Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12
โรแมนซ์ออฟเดอะทรีคิงดัมส์ 12 (สามก๊ก 12)
สกิลต่าง ๆ ในเกมส์สามก๊ก12
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12
0 Attack -Increase own attack
1 Full ATK -Ally increases Attack
2 Str Pike -Ally Infantry increases attack
3 Str Bow -Ally Archer increases attack
4 Str Horse -Ally Cavalry increases attack
5 Drain -Reduces surrounding enemies attack
6 Defense -Increase own Defense
7 Full DEF -Ally increases Defense
8 DEF Pike -Ally Infantry increases defense
9 DEF Bow -Ally Archer increases defense
10 DEF Horse -Ally Cavalry increases defense
11 Drill -Reduces surrounding enemies defense
12 Siege -Increase own siege attack
13 Full Siege -Ally increases battle attributes vs Gates, Camps
14 Weak Siege -Reduce enemy siege attack
15 Speed -Increase own speed, movement speed
16 Haste -Ally increases speed, movement speed
17 Drag -Reduces surrounding enemies speed
18 Visibility -Increase own attack and range visibility
19 Far Shot -Increase surrounding allies archer & catapult RNG
20 Reduce -Enemy long-ranged unit reduce attack and range
21 WAR Rise -Ally increase WAR
22 WAR Wipe -Enemy decrease WAR
23 INT Rise -Ally increase INT
24 INT Wipe -Enemy decrease INT
25 Scout -Increase own visibility and speed
26 Observer -Ally Increase visibility
27 Taunt -Force surrounding enemies to attack your unit
28 Ambush -Own forces will be to ambush
29 Fire -Deals DMG to surrounding enemies vs low INT unit
30 Big blow -Deals DMG to surrounding enemies vs low WAR unit
31 Calm -Ally recover against Perturb and Taunt
32 Enrage -Ally Infantry use special attack
33 Rabid -Ally Archer use special attack
34 Sudden -Ally Cavalry use special attack
35 Onslaught -Increase own attack and siege attack
36 Godspeed -Increase own attack, speed, become ambush
37 Brave -Raises own ATK, WAR, recovers Perturb and Taunt
38 Consistent -Raises own DEF, WAR, recovers Perturb and Taunt
39 Brutal -Raises own ATK, Range, Vision,allow Special ATK
40 Strong -Raise own battle attributes for a longer duration
41 Pikemen -Raises Infantry allies unit DEF, WAR and INT
42 Bowmen -Raises Archer allies unit ATK, DEF, Range
43 Adrenaline -Ally Cavalry unit increases attack and speed
44 Assault -Ally increase chance special unit attck
45 Trick -Decreases surrounding enemies attack, Taunt enemy
46 Seal Pike -Enemy Infantry unit unable use special attack
47 Seal Bow -Enemy Archer unit unable use special attack
48 Seal Horse -Enemy Cavalry unit unable use special attack
49 Decline -Reduced surrounds enemy LEAD, WAR, INT
50 Poison -Reduce enemy combat power vs low INT
51 Expertise -Increase own attack, defense, WAR, INT
52 Farther -Raise own attack but lower speed
53 Rampage -Raise surrounding allies archer & cata ATK RNG
54 Strike -Increase own attack, speed, special attack
55 Divine -Deals DMG to low INT enemy, reduce ATK, DEF
56 Chain -Reduces surrounding enemies SPD and INT
57 Masterful -Raises surrounding allies ATK, DEF, WAR and INT
58 Valiant -Ally increases ATK, DEF, recovery wounded troops
59 Attacker -Raise own ATK,Special ATK,WAR, trigger specialATK
60 Defender -Raise own ATK,DEF,WAR, trigger special attack
61 Matrix -Ally increases combat power, become Ambush
62 Fortified -Raises surrounding allies DEF, SPD, WAR and INT
63 Stream -Raises own attack, defense, speed
64 Aegis -Raise near allies DEF,FOV,recover perturb & taunt
65 Charm -Reduces surrounding enemies speed and WAR
66 God of War -Powerful DMG vs low WAR unit, Perturb enemies
67 Leader -Lead 90 will Power up
68 Enlight -INT 90 will power up
Basic information
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