reach and use ranged attacks.
Lich Lich 300 12 Revival Powder Like the Ghost, this guy can fade in and out.  He should fall quickly, though, as he is not very strong.
Living Armor Living Armor 450 6 --- You might think it would be very tough to penetrate his armor, but he really isn't too difficult.  A good weapon will take him out in no time.
Mimic Mimic 450 6 Repair Powder Nothing new here.  A weaker version of the King Mimic, he follows you around trying to smack you or bite you.  Don't let him get close enough.
Rash Dasher Rash Dasher 600 6 Premium Chicken Not much different from the Dasher in Divine Beast Cave.  He will run at you and knock you down.  Stay out of his direct path and use a ranged attack.
Spade Spade 525 6 Holy Water Just another card.  Attack from the front and stay back from his short-range attack.
Dark Genie

Third form
Dark Genie (BOSS) 13,400 --- --- Have lots of food, powders, and stamina potions ready.  There are three phases to this battle.  In the first, two large hands with elemental symbols on them will come up out of the ground.  The symbols will change, but whichever symbol is active indicates the only element which can damage the hand.  Use Ruby with a strong weapon which has high levels in each elemental attribute.  In the second phase, the genie's head should be attacked by Ruby with a strong Holy attribute active.  Run around the room avoiding the beam he shoots, and target the head when you can.  After this form is defeated, he will become a giant black beast with a couple of minions in attendance.  He will fire a strong beam, again - you should run away from it.  Destroy a couple of minions, and then attack the gem in the beast's open mouth.  Always target that gem when it is available to you.  Try to stay away from the feet, and watch the minions, which will respawn. After the gem is no longer a target, begin the cycle again, avoiding the beam and eliminating the minions, then going for the gem in the mouth.  Ruby is a good choice here, too.  When you have done enough damage, the genie will fall, and you will be victorious.  Congrats! (Note: This guy will be available to fight again later if you stay in the game to do the Demon Shaft.  But why would you want to?  And how can he still be there if you just erased his existence?  Hmmm.)



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